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[Warframe Concept] Moirai, The Warframe of Fate (ART INCLUDED) (9/11/2016 4TH ABILITY RE-WORK AND 4th ability augment)


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This is my Warframe Concept, Moirai, which is the Warframe of Fate. She is a play on the three sisters of fate rolled into one. Clothos, the spinner of the "Strings of Fate", Lachesis who decides how long the "String of Fate" should be and Atropos, who decides to cut the "String of Fate" thus ending a life. Her name "Moirai" come from the greek that translates into english as the Fates. Her idea came about from the mythology of the sisters of fate but also the spindle on a spinning wheel where the string is wrapped around it. So her abilities and her general appearance is inspired by the spindle. 

"Manipulating the Threads of Fate, Moirai decides the destiny of enemies and allies a-like. She distanced herself from us Tenno, for Fate is never kind to those who know how to read it but she has returned. Moirai will do everything in her power even unraveling the fabric of time itself to change the flow of fate to save us, Tenno. For she decides the beginning, the middle and the end of every life." - Lotus 

"With power to which even the cosmos have to conform, Moirai manipulates the Threads of Fate and Time. She decides both the evil and good moments and punishes all for their sins. Lost long ago, she has made our battle hers and will do everything in her power even unraveling the fabric of time itself to change the flow of fate to save us." - Lotus




(NEW)Here is the "Nona" alternative helmet and how it would look on Moirai's body.




(NEW) Here is a front, side, and back view of Moirai and some of her components. Not sure if I wanna leave her back/spine piece the peach color or turn it into grey. Also the gears on her back will be constantly rotating the strings from her corset, sort of like she is constantly spinning new thread.




And here is a height comparison with Excalibur. He is considered 6ft so mine is a lot smaller and more petite to go along with her low armor etc. This is not 100% accurate but as close as I can get to height comparison.




(NEW) Front, back and side view of Moirai as well as the side views to some of her attachments.




The back has to rotating gears that sort of constantly pull the strings in her corset and the corset string is going to be the color of her energy!


And here is a height comparison with Excalibur. He is considered 6ft so mine is a lot smaller and more petite to go along with her low armor etc. This is not 100% accurate but as close as I can get to height comparison.




Her stats will be:

Armor- 10

Health- 100

Shield Capacity- 100

Energy- 175

Shield Recharge- 20

Sprint- 1.20

Her abilities would be:

Passive ability would be "Clairvoyance" which when in melee mode she dodges incoming bullets and attacks with no or little damage because she will be able to see the attacks the enemies make before they make them.


(NEW) Her abilities And Augments


Her abilities would be:

Passive ability would be "Clairvoyance" which when in melee mode she dodges incoming bullets and attacks with no or little damage because she will be able to see the attacks the enemies make before they make them.

Interwoven- This ability summons Moirai's "needle", this needle seeks nearby enemies sewing and linking them to Moirai as well as attaching all the nearby enemies to each other causing a small amount of puncture damage on impact. All damage that Moirai receives will be transferred to all the enemies reducing incoming damage by 50% / 60% / 70% / 75% while channeling the damage back to her attackers. Moirai reflects all incoming damage and Status Effects to a maximum of 4 / 6/ 8/ 10 enemies within 12 / 14 / 17 / 20 meters. Also when an enemy dies while this ability is still active, they heal Moirai by 10 / 15 / 20 / 30 health points no matter the health of the enemy that has died. This ability is a duration based ability so it can be recasted after the duration runs out. The needles can hit more then one enemy at a time. There is no delay between the needles going from one enemy to the next and the needles keep going until they hit the max amount of enemies upon which they disappear. Once the ability is recasted the needles reappear and can target the same enemy again. 

If upon the death of Moirai while this ability is still active, the still linked enemies to Moirai have 25% of groups health stolen to resurrect her. Allowing her to essentially cheat death.

Energy cost per cast: 50

150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (initial puncture damage)
 12 / 14 / 17 / 20 meters (power range)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      18 / 20 / 22 / 25 (power duration)

3 / 4 / 5 / 6 (needles that can be cast)


AUGMENT ( Thimble?)- With this augment, this ability is no longer a duration based ability but a toggle ability. When casting this ability the needles stay active and continuously float around Moirai's head not needing to constantly cast this ability. Instead the needle will then seek and sew nearby enemies whenever they enter into range. Each time a needle punctures an enemy it'll be a drain of 5 energy and a 10 point health heal. They will constantly be floating and flying around without a limit on enemies as long as energy permits but the downfall is you lose the ability damage reduction and channeling. 


