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What happened to the toggle-able desecrate for Nekros?

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4 minutes ago, AethonWalker said:

Yeah but didn't they state it'd be out along with that relic update?

Oh well...

Maybe it was planned for then and they found and issue or bug with it, so they just pushed it back to accompany the release of his Prime?

A lot of the older frames have been getting small touch up before, with, or shortly after their primes or unique skins.

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I think on the last Prime Time they said it wasn't out yet because they were still working on its energy cost and timing.  They talked it possibly costing energy per enemy and they still hadn't settled on the delay between an enemy dying/a corpse entering range and the effect triggering on it.

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31 minutes ago, AethonWalker said:

Yeah but didn't they state it'd be out along with that relic update?

Oh well...

No that was not stated at all. That was just the update to fissures only, no where in the devstream did they mention that. Also you are late to watching the devstream, that's been over a week old already.

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2 hours ago, Ruby_Rose_ said:

Maybe it was planned for then and they found and issue or bug with it, so they just pushed it back to accompany the release of his Prime?

A lot of the older frames have been getting small touch up before, with, or shortly after their primes or unique skins.

tell that to S#&$teron I mean oberon

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17 minutes ago, SinergyX said:

Well, he got a point though, rename Nekros to Descrate and it pretty much reflects what majority of players use this frame for (bar a few that use the army).

His army of poor AI short duriation missfits due to having forced overextend for desecrate. his 1 skill i never once used EVER and a 2 fear skill that makes targets run around like headless chickens making it harder to actually hit them.


Then we have ofc his bread and butter, only thing he usefull for and its not even a hard hitting cool skill. it does nothing for actual combat as a 3rd skill. whats even worse is its not even 100% so you can sit and spam all your energy on 1 corpse just to try turn it into loot. such a fun amazing dynamic class nekros is. real fearsome king of the undead frame right there.


In all my missions i have done i can count on 1 hand how many nekros i have seen. 3, thats all. 3! and they all did nothing but lag behind the party spamming desecrate and nothing more. all agreed he is a boring lootbot.


But dont worry! now we get a PRIME lootbot!

Edited by F4talFr4me
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8 minutes ago, F4talFr4me said:

His army of poor AI short duriation missfits due to having forced overextend for desecrate. his 1 skill i never once used EVER and a 2 fear skill that makes targets run around like headless chickens making it harder to actually hit them.


Then we have ofc his bread and butter, only thing he usefull for and its not even a hard hitting cool skill. it does nothing for actual combat as a 3rd skill. whats even worse is its not even 100% so you can sit and spam all your energy on 1 corpse just to try turn it into loot. such a fun amazing dynamic class nekros is. real fearsome king of the undead frame right there.

you have a point in the fact that Desecrate is its signature ability, but having it as a "passive" its actually a very good thing that turns him into a MUCH better frame.
Non having to spam 3 for profit allows you to shoot (thats what any other frame does 80% of the time outside endless missions)

Also its 4 is decent even with overextended, its halfway between cc and damage. And his terrify with augment -if you can fit into your build just some Strenght just to balance a bit the loss from overextended- is far from being a bad one.

I used nekros very little because its signature ability forced a spam of 3 key, but for sure, having it as a toggle will change the way many people see it. And a will be a very nice QoL change for the ones that already liked him.


Also remind that nekros is not only loot, buliding it for a continuous desecrate effect, plus other abilities if needed, is something that can be much more support than many others classified as support frames.

Edited by JohnKable
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If his desecrate becomes passive it will make it a frame of "spam 3" into "just shoot your gun like a frame without skills" because all of his skill are boring/bad synergy. i dont even bother with my undead army becuase they are derpy. leave me alone and dont bother to protect me becuase they saw a butterfly in the distance and went to catch it.

Desecrate costs energy which is harder to come by than health orbs due to the way nekros works, desecrate by default should take HP.


Take away the 3 button spam and you will have a even more boring frame, mark my words. changing desecrate wont make him any more fun to play.

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13 minutes ago, F4talFr4me said:

If his desecrate becomes passive it will make it a frame of "spam 3" into "just shoot your gun like a frame without skills" because all of his skill are boring/bad synergy. i dont even bother with my undead army becuase they are derpy. leave me alone and dont bother to protect me becuase they saw a butterfly in the distance and went to catch it.

