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New DRACO for you people.



Guys, lemme tell u about myself first.

>>Started playing this game  63 days ago and I'm MR15 now (almost 16 ) lol.



So yeah...as we all know that our draco has been changed to survival so I was looking and going through all the missions that was best suited to call the #nextdraco and I've come to a conclusion as the #nextdraco to be in Sedna.

I went with the whole squad as our normal draco squad (rj/spore, ev, buff and any other frame) and it worked perfectly fine with the same xp rate...or maybe even a bit more

Place can get a bit messy at times ..however it's very easy to kill em'


It's the same map as Sedna Arena (Undine and Yam) ....but the Location is 




Enjoy guys.




Edited by NovusNova
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16 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

They only do Draco for affinity to get MR. They don't want to level the weapons to use them at their max specs. They do it to get the MR and toss the weapon away, move to the next one, and repeat. Over a NUMBER that ONLY THEY think means you're a good player- by some ridiculous reasoning. If you don't think it's true (and this is hard now since everything is disarray) find a "draco farmer" and ask them why they do Draco- IN PRIVATE. 8/10 times, they admit the truth. And it's what I just told you. ANY place else- they go right back to denying to truth and acting innocent, coy, and proper. They want to break the game. They want to feel like some sort of elite- feel better about themselves, feel they have some ACTUAL RIGHT to act BETTER than other players and talk down to them. It's why I'm so tired of Draco. Loot caves aren't an issue- it's what they spawn that is.

After mr 10 or 12 Draco literally has no purpose cuz you unlock everything. Some dude started telling me I had no voice or opinion because of my low mr and that I should look up to him for his high ranking, my opinion? Make mastery easier to get to a point where most people are on the same level and after that certain point make exp farms redundant and mastery really hard to grind so we can show that mastery does mean something other than just who can do the most Draco without having an epilepsy

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There is one huge Problem with Nodes like Draco and farming exp as fast as possible to boost MR as fast as possible. Players who do that often, rarly have any Idea how the Game and the mechanics actually work outside of this one Mission.

Before Draco, MR actually ment that a Person with a high MR would (with a high propability) actually know what they have to do and how each mechanic in this game works. It was an indicator to see how much Experience someone has and how much time they invested (and now... you got to MR 15 in 60 Days and that is still slow). Since Draco you can pretty much toss all of that away. I see sometimes MR20 guys who have such bad builds and have no clue what they are supposed to do in any other mission, its really sad.

Since Draco i decided to not care about MR anymore when i look for Squadmates and rather look at their Profile and check for their actual Gametime.

I rather play with someone who is MR5 but has alot of Gametime then with a MR20 with pretty much no Gametime.


Also Draco drasticly increased the "Warframe doesn't have enough Content" Posts and those who farm Draco extremly are more likly to complain that they have nothing to do but they rarly wonder why thats the case.

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2 hours ago, Stratego89 said:


YOU break the game? EVERYONE's stuff gets nerfed.

YOU break the game? EVERYTHING becomes unbalanced and broken.

YOU break the game? NO ONE ever plays any other mission type- newbies don't get help, recruit chat is a cesspool, everyone turns into lethargic mindless bags of flesh staring at a screen smashing one button and never wants to go do anything else because of it.

YOU break the game? DE as a company suffers because no one is actually playing their content; people blaze through stuff without even actually touching it. Sales drop. Player retentiveness drops.


YOU are not the center of the world. I AM NOT telling you how to play. I'm telling you NOT to BREAK THE DAMN GAME because it HURTS everyone else.


People should be allowed to play how they want to play. also If draco players were the reason everyone's stuff gets nerfed how bout you tell us all why the tonkor is still around? Draco players didn't make things unbalanced and broken DE just didn't realize the repercussions of some of the things they added(Naramon and a  Bloodrush+Bodycount melee). Oh and newbies don't get help in recruit chat Because Recruit chat usually caters more to the people who are doing higher lv content.

sIde note Have you TRIED teaching a newbie how to play recently? Thats mostly what i have been doing since the starchart rework got announced There is a reason few people actually try to help newbies. Its because the beginner player experience is really bad(However looking at what you have to do for the junctions i think it is a step in the right direction).

