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The Silver Grove: U1.2 + U1.3


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1 hour ago, xS0nico said:

Taking like 20 rare resorces in less that 20 minutes wasn't OP.
Not only that, but Red Crits, Infinite Energy, and 2 Minutes Stackable booster.

Not OP at all!

All of this "Smeeta is death" comments are hilarious.

Smeeta isn't useless, but it's not particularly worth bringing over other things anymore. The buffs are still nice, but you only ever really have 1 buff at a time, the buff is random, 1 out of 8 different ones, on a 1 min. internal cd... That you could get lucky and get a nice stack of resources was not even close to guaranteed. It doesn't even benefit you offensively, it just cuts down the incessant grind for everything ever in the game, so that you sometimes got lucky was a welcome reprieve. Hell, you needed to be double lucky to get a big stack and not a smaller one. Once I got 20-something argons on a 5 min. capture run...that was real nice, but it happened once, and that smeeta was glued to my frame at the time. usually it was between 5-20 when I intended to get some argons, sometimes I didn't even get a resource proc.

Carrier is a lot better for resources because you don't need to manually scour everything so you don't miss the 1 argon out of the otherwise opressive control modules. The crit buff...lol just grab the adarza for consistancy. The shield buff is nice, but carrier can replenish your shield more consistantly. Occasional free ability casts...yeah most frames run with mostly spam-friendly builds...what's the point then?

In terms of other pets, even Chesa is better. It at least picks stuff up for you and disarms priority targets like the bloody bombards.


The resource drop was NOT op.

Edited by Geraion
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My opinion about pets.



Once I maxed my Kavat I threw it in stasis with my two Kubrows, and that was back when they were actually worth using. I never used them again regardless; the only Sentinel I'm using is a Carrier P (and I scrapped my old Carrier) because it can gather loot and act as a radar antennae with a Deth machine rifle with a maxed hush on for crate-smashing.

Pets in general need a look at. The majority are Carriers or Chesas; the Kavats don't seem to be worth the time and resource now except for the fact that they are cats.

Even then, people still pick Carriers over them because they're easier to care for.

 Effectively speaking, all pets need a serious buff to be of any use, especially in missions where enemies can oneshot them without even aiming at them - no matter how much hp/shields you stack on them.


My request, or question, or 'what'.

Normal NIGHTMARE missions are missing from the Star Chart, despite a tip saying that they exist. If they do, then I am not seeing any pop up, despite completing every node on most of the planets, including a lot of the Junctions. Lotus, we Tenno do not always dream. Some have Nightmares. Some enjoy them. 

Lotus, where have you hidden these Nightmares?

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12 hours ago, Malvavisc0 said:

Thanks for fixes.

Lucky me, I managed to stockpile a lifetime of argon crystals with my smeeta kavat before it got nerfed....            :O

Well, we'll see what you say when tomorrow your argon is gone. After all that resource decayes over time.

Edited by Kurairyu
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Thanks for the fixes. I don't get all the salt about the Smeeta "nerf", I mean do people even still have troubles farming materials? Do people even still farm for materials? I couldn't care less of getting 60 Argon Crystals in one run, since they're gonna vanish anyways, and that's the only resource I'm forced to farm every now and then.. I don't regret my 6 Formas Smeeta, still a solid companion, and oh boy, those redcrits on any weapon do make it worth it.

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20 minutes ago, ApexPredator-EN- said:

oh boy, those redcrits on any weapon do make it worth it.

trust me they will put nerf there too :D

so far whenever something was awesome they just trashed it.. i just wonder why simulor and tonkor are still good...

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18 hours ago, Iamnotanoob said:

BUG report[concalve] >

1. Allies appearing as enemies on map/mini-map.

2.Irregular matchmaking ,matching mr2 player with 2 or 3 mr22 players

This one new from HOTFIX U1.3[general]>
When using public matchmaking instead of finding squad/open games it directly starts mission countdown @ [DE]Megan

R.I.P Matchmaking


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Thanks for the Smeeta Kavat

jk, this nerf is absurd, is too much, so thanks for nothing.

Can you please now nerf red crits, and all the other bonuses, so you can make useless another creation of yours? 

