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Top 5 Warframes I HATE on my Team


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Hey, leave Frost out of this. Lol.

Also, when I'm using explosives and there's a globe that'll wind up killing me, I communicate. Last time I asked a teammate to take the globe down, he took the central globe around the defense point down. I didn't mind the other chokepoint globes he'd placed. I've asked squadmates to take down globes blocking shots before, most cooperate. 

Everyone plays differently, and unless it starts to interfere with my gameplay, I'm fine. If it interferes I'll either:

-Ask nicely for them to not do something they're doing (esp. if unnecessary)

-Move away from their ability's range

-Leave if it's going to be impossible

I'll more often do the first two.



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Full stop. Trinity is a support frame. How DARE you misuse the lobster goddess by meleeing ANYTHING? That's not your job. Play another frame you want to be a bloody hallway hero. Trinity has a role, and it's NOT KILLING THINGS, nub. You give trinity a horrifyingly bad name doing that. Evamp to make your team GODS. But, I see by your use of melee, on a support frame meant to feed power, shields, and hp to others, that you are not a team player. Probably why you made this topic complaining that teammates do their job. What exactly do you think the nuke frames you complain about HAVE to use otherwise? Ash's job IS bladestorming, Mirage's job IS to shoot things en-masse, regardless of weapon.

Edited by (XB1)BOBIWAN86
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2 hours ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Full stop. Trinity is a support frame. How DARE you misuse the lobster goddess by meleeing ANYTHING?

Abating link provides armor removal, damage redirection and status effect redirection, and Narrow Minded encourages you to fight up close. Energy Vampire gives you energy, which is great for channeling.

Don't you tell me what my trinity can or can't do.

2 hours ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Evamp to make your team GODS.

YOU @(*()$ give trinity bad name pigeonholing her into a singular role.


2 hours ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Probably why you made this topic complaining that teammates do their job.

Thanks for not actually reading what I've had to say.


2 hours ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Ash's job IS bladestorming

That doesn't mean I'm supposed to like it.

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2 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

Abating link provides armor removal, damage redirection and status effect redirection, and Narrow Minded encourages you to fight up close. Energy Vampire gives you energy, which is great for channeling.

Don't you tell me what my trinity can or can't do.

Thank you, ever so much for proving my point. Team player trinity IS evamp. You off running around using link and melee channeling literally does your team no good at all, you selfish nub. Bringing a solo playstyle then demanding others stop doing their job because you don't do yours? Again. Thanks for proving my point. solo player much?

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Just now, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Thank you, ever so much for proving my point. Team player trinity IS evamp. You off running around using link and melee channeling literally does your team no good at all, you selfish nub.

Yeah, I guess EV and Blessing only affect me all of a sudden, and my Linked Targets only have reduced armor by 95% for me. I had never considered how selfish I was being for still giving teammates energy and keeping them alive and tanking damage and dealing damage. WHAT A SELFISH A****** I AM.

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Then what is your complaint? That others kill better than trinity? prevent you from getting kills? That's not your job, so it's not a complaint, it's a side effect of the frame you are using. Trinity is a support warframe, in case your powers made you miss that.

Teamwork. There is no I in that word. Think on that hard. why the *** do you think you should be nuking on a trinity?

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Just now, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Then what is your complaint? That others kill better than trinity?

Again, you didn't read my OP correctly.

You're welcome to keep commenting, but keep in mind you're completely missing the point of the thread.

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You hate on 2 frames because they inconvenience you(ash, mirage). You then proceed to hate on zephyr. Seen Inaros sandstorm much? You hate frames because they spam powers, on the VERY frame that allows them to do so endlessly. You are a walking contradiction. That was my point.

I did read the OP. I see a lot of whining cuz 'waaa i want to be good damage in leaderboard on a support frame! waaah i want to play a support frame as a tank! waaah how dare you make my ev target move!'

As a long time trinity player, the OP alone makes me cringe, because she is the one that allows the power spam complained of, with the sole exception of limbo, who frankly, I haven't seen a troll from in many months. As a result, I have to pick apart the crybabying, because the topic has little to no substance.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

You then proceed to hate on zephyr. Seen Inaros sandstorm much?

Inaros is actually good at other things.

3 minutes ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

You hate frames because they spam powers, on the VERY frame that allows them to do so endlessly.

Thanks for coming in and putting words in my mouth while telling me my opinions are wrong.

Fun fact: They're not.

I said I don't enjoy having Ash and Mirage on my team. You can argue to your heart's content, but it's not going to change how I feel about Ash. Because that's how I feel about it. you're apparently trying to argue that I don't feel the way I feel? I guess?

