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Swarm-Mutalist MOA - Buff them please


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I would love to see the 'swarms' gain extra effects when the Swarm-Mutalist MOA is being buffed by an Ancient;

Healer - Swarms heal allied infested over time.

Disruptor - Energy drain over time.

Toxic - Toxic damage over time

I don't feel like the Swarm actually gets a significant buff, seriously it's like "oh look I've got a swarm on me ... (rolls out of it) gee that was super difficult" 


These buffs already exist the only difference is I'm asking the buff to affect the Swam Mutalist in a more effective way.



Toxic Ancient stands out for the ability to cast a toxic aura around surrounding allies, granting them Toxin b Toxin damage.



Not only does the Ancient Disruptor possess an aura that allows its nearby allies to drain Warframe energy with each attack, their own melee attacks have a 10% chance of dealing Magnetic bMagnetic proc on players



Ancient Healer stands out for the ability to cast a damage mitigation aura around surrounding allies.

This aura not only grants damage reduction, but also grants stagger, and knockdown immunity to all under the aura. Damage done to protected allies will heal the Ancient Healer (up to 150% health).

Edited by main_antagonist
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7 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

That's a really weird request to be honest.

I'd just like them to reduce the visual FX first, since on some maps it makes it hard to see where you are and what's around you .-.

I don't find them challenging ... just a pest, the Tar variant does much more damage since they seem to buff infested they should do a better job at it honestly.



  • Launches a volley of three projectiles that explode into a swarm cloud that sticks to players and enemies alike. This cloud dims player vision and reduces damage dealt, along with dealing damage over time with a chance to proc.
    • Swarms can spread from and to other players and AI units when they come into contact with a swarmed target.
    • Swarms stack, meaning multiple clouds can blur the player's vision to almost no visibility.
    • Swarms provide a significant armor buff to allied Infested that carry them.
      • This boost in armor is permanent and does not dissipate after the cloud disappears.
    • The armor boost can be added to every Infested enemy except for all Ancients. This includes other Mutalist MOAs.
  • Can leap away to put distance between themselves and their enemies.
  • As with Tar-Mutalist MOAs, they can perform a ground stomp similar toShockwave MOA, stunning and knocking back players touched by the shockwave.
  • Swarm clouds attached to players can be escaped from by rolling or performing melee attacks.
  • Shooting its "tail" will deal a significant amount of damage.
  • Has a faster movement speed than other infested units and can leap up in the air when the player aims their weapon at them to avoid damage.
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14 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

I don't find them challenging ... just a pest, the Tar variant does much more damage since they seem to buff infested they should do a better job at it honestly.



  • Launches a volley of three projectiles that explode into a swarm cloud that sticks to players and enemies alike. This cloud dims player vision and reduces damage dealt, along with dealing damage over time with a chance to proc.
    • Swarms can spread from and to other players and AI units when they come into contact with a swarmed target.
    • Swarms stack, meaning multiple clouds can blur the player's vision to almost no visibility.
    • Swarms provide a significant armor buff to allied Infested that carry them.
      • This boost in armor is permanent and does not dissipate after the cloud disappears.
    • The armor boost can be added to every Infested enemy except for all Ancients. This includes other Mutalist MOAs.
  • Can leap away to put distance between themselves and their enemies.
  • As with Tar-Mutalist MOAs, they can perform a ground stomp similar toShockwave MOA, stunning and knocking back players touched by the shockwave.
  • Swarm clouds attached to players can be escaped from by rolling or performing melee attacks.
  • Shooting its "tail" will deal a significant amount of damage.
  • Has a faster movement speed than other infested units and can leap up in the air when the player aims their weapon at them to avoid damage.

If you say they are not challenging enough and they need to be buffed, then that is also applying to chargers, ospreys, and the other npcs that you label ¨Pests¨

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13 hours ago, (XB1)DizkoDeath said:

If you say they are not challenging enough and they need to be buffed, then that is also applying to chargers, ospreys, and the other npcs that you label ¨Pests¨


13 hours ago, ariivanasan said:

no they fine by now. enemys  shouldn't be challenging. less challeng=more fun

They both your opinions i'm entitled to my own.

EDIT: They are a pest because they don't hurt they just blur your HUD a bit, Making them do some actual damage would be good.

Edited by main_antagonist
reason why the swarm is a pest
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I have to disagree with this.

Not every enemy is supposed to be a high-priority "Oh look we buff all enemies and debuff all of the players!" 24/7 type mob.