Convalesce- This ability when cast will expose the "Strings of Fate" of nearby enemies. This ability will show the future fates and deaths of all the enemies within range causing them to be stunned and confused. This ability stuns and confuses enemies for 3 / 4 / 6 / 8 seconds. This is a duration based ability and can only be recasted when the ability has ended. This ability is also caster-centered, think of Equinox's ability pacify and provoke. The area follows you for the duration of time and any enemies that walk into this field gets stunned and confused.

 Moirai also absorbs the "Strings of Fate" of nearby enemies giving her for each kill a 15 point armor bonus giving her at most 210 armor including her base armor at 10. Every 1 point out of the 200 is equal too 50 damage points. So for every 50 damage points you receive you lose 1 point. So in essence at most you receive 10,000 extra health/ shield points at max. It can scale like this for every 1 point its 15 / 25 / 45 / 50 damage points.

Energy Cost Per Cast: 50

 3 / 4 / 6 / 8 seconds (power duration)

12 / 15 / 20 / 25 meters (power range)

AUGMENT( Cat's Cradle)- With this augment, when recasting this ability Moirai releases all the strings absorbed from killing enemies and sends them out in a wave of criss-crossing string. This ability spreads out like Nova's fourth ability Molecular Prime. When it hits enemies it roots them in place as well as cause slash damage. When it reaches an ally it heals them by 200 points as well as give them an armor boost for 15 seconds.


Death Weaver- This ability is when Moirai pulls on all the "Strings of Fate" of nearby enemies and using her scissor-like fingers and cuts them causing massive damage and even in some instances instant death. This also has a high chance of causing slash damage to enemies. This ability is effected by strength and range as well as efficiency mods. For example the more strength mods the greater the damage and the more strings she can grab from the surrounding enemies becomes greater.

Energy cost per cast: 75

5 / 15 / 20 / 25 (affected enemies)

10% / 15% / 20%  (percentage damage per cast)

15 / 20 / 25 / 35 meters (power range)

AUGMENT( Patchwork)- With this augment upon casting this ability, you gain back energy for you and allies as well as causing them to be confused and start attacking their own allies.

Ecliptic Fate (WIP)- This is Moirai's game changing ability. This ability is a duration based ability. Moirai roots herself in place and becomes invulnerable while casting, then sends out a wave of energy where she gathers in all the "Strings of Fate" from the surroundings. Everything stops within range except Moirai and her allies, allowing her to change Fate to how she sees fit. All projectiles within range stop moving and enemies are frozen in place. This also freezes status effect durations, combo counters, cast delay timers, and bleedout timers. Think of Nova's 4th ability and once cast it creates a ripple effect that spreads outwards so all enemies within this ripple effect becomes frozen in time. 

Here is the catch. The base duration of this ability is 2 seconds. To lengthen this time period instead of duration mods you must collect "Threads of Life" and stack them up. To gather a "Thread of Life" you must cast one of Moirai's 3 other abilities. You can collect at max 5 "Threads of Life" and each thread is equal to 2 seconds. When you collect the maximum of 5 "Threads of Life" the ability will last for 12 seconds. You can still cast this ability with only one thread but your ability will only last 4 seconds and for every thread collected it progresses by 2 in time. Also the threads do disappear after receiving too much damage or after a short time. So you must use them or lose them. No mods effect this ability.

Energy cost per 1st cast: 100 + "Thread of Life"

Cast Time is 2 seconds.

 3 seconds (Wave Duration)

 25m/s (Wave Speed)

2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 seconds (Power Duration)


AUGMENT( Unravel)- With this augment instead of causing a ripple effect and it be a stationary ability, the caster creates a small bubble that yours able to travel around with that surrounds you. Within this bubble instead of time being frozen, time is sped up. This allows her damage reduction to be lowered down to 10% and casting speed, reload speed, etc. to be greatly accelerated. Within this bubble she seems as if she is vibrating since of how sped up she is. Everything else remains the same.


(NEW)   Her Quest/ Storyline


The quest begins with a flashback to when the original Operator of Moirai has a premonition of the future war with the Sentients and the Orokin. Fearing her powers would be abused by the Orokin to further their gains, she fled with the Warframe Moirai Prime, the only one of it's kind. Escaping from fellow Tenno and Orokin a-like, she fled and crashed on the planet Pluto where she was inadvertently cryogenically frozen. And her distress beacon never being heard.

