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been cheated out of my traces


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hey devs i have been cheated out of my traces because of someone that wouldnt get of the extraction long enough for me to get my reactant. will you please adjust this to were the extraction time doesn't go off until everyone gets the reactant they need so no one doesn't get cheated out of their void traces. that or find something else to fix this up please.

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i told the guy to wait and my friend said get of the extraction but there was no responce. the guy just said nothing and just sat at the extraction till the timer went. and just a question do you like it if someone just cheated you out of something even if it is just a one time thing. besides it wont just happen once if can happen, there is allways going to be a time when public setting is going to give you  some a holes or people that dont understands you when you try to say "i havent got all my reactant yet."  in your party and it is best if your fix that right off the bat before too many people get cheated off their void  traces.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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On 23/8/2016 at 3:23 AM, maddragonmaster said:

hey devs i have been cheated out of my traces because of someone that wouldnt get of the extraction long enough for me to get my reactant. will you please adjust this to were the extraction time doesn't go off until everyone gets the reactant they need so no one doesn't get cheated out of their void traces. that or find something else to fix this up please.

A change like this would be the last thing we need. Know how many people I've encountered that just afk? Would be horrible. And as another state, trolls would love this.

In your case, someone probably rushed to the end and afk'd, or was a troll. Don't color your perceptions of the rest of the community (who usually ask or state their status at collecting reactants) with people who don't get team-play. As much as I'm sad to hear this, this shouldn't happen.

Besides, you dind't get 'cheated' out of your Void Traces -that would mean that you somehow got them and then lost them. If you don't get all reactants, you don't open your relic and therefore don't get Traces. So, conceivably, you could do another mission with the same exact relic. You weren't cheated, so much as someone prevented you from opening it -deliberately or not.

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ok i am sorry. but how can we fix this without causing trouble for everyone? anyway i may not of been cheated out of traces but i hate wasting time. if i didnt get all of my reactant and open my relic on that exact run then  i waste time. i know the best way would have a certain amount that the team need to collect for the whole team so when that number is reached everyone has their relic open at the same time that way no one can be left in the dust. besides what can we do with trolls there is always going to be a troll somewhere whether at the back, front, or sideways. and well will always fall for the trolls traps because we can almost never tell if they are actually trolling or not.... besides the ones that fallow their trolls with verbal trolling.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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You could just set your lobby to private and do it solo or with a friend...... i got cheated out of majority of my T3 and T4 keys when they were changed into relics this isn't really a big problem you can fix it easily by playing solo or with friends instead of random people who are speed running everything.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)WiiConquered said:

Only if DE invests in dedicated servers.

Which they won't ever do. Heck, they're not giving us the option to Force Hosting. They're just releasing dedicated servers for Conclave as if it's the hottest thing since sliced bread. Dedicated servers for such a thing? Won't happen, unfortunately.

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2 minutes ago, Lyravain said:

Which they won't ever do. Heck, they're not giving us the option to Force Hosting.

If they did this there would be no end to the rage.

You know those people who  are super bad hosts? Where every door is a boss that takes a minute to get through?  Yeah, you know those people would enable Force Host because to them it's the only game where THEY don't lag (or as much as they would on other peoples host).  That would make more people suffer extremely laggy games because the ones responsible would think it's the only thing that's good for them.

Also, sadly there is no-way to avoid this it seems, unless DE implemented some sort of system where the entire team only needs to collect 10, as opposed to just 1 person.

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