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Let's talk about Ash players


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Nobody likes them, especially since a lot, if not most of them, have no idea how to use him properly other than spamming 4.

They think they are a reliable DPS choice for TEAMPLAY, but let's think about it:

  1. You can only target 18 enemies at once, which in most types of mission we all know there will always be 20+ more enemies in a room.
  2. Even if you manage to OHKO every enemy you are targeting, it's still going to take you 5 to 10 seconds to finish all the animations, which renders you useless against all the other enemies in the room and leaves your team to die if they don't have another source of DPS/CC.
  3. It's true, bladestorm is finisher damage- But what kind of regular mission REQUIRES you to deal finisher damage to kill enemies? Normally, there is no mission where we have to go beyond level 200 enemies. The closest thing to 200+ that would come to my mind would be a 4k-5k hieracon run or that 9999 alert. If the argument was that Bladestorm is good because it deals finisher damage, there are more tactical frames which also help the team such as ivara or equinox which don't only crowd control and help the team, but also open up the enemies to finishers for everybody.

Ash isn't a good choice for teamplay. It's great for solo, but terrible in teams. I'd rather have a more team oriented DPS like Saryn or Banshee which have no target limitation but which also help teammates in the long run, or tactical CC support like ivara or equinox which easily synergize with any team.

So, why are Ash players so delusional? Is there a way to get them off their imaginary high horses? Will they ever grow up and think about their team before thinking about themselves? Whenever I try to argue ingame with Ash players about these points, they always end up with idiotic remarks like "Lol I got more kills than you noob" or "Stfu kid, you're just bad with ash," and I am genuinely getting annoyed by how petty and childish a part of this community can get.


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I enjoy ash.


I hate people that want to guilt me for enjoying ash


I have no reason. I have a build i use on him which gives me focus at the rate i want it. I dont care if there are better ways, I dont care if there are worse ways. I found a way I enjoy playing in public.


That is all.

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4 minutes ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:


I make use of Smoke Shadow often and prioritize mission objective over kills. I rarely cast Bladestorm unless it's necessary.

The problem isn't Ash, it's the f*cking meta build and Fleeting Expertise. Remove that sh*t and you will see more people using tactical choices rather than spamming their way to victory.

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1 minute ago, Nazrethim said:

I make use of Smoke Shadow often and prioritize mission objective over kills. I rarely cast Bladestorm unless it's necessary.

The problem isn't Ash, it's the f*cking meta build and Fleeting Expertise. Remove that sh*t and you will see more people using tactical choices rather than spamming their way to victory.


It isnt a trash build. Its someone's choice

I enjoy a build thats focused on Rising Storm.

And I enjoy Smoke Shadow in Trials.


They arent 'trash' or 'cancer', its just a player's choice in how they want to play the game.

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I don't mind an Ash. If I stay near them I get free affinity.

I only dislike Ash players during Sortie missions with the Radiation debuff. Getting hit by a Blade Storm is almost always fatal due to how it ignores your armor. 

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To honest I don't mind Ash players that actually kill stuff, I mean free XP buddy. The problem is wen a trAsh takes over 10 secs to kill a level 40, and I for some reason can't kill it because space magic.

BUT, I rather have a Rhin00b than an Ash in any infested mission.

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1. He isn't getting a re-work... Bladestorm is being looked at.

2. Rant posts are bad.

3. Lumping all Ash players into the same general bucket and citing, "Nobody likes them" might be a sign of why people outright insult the OP's feedback in-game...Just sayin'.


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Depends a lot on the context.

When the rest of the team brings symulors to an elemental resistance enhanced defense sortie and you've already performed 8 revives, no one will complain about how much 4 you spam.

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29 minutes ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:

So, why are Ash players so delusional? Is there a way to get them off their imaginary high horses? Will they ever grow up and think about their team before thinking about themselves? Whenever I try to argue ingame with Ash players about these points, they always end up with idiotic remarks like "Lol I got more kills than you noob" or "Stfu kid, you're just bad with ash," and I am genuinely getting annoyed by how petty and childish a part of this community can get.

You're not exactly looking saintly yourself with the way you talk about them

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Let's hope this so-called bladestorm rework at least lets the other players hit enemies under effect of bladestorm.

During the old "Draco age", i went once with my spore saryn and killed more than the ash using bladestorm, maybe because he did not have a milk cow (ahem! trinity) feeding him. Is this wish to kill more or just inflated ego? Hard to say, heheh...

I also played with Ash for a while, bladestorm caused me motion sickness, so i was thankful to reach lvl 30 and retire him. Rework is very necessary.

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I don't mind Ash that much.


...Except when it's a mission against the infested faction.


Bladestorming an Ancient Disruptor really takes an eternity and a half to kill it, so yeah.


...I really don't understand why some people bring bladestorm Ash against the infested.

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2 minutes ago, HellsSapper said:

People say that "Ash is the greediest Warframe, stealing all kills."


...have you NEVER played with an EB Excalibur?

or one punch man clear rooms with 1 energy atalas atlas? ;P

Edited by Hemmo67
typos attack me ; _ ;
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