She was frozen for all this time on Pluto until the Corpus during an evacuation found her ship and defrosted her and the Warframe Moirai Prime. The Corpus seeing this opportunity to learn of the secrets of the Original Warframes dismantled Moirai Prime to research. Once defrosted her distress signal was then picked up by the Lotus who sees that this distress signal is unlike anything she has seen before because the technology is ancient. The player missions starts by Lotus altering you that she has received an encrypted messaged from a very far off location. The Lotus then sends you to this far off location to gather more information as to where the message came from.

The player then goes to Pluto and once their you find a crashed Liset. Once inside the Liset you see that it is abandoned but also an empty Operators chair with some blood. The player then connects to the system there and Lotus informs you that this belong to an Operator who survived the war between the Orokin and the Sentients and can't believe that after all this time this Operator is alive. But when you go to leave you get spotted by Sentient guards. You fight them and Lotus says that the Sentients have also heard the distress signal from this Operator and that the player needs to find them and save them from the Corpus before the Sentients find them. This is when you search through different Missions on Pluto to find the location of where the Corpus are hiding the Operator and the Warframe Moirai Prime. And at the same time of you searching for this Operator and Moirai Prime, you are fighting Corpus and Sentients. The missions will be timed based because you have to be the Sentients in their search for the components because they seek to destroy Moirai before you get your hands on more weaponry to become stronger. So it is a race against time as well as a spy/sabotage/defense mission all rolled into one.

This is the quest in a quick explanation without giving away what happens in the storyline but you do only come out with Moirai the regular concept until Lotus finds and "fixes" Moirai and makes her Prime again.


Her Weapons


Melee Weapon- This weapon will go along with her is a Scissor/dual blade. Its a huge scissor that can break apart and be wielded as two separate swords that come together to then cut like a scissor sort of fighting into the Fates which Moirai is supposed to be inspired by. 

Atropos, is the name of my concept design for a scissor/dual blade weapon. This melee weapon would go along with my Warframe concept Moirai, who is the Warframe of Fate. This weapon would a slash based weapon. In it's whole form the blades are attached together and can be used to cut enemies, obviously just like a giant scissor, and things in half as well as being broken apart and used as a dual blade wield. (colors can be changed)






Secondary Weapon- This secondary would be sort of like throwing needles. These will be large and rather thin needles sort of like acupuncture needles that you can throw causing puncture damage going through armor. This will also go along with the Fates concept as well as the "Strings of Fate" idea. (ART IN PROGRESS)


Syandana/Cosmetic for Moirai


Also being slightly ambitious I am going to create an alt. helm for this Warframe that also portrays the Sister of Fate.

Here is Moirai with her Warframe specific cosmetic equip (which is just the hood). I wanted a sort of hood to go along with her concept so the material itself will sort of  see through and shimmery just like her body so it'll give her an even more ethereal feel to her. It'll be colored like Ivara's skirt material that takes on the color of her energy. The Syandana will be a scarf for all other Warframes that is made of that same material.









(NEW) Here is some sketches of possible alt. helmets:


And here is some work in progress of her alt. helmets. These are just some of the ideas I had and threw down and liked. Currently painting them and working on how they will fight with her. So let me know what you think!





Here is the "Nona" alternative helmet painted on Moirai's body to show how it will look.



(NEW) Here is the "Decima" alternative helmet.






These abilities are to try to balance Moirai's low armor, health and shield as well as her high energy pool. She is def a castor Warframe relying heavily on her abilities. These stats can change and I am open to suggestions as to how I can balance her out better. Even the abilities if you have good suggestion can be altered to make more sense. So tell me what you think and if you would play her cause I know I totally wanna be able to play as her!


(NEW) MY CONCEPT WAS FEATURED ON PRIME TIME #130 OMGGG!! It's starts at 1:03:00 and they totally loved it and I am incredibly humbled!!




Edited by (PS4)ophanim_raziel
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Art is amazing.

Love the concept,but if you want feedback (It's quick and rough just to give you more ideas):

Passive- The dodge chance is a little to good compared to the level of the other passives.

  • Pulls downed allies to her?

Interwoven- You don't wanna step too much into the territory of Trinitiy's Link, also auto seeking could be awkward.

