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Really DE? we are talking about how we hate nullifiers and you just... BUFF THEM? REALLY?


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2 hours ago, Endgame77 said:

Do people like yourself not have secondaries?

Do people like yourself only fight one or two of them every 30~60 seconds?

Cause like.. What weird talking about is not Shiney pokemon here. Nullies quickly get straight up zubat cave and you've just sprayed yourself with monster lure, and you change weapons with the speed and urgency of a dead cheetah in a tar pit. There is a point that smacks you up in the face, where you've got your secondary out longer than any other weapon because you're having to deal with all this lotus lovin nullifiers in this lotus lovin space, that you might as well just make whatever is so anti-nullie about your secondary as your primary instead. 

Using secondarys to deal with them would be fine if they weren't so bloody common. 

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11 minutes ago, MacabreHaze said:

you're having to deal with all this lotus lovin nullifiers in this lotus lovin space,


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14 minutes ago, dreamquest said:

i like them, makes the game more challenging and thus fun.  Who the faaark wants game this is not challening? (aka boring game...).  


There's Challenge. 


And there's removing ALL options other then Bullet Hose Weapons.


It's not fun.  What If I want to use Bows, snipers, shotguns?  Oh, better switch to my secondary.  GG right?  Ever play in high end Sorties?  Ever open up one of those Void Tears?  It practically RAINS nullifiers to the point where ONLY using bullet hoses work. 

Edited by achromos
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I'd like to hear the nullifier supporter's opinions on the new void fissure mission and see if they still think the nullifier is a good unit that fairly adds to the challenge when they spawn on top of you along with 5 of their friends.

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8 minutes ago, dreamquest said:

i like them, makes the game more challenging and thus fun.  Who the faaark wants game this is not challening? (aka boring game...).  

Who wants to restrict their weapon load out to only rapid fire primary and secondary weapons?

Who wants to only use frames without active buff and abilities. 

Because quite frankly that is what you end up with. 

You are not fighting 1 or 2 nullifiers at a time you are fighting 4 or 6 at a time all +50 and moving like a group of flamingos side by side with their best buddies in the world healers, bombards and heavy gunners. 

dont forget those on the second floor that love to jump down on your from up above either. 

What challenge is there when a unmodded furis deals with nullifiers faster then a 5 forma dread or dex sybaris or Lanka etc. 

Sure you can deal with them by using a bullet hose secondary but then you will end up using that weapon more then your secondary because the damn nullifiers breed faster then a million rabbits. 

the current changes to nullifiers have killed mag and her skill magnetize instantly and permanently. 

Magnetize bubbles end directly as fast as a nullifier bubble hit it. So say goodbye to that defense and offence that mag used to have with that power. Well at least we now know we never will need to build a mag for duration ever again. 

Nor will there be a need for max range frosts either since all it takes is a single nullifier that jumps down from the second floor and that globe is gone no matter how long that frost have kept it up before that. 

Not to mention how we all are going to drown in neon yellow nullifiers and heavy gunners and bombards that will span on top of our heads when we try to do a fissue. 

I mean a copy paste mission type that make 80% of all frames obsolete and severely restrict your loadout sure is fun right?



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5 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

Bunch of whining in this thread.

you all complained about ability spam last year, now reap the consequences!

Nullies are a good challenge.. Easy but good.

The anti-spam crowd was trying to get rid of certain overused meta. But nullifiers aren't anti-meta, they're pro-meta. And sure, they counter ability spam. But they ALSO counter ability based builds, which limits player choice. If you bother to read all the "whining" you'll see this same idea repeated over and over and over... and yet you still think we're saying nullifiers are hard. They aren't hard, not even close. We ALL know how to kill them, and have been doing so since they came out. They are NOT a challenge. We just don't like being forced to use a certain meta.

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

Bunch of whining in this thread.

you all complained about ability spam last year, now reap the consequences!

Nullies are a good challenge.. Easy but good.

I didn't complain about any ability spam. 

And if you think Nullies are a challange, well I've got an even better challenge for you. 


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20 minutes ago, dreamquest said:

i like them, makes the game more challenging and thus fun.  Who the faaark wants game this is not challening? (aka boring game...).  


7 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

Bunch of whining in this thread.

you all complained about ability spam last year, now reap the consequences!

Nullies are a good challenge.. Easy but good.


6 minutes ago, dreamquest said:

Indeed. ;-) 

I would like 1 of you to explain me what the challenge is about, cause the only thing they do is annoy you.

1 minute ago, Armoxa said:

I'd like to hear the nullifier supporter's opinions on the new void fissure mission and see if they still think the nullifier is a good unit that fairly adds to the challenge when they spawn on top of you along with 5 of their friends.

