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Mastery Xp On Formad Items Now!


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Im in the same boat. But worst come to worst only play when they release new items when they come out that you enjoy. Currently training the sicarus and its brutally boring. I got plus 200 hours but im not going to play a game if isnt fun. Only have 3 frames and like 10 weapons I like. I want ogris but leveling to resell isnt my style

Edited by iBrigandi
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New generation of gamers? I'm sorry to tell you but i've been playing games for 20 years. Try again.


Grats your part of the new generation while being old? lol? your point?


I got you beat by a few years but my thinking seems quite a bit different from yours :)

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They could make it so each forma round diminishes the XP.


75% the first time 50% 25% 10% cap.


They could even restrict the frames to 10% or 0%.


Im just tired of watching every one else kill stuff while i sit around with a lvl 5 lato.


 Then the change would be negligible, so what would be the point?


 In fact, why would you waste time Forma'ing a Lato? I could conceivably see someone enjoying the Lato Vandal enough to desire the extra mod capacity but hardly the Lato.


 Seems like a pointless endeavor. Why make such a basic weapon stronger with rare materials when you could spend that same material in a weapon more capable?

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 Then the change would be negligible, so what would be the point?





You could forma all of your favorite weapons at least 2x and get a good amount of XP.


Sure it wont eat up the whole mastery grind but it will at least put a dent in it.


And if you want to go bezerk and max forma a weapon you at least get some XP for it.




*edit not sure where your going with the lato thing? Im using a lato because i never actually leveld it. I sold it very early on so now that im rank 6 its one of the few weapons left that i can buy level and sell.  I would not forma a lato lol.

Edited by cknives
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You could forma all of your favorite weapons at least 2x and get a good amount of XP.


Sure it wont eat up the whole mastery grind but it will at least put a dent in it.


And if you want to go bezerk and max forma a weapon you at least get some XP for it.




*edit not sure where your going with the lato thing? Im using a lato because i never actually leveld it. I sold it very early on so now that im rank 6 its one of the few weapons left that i can buy level and sell.  I would not forma a lato lol.


 You brought up the Lato - I figured that was the example for a Forma'd weapon you wanted to use.


  Besides, what is the point? Is there some important reason you need to reach Mastery 11? What purpose does that even really serve you? Don't take this as criticism of your opinion or sarcasm. What do you view as the value of all that extra Mastery?


 Right now you would only really Forma a Weapon if you really enjoy the weapon in question. If you intend to use that weapon as a real mainstay and desire the absolute peak performance you could achieve.


 For instance - I like to watch a particular player, a gent named Gravefire, livestream really high level defense runs. I've notice that when it is time to shoot at some of the seriously powerful enemies who are level 100+ he seems to prefer going into the fight with a Lex.


 Imagine that Lex Forma'd four or five times over. Sure, he'd need to rank the weapon up again each time - but that is enough Mastery slots that he'd be able to ramp up the rank of all the mods on the weapon through the roof. He could reach a point where every single mod on his Lex could be Maxed out in rank - achieving the absolute highest stats from his build - and thus improving his power significantly during those high level defense runs and future content. He could craft the perfect Lex for him.


 That is the singular reason to use Forma on a weapon. That is reason enough, in my opinion.

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 You brought up the Lato - I figured that was the example for a Forma'd weapon you wanted to use.


  Besides, what is the point? Is there some important reason you need to reach Mastery 11? What purpose does that even really serve you? Don't take this as criticism of your opinion or sarcasm. What do you view as the value of all that extra Mastery?


 Right now you would only really Forma a Weapon if you really enjoy the weapon in question. If you intend to use that weapon as a real mainstay and desire the absolute peak performance you could achieve.


 For instance - I like to watch a particular player, a gent named Gravefire, livestream really high level defense runs. I've notice that when it is time to shoot at some of the seriously powerful enemies who are level 100+ he seems to prefer going into the fight with a Lex.


