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[OOC Discussion] Grinning Shadows


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I missed the word "before" when I read the sentence "cast her field of silence", my bad, will adjust my post accordingly.

EDIT: Post adjusted! I also sort of set up the field for Kyro's characters to join in the fray and do the melee combat that they do best.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Woah, things have gotten really interesting so far! I suppose Penta wouldn't be enough to deal the decisive blow considering the heavy weaponry firing lead from afar.. I think Evanescence will play more of the role of helping Jez and Rev to get out (hopefully) in one piece after this skirmish. My character will probably blow up some grenades and take advantage of the confusion to render aid.

I will see how things play out first, but this is what I have in mind so far :)

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Remsellus is note psychotic per say, he just tends to go into blood lust trances when fighting for extended periods of time.

I was hoping that Rema would get a chance to give the grakata he picked up to one of the neutrals. But if not, totally cool, another trophy.


Basic info/backstory

Full name: Rema'Ellus (translates loosely to death spirit, or death hand)

Age: Early twenties

Sex: Male

Hair: Brown and blue

Eye color: Light blue, and white.

Preferred warframe: Nekros (Prime)

Current loadout: Latron Wraith, Brakk, Nikana Prime.

Backstory: Rema has changed much in the past year, since his wife died. Since then he has become cold, calculated, and he thirsts for the blood of the Grineer. He lives to serve The Lotus, with every breath. To bring balance, by the end of his sword.

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=755368983 (appearance) {not visible are the mortos and imperator syandanas}

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The strict post order isn't always required, but we try to give a chance for those who can't write 50+ posts per a day to participate. Currently, I gave initiative to Kyro. Evan may also take advantage of banshee's silence. You may also coordinate with Evan

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Name: Wasn’t properly given one. Is simply known as “Black Dragon”

Rank: Soldier
Appearance: This project, was the first non-cloned Grineer fathered from Tyl Regor’s lab. Through experimentation with Grineer flesh, Corpus technology, and Infested tissue, the madman was able to create a super soldier able to recover from the most grievous of wounds. Despite being grineer, his flesh is in quite good condition. The only damage are from wounds from past fights.  His somewhat pale complexion causes him to stand out on the battlefield and has been known to strike fear in the hearts of Tenno across the Origin System.

Height: 7’ 2”

Weight: 375lbs.
Armour: A custom made Argon encrusted battlesuit. The front has a Dragon’s head attached to it, and his arms are covered with two Bladed gauntlets. The metal of the suit is a deep black Oxium, Ferrite composite. Able to deflect small arms fire and resist blows from numerous bladed objects.

Heightened Strength: Thanks to cybernetic implants from Tyl, he is able to lift over 10 Tons.
MInd Control Resistance: Years of mind masking has made him immune to the control of masking
Regenerative Powers: Infested flesh is a neat thing when tampered with. Thanks to Tyl Regor’s tampering with the cells of infested flesh, most wounds can now heal in a matter of seconds. Small cuts and bruises will heal almost instantly. However, large cuts and even limb removal will take hours, if not days to recover. A decapitation will not slow him down. As long as a cell remains he will continue to come back again and again.
Elemental Breath: A side effect of the infestation was the ability to be able to spew any element out of his mouth thanks to a sac that generates said elements formed by infested tissue.
Flight: Another side effect of the infestation. The large wings have a span of nearly 10 ft.
Custom Forged Twin Dragon Shotguns: His main form of attack are his Twin Dragon Shotguns. Both fire a volley of 18 pellets a piece from the mouth of these intricately form Dragons. They’re nicknamed “Scattered Hell” because of the Flames that spew from the mouth of each dragon. The mouths are painted red with the blood of his past tenno opponents.
Dragon Scale Gauntlets: When fighting in hand to hand combat, he resorts to using his twin Dragon Scale gauntlets. Each hit from these Rubedo plated fists are said to have cracked a Rhino’s iron skin (not actually, but he uses this rumour to strike fear into his enemies hearts). Both gauntlets similar to his Shotguns are the head of a dragon with twin glowing eyes, making him rather easy to spot in dark areas. Both fists can ignite themselves in order to further boost damage.

