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The War Within: Now a Tetralogy!


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Dearest Tenno,

As we welcome the month of August, we reflect on our last Dev Workshop post about the plan for The War Within. It’s clear that we were (and continue to be) very ambitious and dedicated about The War Within and everything it contains. If you watched today’s Devstream you may already be aware of the change in plans we have for the final installment. If you had missed it or were looking for more information let’s take a look back at what has been released thus far. 

You may remember [DE]Steve’s post 'The War Within: Less wait, more update!'  back in early June where it was announced how we’d be approaching The War Within Update – In chunks! The motivation behind this decision was to continue to bring you quality content without drowning out non-headlining features and additions to the game. It would also give us time to work more diligently, deliver more goodness, and expose less bugs. What came from this decision was a 3 part segmented update, each piece with its own focus. To date we have kept to the original plan of splicing The War Within into three parts:

  • Part I: Lunaro was released June 15th on PC and July 7th on PS4/XB1 and brought Lunaro, a friendlier and more team driven Conclave mode, to Warframe. 
  • Part II: Specters of the Rail was released July 8th (soon to be in certification for consoles) and breathed new life into the Star Chart with a redesign and introduction to Junction link travel. The update also brought Void 2.0, Market and Archwing overhauls, Kavat companions, and much more. 
  • Part III: The War Within was intended on being the last update of the trilogy with the next cinematic quest unfolding more of the Warframe universe. The update was planned to also reveal more about the Grineer Queens, Teshin, and you, the Tenno. 

With Parts I and II out the door we can reflect on the lessons learned from these updates - mainly Specters of the Rail which brought some massive quality of life fixes and much needed overhauls to Warframe. These long anticipated and discussed features were so well received by you guys in the community we couldn’t help but mirror the excitement. With the desire to get the update in your hands as soon as possible, we rushed its deployment. Unfortunately, the timing of Specters of the Rail collided with our first ever Warframe Convention “TennoCon,” and it showed. The update was deployed Friday July 8th, a day before the convention where DE staff and developers would be out of office and present for panels, activities, and meeting all of you who attended. A relatively empty office and busy day at the convention meant that the update suffered and was neglected the quality it deserved upon release. 

The continued endeavor to get The War Within out while not allowing history to repeat itself has lead us to where we are now:

Part III: The War Within is being split into 2 parts. Part III: Titania and her quest which will be coming this August on PC, and Part IV:The War Within update with cinematic quest will be released afterwards. 

Our decision to split Part III (now Part III and IV) comes purely from a ‘what you rush you regret’ state of mind. We’re always trying set the bar higher from update to update. We have high hopes that the War Within quest will do just that, given the split and added time this grants us to expand on ideas and develop them into realities.  

It’s always our goal to give you the most exciting update possible - we take risks. We learned the hard way what happens when you rush incubation with an egg that is not ready to be hatched. 

We can’t thank you enough for all your patience and support as we crunch away at The War Within. We want you to be proud of The War Within cinematic quest and deliver The Second Dream feels all over again x 9000. 

Get ready for Titania and much more coming this August, Tenno!!

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An update slated originally for June is now 1 in june, 1 in july, 1 in august, 1 unknown. Have you guys considered possibly revisiting how you set up your timelines and timetables? If you're 4 months late on an update (im not complaining about the delay) you are seriously off your mark in terms of when you had aimed for, and its starting to become quite concerning. Not to mention Warframe wednesday has slowly and more consistently become warframe thursday (patch days). I dont mind delays, but it does get a little tiresome when you're told over and over this is the day only to be no where near surprised to see massive delays. This has become the norm, and I think that's a bad thing.

Edited by Skaleek
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The War Within : Part IV - A New Hope.

Tenno Skywalker will learn the truth about the Force (Void) and its nature which will send him/ her on a Quest to seek out the Truth, meanwhile the Master (Tenshin) will challenge the young Tenno on the way of the Force to further hone their skills before they take on the bigger threat!!

Part V - The Empire (Tau) Strikes Back! coming soon!

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