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What Warframe abilities would you change?


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I just watched Rob from AGGP's video about Zephyr and it got me thinking about her and a bunch of other frames who's abilities are kinda meh and don't function as well as they could or don't fit the identity of the frame that they are trying to portray.



" ' To me, her 1 feels a little clunky. It is easily countered by small spaces. I almost feel like zephyr should have gotten Titania's ult. Dive bomb feels good and her Turbulence is great.

If it were me, I'd make her 1 her passive so if you're bullet jumping, depending on how long you hold space, you bullet jump more. Make her new 1 an AOE cone in front of her that knocks enemies up and either grant allies her passive if within the radius around her like volt's Speed or keeps the enemies suspended like Rhino's ult or both. If enemies affected by her 1 are within the blast radius of Dive Bomb, they are slammed down and inflicted with more damage.

Make her ult pseudo archwing that let's the player keep their Warframe's primary, secondary, and melee. It would be a toggle ability. If you were to touch down and crouch/slide on the ground, you can walk. If you were to double jump, you would enter "archwing" again. All abilities are usable in "archwing."

Titania and Zephyr would end up having very similar kits though.' "

I commented the above. As for other frames...

I would love to see Mesa's Ballistic Battery be a toggle. There are two ways I could see this work.

1: You generate stacks by damaging and killing enemies. Killing grants more stacks than damaging. Consecutive shots against the same enemy grants more stacks per shot. At 100 stacks, your next shot is empowered. You lose the control of when the empowered shot is fired though. :/

2: You generate stacks only by landing consecutive shots. The number of shots is determined by the fire rate of the weapon. After so many consecutive shots, your next shot is empowered. If your weapon has a fire rate of 10 rounds/ second, it would take 10 rounds to obtain the empowered shot. The visual would be a bar at the bottom like Atlas' first ability or Rhino's first ability. If that is filled, you get the empowered shot. After so long of not landing consecutive shots, the bar would decrease over time. For this, you have to play around with how accurate of a shooter you are. It rewards you for being a good shot but you sort of lose some control over when you get the empowered shot as well.

Hydroid: I want more control over the tentacles.

Make his Tempest Barrage a tentacle slam that heals him, make his Tidal Surge an AOE Mag pull around Hydroid, keep his Undertow so it synergizes well with his new Tidal Surge, keep the tentacles in his ult but if he casts his new Tempest Barrage, it slams all existing tentacles in the direction of the cast. Sounds like Illaoi from League of Legends in Warframe.

Limbo: I LOVE THIS FRAME. He's the true high skill ceiling Warframe. The only thing I would change is if enemies are affected by his ult, they are stunned or something. Give him more breathing room to deal damage to large groups of enemies. Enemies can only be stunned or whatever once every so many seconds. I guess his Rift Surge is a little meh but I guess it could be a toggle as well or something.

Oberon: Make his Smite affect every enemy with a higher percentage value of Weakened, make his Hollowed Ground a toggle and AOE around him instead of a line skillshot.

Rhino: Enemies affected by his passive, Rhino Charge and Rhino Stomp drop shards like Mag's Polarize which if picked up, grant bonus resistances, Roar is the only Buff that I wouldn't make a toggle because the nature of the buff but I would make it able to be recast only to refresh the cooldown.

Chroma: I ALSO ADORE THIS WARFRAME, but I have no idea how to make him more dragon like. Dragons fly and stuff so maybe give him a flying/mobility ability and let his ult roam or something.

Ember: I think she falls off late game. Armor reduction after each proc of World on Fire hitting an enemy.

Ash: Keep his Shuriken and Smoke Screen but have his Smoke Screen recastable. If he casts Smoke Screen while visible, he becomes invisible and stuns any enemies around. If he's invisible, he stuns any enemies around but doesn't refresh the duration of the invisibility. Get rid of his Teleport and put it into his Blade Storm. His Teleport should be something like Shadow Clone. On cast, it drops a MELEE ONLY clone of Ash or multiple with higher levels. It deals no damage (or maybe it only deals current melee weapon damage) but/and knocks back enemies like it does when you regularly melee something. The AI would have to be really good I guess. If closest valid enemy target and not already targeted by another shadow clone then use AI pathing to get in range and attack target or something. His Blade Storm should be more interactive and reward the player for timing the attacks. Press 4 to become invisible for 3 seconds and draw your dagger. During that time press melee to jump to target and two circles appear or something. If you press melee again when the circles' lines meet, you are granted a bleed proc or extra damage, and an extra second added to the invisiblity. That enemy can only be affected once every so many seconds.

