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People are actually farming Nekros Prime and Galatine Prime? or they are just buying them?


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I downloaded the latest patch and then thought about the grind/what they done to Nekros.  

Seconds later I just closed the app instead of clicking play and played something else. U_U


Now that I think about it, I haven't done a mission since that new starchart came out.  I'm slacking.

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I've farmed it.

Common parts I got within few intact shares.

For uncommons I had to run some radiant shares. Not much, three per part at most. Didn't have to farm Galatine handle though- I've traded my extra Nekros neuroptics I got in pub run for it.

Rares took a bit more effort as farming for relics was harder. Trading chat proved to be useful- I've traded my Neo N3 for Axi N3.
In general, I believe I did at most 4 runs per part, getting Nekros and Galatine BPs on successive runs.

I've never got new Primes so quickly. While I had more than some luck I'd likely didn't even get one rare part by now with old system. Heck, likely I wouldn't even try anymore. I'd be burnt out from running hour long T3Surv for third time. Not to mention having to do nightmare called defence...

PS Since SotR landed I got almost all parts I need for older Primes. I only miss few rares from Neo relics as I have only few of them. I got majority of rare parts of Vauban, Spira, Kavasa, Kama and Fragor on public runs, some from my intact relics

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7 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

I do choose forma on occasion when I actually need it.

I mean, I have literally everything in the game, and I go through a lot of Forma.

So there are times I'll pass on 15 ducats for some forma because to me its sometimes worth more than 15 ducats.

So to say that "nobody chooses forma bps as a reward" is disingenuous at best, and downright lying at worst.

It just looks like you want people to back up your sob story that you hate the new system therefore everyone must hat it as well.

Oh well, too bad, so sad.  You don't like the system even though its proven better than the old one.

It has better odds than the old system
It has less grindy farming than the old system.
It has more variety than the old system.
You can get things faster than the old system.
You no longer have to sit 6+ hours in a sewer in survival missions for parts like the old system...

Just face it: The new system is better and a lot more players are seeing seuccess with this new system than they saw with the old one.

Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad or "unfair".

Wow, so, you choose forma bp, is ok, is new to me.

1. "Nobody choose a Forma BP" is true, at least in the past we dont need to do that. Now is mandatory to waste a relic to have a forma.

Before relics, Forma Bp were the secundary reward in endless missions. Formas are neccesary, weapons and warframes need a lot of them to upgrade, we need a lot of formas, but now is one forma per relic (if you say that farm a relic is easy, then, is easy to farm a forma).

2. I actually hate the new system because is bad, yeah have more chances to get the prime part you want, and the old key system had a hugh loot table, but, with only a key, is better if you had that key in your inventory, because if you are playing a long time (veterans) you had a lot of keys.

3. As a Veteran i hate relics, now veterans have nothin and must double farm even if they have a lot of old relic/keys in the inventory. MORE GRIND, also my old keys/relics are useless now if i want to get new prime parts in the future.

4. Is not proven to be better, is simply more grind to the game, that is worst. The same grind that the community hate, remember?

5. One thing more, is not more easy to grind that keys, instead, is more easy to grind a relic/key now because DE saw how hard is to grind relics, and they fixed that. If DE just had made this in the past with the old keys, well...

6. Some people enjoy endless mission, but now there is no incentives to play, an incentive like a FORMA BP, or more prime parts just for ducats or plat.

Now tell me, why people are not playing endless missions anymore? at least not like the time before relics.

Where are the "H Def T4 3+ slots" or "H 40 min Survival"? because if you dont get the prime part that you want, still you had a lot of Forma BPs there. Now endless missions are useless (except to level up), we all have quick missions now, even Survival Fisure Missions last only 5 minutes,  in each survival fisure mission i played.

In short:

Just wait until you run out of "Formas"

Fisure Missions = "quick missions"

New Relic System = More grind

More grind = Bad

Is easy to find a relic, because DE made more easy to find a relic after update.

As a Veteran i have a lot of keys/relics that are useless now to farm new primes.

No incentives to play endless missions (some veterans love endless missions)


Sorry for my bad english tho

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I farmed them all.

i honestly found it more tedious, farm relics, farm traces, find a group and then finally after all that still have RNG laugh in your face and offer you 4 x trash so you have to do it all again.

thats just my experience and opinion obviously

I do wonder what the actual data for this PA is though? The Devs must know if players are actually getting the parts quicker/easier. It must be a double edged sword for them, they want happy players but they also want to shift PAs. If prime farming becomes thought of as easier (whether it actually is or isn't) how will that affect PA sales? 

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2 minutes ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:


Sorry for my bad english tho


Your English is perfectly understandable, no problems.


The problem is with your repetitive, tautological points. The sky is blue because the sky is blue, we have lunch at 11 o'clock because 11 o'clock is lunchtime, because that is when we have lunch, etc.