Personality and backstory: Tyl Regor was tired of seeing the flesh of his underlings torn from their cloned bones. He needed a heavy hitter. One that wasn’t cloned, and wouldn’t simply fall from a slice of a Skana. So he toiled away in his laboratory. Day in, day out, no breaks and barely any sleep. After many a dead end and spending Billions of credits on his work, he finally cracked it. The secret to a nigh unkillable soldier that would tear through tenno like paper. The lotus caught wind of this and sent out her suits to destroy the project.
...There were no survivors.
The project obliterated the attackers and took each helmet as a trophy for itself. Tyl Regor was proud. He built a special suit for the project and weapons to match. The project was simply known as “Black Dragon”. Numerous times it had been sent out to slay Tenno. Each time it came back with a new skull for the collection. Even the mightiest of Valkyr fell to his shotguns. Despite this he has suffered many losses at the hands of the Tenno. The most embarrassing being the time that he was completely dismembered leaving nothing but a torso. It took a week for him to recover. Despite the infestation adorning his body, his mind has been protected from the disease thanks to alterations to the cellular structure of the disease. Black is truly the ultimate combination of Grineer, Corpus and infested technology. Black is a seemingly blank slate. But spend enough time with him and you will see his true nature. He thrives in the heat of battle, wanting nothing less than a death match with one victor. He is calm and collected under pressure preferring not to unleash his primal rage unless absolutely needed. Anyone who lives after a fight with this tank is truly a legend (or extremely lucky).

If it's okay with you, I'd like to play that one villain that always returns again and again. The type of villain that when the main heroes see them coming, they know that they're going to have a tough and long &#! fight on their hands. If you don't like this I can make some tweaks or scrap it all together if you'd like

Edited by (PS4)SuperShadic445
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3 hours ago, (PS4)SuperShadic445 said:

Name: Wasn’t properly given one. Is simply known as “Black Dragon”

Rank: Soldier
Appearance: This project, was the first non-cloned Grineer fathered from Tyl Regor’s lab. Through experimentation with Grineer flesh, Corpus technology, and Infested tissue, the madman was able to create a super soldier able to recover from the most grievous of wounds. Despite being grineer, his flesh is in quite good condition. The only damage are from wounds from past fights.  His somewhat pale complexion causes him to stand out on the battlefield and has been known to strike fear in the hearts of Tenno across the Origin System.

Height: 7’ 2”

Weight: 375lbs.
Armour: A custom made Argon encrusted battlesuit. The front has a Dragon’s head attached to it, and his arms are covered with two Bladed gauntlets. The metal of the suit is a deep black Oxium, Ferrite composite. Able to deflect small arms fire and resist blows from numerous bladed objects.

Heightened Strength: Thanks to cybernetic implants from Tyl, he is able to lift over 10 Tons.
MInd Control Resistance: Years of mind masking has made him immune to the control of masking
Regenerative Powers: Infested flesh is a neat thing when tampered with. Thanks to Tyl Regor’s tampering with the cells of infested flesh, most wounds can now heal in a matter of seconds. Small cuts and bruises will heal almost instantly. However, large cuts and even limb removal will take hours, if not days to recover. A decapitation will not slow him down. As long as a cell remains he will continue to come back again and again.
Elemental Breath: A side effect of the infestation was the ability to be able to spew any element out of his mouth thanks to a sac that generates said elements formed by infested tissue.
Flight: Another side effect of the infestation. The large wings have a span of nearly 10 ft.
Custom Forged Twin Dragon Shotguns: His main form of attack are his Twin Dragon Shotguns. Both fire a volley of 18 pellets a piece from the mouth of these intricately form Dragons. They’re nicknamed “Scattered Hell” because of the Flames that spew from the mouth of each dragon. The mouths are painted red with the blood of his past tenno opponents.
Dragon Scale Gauntlets: When fighting in hand to hand combat, he resorts to using his twin Dragon Scale gauntlets. Each hit from these Rubedo plated fists are said to have cracked a Rhino’s iron skin (not actually, but he uses this rumour to strike fear into his enemies hearts). Both gauntlets similar to his Shotguns are the head of a dragon with twin glowing eyes, making him rather easy to spot in dark areas. Both fists can ignite themselves in order to further boost damage.