Seriously, why do you even create content that is going to be ignored and become useless? Do you really wanna throw new content at us just for the sake of it? (answer: YES)

Edited by DLz47
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5 hours ago, Death_Master_ said:

Let's be honest - it is not a problem for you but for other people it is( no one wants to do 20 waves defence for just one neural sensor again and again while need is over 10 a day)!

Also they do easiest thing for them - they just nerf numbers(one touch to DB and done).

They don't wish to improve AI for months and months to make it at lest reliable.

I surely understand that making better AI is hard, they have lot of other things to work on so they try avoid it when possible.

What i would do on their place? I would nerf drop amounts too BUT i would increase chance of it and other buffs like from "28% evely 27sec to 50% every 15 sec" and put trigger to stop AI when afk like carrier AI stops when afk.

Still not much work to do - just 3 touches to DB but my variant rewards active players while taking away afk exploit. 

You know what? I remember playing this game years ago where the farm for resources was MUCH MUCH harder, sure it was tedious but we got efficient at it.

Do you have any idea how much easier they've made farming for resources over the years? Now you guys have a companion which can give you an extra boost to farming resources, yet still you complain. It was not an intended functionality to get such a large amount of resources in a small amount of time, (e.g. some players got enough rare resources to build everything in the game in the space of a week); this is clearly a broken mechanic and NOT intended.

Also your example of needing a specific amount of resources per day doesn't apply to everyone - you don't have to build a certain amount of things per day, that's simply a choice. You can enjoy playing the game, getting resources while you do other things. If you're a hardcore gamer and want to rank up super fast using mostly everything for MR fodder, then put in the extra "grind" for your resources. Honestly myself and many others always give the same advice with mmos; don't burn yourself out. Play it and enjoy it, take your time, no need to rush because you'll burn yourself out and get frustrated at how long it's taking you to do something. People really need to remember it's a game, you're not required to reach the top ranks in a few weeks or anything. If you're in such a hurry, then grind and get frustrated, it's not anyone's problem but your own.

You should be thankful you got to use the broken mechanic while it was there; now you can go back and farm resources like you're supposed to. If you don't like it there are plenty of other mmos to try out, maybe you can complain about their grind for loot too; if you think the grind is bad in this game then you haven't played many mmos.

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12 minutes ago, Alcoholism said:


"Back in my day we had to walk upstream both ways!" Yeah, so? We have cars now.

A horribly grind is a horrible grind, even if it was worse before. I won't be grateful for a band-aid on a gushing artery wound.

S#&$ like argons, which decay, you need to regularly farm (like us people who like to breed kubs and kats, @(*()$ powercores), and in my case, I am perpetually low on nano spores. The drop buff was not reliable, and a huge stack was doubly lucky. Not all of us want to sit for 2+ hours to have argons for a couple of days. Not all of us play warframe alone. I'm busy with wow's Legion atm, other games, time were I don't want to play games etc.

Nerfing the number on the drop a bit would've been a-ok, but this is dumb, and makes smeeta definitively worse than to bring a more dedicated companion.

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15 minutes ago, Geraion said:

"S#&$ like argons, which decay, you need to regularly farm (like us people who like to breed kubs and kats, @(*()$ powercores), and in my case, I am perpetually low on nano spores.

Argon that can now disappear on the day you get it, instead of the 2nd day. 

Also I'm constantly low on nano spores like you, some of the 'rare items' I've got more than I'll likely ever need but nano spores and oxium seem to be a pain to collect, especially when it appears that oxium drop value was reduced about a month ago. 

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20 hours ago, Azlen said:

The chance at max rank for charm taking place is 28% chance every 27 seconds. There are 6 different buffs. So assuming the chance of charm happening EVERY 27 seconds was 100%, then it would take you 2 minutes and 42 seconds to see each buff once. The chance of getting the rare resource can obviously happen multiple times in a row, just as every ability can, so that balances out over time (assuming DE made everything have the same chance to happen). So that 2 minutes 42 seconds for the rare resource to pop up ALSO now has to factor in the fact that the ability has a 28% chance to even occur (again can fail 10 times in a row but can also succeed 10 times so that balances out as well). 28% chance is roughly 1 in every 4 times. Which means that ON AVERAGE, the Smeeta after this change now will produce ONE RARE RESOURCE every 10 minutes and 48 seconds.

