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[Warframe Concept] Hamelin, The Hive


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Hi! I'm new here, and I thought it would be cool to create a warframe fan concept.

I'm a big fan of infested, and in particular of the lil maggots and the brood mothers. This frame is based on these creatures(and also on the zergs, cuz why not).
I'm atrocious at drawing(so I'm not going to even try), but in my mind, Hamelin would be based on the chassis of another warframe, and grow around it, like an infected fungus.

So let's get down to the characteristics and powers:



Shield Capacity:75




Each 5 seconds, Hamelin spawns a lil maggot, that stays inside of his body, to a limit of 20 maggots.

1.The Swarm:

All the maggots inside Hamelin attack a given area. They can be damaged, and die, but when they come back to Hamelin, they restore a little bit of his health each.

2. The Piper:

The warframe emits a charming sounds making the ennemies cease combat and follow it for a specific duration(and in a small area of effect)

3.The tide:

The warframe turns into a swarm of little maggots. Harder to hit than the original warframe, can go through ducts(maybe?). Each time an enemy is killed, three more maggots are spawned.

4.The Hive:

The warframe spawns a hive at a given location on the map. The size of the hive depends on the number of maggots that have already been spawned. The hive can be destroyed. It spawns maggots very fast, and they attack within a given area of effect.

The Quest:

Hamelin is obtainable through a quest that requests you to sacrifice a warframe.

You receive communication from the Steel Meridian that a colony is under attack by a fearsome opponent. A gigantic swarm of maggots that devour everything . To save the colony, you will need to become the host of the swarm.



Part 1:

Message of the Steel Meridian to the Tenno:

<Player name>

 Come to those coordinates. Fast. I need your help. We all need your help.

-End of transmission-

The player needs to go to a colony on a small planet/ asteroid. Ordis signals that his scanners suggest the area is unoccupied. The player needs to go there to search for forms of life.

The colony is divided in three areas: the landing zone, which is heavily damaged, the main habitation complex and the mines. When the player arrives, he can scan wrecks from ships all around the landing area, indicating that the settlers tried to flee, unsuccesfully .

Moving on to the main colony area, the player finds several bodies of members of the steel meridian, who have been apparently killed trying to defend the settlers.

The entrance to the mines is barricaded, and when the player approaches it, he receives a transmission from the steel meridian lady who is inside with the rest of the colonists.

You... you are not him? Right?

I'm afraid we cannot let you in. They are still out there. Infested. Or so we think. We already have too much trouble containing them.

The howl of the infested is then heard on the distance.

They come again! Run Tenno. I'll contact you again.

A horde of lil' maggots starts to spawn, and if the player doesn't reach exctraction, he is vastly outnumbered.

When the player arrives at extraction, the ship is not here. The screen gets all blurry, and he can hear a chorus of voices saying:


The steel meridian lady then messages the player that if he cannot extract, he must reach the old colony, which is located far from the main location. After reaching it, the player must survive for 10 minutes, while the steel meridian lady opens the doors at a distance.

End of part 1

So yeah, it's a bit short but those are my ideas for Hamelin, aka the Hive. I hope you'll like them, and I'll probably edit the post if I come with more precise ideas(and energy costs)


Edited by Face_Dancer
added some content
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Hey, just going to start this off by saying that I really like the base idea that you have going here and that my comments on the matter are just personal opinion/preference; and that I too would find the idea of an infested-esc warframe interesting (The Orokin did make the Infestation afterall ... unless I'm misremembering the lore) Anyway onto my review: 

1 hour ago, Face_Dancer said:

Hi! I'm new here, and I thought it would be cool to create a warframe fan concept.

I'm a big fan of infested, and in particular of the lil maggots and the brood mothers. This frame is based on these creatures(and also on the zergs, cuz why not).
I'm atrocious at drawing(so I'm not going to even try), but in my mind, Hamelin would be based on the chassis of another warframe, and grow around it, like an infected fungus.

So let's get down to the characteristics and powers:



Shield Capacity:75


The listed values here seem to be fine, can't help but feel that it should have either a tad more health or less shields (since we are talking about a fusion-esc creature borne of the Infestation and a Warframe. Though I do notice that you are missing Sprint Speed (I'd imagine average speed, if not a tad bit faster)

2 hours ago, Face_Dancer said:


Each 5 seconds, Hamelin spawns a lil maggot, that stays inside of his body, to a limit of 20 maggots.

Passive seems to be alright, but I'm not sure how well it would fit with the style of Warframe at this moment (where everybody seems to be rushing missions at light speed), but the time should be fine, depending on how the ability-strengh:maggot ratio plays into his abilities.

2 hours ago, Face_Dancer said:

1.The Swarm:

All the maggots inside Hamelin attack a given area. They can be damaged, and die, but when they come back to Hamelin, they restore a little bit of his health each.

My question is would this be more of a toggable ability, cast and they attack the area until they all die/ability ends, something else? And something to think about: what if rather than him gaining health back after a maggot returns, he can gain a bit by walking over the corpses of the killed maggots (assuming the corpses haven't despawned?) Food for thought.

2 hours ago, Face_Dancer said:

2. The Piper:

The warframe emits a charming sounds making the enemies cease combat and follow it for a specific duration(and in a small area of effect)

This ability seems fine to me, don't really have anything to add or ask about this one.


2 hours ago, Face_Dancer said:

3.The tide:

The warframe turns into a swarm of little maggots. Harder to hit than the original warframe, can go through ducts(maybe?). Each time an enemy is killed, three more maggots are spawned.

Only question(s) this brings to mind is how will these maggots play into the 20 max from his passive (unless we can only get 20 from the passive and just build up a massive swarm by using this ability. And again: Toggle or a activate/timed ability.


2 hours ago, Face_Dancer said:

4.The Hive:

The warframe spawns a hive at a given location on the map. The size of the hive depends on the number of maggots that have already been spawned. The hive can be destroyed. It spawns maggots very fast, and they attack within a given area of effect.

  Might just be your wording, but maybe the hive's size (and, for a lack of better word, durability) is dependent on the number of maggots stored within Hamelin?


2 hours ago, Face_Dancer said:

The Quest:

Hamelin is obtainable through a quest that requests you to sacrifice a warframe.

You receive communication from the Steel Meridian that a colony is under attack by a fearsome opponent. A gigantic swarm of maggots that devour everything . To save the colony, you will need to become the host of the swarm.

This would (personally) be the biggest gripe with your proposal. While it does fit thematically, I'm not sure how many of us have a spare warframe sitting around that we'd just throw at this, that and it'd be a bit odd that we'd get the same looking frame if somebody used a Rhino chassis, while another used a Saryn or Volt. A simple solution would be that the syndicate (I see Red Veil working for this more than Steel Meridian, personally) happens to have come across what appears to be a broken Warframe that is beyond recognition. When we're ready we can grab the empty husk and go to the colony/outpost/whatever and use the husk to 'capture' the hoard.


Anyway that's my thoughts on Hamelin, only other thing I could say is maybe work on the ability names a little more :P (Thinking maybe "Hivemind" for his 4)

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