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Warframe-themed wedding reception


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  • Blue/purple lotus flowers in a bouquet or for a corsage
  • Throw credits instead of rice
  • Video game cuff-links
  • Lotus flower lights
  • Create a colour combination with the suit and dress (fashion frame!)
  • Design tablecloths. Cut the edges into the old or new logo.
  • Warframe has a lot of little awesome signs (abilities, affects, what not) that you could use subtly in designs.
  • Have the ring bearer carry a crate
  • Wear a cape....
Edited by Postal_pat
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1 hour ago, Soulrift said:

So, my fiancee and I are planning our wedding and, since we're both big fans of Warframe, we were conspiring to find ways to integrate the Warframe theme into our wedding reception. I wonder how viable that is, or if anyone else has ever done that?

For the most part we're constrained by fairly traditional set-up, but we're trying to tuck in hints to gaming where we can. We were thinking of setting up all the tables at the reception based on planets in Warframe, and make each name tag for each guest a little Liset. We could have a large board with a Warframe-like planet map at the entrance and guests would find their name orbiting a planet. They would take their Liset, find the corresponding table in the hall, and set the ship into some kind of holder... An orbiter? Docking with a Grineer or Corpus ship?

We're not really sure where to being creating these (and we're not really artistic) which is why I was wondering if anyone else has ever done something like this. For example, if we took a screenshot of the in-game star map and tried to blow it up and print it out it that could work, but it would be a lot nicer if we could make our own star map where the planets actually align with how the tables are set up in the reception hall. How could we do that?

If anyone has any suggestions on how we could pull something like this off, or other ideas for integrating the theme, we'd love to hear them :)

Well, seeing that Titania is coming out soon I think your dress should have subtle hints of her, like a couple of decorative small, butterfly shaped pieces of fabric that match your dress color and wear them how Titania does. Give your husband something Oberon themed, like an ornate, nature looking decoration (possibly a miniature version of the decorative antler-like crown on Oberon's helm to pin to his suit).

I also think incorporating the different symbols of the Focus Schools is a good idea, they look kinda elegant when you don't know their reference and  are meaningful to the game. I found this site that can stick an image you want on napkins or plates, not sure how expensive so maybe you wont want to but it could be fun: https://www.totallypromotional.com/plates.html

Also, maybe some people at DE will see this and provide you with a good image of the individual planets instead of you having to take some low quality screen shots.

Otherwise I can't really think of what else to do. Hope it's great regardless though!

P.S. Make sure to send pics of what the wedding looks like once you're done with decorations!

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1 hour ago, Soulrift said:


For the most part we're constrained by fairly traditional set-up,

this is your wedding! Go nuts!

Do an Infested theme and have pieces of meat everywhere. And the serving people should walk around with the food on them. They would be wearing gloves for sanitary reason but they would rip the food off themselves and put it on plates. 

You should also have a few cat hanging out eating as well.

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Invite everyone to the reception for free, but afterwards tell them that they'll need to pay $20 to stay for the rest. Advertise an excellent menu, then stealthily switch everything with food nobody asked for. Inform your guests the ceremony will start half an hour later than planned, then start it two hours later than planned, then tell your guests the ceremony's been split into two parts, but don't worry because the second part is coming "soon." If anyone complains, call the police and arrest them immediately. When the wedding is over, tell everyone that marriage is an ongoing process and you're accepting feedback for the next one.

Also, make sure to send out invites to complete strangers. Don't invite any of your old friends, because it's more important to make new friends than to retain old ones.


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Get Vay Hek to marry the two of you <3





Decorate the room with syndana streamers, decorate invitations with tenno script, get little deserts/cake with sigils painted on - strawberry/chocolate cake that's colored/shaped like tellurium? Catalyst/reactor cake, Clem cake. Have your guests dock at a relay since everyone meets there or some tables could have different factions. Get someone to impersonate Darvo and have them pay a fee to see the glory of your wedding

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If you're going to do it, do it subtlety - no in jokes, no direct references.  Mostly because most of your guests will no be familiar with the game.  (Well, unless Grandma plays a mean Loki, then go forth.)

Aesthetic design pieces that won't scream warframe to the uninitiated will work nicely.  A lotus shaped napklin holder could fit in just about anywhere.  A portion of your vows about how your life was a dream before you met, a dream you have woken from to find both true life and true love, and so forth.

But most guests are likely to be non-gamers, so keep it subtle.  And remember, marriages can last 50 years.  Warframe probably won't.

