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Male vs. Female Operators - the odds


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5 hours ago, Senigata said:

The thing with a walking Operator though is that we can't jump around with them like in a Warframe so navigation in the Dojo and even Relais would be way slower I'd assume.

You don't know that yet. We don't even have the ability to play as them to make such a statement. Also, just clicking the Conclave menu to teleport to Teshin's room is a very good shortcut in the Relays.

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20 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

I will say that the Operator is weak, frail, and passive.

Yes, but the bulk of said weakness is attributed to being in stasis, atrophy. It's not a character or gender trait.


These are traits that are traditionally assigned to female gender roles, so unconsciously, we might feel that a female fits the role 'better'.

I didn't. Chose a male operator.

It's interesting, though. There are many players who only choose to fight as male warframes, or female warframes, because it works better for their sense of immersion.

I've seen complaints that casters/nukers are all female, and stealth was predominately male. 

Yet once what the Tenno are finally revealed, many players choose female operators. I guess between your post and Senigata's, maybe I am starting to see the logic.

Some players may not have wanted to choose a weak looking male Tenno, and would rather choose a female one. Perhaps those who had issues with the Second Dream's huge reveal (that Tenno are immortal teens). Perhaps a way to dissociate said weakness with a female Tenno and remain aligned with the powerful warframe persona.

That could all be true. 

But it could all be bulls**** since I don't know the players and am not a psychologist. 

I honestly don't know. But admit I can see the logic better now.

I only know that I chose a male Tenno because I wanted him to reflect me, since we are the Tenno/players. But then again, after the initial surprise (which shouldn't have been one given the hints we'd gotten), I didn't have any problem seeing immortal-teen Tenno and dozens of warframes as a singular, symbiotic identity. This goes to my point, I suppose. Generalizations can often gloss right over our individual reasons for our choices.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Just now, Rhekemi said:

Yes, but the bulk of said weakness is attributed to being in stasis, atrophy. It's not a character or gender trait.

No, even if the Operator was not in a state of atrophy, compared to their Warframe, they are weak. The devs said part of the reason they chose to make them children was so that this contrast in power was accentuated. 

Now, it's obvious that both a male or female Operator would both be gnats compared to a Warframe physically, some people might think that a female better fits the role, since they're 'supposed to be weak' (again, going by the traditional gender role).

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4 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

No, even if the Operator was not in a state of atrophy, compared to their Warframe, they are weak. The devs said part of the reason they chose to make them children was so that this contrast in power was accentuated. 



Now, it's obvious that both a male or female Operator would both be gnats compared to a Warframe physically, some people might think that a female better fits the role, since they're 'supposed to be weak' (again, going by the traditional gender role).

Which still circles back to the last post: it depends on how you feel about the Tenno being kids (and whether or not you want to identify with that). Maybe it mattered more than traditional gender roles and was the deciding factor.

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I personally use a female Operator simply because the male operator is bugged. The game keeps showing suit attachments I have disabled.

As for the whole "boob slider" discussion, I would actually prefer an "age" option. It stems from my personal belief that not all Operators are "Zariman originals" Simply because of how many Tenno there are. The Zariman couldn't of been that impossibly huge to hide away hundreds of thousands of kids. So some Operators are later creations by the Orokin to get more Tenno. Maybe some Operators were adults, hardened warriors given Tenno powers. Maybe the first Tenno were actual Operators in space suits, providing the inspiration and base to develop warframes off of. Essentially meaning that some Warframes are "close enough" copies of some void powered warrior. And there's also the possibility that the Void doohickery that might keep the Operators at their age doesn't affect uniformly, some could of aged. 

But that is me going off on a tangent. 

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I think that the Tenno look genderless or at least androgenous. I chose a female for three reasons.

1. The males all look weird.

2. The voices are better.

3. I was a girl waking up in Second Dream. Pretty big influence on my part actually.

A boobslider, no. It would not change much of how they look. If a tenno had Lotus cleavige, then it would make a difference. My partner actually asked why that was even necessary in this game, and I had no good answer to give.

