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Top 5 Warframes I HATE on my Team


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57 minutes ago, JRMC said:

There are certainly other methods other than just playing the game. Stop living under a rock. - The problem with this topic is that they seem not to want to play with anyone besides those in public matches, then proceeds to complain about them. That's why pre-made squads can be arranged before entering a mission, out of all the examples I already gave.

Are you seriously suggesting that every time a person wants to do a Sortie, fissure mission, plus basicaly anything, he/she is supposed to spend 5 to 10 minutes on recruiting channels as a fair trade to having fun in the game?

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Yesterday in Tyl Regor sortie I was flamed because I was Valkyr and they whined about not picking them up and that all Valkyr players are selfish bottomholes. You know why I didn't pick them up? Because they downed every 10 seconds and I got fed up (I never downed rofl). At the end of the mission, I had 18 revives, they didn't reach even 10 individually and my dps was 59% which I purely did with my claws... But F*** me right? Why can't you bring something useful to a level 100 bossfight?! I technically carried all your asses. You should thank me that I didn't ragequit.

Don't be like those guys and appreciate a good Valkyr...

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1 hour ago, Duduminador said:

Are you seriously suggesting that every time a person wants to do a Sortie, fissure mission, plus basicaly anything, he/she is supposed to spend 5 to 10 minutes on recruiting channels as a fair trade to having fun in the game?

Like I said, utterly ridiculous.

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9 hours ago, Dualstar said:

You havent seen me playing Saryn then.

I love you, man. ;-;


edit: I guess I'll contribute.

I hate anyone playing as Frost and they stack Snow Globes over each other. And they're not aware of using their Power 1 to break a Snow Globe. And they or other party members are using Explosive weapons.


Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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4 hours ago, Dualstar said:

Out of curiosity @Rehtael7 whats your opinion on Mesa?

Her first ability needs to apply its damage to your weapon for 1 second instead of just the next shot. That way automatic guns benefit from it too. It also should be able to build up charges. So you cast the power once, and it continually builds up damage. Now each time you tap the ability again, it consumes 1 charge, and a charge is accumulated the same as before.

As for her 2 and 3, they're fine.

Her 4th (If I were to ignore what everyone else wants) I'd have it so you get full control over one of her pistols and the other is 360 auto-aim. That way I can have my aimbot shoot targets at random while I focus my attention on priority targets.

As for her as a teammate? She's great. Love her. Shooting Gallery is a very generous thing to run.

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3 hours ago, JRMC said:

There are certainly other methods other than just playing the game. Stop living under a rock. - The problem with this topic is that they seem not to want to play with anyone besides those in public matches, then proceeds to complain about them. That's why pre-made squads can be arranged before entering a mission, out of all the examples I already gave.


2 hours ago, Duduminador said:

Are you seriously suggesting that every time a person wants to do a Sortie, fissure mission, plus basicaly anything, he/she is supposed to spend 5 to 10 minutes on recruiting channels as a fair trade to having fun in the game?

I can see both points, and I'd ALWAYS rather take a premade team than a pick-up-group, HOWEVER...

It does tend to take stupidly long to gather a team, especially in the evenings.

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1 minute ago, Rehtael7 said:

Her first ability needs to apply its damage to your weapon for 1 second instead of just the next shot. That way automatic guns benefit from it too.

I must disagree on this. Since Ballistic Battery adds flat damage, it adding damage to a weapon like say... the Amprex for a duration would be nothing short of game breaking, while weapons with lower RoF's would see no real change.

Were it a % of damage though then everyone wins (or loses) equally.

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2 minutes ago, Dualstar said:

I must disagree on this. Since Ballistic Battery adds flat damage, it adding damage to a weapon like say... the Amprex for a duration would be nothing short of game breaking, while weapons with lower RoF's would see no real change.

Were it a % of damage though then everyone wins (or loses) equally.

It's an ability which dictates the kind of weapon you use. It's 100% useless on low-damage weapons, and yes, I know lower RoF weapons would see no real change, that's the point. And only 1 second of damage increase isn't really that much when you think about it. 25 energy (Give or take based on your build) for one second of increased gun damage? That sounds fair to me.