The new system is bad, because it is bad, because I say so.
There is more grind, because there is more grind, because I say so.
The new system is not better for getting people the things they want, because it just isn't, because I say so.
No one ever chose Formas, because no-one ever wanted to farm Forma blueprints, because that is how it was for me, so that is how it was for everyone.....because I say so.


You're being dogmatic, which means that you have your personal idea about the new system, and you are completely ignoring everyone with evidence to the contrary.


You don't like the Relics system because it means that your own, personal, stack of Void Keys/Relics is not useful for getting Nekros Prime and his weapons. That's fine. That's a legit reason for being disappointed. It most certainly does not mean that the new system is objectively bad. 


You asked a question. You got answers. You didn't like the answers. That is all.

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2 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:


Your English is perfectly understandable, no problems.


The problem is with your repetitive, tautological points. The sky is blue because the sky is blue, we have lunch at 11 o'clock because 11 o'clock is lunchtime, because that is when we have lunch, etc.


The new system is bad, because it is bad, because I say so.
There is more grind, because there is more grind, because I say so.
The new system is not better for getting people the things they want, because it just isn't, because I say so.
No one ever chose Formas, because no-one ever wanted to farm Forma blueprints, because that is how it was for me, so that is how it was for everyone.....because I say so.


You're being dogmatic, which means that you have your personal idea about the new system, and you are completely ignoring everyone with evidence to the contrary.


You don't like the Relics system because it means that your own, personal, stack of Void Keys/Relics is not useful for getting Nekros Prime and his weapons. That's fine. That's a legit reason for being disappointed. It most certainly does not mean that the new system is objectively bad. 


You asked a question. You got answers. You didn't like the answers. That is all.

Sorry, that is because English is not my main language.

I must edit all in Google Traductor and reorganize the ideas.

Sorry for that.


What about my 100+ old relics i have?

I must farm Formas now?

I must double farm because there is more chance per relic?

Where are all the endless missions parties now? because there are people playing them right?

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3 minutes ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:

Sorry, that is because English is not my main language.

I must edit all in Google Traductor and reorganize the ideas.

Sorry for that.


What about my 100+ old relics i have?

I must farm Formas now?

I must double farm because there is more chance per relic?

Where are all the endless missions parties now? because there are people playing them right?

Your old Relics are now useful for getting Forma blueprints, for finishing up any Prime equipment which you never had before, and for getting prime parts to trade for Ducats for Baro stuff. While you're getting Forma, older Primes, and Ducat trade goods, you're also gathering Void Traces.


You apply Void Traces to new Relics to get new Primes.


The endless missions which you want to do? They're how you get new Relics. Don't look for endless parties grinding Prime bits. Recruit endless mission groups to get Relics.

While you're doing all of this, you're also gathering Syndicate Standing, and Relics are cheaper to buy from the Syndicates than Void Keys were.


Bam. Done.

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3 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Your old Relics are now useful for getting Forma blueprints, for finishing up any Prime equipment which you never had before, and for getting prime parts to trade for Ducats for Baro stuff. While you're getting Forma, older Primes, and Ducat trade goods, you're also gathering Void Traces.


You apply Void Traces to new Relics to get new Primes.


The endless missions which you want to do? They're how you get new Relics. Don't look for endless parties grinding Prime bits. Recruit endless mission groups to get Relics.

While you're doing all of this, you're also gathering Syndicate Standing, and Relics are cheaper to buy from the Syndicates than Void Keys were.


Bam. Done.

old Relics = Formas? wait what?

Well in my times, endless missions = prime parts + formas

I miss the old times.

Now that i have Nekros Prime + Tigris Prime + Galatine Prime (i buy them), why i need to buy more relics? if they are useless for new prime parts, just thinking in the future.

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2 minutes ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:

old Relics = Formas? wait what?

Well in my times, endless missions = prime parts + formas

I miss the old times.

Now that i have Nekros Prime + Tigris Prime + Galatine Prime (i buy them), why i need to buy more relics? if they are useless for new prime parts, just thinking in the future.

Ok, well, to be quite honest, I think you knee-jerked yourself into a bad position, meaning that you made a decision without all the information and reacted on impulse. I am not trying to be annoying when I explain things like this, I just know now that English is not your first language. 


The grind is not bad. It would be annoying only to someone who already had a giant pile of Void Keys. Otherwise, when starting from scratch, or close to starting from scratch, the new system is actually friendlier.


For you, now, you don't need any more Relics, but you do have a way to store up and get ready for the next Prime release. You can do lots of Syndicate missions, and store up enough Syndicate medallions/tokens that when the next Prime is released, you can instantly trade those Syndicate tokens for dozens of Relics containing the new parts.

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I personally find the new system to be superior to the last one. Only exception being the limit of 1 prime part per relic. I bought prime access but I still went to go farm the new primes. 1st day I spent it farming new relics from missions, 2nd day I farmed full nekros set, 3rd day I got full Tigris set and missing Bp to finish galantine. You waste time farm in relics but the RNG is much more forgiving which makes it better in my opinion.

