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[OOC Discussion] Grinning Shadows


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Alright so since this has become the Grinning Shadows OOC thread, figured I'd toss up some stuff on the main post so people know what's going on.


A woman named Jezebel, taken as a child, found herself captive in the Grineer's grip where she was trained to become a ruthless assassin for the purpose of furthering the Grineer's agendas.  She could blend in as a human, and wouldn't seem suspect in the event the body (bodies) were found before she left the location.  She could slip in, and slip out undetected.  She continued working for them believing they had her Mother held captive and had continued for almost two decades, to torture her when Jezebel wouldn't cooperate.

Now, she's found her momentary breath of freedom.  She's discovered a way to escape the Grineer and possibly find her own twisted vengeance in genocide, to bring them down and end their cruelty and madness, once and for all.


Sign up in this thread if you're interested in joining.  We've got a few active participants at current. 

This is where we'll be doing all the OOC chatter so please keep that here, and stay on topic.  If you're uncomfortable with posting publicly, send an IM.  I'm open to talk any time.

Do not godmod, or metagame.  You'll get one warning, and if it continues to be a problem, I'll ask you to leave.

You control your character and only your character.  Picking off NPCs within reason is fine, but remember that you're not the only participant and everyone wants a chance to contribute to the story.

NPCs also apply to the aforementioned.  Don't control someone else's NPCs actions like how they react to things, or what they might do.  Leave that to the person controlling it.  There's likely a reason for certain reactions, and it may make more sense to to the GM that they act a certain way over how you want them to.

Respect is such a big factor in this.  I want people to enjoy themselves so be courteous, and consider everyone RPing before you do something be it IC or OOC.  If there's an issue you need dealt with, PM me and I'll try to sort it all out.

Do not double post.  Keep it to one.  If you need to quote multiple people, you can quote one person, add a paragraph line, write your reply, quote another, rinse.. repeat.  You can have multiple quotes in one post.

On a similar note - please no one liners.

Current Participants/loose posting order (as long as everyone gets a post in once per round): Me, Teloch, Kyro, Evanescance, Remsellis, SuperShadic, CimmerianHydra

Thread is 18+ because of blood, violence and some minor gore.

Character: Jezebel 

Read the rules, respect, and follow them. 


Old post

On 9/15/2016 at 5:29 PM, LunarFirefly said:


So I'm really psyched to see there's actually an RP section for this game.  I'd been wanting to get involved in the RP for a while now, but never could find much interest in it. Nice to see it has a fair bit of traffic here.

My question surrounds more character types.  Back a while ago, the devs said there were colonies of normal humans still around (this is ages ago, and if I can find the exact clip where it's mentioned I'll definitely post it for reference). So I want to make a human.  I have a story concepts already lined up, but I've had people tell me that humans are extinct and stuff despite what the devs said so I wanna see where that stands with people here.

The character I'd be using is one I've had for about five years and she's just been adjusted here and there depending on the setting.  She's actually extremely fleshed out as far as personality and stuff go.

Next - If I can make her, I have a story in mind to bring her out into the open.  I need to double check some things, but I had this idea that she was imprisoned at one point and a Tenno could possibly stumble upon her while dealing with another mission.  Then I could build up her outlooks on the world, and allow her to grow within the setting.  Would anyone be interested?

I have an idea as to why she remained whole and human despite being imprisoned and it was due to the training she was forced to endure.  She's less suspicious, can infiltrate easily and likely slip away without too much trouble after she finishes what she needs to.  In most cases, it'd be assassinations.  If she were 'modified' physically, it would draw too much attention most likely. I've considered writing short stories about her time growing up, and the training and stuff, but wanna make sure it's alright to bring her here before putting that much effort into this.

I'd be happy to set up the roleplay if anyone might be interested.

Thanks for your help!


EDIT: Thread name changed from 'questions about humans and story stuff' to 'Grinning Shadows' to work along with the IC thread.

Edited by LunarFirefly
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29 minutes ago, LunarFirefly said:

'fan zone'?  So humans wouldn't work in normal rp?

Not necessarily. Here's how it works. Humans are considered rare, and will more often than not be replaced by Corpus or Grineer. Most RPs will allow them to exist. That's okay for you to do here. Essentially it's up to the dm of that specific rp.

Edited by ultimatumcore
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Alright, bringing clarity to this thread, as it seems people don't actually understand what did OP ask.

1) Yes, humans exist in WF universe and it is absolutely normal to bring up a human OC to some RP action

2) Yes, you can kick-off an RP thread via introducing your character with a help of a short story. Just mind that RP threads are about more than one participant.

3) If you decide to start at this very humble RP subforum via RP arc, then you should provide logical reasons within the plot for others to join.

4) If you just wish to write a short story or two that don't include other writers, then it should be done in the fan zone section.

Edited by Teloch
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Thank you, Teloch.

I want to start a thread for others to join.  I just wanted to make sure the character would be okay since she's human.  The back story is being fleshed out a bit still so it makes more sense.