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11 hours ago, GrandPulse said:

ONLY Volt! God damn t i hate his 2 skill.... Please, DE, make a mod to NEVER be affected by his 2... So say the truth i sometimes leave the game if a see the Volt in team... This is how much i hate him...

But you can just flip backwards to make his 2 go away

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16 hours ago, Rehtael7 said:

I can't think of a better way to say this, so I'm going to count down my 5 most frustrating teammates.


Aside from Turbulence being Zephyr's only truly useful ability, Tornadoes only make it more difficult to do my job of killing things and EV-ing targets. Plus, due to Zephyr's low innate defense, I find I often need to spend more time picking them up than standing inside turbulence.

I rarely encounter Zephyrs so I have to say that I really have no qualms about her, in fact I think it's kinda fun to have her on your team, even though her first two abilities are pretty much obsolete or broken ( I don't mean the OP-kind of broken, but the negative-not-working-right-kind of broken). I never seen anyone use Turbulence but it does seem kinda cool and the Tornadoes are just fun for me (I love giving them different elements, especially corrosive). And with not being able to hit things inside? Ignis is your friend!


Enemies being painfully out of reach sucks, moreso when you have a build or frame or weapon which counts on you having targets at hand. It's even worse when trying to build up a melee combo counter.

People not knowing how to properly utilizing Banish without impeding your team is a valid point, but I cannot take comments like "I hate it when they banish me" serious, because you can cancel out of it by rolling, so if it happens by accident, it's not really a big deal... Though having to constantly roll because someone keeps banishing you for no reason? Yeah that I can agree with, being really annyoing, but I think Loki's Switch Teleport is far worse, since you can't do anything against it.


You know what's fun? Killing things. You know what YOU don't get to do when Excalibur is on your team? Kill things.

Not true, you can kill things! When I play Excal I only use his EB when I notice my weapons not really doing much damage, or if we need to kill things quickly - read: Sorties, high-tier Fissures, Bosses, Exterminate, Interception, Defense - and rely otherwise on my weapons... I rarely use Slash Dash or Radial Blind. Radial Javelin on the other hand I tend to use when I am surround, which can happen a lot with my playstyle (I tend to rush in without thinking much).


Knowing that I string together each and every kill to keep my combo counter going is made all the more frustrating when an Ash is on the team, bladestorming everything and preventing me from being able to attack his current target.

That's a thing? Huh, I didn't know that. Sometimes I had Ash-players complain to me that I kill their targets before they get to them while doing Bladestorm... I think that was also the cause of quite a few players getting stuck, being unable to do anything, IIRC.


The problem is less with Mirage and more how she combines with weapons like the Synoid Simulor. She doesn't need you on her team, you're just along to pick her up in case her left click gets broken.

So as you said your beef is more with the Synoid Simulor, gotcha. While she does synergize well with the weapons like the Synoid Simulor due to HoM, the rest of her skill-kit with the exception of maybe Prism is pretty useless, either to the fact that it relies on the AI being dumb enough to trigger the traps, or only having a situational use, dependant on the lighting - which seems pretty glitchy at times.

One thing to keep in mind that for Weapons like the Synoid Simulor to work right, is that you have to build them properly, usually dumping a few Formas into them. If you were to nerf the Simulor, which afaik has already happened (Explosions can't hit headshots, Firestorm is unusable, regular Simulor deals more base damage than Synoid Simulor) you will have a lot of people that will storm DEs offices with Pitchforks and Torches.... Okay let's face it, that'll happen when they nerf ANY of the Syndicate Primaries...

What I do however agree can be really annoying with the S.Sim. is that Pickups like Energy Cells, can get stuck in mid-air, or that it is hard to see stuff, because the vortices obstruct your view and are hard to look at. I personally tend to try to minimize these "problems" by regularly explode my vortices - usually after two to four have been made - and set the energy colour to black.


Which Frames do I find annoying? None. It's more the player's themselves that I find annoying, for things like using Well of Life on a enemy that needs to die (especially when they have build for duration), Lokis or Novas that keep setting you back with ST or the Portal-thingy, Players that use energy colours that are way to bright which can cause you to go blind due to the skills that they spam (EB, MP with a lot of explosion, etc.), or are to dark which makes constructs that are build by abilities hard to see (Snow Globe pretty much. I hate it when you can't tell if you are inside one or not, or if it is still active).