As for age, the Tenno walking in WW-trailer look alot more grown up than my girl in the ship ever have. Don't bet all your plat on Tenno staying Teens forever.

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26 minutes ago, arch111 said:

why that was even necessary in this game

Ask every korean/china MMO creator rofl.

Sex sells~ thats why those creators make so much money. 
Vindictus for example, you can buy character underwear, same with black desert. 
Warframe bikini's incoming. 

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13 minutes ago, Vesiga said:

Ask every korean/china MMO creator rofl.

Sex sells~ thats why those creators make so much money. 
Vindictus for example, you can buy character underwear, same with black desert. 
Warframe bikini's incoming. 

Keep that away from me! Warframe is sexy because its not trying to sell sex. The human body is fab enough without all that "sexyness" that I see everywhere.

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Children all look alike to me and it's rare I hear other operator voices since you only hear it at the start of the tenno projection cast.
So I couldn't imagine what the stats are but I do know almost all people I know personally use female operators.

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4 minutes ago, WEREsandrock said:

Excuse my lack of knowledge but...

what the hell is a "breast slider"...?

I mean... I guess it's to customize the size of the female breast...no?


If that is the case.... I'd rather not see this in warframe. No idea why... it just gives me a bad feeling.

[sarcasm]What, you don't like sexualizing children? I'm sure DE wouldn't face any lawsuits or moral issues in doing something like that.[/sarcasm]

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Just now, Navarchus said:

[sarcasm]What, you don't like sexualizing children? I'm sure DE wouldn't face any lawsuits or moral issues in doing something like that.[/sarcasm]

one might argue that they are eventually hundreds of years old....

But tbh this changes little for me...- for short, I agree to your statement.

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4 minutes ago, WEREsandrock said:

one might argue that they are eventually hundreds of years old....

But tbh this changes little for me...- for short, I agree to your statement.

Being in cryostasis for hundreds of years does not mean you are hundreds of years old.
Same as if you traveled forwards in time 100 years, it doesn't meant you're 100 years older on arrival. You just continue aging after the process. You don't have the mental or physical maturity from aging, therefor you have not aged.
That is my reasoning against that argument. In any case, they are preadolescent. Sexualizing teens is already morally wrong and illegal in manycountries - but preadolescent children? That's career suicide in most parts of the world.

Anyhow, I'm glad you agree. But there's a lot of very disturbing posts in this thread.

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8 minutes ago, Navarchus said:

Being in cryostasis for hundreds of years does not mean you are hundreds of years old.
Same as if you traveled forwards in time 100 years, it doesn't meant you're 100 years older on arrival. You just continue aging after the process. You don't have the mental or physical maturity from aging, therefor you have not aged.
That is my reasoning against that argument. In any case, they are preadolescent. Sexualizing teens is already morally wrong and illegal in manycountries - but preadolescent children? That's career suicide in most parts of the world.

Anyhow, I'm glad you agree. But there's a lot of very disturbing posts in this thread.


Well - I can't imagine they would do something like this either. As you said , it would be career suicide.

And there are some creeps among the warframe community (unfortunately fanart with more than questionable content of operators does exist... and it makes me cringe)... but I have looked through this thread a bit, and maybe I am blind but I haven't seen anyone who would 100% welcome a "breast slider".

Also... I do not think that op was serious about the "breast slider" question to begin with. Doesn't make it less absurd... but well... forums are there for discussing stuff.


And to answer the initial question about wether customizable breast size would make more people play fem. operators-

yes... yes it would. And it would attract a sh**ton of creeps.

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Just now, WEREsandrock said:


Well - I can't imagine they would do something like this either. As you said , it would be career suicide.

And there are some creeps among the warframe community (unfortunately fanart with more than questionable content of operators does exist... and it makes me cringe)... but I have looked through this thread a bit, and maybe I am blind but I haven't seen anyone who would 100% welcome a "breast slider".

Also... I do not think that op was serious about the "breast slider" question to begin with. Doesn't make it less absurd... but well... forums are there for discussing stuff.


And to answer the initial question about wether customizable breast size would make more people play fem. operators-

yes... yes it would. And it would attract a sh**ton of creeps.