  • Consider: Selected enemy is "tethered" to the others in a radius (based on range) and status effects and % of damage are shared with the others (Perhaps it strings them up/binds the targeted enemy with a string tree and roots the other enemies around it). 
  • Augments: Fruits of Fate: Tree's periodically spawn energy and health orbs.

Convalesce- With the connotation of this word the theme of a buff fits more than the CC.

  • Consider: Causes her and allies to massively regenerate shields (and maybe health/energy) based on her missing shields, health, and energy respectively.

Death Weaver- Seems like something you'd want for an ult, but this too could be a good place for another buff.

  • Consider: Causes the nearest four corpses (based on range) to become cocooned. These cocoons can be picked up to grant players armor equal to (a base of armor + a very? low percentage of the enemies armor). If Interwoven is cast on a cocoon they instead explode dealing <some type> of damage and lock enemies in place.

Gives her a risk-reward gameplay and motivates her to go into melee range.

Atropos- You want your abilities to be intertwined (pun intended), and a time-stop seems like overkill.

  • Consider: She summons large scissors (stationary) and after a long channel she cuts in the direction she was facing.
  • If she cuts a Tree: All tethered enemies take massive slash damage (proc too) under a threshold they die (if the channel is long enough threshold may not be needed).
  • If she cuts a Cocoon: She confuses surrounding enemies ?



Edited by Synpai
Bullets didn't work correctly :l
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6 minutes ago, Synpai said:

Art is amazing.

Love the concept,but if you want feedback (It's quick and rough just to give you more ideas):

Any thoughts on passives?

  • Pulls downed allies to her?

Interwoven- You dont wanna step too much into the territory of Trinitiy's Link .

  • Consider: Selected enemy is "tethered" to the others in a radius (based on range) and status effects and % of damage are shared with the others (Perhaps it strings them up/binds the targeted enemy with a string tree and roots the other enemies around it). 
  • Augments: Fruits of Fate: Tree's periodically spawn energy and health orbs.

Convalesce- With the connotation of this word the theme of a buff fits more than the CC.

  • Consider: Causes her and allies to massively regenerate shields (and maybe health/energy) based on her missing shields, health, and energy respectively.

Death Weaver- A low armor frame running into melee range ;~;

  • Consider: Causes the nearest four corpses to become cocooned. These cocoons can be picked up to grand players armor equal to (a base of armor + a very? low percentage of the enemies armor). If Interwoven is cast on a cocoon they instead explode dealing <some type> of damage and lock enemies in place.

Gives her a risk-reward gameplay and motivates her to go into melee range.

Atropos- You want your abilities to be intertwined (pun intended).

  • Consider: She summons large scissors (stationary) and after a long channel she cuts in the direction she was facing.
  • If she cuts a Tree: All tethered enemies take massive slash damage (proc too) under a threshold they die (if the channel is long enough threshold may not be needed).
  • If she cuts a Cocoon: She confuses surrounding enemies ?



Okay so her Passive was going to be "Clairvoyance" which when going into full melee mode she will be sort of like she see the attacks the enemies is going to do before they do it. So she dodges bullets and other weapons attacks towards her so they all together miss are have little damage on her.

The Interwoven ability won't be like Trinity's ability because it won't take in all the enemies that surround her. Its just one string that the needle creates. So its essentially only connecting all these enemies together with one string. Sort of like Yondu's weapon from Guardians of the Galaxy in a way. And so if one goes down thats why it creates a domino effect.

Convalesce is sort of like what you say. She gains buffs and heals and all that wonderful Jazz while this ability is casted and works well with Interwoven. Cause if they are all tied together by Interwoven and then casts Convalesce and uses a weapon or her other abilities Death Weaver and Ecliptic Fate then she gets massive heals and restores to her and her allies.

Death Weaver is a ranged ability. She from a distance using her powers pulls on their strings and cuts them with her fingers. She isn't really going into the close quarters of her enemies.

Btw I was in the process of making weapons to go along with her and I was going to do a scissor/dual blade weapon that fits into her theme because if you cast Interwoven then you can be able to go into melee mode and along with her passive do decently well in close-combat.