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

You hate on 2 frames because they inconvenience you(ash, mirage). You then proceed to hate on zephyr. Seen Inaros sandstorm much? You hate frames because they spam powers, on the VERY frame that allows them to do so endlessly. You are a walking contradiction. That was my point.

Wasn't that thread about "Annoying" frames that pretty much anyone can relate to?

He doesn't "Hate zephyr", he simply states that his third is the most used and probably only good ability, rest is just a huge useless mess and tornado is by far the worst, unguided tornado sending everything everywhere for a long amount of time without the owner being able to do anything about it.

Ash bladestorm is the only thing that people use it for... They just can't stop. Ever. Just because it's spammable doesn't mean it's not annoying. The only thing that could compete with infinite bladestorm would be Mirage's infinite hall of mirror abuse of any AoE weapons with fast firerate.

As Op said, I wish you'd go back to the first post and read it in a sarcastic/kind of relatable way. Because that's what this thread is...  Don't put words in someone else's mouth :L.

To add to that : You don't see Inaro sandstorming for 40 seconds in 5 different direction for the hell of it. Because it restrains your movement and people would rather use that skill differently :D No spam, everyone's happy

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7 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

I said I don't enjoy having Ash and Mirage on my team. You can argue to your heart's content, but it's not going to change how I feel about Ash. Because that's how I feel about it. you're apparently trying to argue that I don't feel the way I feel? I guess?


23 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

That doesn't mean I'm supposed to like it.

I do hope you enjoy when warframe becomes gunframe because every nuke frame has been nerfed to useless. You can't seem to even consider the consequences of the nerfs you and others demand happen to these frames. Did you ever stop to consider  ASH needs those iframes, or he's dead? or that mirage is literally as frail as a twig? You complain about top-tier builds denying you 'fun', when they are just having fun. Whose fun is more important? (objectively, neither is....)


PS: where did this concept of pigeonholing come in? You can only build around max 3 powers, if you are lucky, on any frame. the GAME pigeonholes you with mod space and slots. The most effective build on a frame is not a pigeonhole. It is just that, the most effective build.

Further, in regards to Trinity, if you don't have neg duration, your ev is a sad joke. 10k pow in < 5 seconds, a good build supplies.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

To add to that : You don't see Inaro sandstorming for 40 seconds in 5 different direction for the hell of it. Because it restrains your movement and people would rather use that skill differently :D No spam, everyone's happy

..... Inaros sandstorm can cover an area of 75 meters in diameter, and be active for 5+ minutes at a time. I say 5+, because at minimum it is 5 minutes. It's technically endless with a good build via rage and syn explosion hp restores. Methinks you don't know quite as much about things as you act.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

..... Inaros sandstorm can cover an area of 75 meters in diameter, and be active for 5+ minutes at a time. I say 5+, because at minimum it is 5 minutes. It's technically endless with a good build via rage and syn explosion hp restores. Methinks you don't know quite as much about things as you act.

You got me there ^^ Simply because I don't see an Inaros in every of the mission that I join staying in sandstorm for 5 minutes. Shall we add it to the annoying list :D?

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

You got me there ^^ Simply because I don't see an Inaros in every of the mission that I join staying in sandstorm for 5 minutes. Shall we add it to the annoying list :D?

A warframe's abilities inconveniencing you is a poor excuse to hate on it. Hate the player, not the frame. This topic even beefs on Nyx, who is one of the most useful frames to have in a vay hek sortie. Hence, I'm thinking the OP, and others, don't seem to grasp that each frame has a purpose and role, that they will excel at. I've even asked people if they want my Inaros to stop, as he can tank well enough to use guns etc np. Every, single, time, I get a 'nope, please continue lol'. I bother to ask folks. yes, I do. Not once has anyone ever told me to stop what I was doing on these frames. Yet, they will get nerfed, because a minority of players come on here and wail.

Edited by (XB1)BOBIWAN86
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I agree with Mirage excalibro Limbo and Ash

one thing you left out on ash though is the fact if he doesn't kill an enemy out right with blade storm they are tankier till bladestorm is over

Limbo is not that annoying, seeing as how no one really uses him anyway but the banish gimmick can be kept going if the limbo is actually smart with trolling in defense by banishing one enemy have that enemy aggroed on you via you poking it in rift and then you double click 1 on the enemy whenever they are about to leave limbo's magical world and it will reactivate your 1 after about a hlaf second, GL killing that Level 100 sortie bombard in a melee sortie if the limbo is doing this. How did i find out this works? Not by trolling actually, but by mashing one on the tenno protect target in a sortie defence from a few days back the sniper only one.