EVERY WARFRAME WITH A SELF BUFF: That self buff should be a toggle. Easiest fix of my life. Energy costs and damage values are just number crunching. Whatever makes it feel fair.

That was a long rant and I'm sorry but if you made it through the whole thing, awesome!

There are some other things I would change that isn't related to the Warframes but that's for later.

Let me know what you think or what you would change in the comments below!


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1 hour ago, Kuestenjung said:

The first 2 that come to my mind are

- Ashs bladestorm, well he is getting tweaks, let´s see

- Excals EB, he is supposed to be a swordsman and not a turret.

They already changed that though. Before I would turrent around but now I slash dash to the enemies because of the insane damage up close.

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This was said to be planned for implementation, yet we haven't heard anything about it since;

Slash Dash: Apply combo feature (currently only in Landslide, Ripline, and Rhino Charge) to make each cast cost less energy and be more effective if used within the timeframe of the combo counter

As for the rest, I'll just post what's currently on my mind.

Silence: Allow it to be recasted

Radial Javelin: Javelin damage can now be boosted by blinding enemies prior to casting. Radial Javelin is currently sticking out of Excalibur's ability set because it lacks synergy, so something simple like this is a decent fix in my opinion.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Most first abilities that fire a damaging projectile (fireball, soul punch, smite etc.)


Why? I would first buff their damage and increase the projectile speed to make them viable, 1000-2000 at max level unmodded would be fine plus 450-900 on the AoE if there is one, but only on direct hits to make them worth aiming at an enemy. Right now this kind of ability is outclassed by almost every weapon and some are only worth it because of the augments that add elemental damage to teammates, which, however does not justify their existence. Abilities have to be useful in all level ranges even without their augments.


As for chroma, a huge range and damage per second boost, its spectral scream is a bad joke.


Most 4th radial damage abilities would go, there are a million ways to destroy stuff with chaining attacks, shockwaves or maintained rays of elemental damage. Or even grenade-typed AoEs. This would need enemy adjustments though.

Edited by Genoscythe
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Atlas 4. 

Rather than lame summons that I never use, I would've made it a Falcon Punch that deals absurd damage (based on STR obviously) + aoe cc (based on range / str), similar to Rhino Stomp) and sets his 1's combo counter to 8x for a certain amount of time (based on your duration). An augment for it could be the ability to pass the combo counter to teammates instantly giving them 2x for melee weapons.

I just feel like something this OP would motivate people to play this hidden gem.

Edited by NME_
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3 hours ago, NME_ said:

Atlas 4. 

Rather than lame summons that I never use, I would've made it a Falcon Punch that deals absurd damage (based on STR obviously) + aoe cc (based on range / str), similar to Rhino Stomp) and sets his 1's combo counter to 8x for a certain amount of time (based on your duration). An augment for it could be the ability to pass the combo counter to teammates instantly giving them 2x for melee weapons.

I just feel like something this OP would motivate people to play this hidden gem.


This sounds better for an augment of Landslide (because the current one doesn't seem all too appealing to me). Something like this I would have incredible amounts of fun with.

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Banshee - Silence is now recastable
Chroma - Spectral Scream is replaced, His 2 and 3 are now recastable
Mirage - Slight of Hand is replaced with an actual ability
Trinity - Well of Life still has the hard stun but does something other than heal (Her 4 gives you no reason to use her 1)
Mesa - Her 1 no longer has a damage cap
Nova - Her 1 now procs blast
Changes to Mesa and Nova will make them 100% perfect. They are already good but this would make them perfect.

Edited by Alenkj
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Loki's Decoy: Make it scale with mods and maybe his pistol to scale with secondary mods?

Loki's Switch Teleport: IDK, it's completely situational right now. Needs to have more use or remove it and change with some other ability.

Mesa's Ballistic Battery: Make it a short duration instead of a per shot buff.

Nova's Null Star: Give it more utility. Prioritizing Sapper fields, blocking melee attacks, etc.

Excalibur's Slash Dash: Make it like Rhino's, Valkyr's and Atlas's 1st skills.

Limbo's entire kit.

Zephyr's entire kit, except Turbulence.

Oberon's entire kit.

Nekros' Desecrate: 65% chance to drop additional loot.

Nekros' SotD: Make health drain based on strength or make lower but flat and not affected by mods.

Nekros' Soul Punch: Either make a minion on kill and/or heal a minion.

Banshee's Silence: Make it recastable like Sonar.

Trinity's Well of Life: Replace it with another ability.

Nezha's Blazing Chakram: Doesn't turn off Firewalker when used to teleport.