PS.: No discussion on how the Synoid Simulor is bad and should be nerfed, or how that shouldn't be done... These have been repeated ad nauseam, with topics like that springing up like weeds.  

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17 hours ago, Rehtael7 said:

I can't think of a better way to say this, so I'm going to count down my 5 most frustrating teammates.



Aside from Turbulence being Zephyr's only truly useful ability, Tornadoes only make it more difficult to do my job of killing things and EV-ing targets. Plus, due to Zephyr's low innate defense, I find I often need to spend more time picking them up than standing inside turbulence.


birdframe is bestframe

I wish a thousand tornadoes upon you for your heresy.

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45 minutes ago, Arkenai7 said:


birdframe is bestframe

I wish a thousand tornadoes upon you for your heresy.

Birdframe is worstframe.

She has a lot of untapped potential.


Step 1: Turn her passive from reduced gravity to +200% aimglide.

Step 2: Turn all bullet jumps she does into a reduced version of Tailwind.

Step 3: Take sonic boom away from banshee (Give banshee something that synergizes with the rest of her kit) and give it to Zephyr as a first power under a different name.

Step 4: Give her a second power that combines with the rest of her kit.

Step 5: Replace tornado with something that's still CC oriented, but doesn't make hitting the target a frustrating experience for the rest of her team.

Step 6: ... And I say this with a great deal of weight, knowing the response it will get... Nerf turbulence. JUST A LITTLE! If Zephyr becomes a more competent CC frame, Turbulence will make her completely unkillable.


Edited by Rehtael7
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16 minutes ago, (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan said:

All you did was compile 5 frames that the community has a problem with


I compiled 5 frames I have a problem with.

I also gave explanations of why I dislike playing alongside them.

(Also those aren't memes, they're gifs.)

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11 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:


I compiled 5 frames I have a problem with.

I also gave explanations of why I dislike playing alongside them.

(Also those aren't memes, they're gifs.)

Usually feedback consists of explaining what you don't like about something and providing an alternative. Otherwise explaining why you don't like something on its own is called complaining.

Also they were gif memes. So... Still memes.

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17 hours ago, Rehtael7 said:

I don't disagree with you, but my point is that Ivara is slower, more single-target focused. (Kinda) Whereas EB spam fills up my screen and mows through targets insanely fast.


I mainly play Nova, Saryn, Valkyr and Trinity. I dabble in other frames, but those four are my go-tos.

And if you want to see a new support/defense frame added to the game, go check out my fan frame praetora

I like you already....

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1 minute ago, (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan said:

Usually feedback consists of explaining what you don't like about something and providing an alternative.

Well, I try not to make suggestions on frames I have no experience using myself. Of those I've listed, I only actually have used Zephyr. That's why I feel comfortable talking about them from an outside perspective, or in otherwords, as a teammate.

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11 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:


THIS ^ Is a meme.

awwww so cute.....


Anyway, I play a TON of Trinity and Valkyr.. cuz, you know, nothing beats being impossible to kill... or never running out of HP or energy....

Also, I play a load of Nova and Mag... often together... because a Molecular Prime wave followed by a Polarize wave means that everything within 2 rooms dies.... and you get stealth kill affinity for them......

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7 hours ago, TaylorsContraction said:

I'm only bothered by ash. His current target is invulnerable, and it's really really annoying watching him do his animation on the same eximus 10 times when I could have head shot it to death already. Otherwise ash targets can be killed and I like competing for kills.

Ever gotten THAT Ash that gets radiation procced?

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15 hours ago, Duduminador said:

Are you seriously suggesting that every time a person wants to do a Sortie, fissure mission, plus basicaly anything, he/she is supposed to spend 5 to 10 minutes on recruiting channels as a fair trade to having fun in the game?

It's easier than becoming frustrated with random people, so yes, it's only common sense.

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9 hours ago, (XB1)DRG JupiterIvan said:

Usually feedback consists of explaining what you don't like about something and providing an alternative. Otherwise explaining why you don't like something on its own is called complaining.

Also they were gif memes. So... Still memes.

 Not really, that may be what you want feedback to be but in actuality any opinion you give on the game is feedback.

Saying what you like about the game is feedback, saying what you don't like about the game is feedback. No suggestions, tweaks or changes required.

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