Also Draco was important to people who liked using one gun but still wanted the mastery. When I hit Mr 6 I built my self a Tigris. As of right now my Tigris has 4 forma into it. But if i decided to only use that one gun i would be missing out on a ton of mastery. Not to mention the problem that some of the weapons aren't even WORTH using. On release the Dark-Split Sword had literally no redeeming quality's. AND LETS NOT FORGET That in order to even find out if a weapon is worth using you need get the weapon to max rank. Which is part of the reason that The MR to mod capacity changes were added in the first place. Its even more important to max frames quickly because if you don't go in to a mission with all of your abilitys you have no idea if you are going to like the frame in the first place.

The reason I ran Draco in the first place (For me anyway) Was so that i could meet the mastery requirement for the syndicate weapons. Because you know when you put 4 forma into something and then find out it has a direct upgrade you kind of want that upgrade. Oh and When i got the syndicate weapons Maxed I was going to host raids in my clan. Why? Because alot of players in my clan Wanted to do raids but recruiting chat is GARBAGE for teaching people the game.

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2 minutes ago, Pr0totype9979 said:

After mr 10 or 12 Draco literally has no purpose cuz you unlock everything. Some dude started telling me I had no voice or opinion because of my low mr and that I should look up to him for his high ranking, my opinion? Make mastery easier to get to a point where most people are on the same level and after that certain point make exp farms redundant and mastery really hard to grind so we can show that mastery does mean something other than just who can do the most Draco without having an epilepsy

Exactly. This is what I'm always saying. Loot caves are not the (major) problem. What they create are. WHAT THAT PERSON IS- THAT is what they create. Everyone denies it- but it's true. They deny that that's why they did draco until you're in a private chat with them that no one else can see, and they'll either admit it or make it blatantly obvious by acting like this because they think when no one can see they can get away with it. (Surprise- reporting exists. Just because you haven't ever left draco long enough to realize it does doesn't mean it doesn't. Sucks for you.)

DE would not have changed Draco if they hadn't CLEARLY finally acknowledged it has to stop- they just need to realize, accept, and act on the FACT that "Draco" is not dead yet. It's wounded. It's scattered. It's looking for a new body. It must be destroyed entirely. Do that- and the game can finally be back to what it used to be- great.

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17 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

They only do Draco for affinity to get MR. They don't want to level the weapons to use them at their max specs. They do it to get the MR and toss the weapon away, move to the next one, and repeat. Over a NUMBER that ONLY THEY think means you're a good player- by some ridiculous reasoning. If you don't think it's true (and this is hard now since everything is disarray) find a "draco farmer" and ask them why they do Draco- IN PRIVATE. 8/10 times, they admit the truth. And it's what I just told you. ANY place else- they go right back to denying to truth and acting innocent, coy, and proper. They want to break the game. They want to feel like some sort of elite- feel better about themselves, feel they have some ACTUAL RIGHT to act BETTER than other players and talk down to them. It's why I'm so tired of Draco. Loot caves aren't an issue- it's what they spawn that is.

The Main problem I have with this is that I personally used Draco to put forma on my gear because it was the fastest way to do it and because I love to theorycraft different builds and find a way to do "endless missions" or make the game fun to play because of the diversity of what I can do. So when I find a weapon or frame that I enjoy using, I try to max out what it can do. But as of right now, after 2 hours of playing the game without using Draco I barely got a weapon to rank 11. And am now afraid to commit forma to my newly acquired Mesa because I hate having a fun frame that I am trying to make better drop back down to being barely usable. I didn't really care about MR past rank 12 simply because I saw no real point to run though the game's items because I did it just to pick up my Sancti Tigris.

Draco was a problem, because doing the same thing over and over and over again was complete crap, but it was a means to put 6 forma on my Chroma, and 5 on my Sonikor, and 4 on my Frost prime, and so on. And with it gone it will take me roughly 6 hours more for each forma I want to put into an item.

They needed to fix affinity as a whole and make missions that are harder, or higher level, to give more, without Draco being the end all be all for affinity. I shouldn't have to grind out 6 days of farming for Chroma itself and an extra day for each forma I need, just to be told that I have to spend 12+ hours a day for yet another week of farming just to get it to where I want it to be. And far be it for me to make a mistake and need to use more forma to fix the slot. Having to grind and wait that much makes buying affinity boosters mandatory, and they still only speed it up to the point where it is still a toss up of whether or not it is still fun to play. Grinding is ok, as long as the goal isn't an eternity away. The way it is now it isn't justifiable to play unless you have endless amounts of time.

