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League ADC in Warframe


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For lack of a better name, I'll call her Vayne.

Passive: Swift Death

On roll, Vayne is granted invisibility during the animation of the roll and for one second afterwords. This has a two second cooldown after being invisible. Unaffected by duration.

Vayne can reload during any animation caused by the player. If affected by an enemy status that would break animation then the reload is canceled. On reload, the circle in the center of the reticle has a mark that if you press reload again if within the mark, your next magazine is granted % current health damage to the target divided by the number of bullets in the magazine.

First ability: Condemn

Enemies are knocked back in a cone in front of her. If enemies hit a part of the environment they are stunned. Enemies aren't ragdolled unless stunned against a wall. Affected by range and damage.

Second ability: Smoke Grenade

Vayne throws a smoke screen grenade that blinds and slows any enemies within the radius. Enemies can still move. Affected by range and duration

Third ability: Marked for Death

Vayne marks her target. Any and all damage inflicted to the target from any source is amplified and posted at the bottom of the screen like Nyx's damage for Absorb for a few seconds. If the target dies or the duration is complete, the mark explodes dealing damage to all enemies within the radius.

Fourth ability: Time for Reckoning

Vayne pulls her dual pistols, Luara Croft style. Holding down the trigger automatically shoots but needs to be aimed. Needs to be reloaded. Swift Death applies to the reload. Each shot has innate punch through. Each shot heals her for either a flat amount. Damage is increased by either primary or secondary weapon mods (not sure which would be better; probably secondary because dual pistols are a secondary but ehh). Any targets stunned by Condemn or shot by her pistols are Marked for Death. During bullet jump, any enemies within a cone of her line of sight have their movement and fire rate slowed (pseudo bullet time). It's a toggle ability, drain affected by duration and efficiency, damage by strength, cone length during bullet time affected by range.

Or just put Vayne in Warframe. This was fun.


Edited by mrbeefy15
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1 minute ago, mrbeefy15 said:

For lack of a better name, I'll call her Vayne.

Passive: Swift Death

On roll, Vayne is granted invisibility during the animation of the roll and for one second afterwords. This has a two second cooldown after being invisible. Unaffected by duration.

Vayne can reload during any animation caused by the player. If affected by an enemy status that would break animation then the reload is canceled. On reload, the circle in the center of the reticle has a mark that if you press reload again if within the mark, your next magazine is granted % current health damage to the target divided by the number of bullets in the magazine.

First ability: Condemn

Enemies are knocked back in a cone in front of her. If enemies hit an part of the environment they are stunned. Enemies aren't ragdolled unless stunned against a wall. Affected by range and damage.

Second ability: Smoke Screen

Vayne throws a smoke screen grenade that blinds and slows any enemies within the radius. Enemies can still move. Affected by range and duration

Third ability: Marked for Death

Vayne marks her target. Any and all damage inflicted to the target from any source is amplified and posted at the bottom of the screen like Nyx's damage for Absorb for a few seconds. If the target dies or the duration is complete, the mark explodes dealing damage to all enemies within the radius.

Fourth ability: Pain and Reckoning

Vayne pulls her dual pistols, Luara Croft style. Holding down the trigger automatically shoots but needs to be aimed. Needs to be reloaded. Swift Death applies to the reload. Each shot has innate punch through. Each shot heals her for either a flat amount. Damage is increased by either primary or secondary weapon mods (not sure which would be better; probably secondary because dual pistols are a secondary but ehh). Any targets stunned by Condemn or shot by her pistols are Marked for Death. During bullet jump, any enemies within a cone of her line of sight have their movement and fire rate slowed (pseudo bullet time). It's a toggle ability, drain affected by duration and efficiency, damage by strength, cone length during bullet time affected by range.

Or just put Vayne in Warframe. This was fun.


This all sounds a bit too much like ash/Mesa mixed together. Won't happen. 

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I don't get what this post is supposed to he about... Carries in MOBAs are supposed to be squishy characters with high late game damage output and they're balanced towards that role because of the way MOBAs work, where you farm gold to buy items and are PvP games where you try to eliminate the enemy's base. In MOBAs, you start each match with next to nothing and work your way up. In Warframe you join each match with everything and just face stronger AI controlled enemies.

If you just want a frame that goes pew pew pew, there's Mesa.

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This concepts sounds really fun.
The only power I would change, and not because isn't origina, strong enough or boring, but to give her more personality is Marked For Death. I would suggest (only if you want) to give ger more DPS, in this case, an ability that buff the damage of the weapon she is using by x3, but applies the buff to 2 magazines of the weapon. I mean, she gets the buff, uses all her bullets in the mag, reloads, uses all the bullets in the mag again, and the buff is gone. Also, if you still want some damag potential that increases while you deal damage, the last bullet of each mag could deal an slash damage proc based on the % of the bullets that hit the enemy while the ability was active. (the % will be based on accuracy) and if the player gets to 100% accuracy during the ability, she could get an damage multiplier  x2 that affects the slash proc. I think, an ability like that could synergyse pretty well with her role and her other abilities.

And based on how she is a gunslinger, that should be a frontline warframe. Do you think it would be a nice idea to change smoke screen a bit (to not make her look like ash?)
instead of smoke, she could use blind grenades that briefly stun enemies, blind them of course and could reduce their accuracy for a bit after the blind part is done. 
Also, this would syngergyse whe the ability I told you before. Because Slash procs deal way more damage if enemies are blinded :D

A combo with the new kit could be: Active the magazine buff, use condemn to stun them, inmediatly use the blind grenade to prolonge the CC, right after that cast Pain and Reckoning, and since the mag buff works on her ult you can prioritize the strongest enemies and take them down easily with all the burst DPS she has.

Of course as I said, these are just ideas, but the concept you made by yourself sounds extremelly fun to use, because it's like a Mesa, but with a higher skill ceilling.

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29 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Angry said:

Misspelled a word.

Think you did more than that.

29 minutes ago, (XB1)CFE Angry said:

Ash word like a would with beefy right now.

Tell me this was on purpose, because it is quite the tongue twister.  It made my brain hurt, but in a good way. :crylaugh: 

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