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Bazaar Trading has become Bizarre


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An auction house wouldn't work, there are plenty of threads in which explain why it won't work. A notice board is better than an auction house, but it would still create the issue every game with an auction house has: heavy undercutting which undermines the value of an item(s) because even if the person with the lowest posted price is AFK or has no intention of selling it, buyers will try to argue that his price is what an item is worth and it'll lead to a majority of items losing most of their value.

The only way I see an auction house ever having a chance of being implemented is if it were a platinum sink so that people wouldn't stop buying plat with real money. Take a look at APB:Reloaded's marketplace, for example. That game doesn't have "gold selling bots" and hasn't had them for years because it just isn't feasible to sell in game currency because in that game, there's no way to transfer currency except through the auction house, which has a 20% tax on all sold items which makes merching nearly impossible to do. However, hypothetical analysis doesn't always have the same result of reality, so it's probably better to just never have an auction house to avoid the whole issue of plat's value being flushed down the toilet.

On topic: I've seen plenty of low MR players who bought Prime Access packs, so they've got plat to spend, so I don't see why there would be a need to see someone's MR in the Bazaar. If you need to check someone's MR, you can type in "/profile Insert_Name_Here" too see their profile.

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On 9/14/2016 at 1:04 PM, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

WOW, I haven't seen a PC-Elitist in a while. I thought you were all extinct by now, but I guess "nature always finds a way". 

PC-elitist? It is just hard facts, sorry.

I know it is easy to pull that card and cry, but all you have to do is play on more than one platform and/or region to see massive differences in community quality.

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17 minutes ago, FlyingLlama said:

PC-elitist? It is just hard facts, sorry.

I know it is easy to pull that card and cry, but all you have to do is play on more than one platform and/or region to see massive differences in community quality.

Yes, facts are facts. And the PC community is full of people like you that think they're better then everyone else, but don't worry one day you'll realize that your're not. 

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On 9/15/2016 at 8:04 AM, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

WOW, I haven't seen a PC-Elitist in a while. I thought you were all extinct by now, but I guess "nature always finds a way". 

I think you misunderstood @FlyingLlama bellow. He simply said that if your on console, as he is not sure about the feasibility of changing regions, he is recommending changing regions. From a PC perspective, NA-West/East have a large amount of people who know what they're doing, as do ER regions as well. Oceania seems empty most of the time, and Some of the other places seem quite hostile. Asia is also has noticeably more scammers. But that's from a PC perspective. @FlyingLlama simply recommended changing regions if the consoles are able to do that.

On 9/15/2016 at 8:00 AM, FlyingLlama said:

First, you are playing on console. If you want a mature community, dont do that.  NA-west and EU regions tend to have the (vastly) more mature and intelligent people on PC, if you are able to change regions on console, try that.



Edited by Arniox
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On 9/15/2016 at 8:29 AM, Shifted said:

Auction house is definitely "too meta", but trade chat in its current form is just awful.
All trading needs is to just replace chat with a noticeboard, only to reduce spam and make finding matches for your trade easier.
Those messages once posted would stay up on the list for as long as you're online or maybe even require you to  have the noticeboard open.

And if you're worried about "botting", well people are spamming message macros in the chat already, so nothing would really change.

What your describing is warframe market.com

best website ever. Haven't touched trade chat for about half a year.

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On 14.9.2016 at 11:21 PM, JSharpie said:

And all this auction house talk is nothing but a bunch of cheap people who don't want to put the time and work in to get the virtual items they want.

"Bunch of cheap people who don't want to put the time and work in to get the virtual items they want".

Right. That statement makes no sense, and sounds extremely sour. I've put in quite a lot of time and work to earn the money that I use to buy platinum. Depending on your discount and the amount you buy, platinum costs between 16,6 plat per euro (cheapest pack, no discount) and 95,6 plat per euro (largest pack, 75% discount). Let's assume a 50% discount and a roughly "medium" sized package, for a little less than 50 plat per euro spend.