I hope that answers things? haha

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Just now, (PS4)ophanim_raziel said:

More to come!!!!!!!!!!! STAY TUNED!!!!!!!!! but tbh like I posted this after working up enough courage that hopefully they make this so I can play her haha

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13 hours ago, (PS4)ophanim_raziel said:

This is my Warframe Concept, Moirai, which is the Warframe of Fate. She is a play on the three sisters of fate rolled into one. Clothos, the spinner of the "Strings of Fate", Lachesis who decides how long the "String of Fate" should be and Atropos, who decides to cut the "String of Fate" thus ending a life. Her name "Moirai" come from the greek that translates into english as the Fates. Her idea came about from the mythology of the sisters of fate but also the spindle on a spinning wheel where the string is wrapped around it. So her abilities and her general appearance is inspired by the spindle. 


Her stats will be:

Armor- 10

Health- 100

Shield Capacity- 100

Energy- 175

Shield Recharge- 20

Sprint- 1.20

Her abilities would be:

Passive ability would be "Clairvoyance" which when in melee mode she dodges incoming bullets and attacks with no or little damage because she will be able to see the attacks the enemies make before they make them.


Interwoven- This ability summons Moirai's "needle", this needle seeks nearby enemies and sort of sews them to Moirai as well as attaching all the nearby enemies to each other causing a small amount of damage on impact. All damage that Moirai receives will be transferred to all the enemies that she is attached to because her "String of Fate" is attached to them. If one of the attached enemies dies it creates a sort of domino effect causing a massive damage to all other enemies stringed together but also healing Moirai at the same time. On the other side, if Moirai dies while still attached to these enemies she steals there life force and resurrects. She will only have a small amount of health when she resurrects. The more enemies she has attached to her, the more health she has when she resurrects. This ability is effected by range, strength and duration as well as efficiency mods. For example the more strength mods the more needles are created allowing more enemies to become attached to Moirai. (Sort of like Yondu's weapon on Guardians of the Galaxy)

Convalesce- This ability when cast will expose the "Strings of Fate" of nearby enemies. This ability will show the future fates and deaths of all the enemies in the area causing them to be stunned and confused. If they are killed during the duration of them seeing the moment of their death, Moirai absorbs their string of fate and gains a boost to her armor. Also healing herself and her allies. The strings Moirai absorbs is at a fixed number that can be altered by mods, but once being hit after a number of times the armor will be depleted and this ability needs to be recast to replenish her armor boost. This ability is effected by range and duration as well as efficiency mods. For example the more range mods allow for a greater area to be effected for Moirai to absorb more strings and share the healing with her allies.

Death Weaver- This ability is when Moirai pulls on all the "Strings of Fate" of nearby enemies and using her scissor like fingers cuts them causing massive damage and even in some instances instant death. This also has a high chance of causing slash damage to enemies. This ability is effected by strength and range as well as efficiency mods. For example the more strength mods the greater the damage and the more strings she can grab from the surrounding enemies becomes greater.

Ecliptic Fate- This is Moirai's game changing ability. This ability stops time (I know another time ability but she is the Warframe of Fate) for a few seconds allowing Moirai to move freely within this moment of frozen time and cause massive amounts of damage or get herself out of a sticky situation. Moirai uses the "Strings of Fate" to sort of root the flow of time to a stand still so she can effect fate how she sees fit. Also while casting this ability Moirai creates a sort of summoning circle where she uses the "Strings of Fate" to stop time, if an ally is within this small circle as she casts it they can also be able to move around freely within this moment of frozen time. So Moirai can use this to help fallen allies, take a moment to regroup, save an ally that is being overrun etc. Here is the catch when casting this ability she must sacrifice the lowest of 25% or more of her health along with energy to cast this ability. This ability is slightly effected by duration, range and efficiency mods. For example the more duration and range mods the longer you can remain in the frozen time as well as how big the summoning circle is so that allies can more easily join Moirai.


Her Weapons

Melee Weapon- This weapon will go along with her is a Scissor/dual blade. Its a huge scissor that can break apart and be wielded as two separate swords that come together to then cut like a scissor sort of fighting into the Fates which Moirai is supposed to be inspired by. (ART IN PROGRESS)

Secondary Weapon- This secondary would be sort of like throwing needles. These will be large and rather thin needles sort of like acupuncture needles that you can throw causing puncture damage going through armor. This will also go along with the Fates concept as well as the "Strings of Fate" idea. (ART IN PROGRESS)



These abilities are to try to balance Moirai's low armor, health and shield as well as her high energy pool. She is def a castor Warframe relying heavily on her abilities. These stats can change and I am open to suggestions as to how I can balance her out better. Even the abilities if you have good suggestion can be altered to make more sense. So tell me what you think and if you would play her cause I know I totally wanna be able to play as her!