Many others that I can't remember right now.

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Well I suppose I'd have to go with Ripline. The mobility aspect could use some work because it seems like the old 'magnetic' parkour that we use to have. But the main thing I'd change is to have it do something more than just tug enemies down when you target them...Maybe do a spin using the whip and their bodies to damage surrounding enemies or even tug the enemy and slam them on the ground in front of you to knockdown enemies near you.

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Hmm, well i whould change zephyrs 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Her 3rd doesnt fit her set but im not too crazy about changing it, but her 1st and 2nd are REALLY bad, her second is useless since while u knock your enemies down and get up, your enemies are already on their feet, and her 1st is too situational, since you cant use it on closed maps, you can only used it on maps with open spaces, and even there it just throws you in the air wich is useless when you see titanias ult, and can be done by jumping.

Edited by Dorde_Sukalo
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Radial Javelin. That ability doesn't have much purpose at enemy levels where it doesn't kill. And for crowd control, Radial Blind already does a better job in terms of energy efficiency, speed, and damage due to the stealth multiplier, which then makes Radial Javelin redundant.

If I would change it, the swords would strike down on the enemies and impale them to the ground they're standing on and leaves them immobile for a duration. The sword will still remain there even if the enemy is killed upon cast.. For synergy, using Slash Dash on them allows Excal to instantly teleport to the sword irrespective of distance to perform slash dash on the enemy impaled or whoever that's near it for half energy. Doing so will destroy the sword that's teleported to.

Edited by Knightmare047
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There are just a few abilities I'd change from various frames: the first and most important ones that come to my mind now, are Hydroid's.
I really love the Hydroid, and playing him as my main frame, kinda made me understand his weak points; where he falls short.

1 - Tempest Barrage: Hydroid is not a damage frame, we all get it. Also, damage is one parameter that, if it's not well tuned, will perform with bad results in higher levels. This is why utility powers are better, in my opinion, than pure damage ones. 
With that said, Tidal Surge is a kinda... disappointing power, as it has low damage and low utility.
How to make it better? 
Make it scale off your primary weapon mods. If you have any elemental mods, the water lances dropping down the sky will have a % to deal that elemental damage. You're against Corpus? Shut off their damn shields with a magnetic shower. Grineer? Corrosive shower time. So it keeps being a CC ability that stuns AND has ability to debuff your targets. No need to deal absurd amounts of damage, but to make your life (and of your Tenno companions) easier. Yes, quality of life is the way with the Hydroid.
And oh, please, make it a one-handed ability, like Soul Punch. So you can reload your weapon and move while casting. 

3 - Undertow : This is a good ability for taking a break from the fight. Hydroid is a very interesting frame to play... You need to know when to be ultra aggressive or very patient.
The augment Curative Undertow here is mandatory... but how could the ability be better overall?
Making it possible to move (at a slow speed) while in water form without reverting back to physical form, would be interesting. It would make him perfectly viable for stealth and spy missions, which is an added plus. 
Enemies that fall into the pool take more finisher damage which scales with your melee mods. Those who survive are bloated, slowed, vulnerable to a melee finisher. 

4 - Tentacle Swarm: This ability needs two things. Two things, I say.
     - Better casting speed (so that Natural Talent is no more mandatory, and you only may use Speed Drift for an added speed bonus)
     - Being able to use two instances of tentacles, so that you can cast two different groups of tentacles in two different places. How to deal with performance issues? Slightly reduce number of tentacles, decrease the spread and distance bewteen tentacles.

These are my two pennies. 
I hope that, when they'll eventually rework the Hydroid, they'll think about this kind of stuff. He doesn't need new abilities: just his abilities tweaked and improved "quality of life".

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His one can be be held down allowing you to continuously chain bolts around, kinda like Vor's beam but with chaining effects.

I think speed is fine.

His shield is great but the cost for equipping it is too much.

His ult is fine.



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21 minutes ago, Sturmgaard said:

There are just a few abilities I'd change from various frames: the first and most important ones that come to my mind now, are Hydroid's.
I really love the Hydroid, and playing him as my main frame, kinda made me understand his weak points; where he falls short.

1 - Tempest Barrage: Hydroid is not a damage frame, we all get it. Also, damage is one parameter that, if it's not well tuned, will perform with bad results in higher levels. This is why utility powers are better, in my opinion, than pure damage ones. 
With that said, Tidal Surge is a kinda... disappointing power, as it has low damage and low utility.
How to make it better? 
Make it scale off your primary weapon mods. If you have any elemental mods, the water lances dropping down the sky will have a % to deal that elemental damage. You're against Corpus? Shut off their damn shields with a magnetic shower. Grineer? Corrosive shower time. So it keeps being a CC ability that stuns AND has ability to debuff your targets. No need to deal absurd amounts of damage, but to make your life (and of your Tenno companions) easier. Yes, quality of life is the way with the Hydroid.
And oh, please, make it a one-handed ability, like Soul Punch. So you can reload your weapon and move while casting. 

