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Let's talk about Ash players


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2 hours ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:

Nobody likes them, especially since a lot, if not most of them, have no idea how to use him properly other than spamming 4.

They think they are a reliable DPS choice for TEAMPLAY, but let's think about it:

  1. You can only target 18 enemies at once, which in most types of mission we all know there will always be 20+ more enemies in a room.
  2. Even if you manage to OHKO every enemy you are targeting, it's still going to take you 5 to 10 seconds to finish all the animations, which renders you useless against all the other enemies in the room and leaves your team to die if they don't have another source of DPS/CC.
  3. It's true, bladestorm is finisher damage- But what kind of regular mission REQUIRES you to deal finisher damage to kill enemies? Normally, there is no mission where we have to go beyond level 200 enemies. The closest thing to 200+ that would come to my mind would be a 4k-5k hieracon run or that 9999 alert. If the argument was that Bladestorm is good because it deals finisher damage, there are more tactical frames which also help the team such as ivara or equinox which don't only crowd control and help the team, but also open up the enemies to finishers for everybody.

Ash isn't a good choice for teamplay. It's great for solo, but terrible in teams. I'd rather have a more team oriented DPS like Saryn or Banshee which have no target limitation but which also help teammates in the long run, or tactical CC support like ivara or equinox which easily synergize with any team.

So, why are Ash players so delusional? Is there a way to get them off their imaginary high horses? Will they ever grow up and think about their team before thinking about themselves? Whenever I try to argue ingame with Ash players about these points, they always end up with idiotic remarks like "Lol I got more kills than you noob" or "Stfu kid, you're just bad with ash," and I am genuinely getting annoyed by how petty and childish a part of this community can get.


I signed in to tell you that you need to chill.

Ash is great and your opinion is not facts alot of people like him and your just a whiner.

Now put on your dark souls pants and git gud because you will never have control of other players.

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16 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

but oddly one thing the OP forgot to mention was that his marked enemies are immune to all damage but HIS.

I enjoy Ash as well (mostly Cloaking augment loadout), and agree, not being able to have teammates help kill faster due to target immune mechanic is annoying.

When I'm playing Saryn I often hope to get enemies health debuffed for Ash players sake (less time on dmg soaking Ancients and such).

Edited by Souldend78
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Sometimes when I play Trinity with an Ash in my squad I'm disappointed when they don't use Blade Storm all the time, even though I keep 'em well fed on Energy :^)

As many, many people have said it before, there's really no point ranting about it, nor painting yourself as the voice of everyone when you say we all hate people who play Ash. Just let them play what they like (unless they're trolling Limbos tbh), or don't join random squads when there's something on the line- like Sorties or other higher level missions.

Don't expect people to play stuff they don't want to, just 'cause not being able to kill an enemy that is targeted by Blade Storm bothers you

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2 hours ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:

Nobody likes them, especially since a lot, if not most of them, have no idea how to use him properly other than spamming 4.

I haven't met many Ash players that I disliked,
but I did met a Ash Player that demanded that I went to play ev(in a def mission) instead of Mirage since I would "steal his kills"

My respond: Lmao or LoL(don't quite remember)*leaves squad*

pretty funny experience :D

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22 minutes ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:

Pretty terrible bait dude

Ash probably has one of the best clearing potentials in the game. Most enemies die in bladestorm, and fatal teleport can get rid of healing enemies before using blade storm. I have no idea what your problem is, but I get asked if I have an ash or mesa a lot of times, so, having both, I go with ash for survivability.

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If you want me to play a specific frame like Mesa, I'll play Mesa.

If the mission requires me to play cheese builds, I'll play cheese builds.


Otherwise, I like Ash, and I'm probably going to play the frames and weapons that I like. I really don't do maximum efficiency team compositions if I don't have to, because more often than not it's walking into a defense mission and spamming the same number over and over. It makes things much more fun and interesting when I'm with my clan mates and I go into a sortie mobile defense with Ash+Loki, killing Grineer and taking names. Don't hate on me for playing my favorite frame when we're going against level 30's/40's and you didn't say that you were looking for anything specific anyways.