Fix Affinity farming as a whole, they didn't need to completely F*** Draco, they needed to balance it and the other missions. 

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1 hour ago, b0_on said:

-then thought a bit about new players experience and acquisition of prime parts for them and in general in terms of Trade & ducats and had a reeeeeaaaaaally hard time imaging how any of this is player friendly -


Sorry but yes, it is player friendly. Why would a low level player build the Soma if they can get the Soma Prime easily? Why should they build Dragon Nikana if they can get Nikana Prime? Why (Ak)Lex when they can get Lex Prime? Why should players farm everything and anything and then powerlevel the inferior versions of the item in Draco? (this is generally not even a major problem nor a valid argument anymore, because of the new MR/capacity change that would allow you to play elsewhere). 

I understand that prime parts are not endgame, far from it, but they're not early game either. If anything, they should be classified as mid-game content, the things you set as goal after completing the newbie phase, which is the starchart.

And if there was any endgame content, it would be focus. You're not meant to complete the trees any time soon nor "farm" focus, as Stratego89 said. Put lenses on a lot of stuff, and play with it. You gain focus as you play, and you're not forced to play a single node for the sake of reaching the cap.

2 hours ago, Schrodingers_Bodybag said:

- You claim "everyone's stuff gets nerfed", no such thing has happened which means you do not understand what the word "everything" means. A nerf usually pertains to a very specific game mechanic that has been perceived to be abused, so your statement is wrong in every form context that it could be used in. 

My Hydroid's farming effectiveness got nerfed because of the Equinox+Pilfering Swarm abuse in Ophelia.

My xp gain on interceptions has been nerfed due to the introduction of affinity range on this mission type.

My support Mag got nerfed because of people abusing Peacemaker+GMag.

My right to complete sortie exterminate missions stealthily for fun got nerfed because people farmed for focus.

My brief absence of 1 minute for IRL reasons can result in me not getting rewards, even though my teammates are ok with it.

Any hope of my clan being on the top list of event endless missions is ruined because of bigger clans raping that mission with cheesy tactics instead of beating it with skill.

Every nerf comes from an unforeseen and abusing use of a game mechanic, and that nerf can hurt other players, not just the abusing ones.


Don't respond to me anyway, I'm perfectly sure you'll disagree and praise Draco and all the game abuses that you call "mechanics" just because you can't play a game at its intended slow pace. I'm tired of these threads.

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25 minutes ago, Evers said:

There is one huge Problem with Nodes like Draco and farming exp as fast as possible to boost MR as fast as possible. Players who do that often, rarly have any Idea how the Game and the mechanics actually work outside of one mission type.

This. Definitely this.


Have run into so many mr15+ who don't even know sliding boosts movement speed. Cancer.

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3 hours ago, Radavvadra said:

Players Like you  are the real cancer killing the game, how others play is none of your business if you dont want to level so fast then dont play those missions or use those strats.

this pretty much

 until forma stops  unranking my weapons i wont stop looking for the cheesiest xp farm , how does  ranking my forma'd weapons affect everyone else negatively?

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6 minutes ago, DiosGX said:

This. Definitely this.


Have run into so many mr15+ who don't even know sliding boosts movement speed. Cancer.

i have done about everything in the game except killing lephantis   and still dont know how to trade


exp  gain doesnt define what we learn 

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I went there, you actually have to work as team.  If one or two people decide to hide, or just not do anything, you're going to fail.  It's spread out and you have to hustle, I love it.  People were constantly dropping from the game when they realized it actually involved playing the game.  It's a couple of other spots for exp, but it's the same scenario, and I love it.

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3 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

You're a prime example of the problem. "Stats look bad so they're bad". HAHAHA- no. That's not how it works. You can't tell if a weapon is good or bad by looking at it's stats. And- FUN FACT that will ABSOLUTELY BLOW YOUR MIND- there are VERY VERY VEEEEEERY few "bad" weapons in this game.