3 - Undertow : This is a good ability for taking a break from the fight. Hydroid is a very interesting frame to play... You need to know when to be ultra aggressive or very patient.
The augment Curative Undertow here is mandatory... but how could the ability be better overall?
Making it possible to move (at a slow speed) while in water form without reverting back to physical form, would be interesting. It would make him perfectly viable for stealth and spy missions, which is an added plus. 
Enemies that fall into the pool take more finisher damage which scales with your melee mods. Those who survive are bloated, slowed, vulnerable to a melee finisher. 

4 - Tentacle Swarm: This ability needs two things. Two things, I say.
     - Better casting speed (so that Natural Talent is no more mandatory, and you only may use Speed Drift for an added speed bonus)
     - Being able to use two instances of tentacles, so that you can cast two different groups of tentacles in two different places. How to deal with performance issues? Slightly reduce number of tentacles, decrease the spread and distance bewteen tentacles.

These are my two pennies. 
I hope that, when they'll eventually rework the Hydroid, they'll think about this kind of stuff. He doesn't need new abilities: just his abilities tweaked and improved "quality of life".

That Tentacle swarm idea should be an augment, to be honest. If only augments didn't use slots though....


Limbo's Rift walk and banish should be merged, holding down banish applying it to him instead of where he clicks. Hos third should actually be part of his passive. His Second should be that it inverts Banished enemy's attack and defense for a short while, countering scaling. His third should allow him to teleport freely where he aims for a short duration.

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1- Wormhole: I would let nova instantly teleport to the target location as soon as she creates the portal. Then the portal would remain in the place as normal. So basicaly the only change would be the instant teleport for Nova.

2 - Nullstar: For me, this ability has a lot of potential. I would remove the damage potential to make it fully utility oriented... I would make that particles instead of dealing slash damage, debuff enemies by slowing them down by 50% for 3 seconds. Also, each 3 particles (it doesn't matter who got hit by the previous 2 particles) the enemy hit by this 3rd particle will let the enemy exposed to a finisher attack.

3 - Molt: I would make two changes: 
-Let Molt escale with HP and Armor mods. 
-Make molt release up to 60% of the damage dealt to it, but as poison damage (with proc).

4 - Miasma: Saryn if used correctly can survive sorties and raids easily with the amount of CC provided by Miasma, but I would like this ability to be a bit more utility focused... I would make  Miasma tick proc corrosive status with each tick. 

5 - Decoy: As Loki is a support frame, I think his Decoy doesn't always gives the team protection in terms of aggro, compared to other warframes that could be getting shoted. 
Yes, he has Radial Disarm, but I wanted to make this ability more important in Loki's kit. So, here is my idea. Decoy now also debuff nearly enemies (10 meters that don't escale wirh power range). And the debuff is that said enemies  get extra damage with headshots. 

6 - Switch Teleport: I would make it to have a little AoE of 3 meters, and enemies that got switched bt the ability, get slowed down by 50% (affected by power strenght).

7 - Radial Javelin: As this ability is simply outclased by radial blind in late game, this change would be simple, but would create a really big difference between these two abilities. The suggested change is that Radial Javelin now escales with the active combo counter. (like Blood Rush). So , the more excalibur kills, their javelins will also grow stronger.

8 - Radial Disarm: This actually isn't an actual change to the ability itself, it's more to a change to the relatiion of that ability of that ability with Heavy Units. I always thought that Heavy Units shouldn't be completely nullified like they do right now. So, Radial Disarm instead of getting permanently disarmed until they die, they should change their weapons to a secondary that make them have 45% less accuracy and 50% less damage until they die. These secondary also would have way less amo in their mags than their primaries, so these heavy units will be way deadlier, and would have to reload a lot.

9 - Fireball: Instead of just dealing damage, this ability could set an enemy on fire,completely nullifying him for the next 5 seconds. If the enemy gets killed while the effect of this ability, he will explode dealing up to 30% of his total HP as Fire damage.