 Imagine that Lex Forma'd four or five times over. Sure, he'd need to rank the weapon up again each time - but that is enough Mastery slots that he'd be able to ramp up the rank of all the mods on the weapon through the roof. He could reach a point where every single mod on his Lex could be Maxed out in rank - achieving the absolute highest stats from his build - and thus improving his power significantly during those high level defense runs and future content. He could craft the perfect Lex for him.


 That is the singular reason to use Forma on a weapon. That is reason enough, in my opinion.


Im a min/maxer


The only reason i want mastery is to unlock the most powerful weapons.


I could not care less about mastery other wise.




I just think games that force their players to play/use something they dont want is turning it into grind and wont do well for the game.



The last time i had to grind a mastery i didn't want was in SWG during the holocron disaster. I grinded like 4 or 5 entire class skills and ended up quitting along with over half the player base.


Another example of silly mastery grind was in RFO where you had to grind out PTs of other weapons to raise your base stats. That game also did not do well.


Just in a general sense of gaming. Forcing players to play an aspect of they game they don't want to play for a prolonged period of time is just a bad idea.

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 Alright, I can kinda understand that. Although really none of the weapons in the game right now are so horrible they can't be worked with to at least work them to 30 and dispose of them.


 I choose to have a short list of weapons that are my Favorites - those weapons I'll min/max with to get peak everything in time. Everything else is just running laps through the arsenal. I learn about the weapons using them and decide if they'll become permanent additions to my collection. 


 I've no desire to own it all - to min/max every weapon or warframe. So far this has worked out well for me. Perhaps you should exercise the same mindset? Makes things much simpler. 


 For me ranking up a weapon doesn't feel like a grind at all - quite the contrary as I've learned to enjoy myself doing it - for me the grind is all in crafting.

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 Alright, I can kinda understand that. Although really none of the weapons in the game right now are so horrible they can't be worked with to at least work them to 30 and dispose of them.


 I choose to have a short list of weapons that are my Favorites - those weapons I'll min/max with to get peak everything in time. Everything else is just running laps through the arsenal. I learn about the weapons using them and decide if they'll become permanent additions to my collection. 


 I've no desire to own it all - to min/max every weapon or warframe. So far this has worked out well for me. Perhaps you should exercise the same mindset? Makes things much simpler. 


 For me ranking up a weapon doesn't feel like a grind at all - quite the contrary as I've learned to enjoy myself doing it - for me the grind is all in crafting.


It does vary greatly from weapon to weapon.



The kunai was fun to level even though i knew i would sell it. Why? Because of the 2 V slots and armor ignore. A lvl6 kunai can equip a high lvl serration and be very powerful and useful at low levels.


If all weapons where like kunai: new,interesting,powerful. Then there would be less of a problem.


The problem is. To get to mastery rank 7(clan weapon req) as a F2P. You have to level and sell a TON of weapons. Instead of trying new interesting weapons you get to Grind out old weapons that deal nearly no damage to high level mobs.


So you end up sitting around doing nothing or shooting 5 dmg at mobs while you wait for the others to kill stuff for your XP.


Like i said, right now i got 3 weapons equipped that are all useless and i literally just sit there and hope i get weapon xp. I can use my frame skills to wipe out everything in case i need to save the objective, but that means less weapon xp.


If i where to use a formad weapon, say the hek, It would be strong starting as low as lvl 3 due to Polarity and catalyst.

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Yeah, that is absolutely true Cknives, but honestly a change to Forma wont do much to improve that feeling. Not really.


 That is a problem with the Slots and Inventory - not the Forma. I don't think Forma would ever really be an effective enough Bandaid to the issue. 


 Just gotta hold out until DE addresses slots in a patch. 

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They could make it so each forma round diminishes the XP.


75% the first time 50% 25% 10% cap.


They could even restrict the frames to 10% or 0%.


Im just tired of watching every one else kill stuff while i sit around with a lvl 5 lato.



Then, I dunno. Dont be a scumbag and leech kill xp with a level 5 lato?

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I guess i was wrong.. You people like grinding with S#&$ty weapons all day.  WTF i think I'm seriously disconnected with gaming(maybe its the new generation of gamers). Time to quit lol.