People don't use loot caves to get good gear quickly to have fun with it. People use loot caves to CLEAR gear they DON'T WANT TO USE quickly and THROW IT AWAY so they can BUFF UP THEIR POINTLESS MR AND FEEL LIKE SOME SORT OF ELITE. And NO- I am NOT just pulling that out of my &#!- that's SPECIFICALLY what all the people who abuse Draco have admitted straight to me. It's WHAT YOUR TYPE SAYS. EXCEPT when someone says Draco is a problem. THEN you play all innocent/coy and act like that's not the truth- LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH so it won't get fixed. IT'S SICKENING DUDE.


IF you would REALLY rather just play a mission with maxed gear- YOU WOULD JUST USE YOUR MAXED GEAR. You don't NEED that new gear to have fun according to what YOU YOURSELF are saying here- and what you're DOING goes AGAINST what you are saying.


Your lies are sickening. Your actions are poison to this game. Either this cancer is going to die- or the game is. It's up to DE. NO ONE else can decide. If they choose to let the stuff stay as it is and continue to break the game- it's their loss. But you know what? If that's what they want, fine.

lol you so mad XD.. chill

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30 minutes ago, TheBottleGnome said:

The Main problem I have with this is that I personally used Draco to put forma on my gear because it was the fastest way to do it and because I love to theorycraft different builds and find a way to do "endless missions" or make the game fun to play because of the diversity of what I can do. So when I find a weapon or frame that I enjoy using, I try to max out what it can do. But as of right now, after 2 hours of playing the game without using Draco I barely got a weapon to rank 11. And am now afraid to commit forma to my newly acquired Mesa because I hate having a fun frame that I am trying to make better drop back down to being barely usable. I didn't really care about MR past rank 12 simply because I saw no real point to run though the game's items because I did it just to pick up my Sancti Tigris.

Draco was a problem, because doing the same thing over and over and over again was complete crap, but it was a means to put 6 forma on my Chroma, and 5 on my Sonikor, and 4 on my Frost prime, and so on. And with it gone it will take me roughly 6 hours more for each forma I want to put into an item.

They needed to fix affinity as a whole and make missions that are harder, or higher level, to give more, without Draco being the end all be all for affinity. I shouldn't have to grind out 6 days of farming for Chroma itself and an extra day for each forma I need, just to be told that I have to spend 12+ hours a day for yet another week of farming just to get it to where I want it to be. And far be it for me to make a mistake and need to use more forma to fix the slot. Having to grind and wait that much makes buying affinity boosters mandatory, and they still only speed it up to the point where it is still a toss up of whether or not it is still fun to play. Grinding is ok, as long as the goal isn't an eternity away. The way it is now it isn't justifiable to play unless you have endless amounts of time.

Fix Affinity farming as a whole, they didn't need to completely F*** Draco, they needed to balance it and the other missions. 

Please, do read the following thread I posted earlier and try to understand that my complaint isn't about people using an exploit- but rather that they abuse the exploit instead of trying to get everything balanced fixed like it should be- or using the exploit for NEGATIVE purposes rather than positive ones.


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Berheniya is good but there is better.

Yes, it's the Glorious Return of the first EVER Loot cave in the game

Besides, MR never meant anything. Before Draco there was Cerberus, Before Cerberus, there was Viver. Before Viver there was Cerberus. Before Cerberus there was ODD. Before ODD, there was Xini.

There has always been a loot cave, and MR Never meant anything besides on how much you grinded gear before "throwing it" out. I do not personally want to play like this, but at the very least, you are always free to not play with cancer-type players. I will take somebody rank 18 but who doesn't know how to play outside draco yet willing to learn over any MR 21 pretending to know all the game and insulting all squadmates all game long. (Yes, I had that, several times, in Jordas Verdict even.)

And if such people get burnt out after playing Draco or another loot cave to the fullest extent, better for the game, fewer people like that makes for a healthier community.

I do use Draco, I used all loot caves before that yet I still play with all my weapons having 5+ Formas if needed, I usually spend platinum only to accelerate formas because Killing things in a different way is what get me to actually enjoy playing the game past a certain point besides conclaves. And yes, Twin Basolk even before buff with 2 formas and Rift Strike is LOTS of fun.

Stratego89, I understand your point of view but what's the point? Telling people not to play loot caves doesn't work, that's why they exist. If it allows people to start playing with something else than the God's Forsaken TONKOR which has no place in this game, so be it.

