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Male vs. Female Operators - the odds


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Corrent me if I am mistaken, but right now the only way to identify the gender of friendly operator is to witness them in thier apparation form during missions,

During your travels, how many male or female operators have you met? I am curious about the odds. I myself play as male operator and I think that I have met more male operators than females. I should add however that when I visit this forum, namely fan zone and artwork section. I notice a lot of female operators depicted in artworks and screenshots, meanwhile in game I meet mostly male operators.

One more question. Do you think that a breast slider in customisation would increase the female operators in population or would it remain the same?

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3 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

Corrent me if I am mistaken, but right now the only way to identify the gender of friendly operator is to witness them in thier apparation form during missions,

During your travels, how many male or female operators have you met? I am curious about the odds. I myself play as male operator and I think that I have met more male operators than females. I should add however that when I visit this forum, namely fan zone and artwork section. I notice a lot of female operators depicted in artworks and screenshots, meanwhile in game I meet mostly male operators.

One more question. Do you think that a breast slider in customisation would increase the female operators in population or would it remain the same?

I use a male and I honestly don't really pay that much attention to the others, i do encounter a lot of dudes. The most likely reason there are a lot of art concerning the female gender of the Tenno, i guess thats just due to the "kawaai" part about girls in anime/manga. They tend to be more adorable. Which does attract a lot more attention.

And if a boob slider was implemented there would be a lot more female Tenno. Not saying i'd be one of them but i would screw around with it once xD.

Edited by Shad0wWatcher
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When I'm doing pub runs, I never see those Operator Apparitions. Maybe people just don't want to spoil the quest, or because it ends much too quickly to be of any use XD (most only use them for pasives, anyway)

3 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

One more question. Do you think that a breast slider in customisation would increase the female operators in population or would it remain the same?

I am strongly against this, since we are talking about children.

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I tend to notice more Male operaters in game than female however...

3 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

One more question. Do you think that a breast slider in customisation would increase the female operators in population or would it remain the same?

No, just... no, there are so many things wrong with this but I think we should remember before anything else they're kids and things like breast sliders never attract the right kind of crowd, that's not what this game's about

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1 minute ago, -Amaterasu- said:

I tend to notice more Male operaters in game than female however...

No, just... no, there are so many things wrong with this but I think we should remember before anything else they're kids and things like breast sliders never attract the right kind of crowd, that's not what this game's about

But thats not what my question was about :O

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I almost never see anyone use Focus, so I couldn't say which is more favoured.

As for body sliders, I've found that they're typically more trouble than they're worth. People would demand fat body types and muscular body types, and in order to make the suits fit on these body types, they'd have to be re-modeled. Some games with customizable bodies are content to just stretch clothing to fit, but the result is usually quite poor looking. In the end, most people realistically end up picking the 'average' looking body anyway, so all the extra work that goes into those alternate body types is wasted.

Having just a boob slider without other body options would come off as pretty pervy; I think DE has a little more class than that.


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2 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

But thats not what my question was about :O

That's not a question you should have to ask on the internet of all places, the answer is obvious, even to someone like me (and I'm not that perceptive) so the second you ask that about a character that is barely a teenager that's quickly what it's going to be about.

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I think having a boob slider would just be.. vulgar, compared to DE's work. Not only would it be a waste of their time, but also a waste of their skill on something that low. And, this is coming from DE having only one curse-word in the game that I know of, which is Deth-cube's description. Now, from putting the B.A 'curseword' in a Deth-cube description to putting a boob slider on a child customization screen is a HUGE,  un-classy leap. So, no thank you.

Back to the main topic, I honestly see more female operators than anything. 

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3 minutes ago, -Amaterasu- said:

That's not a question you should have to ask on the internet of all places, the answer is obvious, even to someone like me (and I'm not that perceptive) so the second you ask that about a character that is barely a teenager that's quickly what it's going to be about.

You also forget that the warframe community has a huge age range . OP could of easily been 13 .

But yes to answer his question , it would. A breast slider would make female operators more popular because that's just the way people are 

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1 minute ago, -Amaterasu- said:

That's not a question you should have to ask on the internet of all places, the answer is obvious, even to someone like me (and I'm not that perceptive) so the second you ask that about a character that is barely a teenager that's quickly what it's going to be about.

Some responses didn't get triggered or didn't misinterpret it like you lot. How do ya explain that?

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1 minute ago, Richtor2415 said:

I think having a boob slider would just be.. vulgar, compared to DE's work. Not only would it be a waste of their time, but also a waste of their skill on something that low. And, this is coming from DE having only one curse-word in the game that I know of, which is Deth-cube's description. Now, from putting the B.A 'curseword' in a Deth-cube description to putting a boob slider on a child customization screen is a HUGE,  un-classy leap. So, no thank you.

Wait really? *looks it up* Well, that's badass. No wonder we can say that on the forums without being censored.

I still remember when Lotus used to say 'now get the hell out of there'. At least we know Sentients recognize traditional religious afterlives. 

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12 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

I almost never see anyone use Focus, so I couldn't say which is more favoured.

I run into this quiet a bit, there is not much incentive to USE Focus aside from the passives, I rarely see anyone using anything for more than what it takes to activade it and 9/10 I see Zenurik.

Also, I know the Operators can be seen by other players who havent done The Second Dream, as much as I know they are not a secret anymore, I still have the habit of ducking into cover to use it for spoiler's sake when I think a player in the squad hasnt done it yet.

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2 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

Some responses didn't get triggered or didn't misinterpret it like you lot. How do ya explain that?

Just about every response here interpreted it the exact same way so I suggest you learn what sarcasm looks like when you read it because it's definitely here I simply flat out said it as opposed to everyone else, I'm not in any way "triggered" I just don't want to be thinking about that when the only real gender difference between operators is their voice, I think they did a good job to keep it that way instead of making it about excessive blatant manipulations but that's just me. I'd really prefer not to discus this further since it's starting to get off topic.

7 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

You also forget that the warframe community has a huge age range . OP could of easily been 13 .

I can agree with this but it should also be noted Warframe is rated "M" so I'd expect at least some level of maturity especially from someone active in the forums.

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For the main point of this discussion: I can't even tell half the time what gender the operators are when i'm in the game, though I guess most of them would be male since alot of us are male.

For the fix you suggested: For ethical reasons, I think putting a "Sex Appeal" type of slider on characters that have an age range of around 13-15 is not the best thing for them to implement. In terms of making more people play female operators, I however think that it would help though not by much.


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2 minutes ago, Haspitas said:

For the main point of this discussion: I can't even tell half the time what gender the operators are when i'm in the game, though I guess most of them would be male since alot of us are male.

For the fix you suggested: For ethical reasons, I think putting a "Sex Appeal" type of slider on characters that have an age range of around 13-15 is not the best thing for them to implement. In terms of making more people play female operators, I however think that it would help though not by much.


I never suggested any fix, never asked for boob gigamizer to be implemented :D :D 

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I would also put forward the suggestion that anyone who defends their position in a debate or argument by saying the equivalent of "Ha, see how easily triggered you are!" should be required to sit down and think for a little while about how that actually affects their position and makes them look to other observers.

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5 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

I never suggested any fix, never asked for boob gigamizer to be implemented :D :D 

Ah then I might have misinterpreted your last sentence as a suggestion, my bad.

Though I think the only way we can actually see people play more female operators (Or in my case, be able to tell their gender at all) is to have an increase in customization choices such as Suit Patterns, Hair Styles, Make up etc. as in, give the operators more general appealing choices so that people can put more time and effort into them.

Though in my opinion, this game didn't really need this sort of thing to begin with.

Edited by Haspitas
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