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New DRACO for you people.



Guys, lemme tell u about myself first.

>>Started playing this game  63 days ago and I'm MR15 now (almost 16 ) lol.



So yeah...as we all know that our draco has been changed to survival so I was looking and going through all the missions that was best suited to call the #nextdraco and I've come to a conclusion as the #nextdraco to be in Sedna.

I went with the whole squad as our normal draco squad (rj/spore, ev, buff and any other frame) and it worked perfectly fine with the same xp rate...or maybe even a bit more

Place can get a bit messy at times ..however it's very easy to kill em'


It's the same map as Sedna Arena (Undine and Yam) ....but the Location is 




Enjoy guys.




Edited by NovusNova
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1 minute ago, Stratego89 said:

Oh- I read the entirety afterwards. It didn't change anything. Just for you, since you at least carry intelligent thought processes (even if you ARE an obvious troll that thinks he's still not obvious) unlike a lot of people I run into nowadays- and a dream- I'll go through the points.

  1. See previous reaction.
  2. Yes. Actually- it was. If you'd been paying any attention to devstreams- which not everyone does because they don't have time- you would know this. DE specifically gave as their most major reason for reworking the starchart- the NUMBER ONE thing it intended to fix- Draco. They are/were tired of seeing everyone sit on a single point of a massive game all the time doing nothing else- which hurt the game in MANY ways which I've listed elsewhere in 100 threads today if you want to go through them (or I actually posted a thread- look for "2.0-ification", that'd be the easiest to find and most well put together and thought out post that includes it all if you're interested enough to go find it)- and BECAUSE both they AND the remaining portion of their playerbase that wasn't infected with the virus that was Draco was SICK AND TIRED OF WATCHING IT- Starchart 3.0 happened. There were other reasons- yes. But PRIMARILY it WAS INDEED to deal with draco. So point #2 is moot- again looking straight up like a troll but I will give the benefit of the doubt since again not everyone watches devstreams.
  3. No. They wouldn't. They REALLY wouldn't. NO other endless mission makes enemies an easy target AND spawns them in such insane numbers as interception does. ALL other endless missions have ways that make it VERY EASY to fail- while interception is **** near impossible to fail. You can get as much XP/etc in FOUR WAVES of interception as you can in HOURS of survival- you don't think there is an issue there?? You seriously think despite that they'd need to get rid of survival and defense and excavation as well? Not to mention- the other mission types are dead boring (ok maybe survival early mission). Interception is notoriously unfun. Everyone hates it. No one likes it for anything but XP- that's the truth, though no one who abuses it for XP will admit that because they KNOW that would get it removed.
  4. Harder than INTERCEPTION does? You know- the EXPLOITED, BROKEN game mode that maxes everything on you in MINUTES and CLEARLY breaks the game? Uh... yeah... YEAH I do. Harder than every OTHER mission that is somewhat reasonably balanced and DOES NOT break the game horrendously? No. Of course not. This looks like another troll comment. Remember when I said reading the rest of it didn't help?
  5. The proof? If things continue without DE following through on the removal of Draco- you'll see in a few months. I cannot provide any other proof and I will not lie and act like I can. You can't prove something is dying until it's actually inches away or full on dead. If they however DO change some stuff like I've laid out in various posts and a thread or two- the game still has more than a fighting shot at making a comeback. it's just going to suck for DE because it's going to be a LOT of hard work and late nights and careful watching.
  6. Zero effect on me? Please, really. Look up my thread. People abusing draco have an effect on EVERYONE. If you use Draco- of course you won't see that because YOU DONT CARE about other people that you're affecting. If you DON'T use Draco- just because YOU can't see how you're being affected or (very VERY strangely) don't see it as anything negative- doesn't mean the rest of the community does not.

1. Previous reaction still makes no sense. I did tell you that you are the one spewing the word "break" left and right. "Players break this. Players break that." Still need enlightenment as where you're trying to get at.

2. I did watch the livestreams was not the sole reason for them to completely rework an entire system from the ground up. I did hear a lot of people complain about it on the chat. Maybe you're confusing their answers to those people, which they mentioned Draco would no longer be, but only because people wouldn't shut up about it.

3. I can see how other endless missions would just as easily be abused. I really don't see your point here. A long time ago, Xini was one of the best places to level up. It was a Defense mission. Pretty easy. Then there was also a Mobile Defense which its name I have forgotten. No problem there either. It's also easy to camp out in Survival missions. I don't think you played enough.