PS: no you cant have my stuff.

Can I have it anyway?

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Mastery is all about thematic... it makes no sense to gain more xperience for leveling a weapon you've already leveled, as it's been stated multiple times. Also, instead of *@##$ing about something not fitting "your style" why not take the challenge of actually mastering something, that's the point. Mastery level proves you're able to adapt and master any weapon in many situations, and you are rewarded for doing so with more advanced or challenging weapons. Why should we trust you with a rocket launcher if you only have experience using a branton? We have no idea how well you'll handle a different weapon, or how easy you'll adapt to the different challenges it provides.

Also, you're min/maxing in a PvE game that is currently unnecessary to min/max... I've just got done finishing leveling my starting equipment, and you know what? I liked the lato, it's a pretty balanced and well rounded weapon and short of pluto doesn't run into any problems with low level mods. Also, why bring a level 5 weapon to high level planets? If you're leveling low level gear you go to a low level planet, that's why you still have access to them. Don't say you don't get good rewards, because M. Prime is one of the lowest level areas on the map and it's also among the most farmed.

You need to diversify and learn more roles and sample everything, it's good to specialize, but you should still know other play styles. Just because someone mains ADC in a MOBA doesn't mean they shouldn't also know APC, support, ganker, etc. knowing their playstyles helps you to better counter them when you  play against them or to best work out how to properly work together since you know what they can or cannot do.

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Maybe something you didn't think about when you ask for xp on the forma.  With that system ppl would have to level MULTIPLE time a S#&$ty weapon to get to higher rank mastery.  Because face it, there will be ppl that will farm mastery like crazy and DE would surely put high tier weapon even higher on the mastery scale.  


Atm, Im guessing that they are trying to balance the mastery system through all the xp available.  Adding mastery through forma would easily double or triple the pool of mastery rank.  To address that increase, DE would have to creater even higher tier weapon and in the end you would have to forma S#&$ty weapon and level them again just to get to that higher tier.


I'm kinda glad that they limit the xp pool to only the first 30 level so I don't have to spend my forma on weapon I don't want to keep to eventually get to that higher tier created by adding mastery xp to forma.



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so.....20+ years of gaming = new gen ?


please teach me master


i bet ur 14 years old


i went to check the profile and the age is hidden


if you dont like hard games like these go play pacman or hello kitty online kid


Your part of the new gen because of your mindset not your age. (you also have the reading comprehension of younger people)


I mean, no old school gamer would consider Warframe hard.


The game is very simple. The GRIND is just mindless and time consuming.


Also lol at all the little insult attempts. You better watch out, the mods here like to ban for silly stuff like that.

Edited by cknives
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The current theme of mastery is diversity. Playing with different gears/frames and gain mastery of these items is very good experience for me. I don't find any weapon in this game to be copy-paste (except throwing knives and bows) and all of them are quite different. Braton MK1 and Lato were the first pair that I mastered along with Skana since I learned from my pre-reset days that these are quite painful to play with, especially MK1.


Afterward, I see little problem with mastery system. The only thing that really bug me is the reward associated with the system is too little.

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You keep saying you don't like grind... isn't leveling the SAME weapon over and over again more grindy than leveling different ones?

Another factor ofletting forma weapons give xp is it removes the cap on mastery level. Currently, the max mastery level is limited by the amount of equipment in the game, if forma'd weapons gave exp it'd be limited by how much you were willing to spend on forma and leveling the same weapon over and over. If you limit it to like 3 times per weapon, then you still have the people who will grind all the weapons AND grind them forma'd to get max level, I don't see how that's fun, instead of only having to level skana once, you have to level it 3 times to hit max? That sounds like fun...

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you know w/ me, when i'm leveling a weapon its more or less useless, I never use it until lvl 20-30, and then I usually ditch it, i think my kraken got 10 kills before i sold it at lvl 30... it was a bad weapon, 2 shots at once, that aren't together? with severe recoil? "for a skilled marksmen"?  you'd need a crazy cheating program just to make the gun work.

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