If anyone honestly thinks that is an acceptable amount they are out of their damn mind. It'd be better to bring a damn carrier because i'd be willing to bet over the course of an 11 minute run, he'll grab 1 extra rare resource for me. Bulls$$t nerf. At least tweak something for a better response if it doesn't work how you want it to. This basically just deleted it from the list of abilities.
GG DE first time you have truly ever disappointed me.

That's in the best possible case scenario.

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8 hours ago, aerosoul1337 said:

Did you change the public match making?

When no group is available, mission starts automatically now.

But sometimes we just want to wait for more players.

Revert public mode, and add a "start as host" will be perfect.


Also, please give us a checkbox somewhere that reads "Join In-Progress Missions [toggle y/n]" so that I can choose to only join missions that haven't been started. This way I don't run into the problem of joining a 35 enemy Exterminate Fissure, and also so that I can get my Simaris target to spawn in public missions.

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for any update could put a system in which we can create our own warframes ? I say it would be great to have a custom full arms legs powers go head even improving masomenos systems with the same system they have with the operator to be improved part by the way something like that just focusing systems and tells you when improvements more power or strength or even create new skills if you make it this game will be awesome more than now

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20 hours ago, Berdache said:

Exactly how many have you scanned?  When did you reach 50%?  How many more have you scanned since getting 50%?  

I scanned 34. I think I reached 50% about a few weeks ago but the bar moves so slowly I'm not quite certain where the half-way mark was so I tried to keep scanning until I someday get a message

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Bugs I have found:

1. Tonfas quick melee right arm (first swing) seems to have a dead range when running Primed Reach; the reach on both swings can hit at a very nice range, and at short range. But as I tested on some crates it is possible to have a crate closer than the max reach of the weapon, but not hit when swung at until hilariously short range (left arm swing, swing 2, is able to hit anywhere inside of max reach. The problem appears to be forward only, the wing of the strike (to the side) seems to hit fine. Can anyone else confirm?

2. Ash Noble stance also bunches up Saryn's skirt around the wast rather than hanging. Ash noble stance pinches Valkyr's premium Gersemi skin tail. Banshee's premium Soprana skin skirt clips through the frame during sound-quake (like crazy bad) when using Ash Noble stance. Banshee's premium Soprana skin left Butt-cheek deflates in many animations and idle stances (suspect cloth physics failure, no screenshot; I am lazy); again in Ashe Noble stance.

Ash Noble stance seems to just lain be borked for all dangles/skirts/other.


3. Syndicate weapons/augs SOMETIMES no longer proc after entering Titania's Razor Wing (Ult, power 4)

see: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=752714800 (Screenshot will be taken down sometime in Sept 2016)


4. Staticor is locking all stances into what looks like the 'no stance selected' idle animation (not the throwing weapon animation for the stance the frame is using)



http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=757499652 Missing lockers

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=757499592 More missing lockers

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=757499495 No alarm console

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=757499539 Yep definitely no alarm console

Locked in and no way out; MISSION FAILURE. No interact-able objects loaded in the whole tile.

Correction: that tile on the Grineer Galleon NEVER loads any interact-able objects during any mission.


Suggestion: Others have mentioned that Snipers are very weak vs Nullifiers. Suggestion: Sniper combo counter is refreshed (NOT increased by) Bubble hits, layers of bubble destruction are counted by current dmg multiple, at 1x 6 hits on void null, at 1.5x 4, and at 2x 3 hits to drop..etc.

Edited by Achronus
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20 hours ago, Berdache said:
7 minutes ago, Achronus said:

3. Syndicate weapons/augs SOMETIMES no longer proc after entering Titania's Razor Wing (Ult, power 4)

see: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006562470/screenshots/ (Screenshot will be taken down sometime in Sept 2016)

I noticed that too. It's good someone remembered to bring it to their attention. Also I'd like to add that Kuria rewards are not being awarded when they should be.

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