10 -  Ring of Fire: The change I would do to this ability is that it becomes a channeled ability, and that each enemy killed while Ring of Fire is actived will increase it's damage by 5% (multiplicative) . Now, I will explain Ring of Fire itself... Ring of Fire will have two layers now, the inner ring which deals 100% of the damage that increases while you kill enemies. And outside the ring there is an aura that constantly deals 60% of the stored damage per tick. (each tick happens every 1.2 seconds) 

11 - Sleight of hand: I would make this ability a channeled one, and would make it deal no damage, but be more consistent on the CC area. I would make pickups completely freeze enemies up to 4 seconds. Objects (containers, control consoles, lockers, etc...) blind enemies up to 6 seconds. And would make dead bodies create viral clouds of 3 meters with 100% proc chance.

12 - World of Fire: I would increase the drain per second of the ability. It has a cap, and the closest is the drain to the cap, the more armor penetration it has. 
it takes 2 minutes to reach the drain cap.So it means that it takes the same amount of time to reach the armor penetration cap (which is also 100%). 

13 - Psychic Bolts: I would add a permanent damage reduction of 30% that stack with each psychic bots that affect the enemy. 

14 - Ballistic Battery: I would make this ability to apply the buff to 70% of the magazine instead of a single bullet.

15 - Soul Punch: As the ability separates the soul from the objective, I would make the affected enemy to receive more damage from all types of attacks until he dies. And additional change would be for the augment mod for this ability.., Yes, Nekros can generate tons of health orbs, but that's is not enough to heal a revived enemy after he get's revived by his Soul Survivor variant. The suggested change for this ability would be that the resurrected ally revives with 10% of his total HP and slowly heals up to 70% of his total HP. The ally could also revive with his shields up, so he doesn't get instakilled as soon as he wakes up.

16 - Tesla: I would make tesla work like Diriga. As soon long as the enemy is close to a tesla he will get continuously electrocuted until the tesla ends. Heavy units could get burst of electric procs and move slower so they can't get out easily.. (the area won't be that big, to not steal volt's work). Tesla augment mod could still create links between tesla grenades, but said link won't deal slash damage, but would overheat enemies guns for 10 seconds.

Sorry for the text wall lol

Edited by (PS4)BrutalReaper32
Added Tesla change.
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9 hours ago, Alenkj said:

Mirage - Slight of Hand is replaced with an actual ability

She can turn security gates and turrets against the Corpus in their levels completely locking down an area in your favor. Oh but that's too much work I guess. Back to shooting @(*()$ balls everywhere again. 

There's a lot of frames I would tweak but I'll just focus on the ones I can think of right now.

Oberon's renewal I'd like to not shut off randomly. The augment is nigh useless and the bleedout extension is a lie until it gets a fix. Other abilities just need number tweaks, maybe different visuals for his energy rug.

Since Banshee is most likely to get a prime next, I'd swap out her passive for something else. Redundancy in kits is a waste. Also sound quake is way too powerful. I can see the cons (stuck in place, can actually be marked afk while using it) but it locks down maps the exact same way disco ball used to but with everybody dancing. The result is the match is now just another boring time waster. I'd switch it to a deployable or two where she could lock down an area but still be able to move. And affected enemies would either be knocked down/impact proc'd, or suffer an accuracy penalty. Though the area of effect would have to be reduced to account for the increase in utility.

Loki I'd have his decoy trigger a confusion effect when dispelled. Would fit his trickster theme. As for his invisibility, everyone knows it's basically immunity from being shot at and everyone exploits it. I'd have invisibility not work in point blank range. *@##$ all you'd like but there's no downsides to being invisible and Loki is invisible 24/7. And switch teleport, the afflicted enemy would become a target for all surrounding enemies, like a 1-person chaos.




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Miasma - Increase the number of ticks to 7, decrease damage to 200, so that overall damage remains the same, stun for the whole time, and proc corrosive on every tick

Molt - modify stats with Saryns D-Mods (e.g. Vitality, Vigor, Steel Fibre, etc.)

Hysteria - Drop the death bubble, drop the unconditional invulnerability, drop the power cost increase; instead usedamage reduction that can reach 100%, and then add diminishing returns to both claw damage and damage reduction, that doesn't instantly reset if you exit Hysteria

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Radial Javelin would be changed to a single target ability but will throw an enemy until it hits a wall or if the enemy falls off the world. Makes it sorta funny and ridiculous but we have weapons like the Sonicor.

Slight of Hand would effect unaware targets to explode upon cast. Again because it would be funny.

Psychic Bolts would stun enemies and have a chance of disarming them. It would also remove some armor temporarily.

Turbulence will blow enemies around her away upon initial cast.

Hydroid needs a complete rework.

Hallow Ground will heal allies.

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