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Anndddd it's already October.


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12 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required. It will have a range of 5 meters

I'd rather keep using carrier only and keep my 12 meter range, thanks.

Universal vacuum, now 60% less effective.

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Just now, Top_Kekkonen said:

Yes maybe. Imo It would need to be 8m for me not to get annoyed

to me its not about the range. its about the players asking for this as a warframe passive and being ignored. out of the MANY topics made with this vacuum problem in mind, vacuum being a warframe passive was the most asked for solution to this problem. this is a problem that can not be solved by adding this onto easily kill-able sentinels with a massively decreased effectiveness. Kubrows and kavats will still be used less then sentinels on top of witch to keep your vacuum , you will want a tank sentinel witch atm is carrier p witch means it will still be most used unfortunately

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

to me its not about the range. its about the players asking for this as a warframe passive and being ignored. out of the MANY topics made with this vacuum problem in mind, vacuum being a warframe passive was the most asked for solution to this problem. this is a problem that can not be solved by adding this onto easily kill-able sentinels with a massively decreased effectiveness. Kubrows and kavats will still be used less then sentinels on top of witch to keep your vacuum , you will want a tank sentinel witch atm is carrier p witch means it will still be most used unfortunately

I agree.

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Universal Vacuum on all Sentinels is fantastic! Thank you so much for revising your initial plan and bringing us this change. On the other hand, why not Universal Vacuum on all warframes, or at least on all companions? Was there a specific reason against that? I don't want to sound ungrateful, as I'm really thankful you're implementing this change, but the change you're implementing is almost perfect, and feels like it could use just a small further tweak to truly please everyone.

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kinda stunned by this (long post incming). dont really care about the war within. will maybe take 1 day, probably less to do the quest and then its back to normal so...

as for the vakuum changes, i think most players are simply frustrated and letting it out with this. since i cant say anyone was expecting this change. i mean yes the 3 mod suggestion was over the top,but after the backlash i expected a reasonable solution for all companions, like most players i guess. not a switch to only sentinels. i can see the design decision behind the sentinels, since they are by our side and the animals are not, so the effect would be somewhat random. that said, why not just put the thing on the warframe. many things are already been pointed out before in this post by others. so will probably repeat some. but i dont see a reason why not. players use vakuum because it makes the game more fun. picking up the 100 credits dont make you overpowered, yes pulling the energy orb through a wall is maybe a bit strange and could be called a advantage. but lets check facts here - sicfi game: yes, space ninjas: yes, powerfull weapon: yes, powerfull warframes: yes, one shot most content currently offered/played: yes. can pull your resources through walls over a distance: yes. so yeah, why would i care about the last one. realitiy check guys, it's a freaking scifi space game. things happen we cannot explain^^ but for real i dont see the big deal with vakuum not being on every time. the players use it as a quality of life thing. not because we want this energy/ressouces/credits to pulled in from somewhere. it's because it is super annoying to run around to pick up stuff. i for once like to play the game for the combat, the running/jumping druing combat. not because i want to be a virtual space ninja collecting resources and run from point a to point b while checking the ground( on of the reason i dont play fissure missions anymore). this runing around looking at the ground picking stuff up is not the reason i enjoy the game. and last i checked playing games should be fun. so if i have the option to have fun or do the unfun running/pickingup stuff part i choose the fun. which means currently vakuum and carrier.

as for the 5m nerv i dont know if this change would make a bug difference, maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't. haven't played with it. it's more the underlying incentive of changing stuff, but taking good things away that drives most i think. that being said - for the gameplay part i have never been in a mission thinking to myself this vakuum range is way to long. this thought at no point entered my mind. there were a lot of situations where i thought thanks to vakuum i could get this mod ( for ecample shadow stalker acolyte mods....). things get stuck in walls, behing walls. i dont see stuff behing a crate/corner. a rare ressouce i need gets picked up with vakuum without me thinking about it and without other players constanly checking what they collect during the mission on the bottom of there screen and then marking it (which is annoying btw, but what you do to help new players). the range of vakuum seemed okay for me. sometimes i even thought it could be larger. but that would maybe make it to strong, i dont know.