Found you from the fan art areas, nice work on it ^_^

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the idea is cool but too fking "OP"

passive should be when blocking with meele since she have low hp armor and shieds

ur 4 could be a frost glove that runs with u and evry body that enters there gets like rhino stomp  but u can still take dmg from dudes outside

the 1 2 3 i think is too much info and not actualy something 

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34 minutes ago, venon23 said:

the idea is cool but too fking "OP"

passive should be when blocking with meele since she have low hp armor and shieds

ur 4 could be a frost glove that runs with u and evry body that enters there gets like rhino stomp  but u can still take dmg from dudes outside

the 1 2 3 i think is too much info and not actualy something 

how is 1 2  and 3 not actually something though?? And frost glove??

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Being the optimist I am, I see almost nothing wrong with this besides how incredibly overpowered she could be. Other than that I love the idea so much and the art concepts are amazing. I'd love to see this come into Warframe. Although I'd love to see all concepts that are this nicely put together and thought out 

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4 minutes ago, -MortisThorne- said:

Being the optimist I am, I see almost nothing wrong with this besides how incredibly overpowered she could be. Other than that I love the idea so much and the art concepts are amazing. I'd love to see this come into Warframe. Although I'd love to see all concepts that are this nicely put together and thought out 

Thank you so much!! I do see how she can be considered overpowering but at the same time I feel like how weak her actual frame is and how long it will take to cast these powers can sort of balance her out. But also I think how I explained it can make it seem like that but I honestly don't think she would actually be THAT powerful.

Again thank you so much hopefully DE sees my concept and actually implements them

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the only issue i see is with making other warframes halt, maybe change it to an area effect: all enemies and projectiles that come in contact with the aoe effect come to a halt and would be affected by range and duration and players would be allowed to move freely

-dont know if it would be too OP to make recastable, but if it is, you could make it cost 10-25% more energy the next time it is cast inside the bubble, replenishing the duration

love the general idea and can see how the other 3 abilities could work

(maybe the 3rd ability could do with a 3 second or so stun or stagger as it would seem like a long animation for the power)

Edited by (PS4)TwilightGrim
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11 minutes ago, (PS4)TwilightGrim said:

the only issue i see is with making other warframes halt, maybe change it to an area effect: all enemies and projectiles that come in contact with the aoe effect come to a halt and would be affected by range and duration and players would be allowed to move freely

-dont know if it would be too OP to make recastable, but if it is, you could make it cost 10-25% more energy the next time it is cast inside the bubble, replenishing the duration

love the general idea and can see how the other 3 abilities could work

(maybe the 3rd ability could do with a 3 second or so stun or stagger as it would seem like a long animation for the power)

I was sort of seeing the 4th ability sort of like Mesa's Peacemaker ability where she is super sped up to other players watching her, but to the actual player themselves everything is slowed down. So for other players on the team that don't end up within her "circle" nothing really changes for them except for maybe Moirai sort of randomly popping up in another area or a bunch of enemies just die.

And yeah I was thinking of having a sort of "cool-down" or a greater cost to reusing the 4th ability. Maybe have it cost more health and energy everytime you use it to the point where it can be kind of dumb to cast it again haha

And maybe a stun could work with the 3rd ability!! I was thinking of the motion with that ability to be sort of a fast, graceful pirouette but totally see the stun coming into play!


Edited by (PS4)ophanim_raziel
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)ophanim_raziel said:

I was sort of seeing the 4th ability sort of like Mesa's Peacemaker ability where she is super sped up to other players watching her, but to the actual player themselves everything is slowed down. So for other players on the team that don't end up within her "circle" nothing really changes for them except for maybe Moirai sort of randomly popping up in another area or a bunch of enemies just die.

the reason mesa can do that is because their is an auto fire bot set up in PM, not requiring the player to be the world's fastest sharp shooter, and the speed of mesa is the same for both the player and other players.

enemies still go the same speed

what you seem to be saying with fates 4th ability is that you want to make an ingame artificial lag spike, stopping all others on your screen and making you seem bugged as heck on theirs. if this is what you are meaning by how the ability is used, you might really confuse many people and or make people scream for a nerf on her in the first week of ingame use.