Personality and backstory: Tyl Regor was tired of seeing the flesh of his underlings torn from their cloned bones. He needed a heavy hitter. One that wasn’t cloned, and wouldn’t simply fall from a slice of a Skana. So he toiled away in his laboratory. Day in, day out, no breaks and barely any sleep. After many a dead end and spending Billions of credits on his work, he finally cracked it. The secret to a nigh unkillable soldier that would tear through tenno like paper. The lotus caught wind of this and sent out her suits to destroy the project.
...There were no survivors.
The project obliterated the attackers and took each helmet as a trophy for itself. Tyl Regor was proud. He built a special suit for the project and weapons to match. The project was simply known as “Black Dragon”. Numerous times it had been sent out to slay Tenno. Each time it came back with a new skull for the collection. Even the mightiest of Valkyr fell to his shotguns. Despite this he has suffered many losses at the hands of the Tenno. The most embarrassing being the time that he was completely dismembered leaving nothing but a torso. It took a week for him to recover. Despite the infestation adorning his body, his mind has been protected from the disease thanks to alterations to the cellular structure of the disease. Black is truly the ultimate combination of Grineer, Corpus and infested technology. Black is a seemingly blank slate. But spend enough time with him and you will see his true nature. He thrives in the heat of battle, wanting nothing less than a death match with one victor. He is calm and collected under pressure preferring not to unleash his primal rage unless absolutely needed. Anyone who lives after a fight with this tank is truly a legend (or extremely lucky).

If it's okay with you, I'd like to play that one villain that always returns again and again. The type of villain that when the main heroes see them coming, they know that they're going to have a tough and long &#! fight on their hands. If you don't like this I can make some tweaks or scrap it all together if you'd like

I actually dig the idea of a returning villain which could be fun for everyone in the thread.  I just wanna make certain a couple things -

Tenno working together are very, very strong and they clearly have a few tricks up there sleeve.  So while he's pretty damn impressive, I don't want anything over the top which may cause a huff with other players.  I am a little concerned about the fact he has so many abilities of such a large variety so what I suggest is set it up like the powers of Warframes where you have 3 basic abilities and one really strong one to keep on even fields.  Set limits; duration, when he can cast and how often, and if it has any negative effects on him.

Flight can be separate from powers as long as you limit what he can do while in the air.  Like saying his 'powers' become subdued while in flight since his focus becomes maintaining being in the air, or attacking physically (or with a gun) while flying.  Just an idea.

I could see some stuff being rounded out a bit more so just think on what would give the character balance.

And drop some flaws in there too.  Weaknesses.  Things that others could maybe figure out and exploit (with effort, of course.)

Just keep in mind you're interacting with others who don't want to be stomped down easily.  Except me.. Stomp away. >:D 

As a general rule - and I'm saying this regarding ANY interaction in the IC thread between anyone - no character deaths without express permission from the RPer.  Even if you can pop someone's head like a zit, you shouldn't without asking first and getting a clear and definite okay.

--on a slightly different note:

I have the weakest character out of everyone in this thread lol.  Despite what she's able to do.  But her strength is in her skill and being a ghost.  Not in her physical strength and inhuman powers.

Though to be honest... I've been tempted to find a reason to bring her magic into this.  I just can't find a reason why she'd have powers being a normal human.

SuperShadic - Go ahead and make an intro post, then you'll post after Rem.  Gonna IM you :3  Plot.  Muaha.

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