There won't be any explanation, because there is no challenge. They will use High rof weapons or naramon and talk about challenge, and if the void fissures are lvl 60 or something, then they are prolly just meleeing them, they do not use build that rely heavily on buffs that die in 1 hit from lvl 80 units. and talk about challenge.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:



I would like 1 of you to explain me what the challenge is about, cause the only thing they do is annoy you.

There won't be any explanation, because there is no challenge. They will use High rof weapons or naramon and talk about challenge, and if the void fissures are lvl 60 or something, then they are prolly just meleeing them, they do not use build that rely heavily on buffs that die in 1 hit from lvl 80 units. and talk about challenge.

I love how they talk about challenge and then say to use Shadow Step, which is probably the most broken and OP ability in the game.

"I love a challenge! Challenge means using broken focus skills to counter broken enemies and remove all danger, right?"

Gotta love these MLG nully-killers, amirite?

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4 hours ago, AwayFromKeyB said:

So what happens to Vauban's bastille ability "I dont have him so i don't really know his ability"

Enemies are turned loose. The moment the Nullifier dies, they are picked up again. Toying with Duration based singularity since it's much smaller and Fissures are all close quarters.

Or armor and shield Atlas with a Helmet. Can't knock him down.

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17 minutes ago, GhostLacuna said:

Who wants to restrict their weapon load out to only rapid fire primary and secondary weapons?

Who wants to only use frames without active buff and abilities. 

Because quite frankly that is what you end up with. 

You are not fighting 1 or 2 nullifiers at a time you are fighting 4 or 6 at a time all +50 and moving like a group of flamingos side by side with their best buddies in the world healers, bombards and heavy gunners. 

dont forget those on the second floor that love to jump down on your from up above either. 

What challenge is there when a unmodded furis deals with nullifiers faster then a 5 forma dread or dex sybaris or Lanka etc. 

Sure you can deal with them by using a bullet hose secondary but then you will end up using that weapon more then your secondary because the damn nullifiers breed faster then a million rabbits. 

the current changes to nullifiers have killed mag and her skill magnetize instantly and permanently. 

Magnetize bubbles end directly as fast as a nullifier bubble hit it. So say goodbye to that defense and offence that mag used to have with that power. Well at least we now know we never will need to build a mag for duration ever again. 

Nor will there be a need for max range frosts either since all it takes is a single nullifier that jumps down from the second floor and that globe is gone no matter how long that frost have kept it up before that. 

Not to mention how we all are going to drown in neon yellow nullifiers and heavy gunners and bombards that will span on top of our heads when we try to do a fissue. 

I mean a copy paste mission type that make 80% of all frames obsolete and severely restrict your loadout sure is fun right?



This post nails the problem. All of this hassle to repeat a worse version of Excavation except with one of the four or so requisite Tank frames, at least one full auto gun, and absolutely no ability to rely on powers at all.

Hey. I know what we can do for Warframe 's new feature attraction: take powers, the one thing that sets Warframe apart from other shooters, AND MAKE THEM COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT.

If I wanted a grind fest with irrelevant powers and repetitive missions I would just go back to Destiny.

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19 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

I love how they talk about challenge and then say to use Shadow Step, which is probably the most broken and OP ability in the game.

"I love a challenge! Challenge means using broken focus skills to counter broken enemies and remove all danger, right?"

Gotta love these MLG nully-killers, amirite?

Yeah, the saddest thing though is that they don't comprehend that we have literally 0 difficulties with them be it lvl 200, 100 or starchart lvl.

Yes we know that glaive 1 shots them, yes we know valkyr zipline popped the bubble in 1 cast(seems like this won't be the case after this update), yes we know mutalist cernos can 1 shot them if they are surrounded(forgot to mention gas element), yes we know about high rof weapons that can be used unmodded against them, yes we know SS 1 shots them(1 ss bubble in 1 out and they get 1 shot, difficulty using that is the same as glaive), there might be more, can't think of anything at the top of my head right now.

sad really.

Edited by (PS4)bonateIIo
gas element combo
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Just now, dreamquest said:

i like them, makes the game more challenging and thus fun.  Who the faaark wants game this is not challening? (aka boring game...).  

you like them, cool but not everyone

it might make it more challenging for you, to me its just more obnoxious and not challenging at all

you might like a challenging game, but not everyone, I like one too, but as said before, nullifiers do not make it challenging to me, so your point is moot

a game that is not challenging doesnt have to be boring, so a wrong conclusion

all in all you made 4 points which are completely subjective to your opinion and doesnt have any objectivity in them

rendering your whole case moot

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13 hours ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:

Abilities & Augments vs Nullifiers

We’ve added some changes to Nullifiers - rather, we’ve fixed how they affect others on the battlefield. We've gone over every player ability and augment to provide predictable interactions with Nullifier bubbles and ability immune enemies. Below are the rules that we have adhered by to offer a consistent avenue for players to strategize against foes in-battle.