Think I'm going to go ahead and make a thread.  Um..I didn't see mention of the 18+ thing in the rules.  Is that a label that should be added if its more violent? Or what subjects might categorize it as 18+?

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I will say that you have good writing style. Might hop in once i get to the keyboard. 

One more thing - you may want to avoid mentioning nationalities and languages, since they were hardly possible during orokin empire era and clearly impossible after.

And another advice - think of the plot directins from this very moment so you woul be able to answer all "whys" and provide OCs with morivation to participate

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I mentioned 'English' in the thread because according to the wiki, the Grineer speak a different language so wanted to clarify. It's accented because she's been exposed to the Grineer so long.  She essentially grew up around them so it'd be odd for her not to have a slight accent when she speaks the 'common' tongue.  Does that make sense? Or should I still take it out?

I took out the 'Asian' mention from her docs page.

That'd be fantastic if you joined!  :D

Thanks again for all the help!

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The plot surrounds a young woman who was taken as a child and forced to become an assassin.  The intention was that once she was old enough, and her training completed, she would be integrated into the Grineer but they found their idea to use a human to infiltrate, worked especially well since it seemed like something they normally wouldn't do.  People tend to overlook civilians for major crimes especially when the motive seems more Grineer based so she's able to slip in, disappear, do what she needs to, then slip out again generally unnoticed.

At current, Jezebel has broken free of her room, and she's on the run, but she has a tracking device embedded into her arm (possibly two - one she isn't aware of) which will no doubt bring about a lot of conflict as they'll continue to pursue those who intervened in their plans, and recapture her.  So expect a bit of conflict to arise outside of the initial encounter on Sedna.

The RP is going to lead the story more than anything, but primarily it's to get her away from the Grineer and for her to learn about the world she was deprived of due to them.  She's heard of the Lotus, and she's heard of Tenno, but she's never had a chance to see one directly even doing what she's been trained to do, for nearly two decades.  She's become another excuse for them to wage war, and sate their hatred for all things not Grineer.

I'm mulling some other ideas and am open to suggestions given I'm new to the RP of Warframe.

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Nickname: Red Light, Red, Light.  Age: 28  Height: 178 cm.  Race: Human.  Gender: Male.  Iris color: Dark Blue.

Personality: Hard working, Friendly outside suspicious inside. When loyalty is gained doesn't second question unless orders crosses his ethics or squad leader does something out of ordinary. Speaks only to squad leader unless was ordered to get known of others and vice versa.

Military specialization: Sharpshooter, Marksman.

Occupation: Freelancer. Service record indicates that he has had been in 3 different mercenary groups.

Prioritization: Depending on mission. Usually: Civilians to safety and Team is family.

Weaponry: Burston and Snipertron.

Armor: Not electricity powered. Ceramic plating on front and sides of body. Shin guards, Knee plates, Upper arms, arms, Chest and sides. Helmet. Camouflage depends on environment. Medium heat resistant mask that only reveals eyes. Ballistic goggles.

Equipment: Smoke grenade, gas mask and flash bang. Only one grenade and flash bang is available for all missions. Gets used consumables back when back in base.

Can I join and would there be any reason to hire a mercenary for a rescue mission? By Corpus or Tenno?

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4 minutes ago, AlendasNaro said:

Can I join and would there be any reason to hire a mercenary for a rescue mission? By Corpus or Tenno?

I doubt that anyone knows about MC existence, so it might be a good idea to wait past prologue with this char.

btw, gonna write something, something... wild 

Unless I go farm for that vaykor sydon

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12 hours ago, AlendasNaro said:

Hmm... Good point here. Well let's see what main character owner has to say.

You're totally welcome to join! The distress call went out, so rather than be hired, if he has a reason to investigate it then there's your ticket into the thread.  No one outside of the Grineer would know about this character otherwise.

You can also wait like Teloch suggested.  I'm fine with either really. :3


So sorry x.x


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2 hours ago, LunarFirefly said:

You're totally welcome to join! The distress call went out, so rather than be hired, if he has a reason to investigate it then there's your ticket into the thread.  No one outside of the Grineer would know about this character otherwise.

You can also wait like Teloch suggested.  I'm fine with either really. :3


So sorry x.x


We all do mistakes. Sometimes a lot and sometimes a little. Anyway I will wait for the wagon get outside.

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Okay, so, I want to join this with a serious OC of mine, a human woman named Zenia. She has an augmentation that allows her to use artificial Tenno powers, namely Speed, Teleport, Slash Dash and Blessing. All four are treated as abilities at their maximum potential, including mods. But there's three problems. First of all, I have no idea what's going on in the story until now. Second of all, whenever Teloch and I RP in the same RP, we seem to argue. I doubt either of us want that, so maybe I shouldn't join just so no arguements occur. Third of all, she's Harbinger Corps. A special group of high-ranking fighters within my OC clan that only get sent in when the consequences of failiure could be horrible for the entire solar system. Not sure why she'd be sent in.