I play this game, because I enjoy it. I try to squeeze in as much time in as possible, and pretty much play every day, if I can. There's lots of cool content I want to do - I've got six quests on my to-do list, I kinda want to do the daily sortie (but I often have time to do it just once or twice a week) - and then there's Baro. I really, REALLY would want to be able to buy the stuff he sells, but often, I simply can't afford it all! Heck, I can usually buy just one or two pieces off him - because I don't have enough time to farm prime parts so that I could afford to buy the baro stuff. I want to emphasize that this isn't about not WANTING to do fissure runs - I run those when I can, because I enjoy the game - including fissures. The problem here is, that I simply don't have time for all of the stuff I want to do. If I focus on fissures, I'm not doing the quests. If I do the quests, I'm not doing the sorties. A solution here is obvious: I should spend some of that hard-earned money to support DE and the game, and use it to buy the prime parts/baro stuff right?
And that's what I try to do. Except that the current system makes it very difficult at times, and very time consuming nearly all of the time. Let's get back to the price of plat - about 50 plat per euro spend. I could easily spend plat to buy, say, prime junk for ducats - but using 15-20 minutes to find a seller and negotiate a single deal that has the value of a few dozen cents? That's just plain stupid. Trading, isn't fun. Playing, is fun. I don't want to spent time doing the un-fun stuff - I want to spend time doing the fun stuff and this has nothing to do with being cheap, nor not wanting to put in the time and work - I've already spent my money, and done my work, so let me use my freetime to do those things that I enjoy doing.

There simply isn't any reason why the trading system should not, or could not, be more efficient. Some of the arguments against an auction house are valid (like bots, and people selling plat for real world cash) but only in the measure that they are problems that need to be solved for the system to work - they aren't roadblocks, they're just speedbumps.


Besides, a decent auction house would serve to stabilize the market. Warframe.market already does this, to some extent, but it's still a hourly occurrence that people sell and buy stuff at complete random prices, and the deal you're able to make depends not on what people usually ask for the item (that is, it's valid market value), but rather, does the other person know what it usually sells for. Plainly put - the current system makes it very easy for older/more informed players to cheat newer players by asking/offering prices that aren't anywhere near what the items usually sell for, because the new player hasn't necessarily heard of warframe market. The simplest solution would be for DE to make an official warframe market, and point players towards it at the "start of chat" message, to avoid getting scammed and to learn to better evaluate the worth of their items.


tl:dr: I wish we had a better trading system because (at least to me,) tradings purpose is to SAVE time, not WASTE time.

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I usually tell the newbies from more experience based off appearance (though I have been wrong)

Example: I see an uncolored Volt with a Bo, a Paris, and a Furis, I assume that is either a newbie or someone on an alt. I see a Phased Vauban with a Tigris Prime, a Galatine Prime, and a Sonicor, I assume that person is likely around my MR range (I'm MR10)

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13 hours ago, Arniox said:

I think you misunderstood @FlyingLlama bellow. He simply said that if your on console, as he is not sure about the feasibility of changing regions, he is recommending changing regions. From a PC perspective, NA-West/East have a large amount of people who know what they're doing, as do ER regions as well. Oceania seems empty most of the time, and Some of the other places seem quite hostile. Asia is also has noticeably more scammers. But that's from a PC perspective. @FlyingLlama simply recommended changing regions if the consoles are able to do that.


No. He was simply being a tool by implying that 'if you want to play with a mature audience you have to switch to PC', which is very contradicting given that he says something completely immature while coming from PC. Defend him if you want, but that will reinforce my argument. 

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I cannot speak for PC, but here is my take for console, xbox. 

Trade chat is a game within the game. You have the option to try and just spam wtb item or wts item or actually do the same with prices. Here are pros and cons to both.

Just posting up wtb or wts opens you up to lowballing and tons of people who either have no idea current value and rarity of items. This is also where you get the "offer" crowd. You can get deals rhis way,  however you also swim in nonsense as well.

I am more a fan of posting up a menu of items with prices. Many in my clan use this same method and have found it to work well with smartglass and cut paste. If you are pricing items at current value some of the low mr players also see this and learn pricing. Some use your menu to sell a little lower, which sometimes allows you to buy and resell later. Additionally, this saves time for players who just want to buy items easily and just pm you with the items they want. When they haggle it is more realistic and more in the area of will you take x plat less.

If your pricing is off or you are listing items that people do not respond to you try later or edit your menu to reflect what is current. 

My experiences with the bazaar have been only when a person invites me there and we hope for the same instance. On xbox na east is really the only server with any population, there have been folks in my clan set to empty servers and an empty bazaar.