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Okay people. I'm tired of this.


Im not an Ash main, i main Saryn, but he's one of my fav frames. WHY: 1) He looks like a ninja (and u CANT deny that,.) 2) His abilities (Read number 1º) Shuriken: Ninjas uses that , Smoke Screen: Ninjas uses that. Teleport: Maybe. Bladestorm: YES. Because it looks fantastic when u teleport and kill enemies with the blade. 


Now... I use the Shuriken abilities. Because it makes bleed like hell and is very useful. I use too Smoke Screen, for the stun effect, i dont care if its for 1 or 2 seconds is useful too. 3 I use teleport because i can go close to a group of enemies and kill them all in 2 seconds.


Now.. I use BLADE STORM , if im in a solo mission (ALMOST ALL THE TIME. IM PLAYIN SOLO.)


Stop cryin' for Ash. loki and limbo are the worst frames ever. easy to use.

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2 hours ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:


There is no any problem in Ash. There is problem with randoms in public mode. There is huge amount of complains to other frames being played wrong (Trinity, Vauban, Limbo,...). Yes, many randoms are not teamplayers, But this is not Ash's problem. This is randoms problem.

That's why friends, clans and public chat exists. If you want others play as you are planning - you contact people before mission and reach agreement together. If somebody doesn't like something he may leave in any moment.

However this is not how it works with randoms. Random mode is not only about playing with random people but also randomly-experienced players, random set of frames, random behavior and random views. You can't make every random insert_frame_name_here-player act the way you want them.

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3 hours ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:

Nobody likes them, especially since a lot, if not most of them, have no idea how to use him properly other than spamming 4.

They think they are a reliable DPS choice for TEAMPLAY, but let's think about it:

  1. You can only target 18 enemies at once, which in most types of mission we all know there will always be 20+ more enemies in a room.
  2. Even if you manage to OHKO every enemy you are targeting, it's still going to take you 5 to 10 seconds to finish all the animations, which renders you useless against all the other enemies in the room and leaves your team to die if they don't have another source of DPS/CC.
  3. It's true, bladestorm is finisher damage- But what kind of regular mission REQUIRES you to deal finisher damage to kill enemies? Normally, there is no mission where we have to go beyond level 200 enemies. The closest thing to 200+ that would come to my mind would be a 4k-5k hieracon run or that 9999 alert. If the argument was that Bladestorm is good because it deals finisher damage, there are more tactical frames which also help the team such as ivara or equinox which don't only crowd control and help the team, but also open up the enemies to finishers for everybody.

Ash isn't a good choice for teamplay. It's great for solo, but terrible in teams. I'd rather have a more team oriented DPS like Saryn or Banshee which have no target limitation but which also help teammates in the long run, or tactical CC support like ivara or equinox which easily synergize with any team.

So, why are Ash players so delusional? Is there a way to get them off their imaginary high horses? Will they ever grow up and think about their team before thinking about themselves? Whenever I try to argue ingame with Ash players about these points, they always end up with idiotic remarks like "Lol I got more kills than you noob" or "Stfu kid, you're just bad with ash," and I am genuinely getting annoyed by how petty and childish a part of this community can get.


I play since 3.5 years, i got 3200 hours, I killed 3 milion mobs, iam playing raids, i got few dozens thousands of plat, iam able to play every single warframe properly, Do I am noob because i use Ash for cleaning low-med+ mobs?


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I have a love/hate relationship with Ash.  I absolutely LOVE the randomness of the "cinematic" aspect of Bladestorm, the trouble is it's really addictive, and as I hardly ever solo and mostly PUG, I find it embarrassing to consistently top damage/kill charts with such little effort.  So I tend to play Ash only in small bursts, just for the occasional kick.

Personally, if it were up to me, BS would stay as is, but totally drain most of your energy, leaving only enough to say, hit Smoke, that way you'd still have the fun of it, but you'd have to be careful to reckon not to be vulnerable at the end of it.