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10 hours ago, KuraioNokami said:

Okay, so, I want to join this with a serious OC of mine, a human woman named Zenia. She has an augmentation that allows her to use artificial Tenno powers, namely Speed, Teleport, Slash Dash and Blessing. All four are treated as abilities at their maximum potential, including mods. But there's three problems. First of all, I have no idea what's going on in the story until now. Second of all, whenever Teloch and I RP in the same RP, we seem to argue. I doubt either of us want that, so maybe I shouldn't join just so no arguements occur. Third of all, she's Harbinger Corps. A special group of high-ranking fighters within my OC clan that only get sent in when the consequences of failiure could be horrible for the entire solar system. Not sure why she'd be sent in.

She sounds interesting.  I'm surprised there's so many augmented humans honestly! Didn't think it'd be such a popular thing lol.  As far as joining -

First and foremost this is about having fun, and if you believe this will lead to arguments then it's probably better not to join.  However if you two can keep it civil, keep conflicts in private, and try to work them out (or just generally avoid each other OOC and keep to things IC), then I don't see a problem with having you drop your OC into the mix.  Just don't hold things up if there's some issue as that'd be unfair for others participating.

If you do decide to join, a distress call was used earlier in the story so she could pick up on that and decide to see what's going on.  There's likely Tenno ships floating around too maybe?  Could give her incentive to take a peek and see what's going on.

As for whats going on -

You have a woman who was taken as a child by the Grineer who believes her parents are still alive somewhere in the Grineer folds.  Her Mother specifically, had been used to 'encourage' Jezebel to cooperate as she was lead to believe she was alive, and only harmed when she didn't do what the Grineer told her to.  She was trained to be an assassin; kill specific targets appearing to be nothing more than a normal human which allowed her to slip in unnoticed, and slip out after the job was complete.  Once she fulfilled her purpose as an assassin, they intended to make her one of the Grineer which is also a huge part of why she's trying so hard to get out.

It's only recent, now in her early 20s, that she's found a way to escape and in her desperate attempt to get off Sedna, she threw out a distress call which came in a very quick burst and sounded to be heavily accented as she's use to being around Grineer who speak their own native tongue, not the common one she had learned as a child.

Right now she's passed out.  Revenant is answering questions and more standing to the side to let the Tenno do what need be done.  Teloch's Rhino is tending to her injuries while the others are more or less keeping watch, and doing their own thing.  They're in a wagon on the train tracks (monorail) and are making their way presumably out towards the exterior of the compound.

I believe we'll have someone else popping into the thread once we've gotten outside, too.

Does that help cover things?

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3 minutes ago, LunarFirefly said:

She sounds interesting.  I'm surprised there's so many augmented humans honestly! Didn't think it'd be such a popular thing lol.  As far as joining -

First and foremost this is about having fun, and if you believe this will lead to arguments then it's probably better not to join.  However if you two can keep it civil, keep conflicts in private, and try to work them out (or just generally avoid each other OOC and keep to things IC), then I don't see a problem with having you drop your OC into the mix.  Just don't hold things up if there's some issue as that'd be unfair for others participating.

If you do decide to join, a distress call was used earlier in the story so she could pick up on that and decide to see what's going on.  There's likely Tenno ships floating around too maybe?  Could give her incentive to take a peek and see what's going on.

As for whats going on -

You have a woman who was taken as a child by the Grineer who believes her parents are still alive somewhere in the Grineer folds.  Her Mother specifically, had been used to 'encourage' Jezebel to cooperate as she was lead to believe she was alive, and only harmed when she didn't do what the Grineer told her to.  She was trained to be an assassin; kill specific targets appearing to be nothing more than a normal human which allowed her to slip in unnoticed, and slip out after the job was complete.  Once she fulfilled her purpose as an assassin, they intended to make her one of the Grineer which is also a huge part of why she's trying so hard to get out.

It's only recent, now in her early 20s, that she's found a way to escape and in her desperate attempt to get off Sedna, she threw out a distress call which came in a very quick burst and sounded to be heavily accented as she's use to being around Grineer who speak their own native tongue, not the common one she had learned as a child.

Right now she's passed out.  Revenant is answering questions and more standing to the side to let the Tenno do what need be done.  Teloch's Rhino is tending to her injuries while the others are more or less keeping watch, and doing their own thing.  They're in a wagon on the train tracks (monorail) and are making their way presumably out towards the exterior of the compound.

I believe we'll have someone else popping into the thread once we've gotten outside, too.

Does that help cover things?

It covers everything but her reason. She isn't allowed to act without orders and a simple distress signal wouldn't be enough for her to be sent there, so there needs to be another reason. Perhaps a simple explanation could be that an assasin such as that could be a severe threat if taken back by the Grineer and she therefor has to ensure a succesful escape? Would that make sense?

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