Cheers tenno ;)

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I think they need to have a more organized system period. Having to scroll through a chat with an ever disappearing top, having to retype "WTB, WTS" over and over again is just plain inefficient. Even something as simple as dividing the trade window by item type (similar to the Market) would be far more helpful in screening out all the clutter.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

No. He was simply being a tool by implying that 'if you want to play with a mature audience you have to switch to PC', which is very contradicting given that he says something completely immature while coming from PC. Defend him if you want, but that will reinforce my argument. 


I'm not trying to defend him and tbh, I don't care. I was just repeating the most mature part of his comment.

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On September 14, 2016 at 3:12 PM, JSharpie said:

The devs should rule it out, it's an awful idea that basically promotes never buying platinum from the official site again.

Let me put it like this. What'll happen is a "company" will spend like, 500 dollars on platinum. They will then place in a bot that buys up items once they hit a certain threshold, and then resell them on the auction house at a high price. This goes on for a month or two, and now they have accounts that have huge stockpiles of platinum. They then start selling that platinum at crazy discounted prices for real money. DE is a tiny company comparatively speaking and even titans of the industry like Blizzard haven't found a way to stamp out the botting problem.

It could very easily be suicide for this game.

Or they could manage the auction house appropriately?


if a account is doing that and is a bot,. Then those items and that account get locked.


also they could put (like most other games with a auction house) a trade tax 10% maybe.  Doug John is selling a primed mod for 100 plat.  He is notified about the tax of course and realizes he will get 90 plat.  This will drive prices up a little but it will help keep inflation down when it comes to plat itself.


theres no reason not to have a auction house outside of if you love trade chat or scalping people.

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1 hour ago, achromos said:

Or they could manage the auction house appropriately?


if a account is doing that and is a bot,. Then those items and that account get locked.


also they could put (like most other games with a auction house) a trade tax 10% maybe.  Doug John is selling a primed mod for 100 plat.  He is notified about the tax of course and realizes he will get 90 plat.  This will drive prices up a little but it will help keep inflation down when it comes to plat itself.


theres no reason not to have a auction house outside of if you love trade chat or scalping people.

DE does not have the manpower to run an auction house. In fact, no game does.

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High caliber MR elitism related to trading... That's a new one. I don't think I've seen such exotic idea ever before.

I'd say no. To most of suggestions in this thread.
Auction house was being beat to death and there is absolutely nothing new left to be added to this discussion. While I can see some advantages of showing MR next to name(like, I wouldn't waste time going to someones dojo to sell him/her syndicate weap when I see mr4), this would lead to toxicity in larger or smaller. I'm simple man prone to bad behaviour. I'm certain that within month of introducing this system I'd be ignoring all messages from people below mr8. And there are people out there wiht more vile instincts than me, who would most certanily low/highball people with low mr hoping for some easy plat.

Chat (and generally social mechanisms) in game could use some further improvements(though adding option of linking items was awesome).
Like hiding all messages in chat containing pre-defined phrases like "WTB **plat" or  anything containing words "FAST" or "OMEGA" or "CS:GO".
I kinda feel bad handing them invites whenever I sit down for tradechat session, but not really.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

No. He was simply being a tool by implying that 'if you want to play with a mature audience you have to switch to PC', which is very contradicting given that he says something completely immature while coming from PC. Defend him if you want, but that will reinforce my argument. 

Your attitude belongs on console. Please stay there.

Go ahead, flame me all you want.

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Trade chat works fine.  It is easy to make a ton of plat even if you don't have a bunch of vaulted warframe sets lying around.  I've sold over 10000 plat worth of stuff and had problems with other players doing stupid stuff maybe 5 times.  I list my prices nearly all the time when buying or selling.  I'm sure that helps.  The only thing I think that would improve trade chat is a search function.

Bazaar is a waste of time.  It only exists for when two players can't connect in a dojo for some reason.  

Auction house is unecessary.

Edited by (XB1)ThermalStone
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8 minutes ago, achromos said:

Blizzard?  WoW?

Exactly. Even Neverwinter. It doesn't even have to be an actual area. It could easily be a thing in your ship. Just put up the item. Wait. Profit.

This would make trading much more in depth. As it is it's just buyers wanting the lowest price and sellers wanting the highest value. No middle ground. No bargaining. 

(Buyer)10p or (Seller)100p. No coming to an agreement on say 50p or even 30p.

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