Desecrate costs energy which is harder to come by than health orbs due to the way nekros works, desecrate by default should take HP.


Take away the 3 button spam and you will have a even more boring frame, mark my words. changing desecrate wont make him any more fun to play.

He'll become more boring? really more boring than pressing 3 all the time?

Both life and energy arent a problem if all corpses are desecrated all the time. And his kit isnt bad for a support/loot frame.

For many missions (non endless-ability spam ones) his kit can be better and more supportive than Trinity's one.  Why? because vampire is now her signature ability and is an overkill in most missions, Desecrating all corpses will give enough energy to the whole team.
And she has no CC, just an healt regen ability for additive support.

Nekros instead can summon his dead shados that arent a good offensive ability but roam around attracting quite alot of fire and also doing some damage. And arent so short lasting like you put it down. Its easy to fit 40+ sec duration in a pure desecrate build.

If you can make it without shields and or health you can also fit his augment for terrify and some power strenght, and then his terrify will become and additional good support/cc ability.
Not crazy range, not crazy duration but still good, and the shadow of the dead will benefit too from the same mods.

He will became a MUCH better frame with the change, but im not forcing anyone to like it, just saying its a fact he will become much better.

And again, shooting is what all frames do 80% of the time outside endless missions, being capable of doing it instead of endlessly press 3 brings him on par with most of the other warframes.

Maybe Ash with his bladestorm is quite more impressive (as long as it lasts) and effective. But theres no point into having 4 ash in a team right? And when the change to desecrate comes i will be always very glad to have a nekros in team, because it wont be a 3+1 spamming a single power the whole mission with no cc and no damage


Edited by JohnKable
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2 hours ago, F4talFr4me said:

They could change nekros desecrate all they want. nobody will play or grind nekros prime. nekros skills are crappy and boring.

of, course, it's not like anyone ever gores for the new Prime gear, I mean who would be stupid enough to waste time going for brand new things to level MR and use in higher-level missions?


2 hours ago, F4talFr4me said:

His army of poor AI short duriation missfits due to having forced overextend for desecrate. his 1 skill i never once used EVER and a 2 fear skill that makes targets run around like headless chickens making it harder to actually hit them.

you'd be amazed how many bullets those poor AI misfits can soak up. with the augment, Shadows make Nekros VERY durable for a non-tank frame. and Terrify isn't a CC skill, it's a Panic button for when you need a breather or need to revive a fellow player.

2 hours ago, F4talFr4me said:

Then we have ofc his bread and butter, only thing he usefull for and its not even a hard hitting cool skill. it does nothing for actual combat as a 3rd skill. whats even worse is its not even 100% so you can sit and spam all your energy on 1 corpse just to try turn it into loot. such a fun amazing dynamic class nekros is. real fearsome king of the undead frame right there.

Desecrate is a support skill. not sure how a support skill "does nothing for actual combat", when you're giving other players the supplies they need to keep fighting. you don't always have to be killing people yourself to help the team, that's why Support frames exist.

2 hours ago, F4talFr4me said:

In all my missions i have done i can count on 1 hand how many nekros i have seen. 3, thats all. 3! and they all did nothing but lag behind the party spamming desecrate and nothing more. all agreed he is a boring lootbot.

that isn't entirely Nekros fault, it's also due to narrow minded players like yourself who only see him for his 3. try a Shadows build like I did, and you'll see Nekros in a whole new light.

2 hours ago, F4talFr4me said:

If his desecrate becomes passive it will make it a frame of "spam 3" into "just shoot your gun like a frame without skills" because all of his skill are boring/bad synergy. i dont even bother with my undead army becuase they are derpy. leave me alone and dont bother to protect me becuase they saw a butterfly in the distance and went to catch it.

any frame can "shoot their gun like a frame without skills", that's where these things called "powers" come in. and again, the actual AI of the Shadows doesn't matter if you have the Augment and a ton of them at your disposal. they draw a ton of agro away from you, and each one is taking 6% damage in your stead, so even if you get hit, you hardly feel it. and that's without mentioning the CC and protection benefits of Bursa, Nullifier and Shield Osprey minions.

sorry but I find it very hard to believe that you know much about Nekros at all.

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56 minutes ago, F4talFr4me said:


Its an opinion supported with facts. Just to understand better your point of view, in your opinion wich is a good frame (and its not in a broken state being fixed soon or later)?

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