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3 hours ago, ensignvidiot said:

I enjoy ash.


I hate people that want to guilt me for enjoying ash


I have no reason. I have a build i use on him which gives me focus at the rate i want it. I dont care if there are better ways, I dont care if there are worse ways. I found a way I enjoy playing in public.


That is all.

100% agree,, ash is focus xp farmer,, solve all problems

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3 hours ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:

Nobody likes them, especially since a lot, if not most of them, have no idea how to use him properly other than spamming 4.

They think they are a reliable DPS choice for TEAMPLAY, but let's think about it:

  1. You can only target 18 enemies at once, which in most types of mission we all know there will always be 20+ more enemies in a room.
  2. Even if you manage to OHKO every enemy you are targeting, it's still going to take you 5 to 10 seconds to finish all the animations, which renders you useless against all the other enemies in the room and leaves your team to die if they don't have another source of DPS/CC.
  3. It's true, bladestorm is finisher damage- But what kind of regular mission REQUIRES you to deal finisher damage to kill enemies? Normally, there is no mission where we have to go beyond level 200 enemies. The closest thing to 200+ that would come to my mind would be a 4k-5k hieracon run or that 9999 alert. If the argument was that Bladestorm is good because it deals finisher damage, there are more tactical frames which also help the team such as ivara or equinox which don't only crowd control and help the team, but also open up the enemies to finishers for everybody.

Ash isn't a good choice for teamplay. It's great for solo, but terrible in teams. I'd rather have a more team oriented DPS like Saryn or Banshee which have no target limitation but which also help teammates in the long run, or tactical CC support like ivara or equinox which easily synergize with any team.

So, why are Ash players so delusional? Is there a way to get them off their imaginary high horses? Will they ever grow up and think about their team before thinking about themselves? Whenever I try to argue ingame with Ash players about these points, they always end up with idiotic remarks like "Lol I got more kills than you noob" or "Stfu kid, you're just bad with ash," and I am genuinely getting annoyed by how petty and childish a part of this community can get.


when you slide while casting blade storm each animation is 1 to 2 seconds but im totally not justifying ash players i hate the toxicity they're bringing

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I love using Ash and I use all of his abilities, not just #4. In my opinion, all of his abilities are pretty sweet. Also, if built properly, he is an AOE god. I don't use him for everything, but he is the most fun to play. 

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By The POWER of Clem, I want to summon a Moderator to Lock This thread 

And Incinerate It  

ooh BTW, Don't Ruin Fun you beast >:/ 


I don't know is it restricted to mention a Moderator but I won't risk it


Edited by Zdeadfallout
added a side note
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2 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

*looks at thread title*

*reads OP*

*creates uber-meta complaint thread entitled "Let's talk about non-Ash players b!+ching and moaning about an extremely small subset of Ash players as if they are the majority"*


Love this. Exactly right. Hate and Salt from a non-Ash user and someone who doesn't understand the game in its entirety or even at all. I could say the same thing about Mesa users, Equinox users, Nova users... just about any nuking/utility frame that has (mainly) a singular purpose. This is all beside the fact that, like an above commenter mentioned, he is getting reworked and (for all intensive purposes) that means he will be destroyed... at least temporarily (possibly, a long temporarily). 

Lock and remove this thread, please. Thank you.

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11 minutes ago, Zdeadfallout said:

By The POWER of Clem, I want to summon a Moderator to Lock This thread 

And Incinerate It  

ooh BTW, Don't Ruin Fun you beast >:/ 

  Reveal hidden contents

I don't know is it restricted to mention a Moderator but I won't risk it


I mention moderators often.  Usually @Letter13 because my phone likes their name and the mention function actually works.

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4 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

I mention moderators often.  Usually @Letter13 because my phone likes their name and the mention function actually works.

Ok Cool, He'll come (I hope he is an Ash lover too >:D) 

BTW I guess cuz you got some reputation and you look like you have been on the Forums for while so I think it is ok for you 

Edited by Zdeadfallout
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