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You are all blinded


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You are all blinded by this update. Lets start with the void. Why did we get an entirely new system for acquiring prime parts?

You say that the new system is better because you get prime parts faster. Alright but lets ask ourselves why DE simply didn't up the drop chance on everything in the void?

If you could choose between a higher drop chance in the old void that was = to the drop chance that we receive from relics now which would you prefer?

Can you honestly say that this new void fissure crap is more entertaining than the old void?

-We also didn't have our keys converted correctly. 

-Credits were/are broken or DE simply reduced them to increase the grind for all we know.

-Archwing is unplayable on corpus nodes and the Jordas verdict raid phase 3.

-Gaining affinity has become tedious. This effects focus as well I don't even bother with it anymore.

-Kavats are just more of what we don't really need. How about some different mission types instead?

I find it crazy how a lot of people here are so quick to accept downgrades in fun. 




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I actually have no issues with the new update, other than the bugs, and the too-close archwing camera and sliding around in space. So no, I don't consider it a bad update. Maybe think about how other people have differing opinions before thinking that we all see it as a downgrade.

Edited by KaizergidorahXi
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I agree with you for the most part but then again I don't think this update is entirely bad.


Yeah, A LOT OF keys were lost, credit/ducat/affinity gain has been nerfed HARD... it really is terrible, in those regards, no denying them.


But I think, D.E is trying something new and that is something of itself.


...Although, I agree that D.E isn't doing nowhere near perfect at the first try but yeah. :D


P.S// I also HATE the new update, in general, except for it becoming somewhat easier to get "rare" parts, so yeah.



Edited by NativeKiller
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8 minutes ago, pagepro said:


1. The same maps/missions get boring. I'm only about 40 days into the game, but I get what the gripe is about.

2. Bugs are present in every update. What a surprise. Key conversion was an accident, they happen. 

3. Oh yeah, I feel you on the JV shenanigans. My team's solution is to spam shield restores. 

4. Gaining affinity isn't too bad, really. It's not as fast/efficient/lazy/easy as before, but it's manageable.

5. Oh boy Kavats are amazing. If you've properly modded one, you'd probably notice. Shield stripping. More rare resources dropping. What's not to like?

Edited by Terror-Of-Death
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1 minute ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Why does this sound like a conspiracy theorist post?

"You're all blind! Open your eyes, sheeple!"

Maybe OP thinks DE made the update buggy on purpose?

To be fair, it is somewhat arguable that a lot of the new changes are shamelessly geared towards making people buy more plat. :3

Edited by NativeKiller
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another one

oh well

old void, t4 had the 3 times damage so unless you were a hyper tank or ivara you were deleted by a stray bombard missle that was shot at you from two rooms down around 35 minutes in a survival

also i rather have higher drop chances than old void, i wasted over 500 t3 exterminate keys trying to get one nyx chasis, guess what still no nyx chasis but i have hopes of getting one now since stuff i had from old void are hard to get now

yes credits got gutted but i have a 4 forma ember prime so if need credits i solo serchura and leave at 5 waves, each run is like 3 minutes 

i always hated archwing, always will till we have mini robotic ardvarchs that operate like carrier for AW

Draco is gone, go play spy missions and get good


imma leave this here, because this shows how "useless" they are


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Key conversion is being sorted out for now.

Increasing the drop chance of everything in the void would not really solve the issue of waiting out for 20 minutes for a chance to get what you want. Especially since the drop tables were a lot more diluted back then. Increasing the drop chance doesn't really work because it has to total up to a 100%, so if you had 10 items in the list, it's still 1/10 to get what you want after 20 minutes. The Void Fissures are a significant change of pace compared to sitting and babysitting an objective for 20 waves on T4 Defense, only to get common Prime piece that drops elsewhere.

Archwings are perfectly fine. If you're not willing to put in practice, then of course you're going to find it difficult.

Gaining affinity is not really a problem. There are other means of getting Affinity besides sitting in Draco for hours a day. If all you did was grind out at the "popular" grind spots, the fault is on you. You're not even required to grind out all that Affinity in the first place, DE placed a limit on Focus to prevent people from finishing the entire tree in a single day. It's not there as a requirement.

I don't see how anything was a downgrade. They may not be improvements, but an alternative is sometimes the better step to take to prepare for the future.

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5 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

Yeah, A LOT OF keys were lost, credit/ducat/affinity gain has been nerfed HARD... it really is terrible, in those regards, no denying them.

Actually, we now know that they were just converted incorrectly. DE are currently mulling over how best to provide a more permanent solution for those affected; we said that 40 relics wasn't appropriate compensation and they listened.