4. A game-mode does not give affinity. Enemies do. Each one differently. I don't think that would be unclear to you. Draco had moderately leveled and powerful enemies that spawned in masses and having only two points captured gave players the advantage to kill even more in longer periods of time.

5. You can prove a game is dying by looking at its statistics. It's that simple. You're blatantly stating the game is dying, or will die, because there's one single mission that players can use to power-level easily. Do you know how idiotic that sounds? If anything came down to one mistake like that, developers would be screwed. People would leave a game to die solely because they hate something such as easier grinding.

6. I have yet to see how it affects everyone but your own selfishness and stupidity. Your topic adds nothing to back up your claims and contributes with zero feedback. It's so underappreciated that it went unnoticed and yet you preach of this game's lifespan and how it destroys every other player's entertainment. There are many topics on this, sure. But usually it's the replies to those topics that have the majority of the community support.

You're treating it like a disease that needs to be eradicated. No one can enjoy something that the developers have in the game to help players avoid the repetitive and tedious process of grinding that's plastered all over Warframe. People still buy boosters, in case you didn't know. If truly affected you the way it did, you'd get up out of your chair and go do something productive other than throw a tantrum on every post that even mentions the word Draco.

You can call me troll all you want but if you ever looked up the definition of it, you'd know what exactly it is, so stop playing victim here. It does NOT affect you or anyone else. Other players have the right to play however they want. It's not up to you to dictate how everyone should conform to your standards.

You have too much time on your hands and that time should be used for your own entertainment and enjoyment. You choose however you want to use that time. Leave Warframe. It won't hurt a soul. But spewing madness across the forum board is not going to help your case. It's like a religion to you. Seriously, there's no need to continue. It's pointless. Provide your feedback in an orderly way without having to resort to this. Prove that it needs to be changed.

Until then, and like I said, you need to get out, get some fresh air.

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3 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

Mindblowing revelation for you. Focus is end game content. It's not meant to be cleared- quickly, if ever. The daily amount of focus you can earn is in fact a CAP to keep people from breaking the system- not a goal for you to attempt to hit every day. It's supposed to be slow. You're not supposed to try to hit the cap. It's only that high because otherwise people who refuse to accept they're not supposed to hit the cap / get focus quicker than you can- and grind unhealthily to reach it anyways- would have an aneurysm or something over it while complaining, then try to sue DE or something.

so... focus .. (end game content) 2 schools are powerful.. worthy of being called end game. zenurik has high energy regen for casters. naramon has invisibility for melee critters. 1 school is ok. vazarin has 4 instant revives every couple minutes. 1 school sounds ok but is pretty buggy. madurai has physical damage multipication. and 1 school is pretty straight garbage. unairu has worthless armor increase and some armor debuff on fast melees.

Now I did some rough math and literally maxing zenurik, one of the most popular schools would take aproximately 4 months of daily maxing focus points. 5 schools worth you could guess being the better part of 2 whole bleeding years. With draco and no affinity boosters, that maxing a daily focus took roughly an hour. running anywhere else that's even remotely decent for focus farm takes twice to 4 times as much time to max. so let's say average 3 hours a day to max

Is any of this sounding healthy to you? DE has built a system to keep players on "end game content" for literally years just to keep people playing their game and buying affinity boosters. I'd argue they've established an unhealthy consumer/developer relationship with unreasonable expectations of daily play session timespans.

The only healthy part of this whole design, I would say is the daily cap. 100k is enough to unlock a branch on a focus tree or make significant progress in them each day. enough to unlock and max all the important cooldown and passive parts of a focus school in roughly 3-4 weeks.

I'm somewhat neutral on the issue of leveling and formaing gear through draco as it isn't abysmally hard to do elswhere if you have a good full squad but if draco-lootcaves need to be done away with entirely, the discussion of rate of focus gains HAS to be reopened.


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6 hours ago, Radavvadra said:

how others play is none of your business if you dont want to level so fast then dont play those missions or use those strats.

(reply to Stratego89) Let others play the way they like to, and stop getting so triggered over the littlest thing, or a post that disagrees with you.
It doesn't make you look smarter, same as your insults, and remember, this is a game, not politics.

My original post.

With every game, there's always going to be a spot, a location, that gives loot and exp more, while being pretty easy to do. If hardcore players hate that, don't play it, and let others enjoy it. And if you really hate those type of people, then simply /ignore or click ignore in-game. Your never escape a new loot cave. Never.

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