As it stands the infested already have too many "high-priority" targets that spawn way too much and provide massive stacking of buffs ontop of buffs ontop of buffs.
Especially with the idea here because nine times out of ten you'll have a single swarm mutalist moa buffed by all three ancients at once which would:
-Deal constant DoT from the swarm (always there, as the swarms do deal damage and its quite deadly at higher levels when coupled with all the other toxic damage that the infested can do in large aoes)
-Deal constant  toxic DoT from the swarm (not that infested need any more toxic damage since they already have a crap-ton of it)
-Deal constant energy drain
-Constantly heal and provide armor to all of the infested.
And all of that at once.
EDIT: Not to mention that swarms stack in damage and effect.  And are "infections" and spread from infected to non-infected.  Which means that if you have an sentinel you're going to suffering all of these effects with absolutely no way to stop it until the swarm wears off (which can take a while) because your sentinel will just keep on re-infecting you....
Overall the infested are a faction that needs the least amount of buffs...

The simple fact is that the infested faction need more "pests" and less high-priority targets that spawn as often as "pests" do and way, way too fast for high-priority targets.

14 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

They are a pest because they don't hurt they just blur your HUD a bit, Making them some actual damage would be good.

Also the swarms do have a constant DoT while they are attached to a player, along with darkening their vision and buffing the enemies armor.
Honestly those effects are more than enough for an enemy that is a common troop.
They don't need any buffs.  If they spawn as often as what should be mook type enemies then they should be mook type enemies.  Not super high priority targets that have a ton of effects.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Mostly tho, i agree with a point Tsukinoki brouhgt up: Infested are a faction with a cacophony of high-priority targets already (tar moas, every ancient, broodmother's leeches, the spam of parasitic eximi) and adding one would not really be warranted, specifically now that they're getting more and more ranged attack .-.

And most of all, it's already almost impossible to do a fire priority on infested due to their spawn algorithm, i wouldn't personally mess that up even further.

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effects like this are not the right direction to go for "challenge".

When enemy mechanics get like that, the only thing to do will be to try to use the most meta weapons available and no longer rely on use of powers, instead beefing up frames only with survivability mods, or simply avoid the faction all together....(corpus).

I really think they need to expand on nightmare missions.

Also, Aoe crowd control needs to go away completely

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7 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

When enemy mechanics get like that, the only thing to do will be to try to use the most meta weapons available and no longer rely on use of powers, instead beefing up frames only with survivability mods, or simply avoid the faction all together....(corpus).

They already boost armour, the only thing they would be doing is increased damage and a healing effect if they have an anceint healer buffing them. If that was a problem that people needed to bring the most meta weapons it would already be the case since the armour buff is permanent each time they have a swarm on them. So I don't agree the priority would still be the ancients that are buffing the swarm mutalist in the first place you know? Kill the Ancient it looses it's buff on it's swarms.

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1 minute ago, main_antagonist said:

They already boost armour, the only thing they would be doing is increased damage and a healing effect if they have an anceint healer buffing them. If that was a problem that people needed to bring the most meta weapons it would already be the case since the armour buff is permanent each time they have a swarm on them. So I don't agree the priority would still be the ancients that are buffing the swarm mutalist in the first place you know? Kill the Ancient it looses it's buff on it's swarms.

Too many stacking buffs, every one of those ancients next to an infested moa, that has a ranged attack which imo spreads to allies better than saryns spores spreads to enemies. It would be never ending. Sure, they could get the buff, but all anyone is going to be doing is trying to cheese around it. Itd be nice as a special nightmare setting...or new enemy scaling...and wouldn't really be that bad in non endless missions. But nothing is challenging about those...so, maybe fix the mission types? Because this in survival would get real ugly real quick.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Too many stacking buffs, every one of those ancients next to an infested moa,

These buffs already exist the only difference is I'm asking the buff to affect the Swam Mutalist in a more effective way.



Toxic Ancient stands out for the ability to cast a toxic aura around surrounding allies, granting them Toxin b Toxin damage.



Not only does the Ancient Disruptor possess an aura that allows its nearby allies to drain Warframe energy with each attack, their own melee attacks have a 10% chance of dealing Magnetic bMagnetic proc on players



Ancient Healer stands out for the ability to cast a damage mitigation aura around surrounding allies.

This aura not only grants damage reduction, but also grants stagger, and knockdown immunity to all under the aura. Damage done to protected allies will heal the Ancient Healer (up to 150% health).


I just don't understand what you're complaining about as if this is a new thing the mechanic is already there in the game but I don't feel like the Swarm actually gets a significant buff, seriously it's like "oh look I've got a swarm on me ... (rolls out of it) gee that was super difficult" And you're complaining about buffing something that requires a simple roll to remove??? I feel like you're just looking at the concept negatively.

Edited by main_antagonist
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12 hours ago, main_antagonist said:

These buffs already exist the only difference is I'm asking the buff to affect the Swam Mutalist in a more effective way.