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)TwilightGrim said:

the reason mesa can do that is because their is an auto fire bot set up in PM, not requiring the player to be the world's fastest sharp shooter, and the speed of mesa is the same for both the player and other players.

enemies still go the same speed

what you seem to be saying with fates 4th ability is that you want to make an ingame artificial lag spike, stopping all others on your screen and making you seem bugged as heck on theirs. if this is what you are meaning by how the ability is used, you might really confuse many people and or make people scream for a nerf on her in the first week of ingame use.

Yeah I see what you are saying but that is why I implemented the summoning "circle" cause while in Mesa's ability she's the only one that sort of speeds up. But if the other allies within the party are within the "circle" as Moirai casts they receive the same benefits of the ability. And it would sort of like a blink ability, where she sort of flashes forward to another place. hmmmmm but I totally get what you're saying. Maybe make it so that all allies can be apart of her 4th ability no matter the distance or only allow a small bubble of time to be sort of "altered" at the time of casting (which is how I was sort of envisioning it)....do these work or?

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)ophanim_raziel said:

Yeah I see what you are saying but that is why I implemented the summoning "circle" cause while in Mesa's ability she's the only one that sort of speeds up. But if the other allies within the party are within the "circle" as Moirai casts they receive the same benefits of the ability. And it would sort of like a blink ability, where she sort of flashes forward to another place. hmmmmm but I totally get what you're saying. Maybe make it so that all allies can be apart of her 4th ability no matter the distance or only allow a small bubble of time to be sort of "altered" at the time of casting (which is how I was sort of envisioning it)....do these work or?

my big issue was how the ability would alter the real gameplay of others in match and the general system of the game. the bubble idea would be the most plausible option if trying to make this ability a reality, otherwise you might be stuck with another slowing ability on a frame.

the bubble idea would be like a more powerful but at the same time more deadly force field(to you or object of protection) (thinking of frost). the range could be larger to adjust to it not being a purma with a health bar. and at the end of the ability time will collapse and all previously moving enemies and attacks will start again, unless not in the bubble, where the enemy could have 3 seconds of confusion as not knowing where you are.

-or you could make it like nova and mags ability:

--make it a duration spread and once completely spread halts all enemies and fire for the duration.

--would be alot slower but super rewarding in the end 

Edited by (PS4)TwilightGrim
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16 minutes ago, (PS4)TwilightGrim said:

my big issue was how the ability would alter the real gameplay of others in match and the general system of the game. the bubble idea would be the most plausible option if trying to make this ability a reality, otherwise you might be stuck with another slowing ability on a frame.

the bubble idea would be like a more powerful but at the same time more deadly force field(to you or object of protection) (thinking of frost). the range could be larger to adjust to it not being a purma with a health bar. and at the end of the ability time will collapse and all previously moving enemies and attacks will start again, unless not in the bubble, where the enemy could have 3 seconds of confusion as not knowing where you are

See the slowing down thing was just not what I wanted at all for this frame and didn't want to stick that to my Warframe concept. In a way it'll be more like Limbo's Cataclysm ability in a way but instead of allowing the enemies to still be allowed to move that become frozen. But see idk if the time bubble should be visible to allies or not because if it is then what if an ally runs into it. Then will they be able to move freely in and out of it or will they be frozen as well? and if it is invisible then it would run into the problem like you said of sort of creating a lag sort of system.

Maybe it will only be visible to allies and if they run into the bubble they can move freely within it. hmmm


Btw, it totally made me think of Katara in Avatar, the last airbender when she was fighting Azula and did that ice coffin sort of thing. It was totally awesome how she froze both herself and Azula and then was able to move around within it. Sort random thought haha

Edited by (PS4)ophanim_raziel
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14 minutes ago, (PS4)TwilightGrim said:


-or you could make it like nova and mags ability:

--make it a duration spread and once completely spread halts all enemies and fire for the duration.

--would be alot slower but super rewarding in the end 

So it will sort of spread out and all effected enemies and bullets etc. within the area of duration would freeze?? hmmmmmm I like that!!

Edited by (PS4)ophanim_raziel
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1 minute ago, (PS4)ophanim_raziel said:

So it was sort of spread out and all effected enemies and bullets etc. within the area of duration would freeze?? cmmmmmm I like that!!

she does get great survivability from her first already so this  would be plausible and the fact that it would work like that would make it less appealing as a spam ability and more of a shtf so press 4 ability (as many should be)(in most normal situations complete freeze on map is too much). to add to the utility you could add damage buffs, enemy debuffs or make a little bit of scaling element to it, all up to you ;)

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