  • Abilities will not affect players or enemies within a Nullifier bubble.
  • Effects of an ability on both players and enemies will be removed when entering Nullifier bubbles.
  • A Warframe’s active abilities will be deactivated upon entering a Nullifier bubble.
  • Projectiles spawned by an ability will be deflected when they encounter a Nullifier bubble. For example, Ember’s Fireball and Ash’s Shuriken will be deflected.
  • Abilities that exist independent of their creator will not be deactivated if the Warframe enters a nullifier, but will be destroyed if touched by the bubble itself. For example, Frost’s Snowglobe will not disappear when Frost enters the bubble, but will be destroyed if the bubble comes into contact with the Snowglobe sphere.


For god sakes!


EDIT: Still dont fix the "shotgun/sniper vs null bubble" problem, eh?

EDIT2: Nullifier enter in Snow Globe zone but you did not saw him because lag... and Mission Failed. DE you dont think or test every change before you jus launch to us right?  What have you done?

EDIT3: "Antifun-unit" or "mission failed unit". Just think, playing defense mission when lag and Nullifier happen together... "where they are?" you will say, and seconds later "Mission failed". Because they were behind you, hidden by the lag, destroying the Snow Globe and killing the cryopod. "Mission failed-unit"... i like this name.

EDIT4: Nullifier is evolving! Gratz, your Nullifier is now a shiny "Mirror Nullifier".

EDIT5: Basically Nullifier now.



I will continue complaining about this in the future.

Sadly, this is what the future of Warframe has in store for you. This isn't Warframe anymore, this is Try-hard Town in in Try-hard Town gaming isn't "fun" it's "serious". What you perceive as "meticulous" and "chore-like" or "boring" or even "invalidating on a level that ruins even the slightest urge to forma your Warframe because powers can be taken away at the whim of enemies so what the F*** is the @(*()$ point of having @(*()$ powers at all DE why do you punish us for enjoying your game so goddamn much this is ridiculous" is actually what we refer to as "challenging". Because if you're enjoying yourself then it isn't quite challenging enough. If you are enjoying it because other people are not enjoying it then you are on the path to being a happy citizen of Try-hard Town. 

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Just now, (PS4)El__Lobo_Loco said:

Sadly, this is what the future of Warframe has in store for you. This isn't Warframe anymore, this is Try-hard Town in in Try-hard Town gaming isn't "fun" it's "serious". What you perceive as "meticulous" and "chore-like" or "boring" or even "invalidating on a level that ruins even the slightest urge to forma your Warframe because powers can be taken away at the whim of enemies so what the F*** is the @(*()$ point of having @(*()$ powers at all DE why do you punish us for enjoying your game so goddamn much this is ridiculous" is actually what we refer to as "challenging". Because if you're enjoying yourself then it isn't quite challenging enough. If you are enjoying it because other people are not enjoying it then you are on the path to being a happy citizen of Try-hard Town. 

people who seek a challenge should restrict their gameplay to pvp, where they can meet and play the other try-hard challenge seeking whiningcrybabies

Edited by BlackVortex
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This situation shows to me that DE doesn't read know how to read feedback or they don't give a crap. I like a challenge if its fun but nullifiers are not fun by far. Not even challenging actually.

Nullifiers are the only mob where I think "die and rot in hell you *sshole" after I kill them. I genuinly loathe them. They are one of the reasons I'm being driven away from the game. Untill this cancer unit is nerfed or removed I'll just keep on modding new vegas and enjoy that rather than face this cheap, poorly designed excuse of an enemy.

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Time to nerf Trinity again because Link is already useless on 2 OUT OF 4 enemy factions due to Nullifiers. Enjoy getting obliterated by ultra-undestructible unlimited-regeneration gorgeous-spawnrate bubble with tons of heavy units inside.

Edited by VCaptiion
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Yepp, really.
'Cause they're the only type of enemy that doesn't get dissected with the single press of a button. Well, if you count out beating them up from inside the bubble with a hammer as big as an antelope...

Git gud, brah.

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30 minutes ago, Vastarov said:

Yepp, really.
'Cause they're the only type of enemy that doesn't get dissected with the single press of a button. Well, if you count out beating them up from inside the bubble with a hammer as big as an antelope...

Git gud, brah.

Stop playing in jupiter for once mate? How about trying that shiny new void tears where it rains healers, bombards, and more nullfiers?

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