This isn't the first thread of its kind. In almost every operator gender related thread there's people who state other games are better at customization because they're allowed to change breast size, insinuating that warframe is worse unless DE adds a breast-slider while stating the operators aren't really children because they were born 1000+ years ago to protect their opinion.
And the age argument is invalid in any case. I believe this is the 7th thread I've seen where people bring up sexualizing the children and while DE has made a really good community with little toxicity, I have never seen a game community where there are people sexually attracted to children.

Anyhow back on-topic.
I don't know what counts as male or female on warframe anyhow. I use a male body but my Face slider uses 2 female faces I think. I picked a male voice though.
So I guess if you have a majority of selections on male it's male & a majority of selections on female it's female? What if it was 50/50? 

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Due to mostly playing Solo, I can't comment for the wider population (and statistically it'd be insignificant data anyway) but personally I've set up for a Female Operator. Reasoning being that I tend to make Female PCs these days where Char Gen permits. Not sure quite what my reasoning is any more past 'I can, why not'.

I mean...I've played games where I can be some inhuman thing or other, and not had any issue with 'Immersion'. I find it hard to understand how Gender alone is going to break that whilst being a Kajiit, Charr, Avian or Sylvari leaves me just as invested as otherwise. Hell, Skyrim's fun purely on the fact Lycanthropy in that game is so satisfying even just to go romp around under the aurora munching on mammoths in veneration of our Daedric Lord Hircine.

End of the day, I like using character gen as a way to DIY character designs when thinking over things for writing. A contrasting Avatar forces me to engage with the world from a different perspective which is also great for RP returns. Nonhuman, different gender to myself...it's all the same non-issue if I can make a character that looks like they fit in the world and can then go forth to explore things ahead.

Any event, apologies for going on.

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12 hours ago, Beggining said:

When I'm doing pub runs, I never see those Operator Apparitions. Maybe people just don't want to spoil the quest, or because it ends much too quickly to be of any use XD (most only use them for pasives, anyway)

I am strongly against this, since we are talking about children.

you could put the slider on zero.

12 hours ago, -Amaterasu- said:

I tend to notice more Male operaters in game than female however...

No, just... no, there are so many things wrong with this but I think we should remember before anything else they're kids and things like breast sliders never attract the right kind of crowd, that's not what this game's about

operators (mind ) are thousands of years old... their bodies may be young ( but how is that different from asian type of humans? i know asian women who are 151cm tall and look like 12yo be they are 24 - and they are married so would you call their husbands being perv?)

12 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:


Having just a boob slider without other body options would come off as pretty pervy; I think DE has a little more class than that.


yes sliders for every body part please.

12 hours ago, (XB1)chillichillman said:

Oldest operator (based on facial structure) Is around 13.  Is you into that? cause we, dont, want, that, crowd, hear.  Ever.

So no.

operators ( mind ) are thousands of years old... their bodies may be young( but how is that different from asian type of humans? i know asian women who are 151cm tall and look like 12yo be they are 24 - and they are married so would you call their husbands being perv?)

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2 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

Boob slider for kids? Seriously, that would be epicly sick even if you claim they are hundreds years old.

While there can be some variations in size, the average bra size for a 12-year old girl is usually between A and small B. The number can be different because it depends on the body structure of your child. Average cup size is usually A-B. Results of some surveys also confirm that that average bra size for a 12-year-old is A. source

also the operators look like 18+

AAAND ethnicity also comes into play... so yeah...

you people act like if the the operators are 9yo ...

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6 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

I don't follow this logic. All the immortal teens bodies are relatively slim. They were teens at the time. Not seeing how slim body automatically equals a female teen.

The male operator is a straight cylinder. The female one is slightly slimmer, slightly curvy, and definitely female. If you can't tell the difference you are blind or willfully ignoring the differences. 

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1 minute ago, Belgard said:

Considering how nothing is marked as male or female y'all awfully certain of Operator genders :?

I am not... to be honest.

I haven't played for a while , but back when I played, you couldn't directly influence the operators gender - only indirectly for giving them a more female or male voice.

Did they change that?

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