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How many forma have people used in total?


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12 hours ago, Helch0rn said:

I have played for ~3 years and I think (I am at work right now so I cant check) I used about 30-40 Forma


1 hour ago, Roachester said:

Like, ten. Probably even less than that.

That's cool that that works for you. Probably this game is a lot cheaper for you guys to enjoy then it is for me! Personally, forma-ing gear is one of the main things I do in this game, along with raids. It wasn't like that for me until a little bit ago, I used to sell weapons I didn't think were strong enough as soon as I got them to 30. I was trying to save on slots, so as soon as a weapon was max rank I'd sell it unless there was some reason to keep it. Later I started building a lot of those weapons again, to see what I can do with them. These days putting forma on "bad" weapons is one of my main goals in the game. That's how I ended up with a 7 forma lato, and a 6 forma mk-1 braton, and a 2 forma skana. I just finished the prisma gorgon (it's very fun and pretty strong) and I'm thinking about doing the kraken next.

In all honesty, I wouldn't know what to do if it weren't for my "forma projects." Even raids are getting boring...

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  1. Warframes: 38 (volt prime and nezha being the highest at 4)
  2. Primaries: 37 (vaykor hek and tonkor being highest at 6)
  3. Secondaries: 15 (rakta ballistica being highest at 4) (spira prime now the highest at 5)
  4. Melee: 8 (ack and brunt and war being highest at 2)
  5. Puppies: 6 (chesa)
  6. Kitties: 6 (smeeta)
  7. Sentinel: 2 (carrier prime)
  8. Sentinel Weapon: 0
  9. Archwing: 0
  10. Archwing Primaries: 1 (fluctus)
  11. Archwing Melee: 0
  12. Ordis: 8 (ordis)
  13. Countless weapon craftz and etc.
Edited by Wolfdoggie
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95 Forma Installed Total

Frames 6: Ivara (2), Trinity Prime(2), Nekros (2)

Primaries 61: Prisma Grakata (6)

Secondaries 16: Twin Grakatas (4)

Melee 2: Dark Dagger (2)

Archwing stuff 1: Dual Decurion(1)

Sentinels 1: Diriga(1)

Pets 8: Smeeta (3), Huras (3)

Not counting forma used for crafting stuff.

I noticed, that I had installed mush more forma in mid-tier guns, than into top-tier ones. I like to have variety, options and not really into min-maxing OP stuff. Also. I don't "Draco".

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i don't forma something I know im not going to use, there really is no need . sop thus far it is: 

warframes: 30 (with at least 5 more to do currently) 

primary: 7

secondary:  3 (I honestly rarely use secondaries) 

meale: 5 

pets/sentinels: 11

there was other weapons with forma I chucked to be honest, mostly everything has a potato though 

maannn i feel i should really work on some stuff. 


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2 hours ago, Zepp_ said:

I never wanted to waste a Forma, so in three years I have put zero on weapons and zero on Warframes.

Just my opinion, here, but frankly I think unused forma are already wasted. Those forma would be so much better off on your favorite frames and weapons, don't you think?

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warframe 76
primary 151
secondary 114
melee 31
pets & pet weapons 7
Archwing /primary/melee 13

total = 392
+dojo / weapon crafting

I still have a ton of unused bp(like 300+) +60 ready to use

I go rarely beyond 3/4 forma on weapons and 2/3 forma on frames.

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Total Forma Used: 389

Warframes: 81 (Trinity with the most at 10)

Primaries: 154 (Dera Vandal with the most at 7)

Secondaries: 78 (Sonicor&Nukor with the most at 6)

Melees: 23 (Sheev with the most at 8)

Sentinels: 12 (Carrier Prime with the most at 4)

Sentinel Weapons: 25 (Vulklok with the most at 6)


Kubrow/Katbrow : 9

Baron Von Rascal(Chesa Kubrow) with 4

Chanel(Adarza Kavat) with 2

My favorite loadout has 26 in it alone(and it doesn't even have a primary equipped).

My Most used on my profile has 22 in it.

Edited by Laisha
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On 9/1/2016 at 2:45 PM, Etharien said:

companion weapons:21
sentinels: 24

total: 1041


First of all, I'm MR 22

My personal stats are as follows (and explanations):

Primaries: 118                (I only have weapons that I enjoy or are considered good. I'm slowly buying back all the weapons in the game and formaring them, but as of right now, I used to sell everything I didn't find good cause I needed the slots)

Secondaries: 72             (I don't have many secondary weapons. I mostly fight with the frame or with primaries. Again, slowly buying them back)

Melee's: 71                    (I have a bunch of melee weapons, but melee for me is meh. There's only a few weapons I actually like to use. But slowly buying them back and formaring now)

Warframes: 124              (I have all frames and primes but not the normal versions of some of the primes. I have only recently started keeping the normal formaed frames when the primes come since Saryn. So I have normal saryn, normal vauban and normal nekros each with at least 3 forma on them)

Companion weapons: 4   (I used to use sweeper until sweeper prime but now I never even use that. I don't like companion weapons at all. I never use them ever since shotguns got buffed.)

Sentinels: 6                    (I only use carrier or smeeta and I used to only use carrier or the stealth dog back when cats weren't around)

Pets: 12                         (Again, I only use stealth dog with 3 forma or smeeta with 6 forma. A few of my other pets are formaed.)

Total: 404                       (this total is very quickly climbing as I am building up my arsenal and getting every weapon in the game and chucking forma on them. I'm MR 22 and the game has gotten pretty boring so as a fun project, my plan is to get every single weapon and frame in game to at least 3 forma so that I can jump into the game, click randomise and have fun while also doing good with anything the game has to offer.)

Edited by Arniox
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17 hours ago, Arniox said:

... so as a fun project, my plan is to get every single weapon and frame in game to at least 3 forma so that I can jump into the game, click randomise and have fun while also doing good with anything the game has to offer.

Sounds like a noble goal.

I also used to sell most weapons after ranking them up in the early days. So there might be some hidden gems to rebuild and forma.

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20 hours ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

Warframes - 295
Primary - 364
Secondary - 226
Melees - 149
Sentinel/kubrows - 207
Sentinel weapons - 108
Archwing - 100
Archwing weapons - 203

Total - 1,652

Did you forma for min/max'ing or just for the fun of it? Since there are only 5 archwings, that would mean an average of 20 each. You must be one of the select few to put excessive forma on archwing, lol.

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3 minutes ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

The fun of it I put 100 forma on 2 weapons and one archwing 

Myself, i only have about 20 forma invested in archwing+ archwing weapons since that's all it take to min/max. Any other items you put 100 forma on? Just curious.

Edited by Etharien
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