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16 minutes ago, thekurama13 said:

lol you so mad XD.. chill

So you cannot come up with anything better to reply to my concerns and voicing of them with anything more than an unintelligent 5 worded "sentence"- if you can call it that. Please, just leave if you're not actually going to try to be constructive here. What you just did is equatable to spam. I don't want to see it. You didn't need to post it. It accomplishes nothing. It bloats the thread. Frankly, I consider it downright insulting because you don't know me, I don't know you, you clearly don't care about the problem at hand if that's all you can come up with- and you have no right to tell me to chill and basically mock me for caring about the issue.

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It's amazing how butt hurt people are about other people wanting to find a good exp farm.  Formaing isn't fun.  That has nothing to do with playing the game.  People say "just play the game" but formaing is the opposite of playing the game.  It's a mindless grind just so you can get to actually playing.

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4 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

You're a prime example of the problem. "Stats look bad so they're bad". HAHAHA- no. That's not how it works. You can't tell if a weapon is good or bad by looking at it's stats. And- FUN FACT that will ABSOLUTELY BLOW YOUR MIND- there are VERY VERY VEEEEEERY few "bad" weapons in this game.

People don't use loot caves to get good gear quickly to have fun with it. People use loot caves to CLEAR gear they DON'T WANT TO USE quickly and THROW IT AWAY so they can BUFF UP THEIR POINTLESS MR AND FEEL LIKE SOME SORT OF ELITE. And NO- I am NOT just pulling that out of my &#!- that's SPECIFICALLY what all the people who abuse Draco have admitted straight to me. It's WHAT YOUR TYPE SAYS. EXCEPT when someone says Draco is a problem. THEN you play all innocent/coy and act like that's not the truth- LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH so it won't get fixed. IT'S SICKENING DUDE.


IF you would REALLY rather just play a mission with maxed gear- YOU WOULD JUST USE YOUR MAXED GEAR. You don't NEED that new gear to have fun according to what YOU YOURSELF are saying here- and what you're DOING goes AGAINST what you are saying.


Your lies are sickening. Your actions are poison to this game. Either this cancer is going to die- or the game is. It's up to DE. NO ONE else can decide. If they choose to let the stuff stay as it is and continue to break the game- it's their loss. But you know what? If that's what they want, fine.

lol you so mad XD.. chill.................

but in all honesty you do need to calm down.


Draco was very much needed. Draco allows people to forma weapons and warframes and than level them up quickly so that they can actually play the game instead of having to take long amounts of time grinding. my good sir if you would please take a breath in and out and relax and look at the big picture. the entire starchart wasnt revamped just to get rid of draco. XD

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5 hours ago, Stratego89 said:



STOP trying to break the game FFS.


You people are a PLAGUE. You people are what this update was trying to CHANGE. NOPE knew it wouldn't make a difference.


DE. You need to do something. Destroy interception firstly- that's the biggest problem. Change how affinity works. SOMETHING. Your game is DYING. I can't stand to watch it anymore.

  1. How is the player base trying to break the game? That would imply that there are known exploits in order to boost ranks easily.
  2. This update wasn't trying to change one single mission.
  3. If they were to destroy Interception, then they'd have to do the same for any endless mission types.
  4. You want the developers to make affinity harder to gain?
  5. How is this game dying? Please provide us with irrefutable proof.
  6. You can't stand to watch what anymore? Other players doing something that has zero effect on you?

You people whine just about everything. It highly makes me ponder about maturity and intelligence for the most part. If it would be an issue that would affect you but it doesn't. You can continue playing the game the way you want but so can other players. The options are out there and available for everyone. It's only a matter of one's choices that affect the outcome of oneself. You don't like power-leveling, that's fine. No one is forcing you to. But you're trying to force an ideal that other players cannot level the way they want. Only your way is the way. That's a close-minded concept.

Affinity is already low on a majority of missions. Take that in mind and the fact that there are well over hundreds of gear to rank up. Not to mention that Forma is a widely used resource to strengthen said gear. The player is sacrificing their time and work to be able to boost their weaponry even further. These missions are only a means to hasten that tedious and repetitive process.

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25 minutes ago, thekurama13 said:

lol you so mad XD.. chill.................

but in all honesty you do need to calm down.


