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✶ Lone Regiment ✶ [Lone Rangers & Lone Riders] -- The Soloer's Clans / Moon Tier / Completed Dojo / 100% Research -- Recruitment Thread

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Invite me please: Victomediax
If possible could you also invite my friends?
Their igns are: Marvelous Mushroom


@PirateMorgan and SilverCrow426: Please check that you don't have pending invites from other clans.

@Victomediax: Invites sent for you and your friends.


Heya! I'd like to join your clan! Kind of getting sick and tired of random people. Looking for some sort of communication too, I guess. Gets tiring trying to ask people to wait and not to rush through void missions or not go off in a corner (and die) on a defence mission...




Hey, I sent some invites.

If I join do I have to wait twelve hours to build the key? :P  Because I just finished building the last key (for my own clan but I realize there is no benefit to having a one man clan)

Honestly not sure, sorry. Tried to sent invite but was unable; have you left yet?

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