so i'm spit balling here, but the lower 5m range would probably still be able to suck stuff out behind walls  (hopefully). but i assume a lot of times i would end up running around collecting stuff. which we all know kills the fun at playing this game. i would probably be annoyed after some mission. since i'm mr20 and dont really need the ressouce this is not a big deal for me (until i need a specific ressouce of course^^). but as a new player building carrier with vakuum was a hughe quality of life change for me. you dont have to check your mission endscreen for the ressouce you need. you dont have to look on the ground, carrier sucks it up. and early/mid game ressouce farming is a big deal. taking the range away will make this more of a challenge. and after the starmap change getting ressouces seemed really hard for new players. the void tileset got further away (argon, orokin cell) there for limits to your weapon loadout. getting partys for farm this ressouces seemed nearly impossible. getting a guild seemed really impossible. adding a new stone in the way to farmin for yourself don't seems like the way to got in my eyes. but what do i know as mr20. but i just see another way to frustrate newer players in progressing and stopping there progressing, by giving them fewer loot after a mission, because they are to lazy to run over every 5m space in the tile set.... really, thats the way to go? news flash: players dont play warframe for the ressouce collection, they play for the fun combat. on another note concerning the tile sets. the carrier vakuum sucks all stuff up in the most current corridors in the game. so if i run down a tile set i get (mostly) all stuff by runing the way once. i'm assuming the new 5m range would not do that, resulting in me walking around at least twice or even more every slightly bigger corridor/hallway tilset... reminder if this was not clear: thats not fun. so yeah. final not for the 5m range: not a fan ;)

are you concerned that a universal vakuum with full strength would make the player to strong? well, most content currently offered/played can be solved with the warframe/weapon, which is way overpowered for it. so i cant really see the balancing argument here. so yeah, where is the reason for this. it's not a gameplay one, since i dont see anyone writing "i play warframe because it's a nice resource collecting simulation" and its not a balancing thing, since there is so much stuff way stronger and breaking the challenge curve more. so well i dont see it sorry. and i think thats a reason why most players are so set up. we dont see an argument that could be made to change vakuum toi a lower range or to not have it on all times.

and yes some will say, but i dont want the energy vakuum.let me say this. i can't see a player complaining "oh i picked up this 100 credits, whish i didn't have vakuum on". most who don't use it do it for the companion variety or for the energy drops (i assume). so since you seem to be able to filter the vakuum ability from a game mechanic standpoint, what your 3 mod suggestion shows. why not make filter in the options to turn this 3 things on/off on frames. or just turn the energy vakuum on off,since this would probably be the option most players want. i assume here, since i would have turned the credit/ammunition one on all times, and maybe only the energy orbs off sometimes (energy conversion mod). dont know. but the option seems doable ingame, so dont see why not.