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12 minutes ago, pagepro said:

You say that the new system is better because you get prime parts faster. Alright but lets ask ourselves why DE simply didn't up the drop chance on everything in the void?

Oh, and sorry for posting twice, but this one made me laugh a little. DE can't "up the drop chance for everything" because that's not how math works. In order to up something, they'd have to lower something else.

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1 minute ago, notlamprey said:

Actually, we now know that they were just converted incorrectly. DE are currently mulling over how best to provide a more permanent solution for those affected; we said that 40 relics wasn't appropriate compensation and they listened.


Yeah, I did hear about that and I am really glad about it!


Still, I just wanted to say that something terrible had happened and that compensations won't change the fact that such a thing had actually occurred. :D

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Just now, NativeKiller said:

Still, I just wanted to say that something terrible had happened and that compensations won't change the fact that such a thing had actually occurred. :D

This much is true. I really wish we could get test servers. They are long overdue.

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3 minutes ago, Govictory said:

old void, t4 had the 3 times damage so unless you were a hyper tank or ivara you were deleted by a stray bombard missle that was shot at you from two rooms down around 35 minutes in a survival

yes credits got gutted but i have a 4 forma ember prime so if need credits i solo serchura and leave at 5 waves, each run is like 3 minutes 

Draco is gone, go play spy missions and get good

1. I actually liked that. A-am I a masochist?

2. Raids help a lot with credits too.

3. It's hard to do spy missions and get stealth kills with frames other than Ivara/Loki. :c

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1) Yeah, the improper key conversion upon update was absolutely infuriating

2) Credits were broken but now, as far as I know, the sortie payments were fixed

3) You just need to refrain from using afterburner in corpus trenches. As in, do you really anger about being unable to navigate city streets on highway speed?

4) All former Draco scrubs must suffer finally learn how to play the game

5) no opinion

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25 minutes ago, pagepro said:

I find it crazy how a lot of people here are so quick to accept downgrades in fun. 

I'm having tons of fun with this update, i don't know what you're talking about. Archwing is much more fun, cats are cool, new starchart is awesome, new "void" is awesome. Ok ok, there's many bugs...  but they'll get fixed eventually.

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7 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Why does this sound like a conspiracy theorist post?

"You're all blind! Open your eyes, sheeple!"

Maybe OP thinks DE made the update buggy on purpose?


5 minutes ago, notlamprey said:

Actually, we now know that they were just converted incorrectly. DE are currently mulling over how best to provide a more permanent solution for those affected; we said that 40 relics wasn't appropriate compensation and they listened.


The conspiracy theories probably arose when we realized that the keys omitted during the "incorrect" conversion all just so happened to contain the rarest parts from all of the sets in the current Prime Access and Vault Access, with the sole exception of Vauban Prime, whose parts are all a 2% base drop chance. I don't much believe in coincidence, personally. DE has been known to use PR-speak before, for example by officially referring to the Hydroid nerf as a buff, even though pretty much everyone knew differently.

I don't agree with the OP wholesale, but I'll say this: Farming old Prime stuff is noticeably easier right now, sure. However I'll bet you a thousand plat that the rarest parts or even most of the parts of upcoming Primes (Tigris Prime, Galatine Prime, and Nekros Prime) will be dropped by all-new Relics that won't be available until the next Prime Access begins.

At that point, when we have to farm all-new Relics for the new Primes and 85% of the Relics that drop are old relics, THEN we'll see how the new grind actually is. Personally, I think DE changed the Void key system in order to essentially render the hundreds of void keys many old veterans have useless for farming new Prime stuff.

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1 minute ago, Stoner74 said:

I'm having tons of fun with this update, i don't know what you're talking about. Archwing is much more fun, cats are cool, new starchart is awesome, new "void" is awesome. Ok ok, there's many bugs...  but they'll get fixed eventually.

Fam have you tried JV with Archwing. 



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23 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

I agree with you for the most part but then again I don't think this update is entirely bad.


Yeah, A LOT OF keys were lost, credit/ducat/affinity gain has been nerfed HARD... it really is terrible, in those regards, no denying them.


But I think, D.E is trying something new and that is something of itself.


...Although, I agree that D.E isn't doing nowhere near perfect at the first try but yeah. :D


P.S// I also HATE the new update, in general, except for it becoming somewhat easier to get "rare" parts, so yeah.



the funny thing is that i grinded 500+ ducats with this new system as apposed to the couple of hour grinding the old system only to get 200 ducats at most before I got bored/sick of the void tileset over and over and over again.

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