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10 hours ago, Don_T_Shoot said:

nah, that might signify mommy issues.   Perhaps as Saryn depending on the, um, quality of the derrière in question?  :)

Objectifying and fantasizing this man's fiancee is a wildly inappropriate and disrespectful move, especially on this thread. Women are not to be subjected to visual ratings, even in alleged humor.

Aside from that, @Soulrift your ideas sound spectacular! Perhaps the ability symbols of you and your fiancee's favorite Warframe(s) could decorate napkins, tablecloths, or some tapestry. Congratulations to you guys!

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Congrats for you two

For costume / dress try use prime color sceme ( white, a litle black, with trim of gold, or just go white and gold combination)

Idea for the place can be inspired by orokin design (void area) with those branced light tree (kinda elegant design i have to say)

Forma wedding ring (look like piece of puzzle) where one can connect with the other

Is the other guest aware that you are fan of the game?

And after all that ask your clan dojo to do one virtual wedding on the game for a bonus lol.

Again congrats hope happy life a head you two.

Edited by Avynire
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First of all, thanks everyone for the kind words :)

10 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

How long do we have to work on this now?

Because if I wasn't at work currently I could fiddle with ideas (plus ideas of space we'd be working with would help)

We're actually just two weeks away. Most of the ceremony stuff has already been set up, we just have decorating left to do, which is what I meant by "constrained" lol...

10 hours ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Beyond getting to know what your limitations are, here are a few ideas that I thought up on the spot:

  • Sculptures or simple designs that follow the Tenno Schools (Naramon, Zenurik, etc). They are stylized enough to be visually appealing, which is what weddings typically aim for.
10 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

I agree with all of this. Was going to suggest using Tenno School symbols on certain items as well, like napkins or imprint them on plates and so on. Whether your guests know what they are or not, they're rather beautiful symbols and anyone can enjoy them. Plus you'll get to see just how many of your friends and relatives are Tenno too. Can't go wrong with that!

Also congratulations!

The Tenno School designs are a very good idea! Maybe use those for the name card holders, or posters on the walls? I'm afraid of taking a tiny jpg though and printing it out on a giant poster and it looks like a blurry smear though. I suppose we could try to paint them ourselves on large canvases, haha... I wonder how well that would go over... (Mom strictly nixed anything "that looks like a high school project" doh!)

10 hours ago, Xenoraptor said:

A simple one would be the use of Lotus flowers as one of the theme flowers, for use is bouquets or table centrepieces, etc.

They're elegant, showy, and would have a double meaning for the pair of you and any other Warframe-inclined guests.

This seems like an obvious one, but thanks for thinking of it! Of course we should use lotus flowers!!!

8 hours ago, FINNSTAR7 said:

I also think incorporating the different symbols of the Focus Schools is a good idea, they look kinda elegant when you don't know their reference and  are meaningful to the game. I found this site that can stick an image you want on napkins or plates, not sure how expensive so maybe you wont want to but it could be fun: https://www.totallypromotional.com/plates.html

Also, maybe some people at DE will see this and provide you with a good image of the individual planets instead of you having to take some low quality screen shots.

The reception hall is already providing plates and napkins, but we could print the symbols on other things... Hmm. Help from DE would be so awesome, but feels like it borders on wishful thinking ;)

5 hours ago, Jicematoro said:

Iirc, there was a couple that wore masks of their favorites frames on their wedding night, a Mirage and a Loki, I'll have to look for that again.

Literally-10-seconds-after-posting-this-Edit: Found it http://katarinaelf.tumblr.com/post/146363016560/it-is-our-true-love-story-we-met-at-comic

*GASP* that's a bit beyond what I had in mind, but very cool! I've never actually done cosplay before... and I have no idea how they even made those?

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4 hours ago, Soulrift said:

*GASP* that's a bit beyond what I had in mind, but very cool! I've never actually done cosplay before... and I have no idea how they even made those?

Not a fan of Cosplay myself, you'd never see me wearing something like that, but I figured you might want to ask them for tips, they most likely didn't stop at the masks, but don't take my word for it, no clue :satisfied:

Also, I think the Blog I linked has the Step by Step of the mask making.

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Firstly, Major congratulations to you both. 

Potentially maybe put the symbols of syndicates on the table clothes.  Maybe divide it between your wife's favorite syndicate and your favorite syndicate.  Or potentially use instead the primary color scheme of those syndicates. 

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