as for the war within. as i said dont care. reason: i got from playing some void and the fissure mission a day + sorties -  to playing hierachon once and sorties - to playing only sorties - to only logging in for the daily rewards and maybe do an alert. i'm convinced it will go to only loggin in once to loggin in never. i don't have all weapons build. i'm mr20. so i would have stuff to do in tlike some mods missing(2h mace stance, the new gunbalde mod, new auras etc.), leveling some arching, getting some new synd meele wepons, getting some conclave skins (which i love), getting the bulky kubrow (only have slim ones), getting my 2nd kavat, getting an ayatan sculptor - you get my point. the thing is there is no reason to do that. the fissure system is super unfun to play for me, since i despise the way you have to pick up every single reactant. so i can't play these to enjoy the game. farming relics seems okay, since i enjoy the excavations somewhat as a gammode, run around kill S#&$ at a point/hold your ground for a certain time, move on. but has no point, since i dont play the actual relic missions. so i would not get the rewared for these. and i haven't seen any post/comment from DE in the realm off"we know the current fissure system needs to be worked on" etc. so i dont see my playing there relics to get the reward in the future either, if i would just stack them up to have them for later. playing sorties seems okay, since they are a bit of a challenge, but its only once a day. and you only get endo most of the time. since most my mods are maxed out and i'm sitting on a bunch - there it not really a point there. playing other endless stuff seems pointless,since the rewards are crap. farming for stuff to sell seems like an okay reason, but i would buy plat and then skins form it. these i would normaly use in a challenging mission to "show off"/test myself, have fun with the frame/weapon and the new looks. since there is not really any challenging content to play for a decent reason this whole incentive is gone. and just playing and endless survival to see how far my frame/weapon would go dont really motivates me, sorry. and conclave is out of the question, since i only played it for the skins, i hate every part of it. i'm not a pvp player, so this part is super unfun for me (nothing to do with game mode/mechanics/dely issues etc.). and since every reason to run around in the new skins is gone, the whole "motivation" for conclave has faded. there is for this reason no incentive to sell relics/rare mods for plat. so this reason is gone. i dont buy/trade/build new weapons anymore, because there are no mission worthwhile doing to use them in. pretty sure if a new warframe would come out, i'm not sure if i would farm for it at this current point. since i barely used titania, it was more a yes you have here...hurray i guess. but yeah. there is literally nothing to do. and this breads frustration, with a game that i super freaking awesome for the most parts. but lately this parts dont fit anymore.

on a side not: the new ayatan sculptors seem nice. but since i rarely log on, i dont spend time in my ship,therefor i dont need the deco. most time spend in my ship was between void missions (auto group search removed that), searching for a group (auto group search removed that+ dead recruitment chat). being in a group (during others are shouting, see before removed), watching the trade chat (no reason to trade anymore+ primes are super easy to get now, would be mostly mods/synd, no reason here), being in the regional chat helping other players (i need some motivation for the game i'm playing to do that, since thats sadly gone..yeah). so yeah, nice addition, but i haven't gotten one, since i dont need the endo, and teh deco seems a waste,since i dont really play the game anymore.

so yeah, back to the vakuum finally. its the fact that there is a lot going in a strange direction (to put it lightly), which leaves players speechless. this vakuum change was a "yes finaly things a moving" and with the hope of it going in a "better" dircetion - what i mean is improving the gaming, making it fun to play again. wanting me to log on do some mission. the vakuum change was signalising for me that point: "we know you dont have fun playing, we are working on it, here you go have this to improve your playerexperience". but the change seems more like a slap in the face. like you wanted change, here you got it, but for no reason i take away you enjoyment, the fun in playing the game was the fact players are looking forward to this. so please please please go over this. haven't played a mission yet. so dont know if thats live already. but please dont. i hope change is coming but dont do it like this and take the last hope we have.

on this note fight on tenno

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1 minute ago, Inkogni said:

Does sound neat but would make waves of happy tenno if it was a passive on every warframe, then we could run missions with sentinels, kubrows or kavats and not feel like we are doing it wrong.

or run with nothing at all , and still get loot easily

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I don't know how people don't understand this

If you have max energy and you use an ability costing 7 energy and then your carrier vacuums up an energy orb then that ability cost you 25 energy because you can't pick up that orb later

Similarly, if you fire a sniper rifle with max ammo and then your carrier vacuums up a sniper ammo, how much ammo did that shot consume?

I don't want a sentinel that wastes resources for me

I don't want all of my sentinels to waste resources for me

I don't understand why most of the community want their companion to waste resources for them

I almost put a forma in my Djinn the other day, I'm really glad I didn't because I won't be using it when this next patch comes in

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31 minutes ago, MordaxPraetorian said:

I don't know how people don't understand this

If you have max energy and you use an ability costing 7 energy and then your carrier vacuums up an energy orb then that ability cost you 25 energy because you can't pick up that orb later

Similarly, if you fire a sniper rifle with max ammo and then your carrier vacuums up a sniper ammo, how much ammo did that shot consume?

I don't want a sentinel that wastes resources for me

I don't want all of my sentinels to waste resources for me

I don't understand why most of the community want their companion to waste resources for them

I almost put a forma in my Djinn the other day, I'm really glad I didn't because I won't be using it when this next patch comes in

Wouldn't a vacuum with a reduced range still benefit you? It still allows you to control what you pickup, but you don't have to stand right on top of it to pick it up?