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2 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Ok, well, to be quite honest, I think you knee-jerked yourself into a bad position, meaning that you made a decision without all the information and reacted on impulse. I am not trying to be annoying when I explain things like this, I just know now that English is not your first language. 


The grind is not bad. It would be annoying only to someone who already had a giant pile of Void Keys. Otherwise, when starting from scratch, or close to starting from scratch, the new system is actually friendlier.


For you, now, you don't need any more Relics, but you do have a way to store up and get ready for the next Prime release. You can do lots of Syndicate missions, and store up enough Syndicate medallions/tokens that when the next Prime is released, you can instantly trade those Syndicate tokens for dozens of Relics containing the new parts.


As a veteran is very annoying, yes.

More Grind/farm with syndicates... well... that is why i buy things. Thank you DE!!

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On 28.08.2016 at 2:04 AM, Kaiser_Suoh said:

Relic system is bad and unfair.

But that aside, i just want to know if people are actually farming Relics before FARM them.

I mean, people who are suffering the glorious "Relic system"

Tell me how do you have your own Nekros/Galatine Prime.

You farm


You buy

I bought 2 Nekros Parts and farmed the rest of PA.


Anyway - why is relic system unfair? I'm actually fan of this change - it greatly reduced grind ingame. And it's pretty fair- no relic = no reward, you cannot cheat your team with picking wrong relic.

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Grind? What grind? I farmed all the new primed items in THREE days. You guys are nuts if you think this game is a grind.

And the old system was terrible. I was sick of the void tile set after a few weeks; If I had to continue farming in those same tile sets I would have quit.

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1 minute ago, Karthunk said:

Grind? What grind? I farmed all the new primed items in THREE days. You guys are nuts if you think this game is a grind.

And the old system was terrible. I was sick of the void tile set after a few weeks; If I had to continue farming in those same tile sets I would have quit.


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5 minutes ago, Karthunk said:

You must not play many free to play games.

I know what are you saying. There are other games with a lot of more grind.

But the problem is not that "this game have less grind that others".

The problem is that "this game is getting more grind".

We dont want more grind in this game.

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2 minutes ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:

I know what are you saying. There are other games with a lot of more grind.

But the problem is not that "this game have less grind that others".

The problem is that "this game is getting more grind".

We dont want more grind in this game.

Right....but the thing which people have been telling you, for four pages now, is that the majority of players are experiencing less grind. For you, you personally, Kaiser_Suoh, you don't like the system because you had a massive pile of Void Keys, and those keys are now not useful for getting the latest release of Prime gear. 

For everyone else? They spend one day grinding the Relics they need, they spend the next day or so opening the Relics, and they get the parts they are looking for.



Kaiser, if you want this discussion to be productive, you have to stop ignoring that fact. You are annoyed because your personal stash of Void Keys is now less useful. You keep complaining that you now have to go get Relics. For most everyone else? Getting relics and then opening them is easier and involves less grind than before.


I get that you don't like that fact. But you have to stop pretending that it isn't true.

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13 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Right....but the thing which people have been telling you, for four pages now, is that the majority of players are experiencing less grind. For you, you personally, Kaiser_Suoh, you don't like the system because you had a massive pile of Void Keys, and those keys are now not useful for getting the latest release of Prime gear. 

For everyone else? They spend one day grinding the Relics they need, they spend the next day or so opening the Relics, and they get the parts they are looking for.



Kaiser, if you want this discussion to be productive, you have to stop ignoring that fact. You are annoyed because your personal stash of Void Keys is now less useful. You keep complaining that you now have to go get Relics. For most everyone else? Getting relics and then opening them is easier and involves less grind than before.


I get that you don't like that fact. But you have to stop pretending that it isn't true.

Well, ok.

Just wait until you need more formas.

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Just now, Kaiser_Suoh said:

Well, ok.

Just wait until you need more formas.

Uh....I get more Forma by using up loads and loads of low level Lith Relics, which coincidentally helps me get more Void Traces.



Dude, I already explained this to you, literally just a few posts up on this page.

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1 minute ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Uh....I get more Forma by using up loads and loads of low level Lith Relics, which coincidentally helps me get more Void Traces.



Dude, I already explained this to you, literally just a few posts up on this page.

Good for you.

I dont have the patience to farm formas and void traces.

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3 minutes ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:

Good for you.

I dont have the patience to farm formas and void traces.

Right.....the thing is......I have been playing the game and tabbing out to check the forums every so often. This past exchange? My last post and this one? In that time, I have done two Lith missions, gotten two Forma blueprints, and enough traces to upgrade one of the other Relics I am going to be opening for Vauban prime parts.


That's, what, ten minutes?

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Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

Right.....the thing is......I have been playing the game and tabbing out to check the forums every so often. This past exchange? My last post and this one? In that time, I have done two Lith missions, gotten two Forma blueprints, and enough traces to upgrade one of the other Relics I am going to be opening for Vauban prime parts.


That's, what, ten minutes?

Then here is again.

Good for you.

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