Zephyr? who is that? you mean Beta Version Titania?

a frame i would throw on this list over zephyr would be Hydroid because if they pool and have duration and efficency those enemies will not only not die but WILL REMAIN SUBMERGED FOR A LONG TIME which is annoying in defences and exterminates since they extend the time to do a mission if they feel like trolling.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

He doesn't "Hate zephyr"

I deeply appreciate what you're saying, but I do hate Zephyr as she is right now. Not the other frames, just Zephyr. Her passive needs to be changed to +200% aimglide, her Tailwind should be what she does on every bullet jump (But maybe tone it down to be halfway between the two), then she needs to be given two new powers which synergize with the rest of her kit, then her tornadoes need to not impede ally aim as much, or just be reworked into some other form of CC. But that's a thread for another day.

3 hours ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Further, in regards to Trinity, if you don't have neg duration, your ev is a sad joke.

If you don't have increased duration, your link and blessing are the best jokes I've heard all week.

Trinity is a healer-tank-support. If your teammates need overshields, you as Trinity are doing your job poorly.

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Link itself doesn't see much use. and why are you so dependent on that mediocre, multi-patched-to-death damage reduction for bless? it still heals just fine. and with overshields, your team doesn't need damage reduction to begin with. You'd rather be a tank, than give your team the energy it needs. I have gone on far too many raids with trinity's spewing that. it doesn't work. you need more energy than that high duration trin can put out, to even keep the enemies cc'ed, and the bless range is actually really really bad with duration build, which leads to needing to be ridiculously close for a bless.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Link itself doesn't see much use. and why are you so dependent on that mediocre, multi-patched-to-death damage reduction for bless?

75% damage reduction on top of 75% damage reduction on top of status immunity (Yes, that means magnetic procs too.) on top of 50% damage reduction on top of 50-100% armor removal on a frame that can restore all of its health and shields and all of its allies health and shields and share that 75% damage reduction.

THAT is why I use Trinity. You don't need reduced duration. Just cast EV then kill the target, it has the same net effect.

Also my narrow-minded is 8/10 by choice, and I use cunning drift to ensure my allies still get the energy they need.

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3 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

75% damage reduction on top of 75% damage reduction on top of status immunity (Yes, that means magnetic procs too.) on top of 50% damage reduction on top of 50-100% armor removal on a frame that can restore all of its health and shields and all of its allies health and shields and share that 75% damage reduction.

THAT is why I use Trinity. You don't need reduced duration. Just cast EV then kill the target, it has the same net effect.

Thank you for not reading. The goal may not be to kill, or that energy may be needed TO kill. That short-sighted 'kill the enemy' doesn't scale, and only really remains valid in trivial content.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

That short-sighted 'kill the enemy' doesn't scale.

You know what DOES scale? 75% damage reduction on top of 75% damage reduction on top of 50% damage reflection on top of status reflection on top of 50-100% armor removal. See those % signs? That means it scales. You know what DOESN'T scale? Your overshields.

You know what won't save you from toxic ancients? Your overshields.

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9 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

You know what DOES scale? 75% damage reduction on top of 75% damage reduction on top of 50% damage reflection on top of status reflection on top of 50-100% armor removal. See those % signs? That means it scales.

with that str and duration, you expect ppl to huddle on you with your range being shot for duration? Bless doesn't have infinite range anymore. go do LOR, where people HAVE to be spread out. Time and time again I have watched such outright cause wipe, due to this myth that high duration bless works late game.

You need them to have overshields and energy, so they survive long enough to be hit by a bless. So they can keep cc'ing, doing their job. And toxin itself is mooted by bless, even spammed. Kind of raised a moot point. Also, toxin ignores armor and damage reduction, not just shields. So again, moot point.

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2 hours ago, Govictory said:

Limbo is not that annoying, seeing as how no one really uses him anyway but the banish gimmick can be kept going if the limbo is actually smart with trolling in defense by banishing one enemy have that enemy aggroed on you via you poking it in rift and then you double click 1 on the enemy whenever they are about to leave limbo's magical world and it will reactivate your 1 after about a hlaf second, GL killing that Level 100 sortie bombard in a melee sortie if the limbo is doing this. How did i find out this works? Not by trolling actually, but by mashing one on the tenno protect target in a sortie defence from a few days back the sniper only one

Actually, when Limbo players deliberately banish things, they're either worth protecting or they're dead in seconds. I don't really see the point here.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

with that str and duration, you expect ppl to huddle on you with your range being shot for duration?


8 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

Also my narrow-minded is 8/10 by choice, and I use cunning drift to ensure my allies still get the energy they need.


3 minutes ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Bless doesn't have infinite range anymore. go do LOR, where people HAVE to be spread out.


Sounds like you're not very familiar with Trinity. Blessing's range is 50m regardless of modding, bucko.

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