Draco was very much needed. Draco allows people to forma weapons and warframes and than level them up quickly so that they can actually play the game instead of having to take long amounts of time grinding. my good sir if you would please take a breath in and out and relax and look at the big picture. the entire starchart wasnt revamped just to get rid of draco. XD

Seriously? Again with that? Did you NOT see my other reply somehow?


No. It was not. Draco was only "needed" for the LAZY, LETHARGIC PEOPLE who do not want to even PLAY the game. Draco was only "needed" for the cancerous elitist punks who like to chew out other players and think they are superior and have a right to talk down on others.

Draco was not needed. Draco was UNNECESSARY. A PLAGUE. A CESSPOOL. Now it's been drained out. It's just a matter if DE filters the scum out of the pond before it settles down in the rest- or leaves it to contaminate the rest of the game. It's now or never- this is the deciding moment. Either they follow through or watch as their actions cause the game to die.


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6 minutes ago, JRMC said:
  1. How is the player base trying to break the game? That would imply that there are known exploits in order to boost ranks easily.

.... First line, and troll confirmed. My god you could at least TRY to do a little better than that. Trolls are all bad but this is just plain sad.

"that would imply that there are known exploits to boost ranks easily".

... In a draco thread.



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4 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

.... First line, and troll confirmed. My god you could at least TRY to do a little better than that. Trolls are all bad but this is just plain sad.

"that would imply that there are known exploits to boost ranks easily".

... In a draco thread.



You're the one going off about with the word "breaking". Given your previous posts, I simply underestimated your intelligence. If I were to troll, I would have malicious intent towards you, yet I don't. I'm simply curious to understand what you're going on about.

In the meantime, you could always revise my post. It has more for you to read. Please do. It might change your opinion and at least have you calm down.

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Just now, Stratego89 said:

.... First line, and troll confirmed. My god you could at least TRY to do a little better than that. Trolls are all bad but this is just plain sad.

"that would imply that there are known exploits to boost ranks easily".

... In a draco thread.



you are the problem. people like you disgust me

this thread is a PLAYERS HELPING PLAYERS topic

the question was where the new exp cave would be, none of your replies is helping the OP in any way

please leave and take your toxicity elsewhere

I heard they were still looking for toxic players over at LoL

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28 minutes ago, JRMC said:

You're the one going off about with the word "breaking". Given your previous posts, I simply underestimated your intelligence. If I were to troll, I would have malicious intent towards you, yet I don't. I'm simply curious to understand what you're going on about.

In the meantime, you could always revise my post. It has more for you to read. Please do. It might change your opinion and at least have you calm down.

Oh- I read the entirety afterwards. It didn't change anything. Just to appease you- I'll go through your other points.

  1. See previous reaction.
  2. Yes. Actually- it was. If you'd been paying any attention to devstreams- which not everyone does because they don't have time- you would know this. DE specifically gave as their most major reason for reworking the starchart- the NUMBER ONE thing it intended to fix- Draco. They are/were tired of seeing everyone sit on a single point of a massive game all the time doing nothing else- which hurt the game in MANY ways which I've listed elsewhere in 100 threads today if you want to go through them (or I actually posted a thread- look for "2.0-ification", that'd be the easiest to find and most well put together and thought out post that includes it all if you're interested enough to go find it)- and BECAUSE both they AND the remaining portion of their playerbase that wasn't infected with the virus that was Draco was SICK AND TIRED OF WATCHING IT- Starchart 3.0 happened. There were other reasons- yes. But PRIMARILY it WAS INDEED to deal with draco. So point #2 is moot- again looking straight up like a troll but I will give the benefit of the doubt since again not everyone watches devstreams.
  3. No. They wouldn't. They REALLY wouldn't. NO other endless mission makes enemies an easy target AND spawns them in such insane numbers as interception does. ALL other endless missions have ways that make it VERY EASY to fail- while interception is **** near impossible to fail. You can get as much XP/etc in FOUR WAVES of interception as you can in HOURS of survival- you don't think there is an issue there?? You seriously think despite that they'd need to get rid of survival and defense and excavation as well? Not to mention- the other mission types are dead boring (ok maybe survival early mission). Interception is notoriously unfun. Everyone hates it. No one likes it for anything but XP- that's the truth, though no one who abuses it for XP will admit that because they KNOW that would get it removed.
  4. Harder than INTERCEPTION does? You know- the EXPLOITED, BROKEN game mode that maxes everything on you in MINUTES and CLEARLY breaks the game? Uh... yeah... YEAH I do. Harder than every OTHER mission that is somewhat reasonably balanced and DOES NOT break the game horrendously? No. Of course not. This looks like another troll comment. Remember when I said reading the rest of it didn't help?
  5. The proof? If things continue without DE following through on the removal of Draco- you'll see in a few months. I cannot provide any other proof and I will not lie and act like I can. You can't prove something is dying until it's actually inches away or full on dead. If they however DO change some stuff like I've laid out in various posts and a thread or two- the game still has more than a fighting shot at making a comeback. it's just going to suck for DE because it's going to be a LOT of hard work and late nights and careful watching.
  6. Zero effect on me? Please, really. Look up my thread. People abusing draco have an effect on EVERYONE. If you use Draco- of course you won't see that because YOU DONT CARE about other people that you're affecting. If you DON'T use Draco- just because YOU can't see how you're being affected or (very VERY strangely) don't see it as anything negative- doesn't mean the rest of the community does not.
Edited by Stratego89
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Just now, Stratego89 said:

Oh- I read the entirety afterwards. It didn't change anything. Just for you, since you at least carry intelligent thought processes (even if you ARE an obvious troll that thinks he's still not obvious) unlike a lot of people I run into nowadays- and a dream- I'll go through the points.

  1. See previous reaction.
  2. Yes. Actually- it was. If you'd been paying any attention to devstreams- which not everyone does because they don't have time- you would know this. DE specifically gave as their most major reason for reworking the starchart- the NUMBER ONE thing it intended to fix- Draco. They are/were tired of seeing everyone sit on a single point of a massive game all the time doing nothing else- which hurt the game in MANY ways which I've listed elsewhere in 100 threads today if you want to go through them (or I actually posted a thread- look for "2.0-ification", that'd be the easiest to find and most well put together and thought out post that includes it all if you're interested enough to go find it)- and BECAUSE both they AND the remaining portion of their playerbase that wasn't infected with the virus that was Draco was SICK AND TIRED OF WATCHING IT- Starchart 3.0 happened. There were other reasons- yes. But PRIMARILY it WAS INDEED to deal with draco. So point #2 is moot- again looking straight up like a troll but I will give the benefit of the doubt since again not everyone watches devstreams.
  3. No. They wouldn't. They REALLY wouldn't. NO other endless mission makes enemies an easy target AND spawns them in such insane numbers as interception does. ALL other endless missions have ways that make it VERY EASY to fail- while interception is **** near impossible to fail. You can get as much XP/etc in FOUR WAVES of interception as you can in HOURS of survival- you don't think there is an issue there?? You seriously think despite that they'd need to get rid of survival and defense and excavation as well? Not to mention- the other mission types are dead boring (ok maybe survival early mission). Interception is notoriously unfun. Everyone hates it. No one likes it for anything but XP- that's the truth, though no one who abuses it for XP will admit that because they KNOW that would get it removed.
  4. Harder than INTERCEPTION does? You know- the EXPLOITED, BROKEN game mode that maxes everything on you in MINUTES and CLEARLY breaks the game? Uh... yeah... YEAH I do. Harder than every OTHER mission that is somewhat reasonably balanced and DOES NOT break the game horrendously? No. Of course not. This looks like another troll comment. Remember when I said reading the rest of it didn't help?
  5. The proof? If things continue without DE following through on the removal of Draco- you'll see in a few months. I cannot provide any other proof and I will not lie and act like I can. You can't prove something is dying until it's actually inches away or full on dead. If they however DO change some stuff like I've laid out in various posts and a thread or two- the game still has more than a fighting shot at making a comeback. it's just going to suck for DE because it's going to be a LOT of hard work and late nights and careful watching.
  6. Zero effect on me? Please, really. Look up my thread. People abusing draco have an effect on EVERYONE. If you use Draco- of course you won't see that because YOU DONT CARE about other people that you're affecting. If you DON'T use Draco- just because YOU can't see how you're being affected or (very VERY strangely) don't see it as anything negative- doesn't mean the rest of the community does not.

blablabla toxic toxic toxic

not even going to bother reading the kind of garbage you spouted this time

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