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People are actually farming Nekros Prime and Galatine Prime? or they are just buying them?


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Nekros, Galatine and Tigris Prime. I got lucky with some of the rare parts, but I started to go into radiant-only missions in recruit to get the others and they were successful for the most part.

Edited by Akilas
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I and some friends did Syndicate daily missions for a month prior to Nekros release--get to play almost every mission type across every tile, against all 4 enemy factions. With that store, I alone was able to get 60 total relic packs (180 relics), and got 60 Prime Access-holding relics. Combined with my friends stores, we only had to do a bit of extra Xini farming to supplement that, since Radiant Axi runs were not kind to us day one. 

Total time running Relics was 3 days, only about ~5 hours of game time. Preparing with syndicate missions and hitting our Void Trace cap before Nekros was released had us prepared to go.

Didn't have to buy anything, now we have all the Primes. I've got a 4-forma Tigris Prime and have forma ready for a 4-forma Nekros Prime when he finishes crafting.

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Farmed Nekros the and got him on day one of the release, and then got Galatine Prime the next day. Haven't gotten the tigris yet cus I dont want to ruin the new experience for new guys from having to go to low-level missions and obliterate everything, but in time I'll get that too. 

(Yes I know I can solo, and I do that on occasion, but I like to be in a party) 

Edited by DeHACKtivate
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I play 2 hours max a day, and I have been farming for 3 days, so in 6 hours I've got:

- Tigris Prime Stock.
- Tigris Prime Blueprint.
- Tigris Prime Barrel.
- Tigris Prime Blueprint.
- Nekros Prime Blueprint.
- Nekros Prime Neuroptics.
- Nekros Prime Chassis.
- Galatine Prime Blade. 

I won't try to defend this new system, because RNG is just RNG. I'm just happy that I can play different missions while farming. Just keep trying, in the old system, it took me 3 months to get an Akstilleto Prime set, but I don't blame the old system, it was just RNG doing it's job lol.

Edited by (PS4)BrutalReaper32
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I've farmed hours various interceptions and havent gotten a single tigris prime bp key to drop. I've farmed gotten 6 nekros bp keys, I then farmed void traces to upgrade them, and only got a single nekros bp (thank god for that at least). Just caved and bought galatine bp in trade... In short, void relics are trash, DE stinks, blah blah blah

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I got the helmet and the chassis on first or second try. The systems and blueprint I gave up after trying two times to farm each part so i bought them. I have always been a fan of nekros (my most used frame:) so I don't regret buying the parts...even though I got two more nekros blueprints and a chassis earlier today. The Galatine and Tigris I got all the parts but the blueprints...which I bought. Either way I'm happy because all the platinum I used and still have are from trades. Even though I had to farm the relics like everybody else...I still feel like it was easier to farm the new prime content when compared to the keys and the old void system.

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28 minutes ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:

Relic system is bad and unfair.

But that aside, i just want to know if people are actually farming Relics before FARM them.

I mean, people who are suffering the glorious "Relic system"

Tell me how do you have your own Nekros/Galatine Prime.

You farm


You buy

you buy relics from syndicates then u just do easy

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32 minutes ago, TheDarkStarChimaera said:

I and some friends did Syndicate daily missions for a month prior to Nekros release--get to play almost every mission type across every tile, against all 4 enemy factions. With that store, I alone was able to get 60 total relic packs (180 relics), and got 60 Prime Access-holding relics. Combined with my friends stores, we only had to do a bit of extra Xini farming to supplement that, since Radiant Axi runs were not kind to us day one. 

Total time running Relics was 3 days, only about ~5 hours of game time. Preparing with syndicate missions and hitting our Void Trace cap before Nekros was released had us prepared to go.

Didn't have to buy anything, now we have all the Primes. I've got a 4-forma Tigris Prime and have forma ready for a 4-forma Nekros Prime when he finishes crafting.

Yes, continue filling the market.

I will buy Galatine Prime, i have no patience for double farm, thanks :D

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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Got Nekros, Galatine and Tigris within approximately 28 hours of prime access release. I used my syndicate rep to buy about 15 syndicate relic packs. The rest i farmed from hieracon with minimal effort. Fastest acquisition of the entire prime access I've ever had, and I'm a three year vet.

Edited by Etharien
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Made use of my extra syndicate standings and medallions and bought a truckload of relic packs as soon as update came out, that gave me head start, had a bunch of traces saved and made them radiant then hopped onto some excavations and farmed a few more, got some parts within the first day of release, haven't built them yet as I'm focusing on 10 new things at once lol, Also I'm in no rush to get them, They're not going anywhere anytime soon xD

New system ain't that bad once you know how to prepare for it, even a little preparation can get you far enough :) Just pray to the RNG gods eh.

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I'll cop to ordering Nekros Prime. Me and the void never got along. I never liked the whole key sharing thing; begging people to play the void, or even more humiliating, begging for taxis to the void because the RNG hated me (in three months of play I never got more than 3 T4 keys! ). Crafting keys for mesa or the deralict wasn't too bad tho you still had to beg for players to play with. I don't find it edifying at all. This new relic thing I AM finding much more fun and satisfying. Auto-matching all the way for me!

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I had almost 300k in Red Veil marks saved up.  I spent it all (and some Steel M too) on Nekros mods to sell.  I've made 500p selling Nekros stuff this week.  I have bought a few relic packs with Steel M standing just so I don't hit the cap as I hand in Red Veil stuff.


 Im obviously buying stuff.  Grinding is for suckers.


Nekros BP: traded a Health Conversion for it.  Great deal.

Nekros Chassis: Relic leeched.

Nekros Helm and Systems: paid 150p for both.  Not a great deal at all, but that's the going rate.  He was the last warframe I needed so I'm satisfied if not happy.




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