Toxic Ancient stands out for the ability to cast a toxic aura around surrounding allies, granting them Toxin b Toxin damage.



Not only does the Ancient Disruptor possess an aura that allows its nearby allies to drain Warframe energy with each attack, their own melee attacks have a 10% chance of dealing Magnetic bMagnetic proc on players



Ancient Healer stands out for the ability to cast a damage mitigation aura around surrounding allies.

This aura not only grants damage reduction, but also grants stagger, and knockdown immunity to all under the aura. Damage done to protected allies will heal the Ancient Healer (up to 150% health).


I just don't understand what you're complaining about as if this is a new thing the mechanic is already there in the game but I don't feel like the Swarm actually gets a significant buff, seriously it's like "oh look I've got a swarm on me ... (rolls out of it) gee that was super difficult" And you're complaining about buffing something that requires a simple roll to remove??? I feel like you're just looking at the concept negatively.

I definitely am. Especially since I don't even think the extra poison and energy steals are necessary. But I am also thinking of how power denial is deemed "necessary" in Warframe because of some of the powers we have, which can stop enemies, lock them down, and turn them off....damage reduction is fine, but all this buff does is spread the ancients affects in aoe, the moas themselves are not the problem, the same way sniper crewman are not a problem, but the actual bubble around them is (sorry, had to say something about nullifiers). The ancients are the ones I have a problem with, but as long as you can keep them away, it's fine. This change just means now you constantly have to deal with their auras.

Yes you can roll. I know.

---> I don't understand why you don't just go for a direct buff to the moas themselves, rather than increasing the presence of a completely different enemy, the ancient. And we haven't even talked about the tar moas...

Disruptor ancients are some of the most common ones, the moas Will most definitely always have this buff, so if it has the same energy steal mechanic, you will never have any. And damage reduction of your attacks, and poison damage. Yeah, you can roll out of it, and if your frame is beefy enough, and not reliant on powers for survival, never notice it. Or you can try your hardest to keep locking the map down with cc, and ignore the buff still. The buff will be ignored by higher skilled players with the right gear, and wreck noobs....

I'd rather we fixed the issues that require power denial to be a thing, fix mission types, and stop stacking ancient auras altogether...but as an idea, it's not terribly bad...

I like using powers (with no hard crowd control), having energy, and not Insta dying...so I don't even fight the infested often, and never go near corpus. Grineer is pretty much all I do, if I play warframe, so you don't even need to take my opinions to heart.

You want challenge, I say we should work on expanding nightmare missions....

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2 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

---> I don't understand why you don't just go for a direct buff to the moas themselves, rather than increasing the presence of a completely different enemy, the ancient. And we haven't even talked about the tar moas...

Finally some constructive criticism, since you dislike my idea why don't you put some ideas forward on how you would buff them? Don't complain if you can't suggest a better alternative for a buff you know otherwise it just comes across like you're doing your best to derail the topic.

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4 hours ago, main_antagonist said:

Finally some constructive criticism, since you dislike my idea why don't you put some ideas forward on how you would buff them? Don't complain if you can't suggest a better alternative for a buff you know otherwise it just comes across like you're doing your best to derail the topic.

It's not that I dislike the idea itself, I just don't like ancient auras...

Sorry for thread derailment

I would say maybe adding puncture damage is good start...

I don't think my ideas would be any better than yours at all, but sure, constructive. 

Possible (horrible) idea: Mutalist swarms will be composed of various different "bugs"(?) based on the eximus type. Regular swarms deal puncture procs. For silliness sake, the eximus types might do different things, fireflies, bloatflies, leechflies (i don't know anymore). For ailities, they may prolong status effects, instantaneously combust, realease gases, expose weaknesses in your frame for other infested to target (puncture)....

If arson mutalist swarms proc fire, I'll have fun with that as a nyx...

Possible counters: rolling will get them off...the usual...and for something new...swarm can be avoided altogether by melee channeling (moth to light?), which destroys them, dimming the light from your weapon when surrounded by them.

Also: swarms can't steal energy, nor prevent its use. 

Swarms will not Insta kill through spread of toxins. Damage will always be moderate. 

And the tar needs to be looked at, it gets kind of ridiculous...

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15 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Possible (horrible) idea: Mutalist swarms will be composed of various different "bugs"(?) based on the eximus type. Regular swarms deal puncture procs. For silliness sake, the eximus types might do different things, fireflies, bloatflies, leechflies (i don't know anymore). For ailities, they may prolong status effects, instantaneously combust, realease gases, expose weaknesses in your frame for other infested to target (puncture)....

I'm on board for that sounds like another idea that could be implemented.

Edited by main_antagonist
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