Anyway, this is my 2 cents worth.

Sorry to say, but when you talk about return on investment being low on Raids, I can only imagine how low it is for quests considering they can only be played once, while raids can at least be repeated.

Looking forward to new game mode/endless/tileset and operation whatever they are. Sadly I don't value quests, having about 1800 hours played, less than 1% of that was taken up by quests. I don't think much of the vacuum changes because kubrows/kavats are still 'useless'.

Edited by SoulOfTheHunter
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4 minutes ago, MordaxPraetorian said:

I don't know how people don't understand this

If you have max energy and you use an ability costing 7 energy and then your carrier vacuums up an energy orb then that ability cost you 25 energy because you can't pick up that orb later

Similarly, if you fire a sniper rifle with max ammo and then your carrier vacuums up a sniper ammo, how much ammo did that shot consume?

I don't want a sentinel that wastes resources for me

I don't want all of my sentinels to waste resources for me

I don't understand why most of the community want their companion to waste resources for them

I almost put a forma in my Djinn the other day, I'm really glad I didn't because I won't be using it when this next patch comes in

making vacuum a warframe passive and adding in an options menu for drop types to pick and chose what items you want sucked up to you would fix your issue and every other player's issue regarding this vacuum problem.

but on the other hand id rather waste some energy and HP then be without vacuum at all.

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4 minutes ago, SoulOfTheHunter said:

Wouldn't a vacuum with a reduced range still benefit you? It still allows you to control what you pickup, but you don't have to stand right on top of it to pick it up?

It would if I were previously using Carrier, but thankfully I'm not currently in a position where I'm forced to have vacuum at all and I'm free to use other (better) sentinels

4 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

making vacuum a warframe passive and adding in an options menu for drop types to pick and chose what items you want sucked up to you would fix your issue and every other player's issue regarding this vacuum problem.

Yes it would and that would be an ideal solution, what DE is proposing just screws over everyone

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So another delay for TWW... seriously? This time to mid/late November(maybe even December).

I really don't know how to feel at this point, i don't even know if i still care, but as a friendly advice, you should stop announcing new deadlines if you can't meet them.

At this point it would be more honest to the players to say "it's done when it's done".

Edited by Melkia
better formatting
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Would be enough to give passive to other sentinels and leave carrier as it is to see if it impacts the variety.


Its a win/win situation if it improves variety they fixed the problem (well i still have to understand why this is a priority over lacking endgame or TWW delay), if it doesn't it means 5mt are not enough

Not that it takes much to understand that if people are willingly giving up powerful effects like stealth, bonus drops and crit bonuses then the problem is not variety but loot gathering design and making it worse is not a "brilliant idea" for sure.

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The way they are going, they might not be capable of delivering the enormous hype they created for it.

As for breaking the updates apart, so far it seems it doesn't work out properly for them.

My reasoning for that is rather simple, with the complete update at once we would have an big update once every 3 or 4 months that could last us a while if we didn't rush through everything with xp farms like draco.

Now, they tried splitting it up to get us updates quicker and it is already over 4 months that we got a big update.

Maybe it'll eventually work out once they streamlined this process a bit more, but for now it is actually biting them in the rear.

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So everyone asks why the Kubrows and Kavats don't get vacuum, Same reason that sentinels can not be revived. . .Can't make everything OP. It balances things out a bit.


Also looking at the clip Steve posted 5m ain't really that bad. . .

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13 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:


My last big Dev Workshop was in June and that means time for a follow up. What did I tell you last time? Our summer plans. What we were hoping to achieve with splitting out Updates. Where are we now? What's next? What's going on? Where's the last part of the update, 'The War Within'? How much Bourbon has been consumed?
You're asking me the same questions I'm asking myself. My team has been stupidly patient as we look back at Second Dream and scream 'we need to repeat that'. The pressure has been on all summer. We've had a summer of content and fixes go out, but the hype for big older brother (which we've hyped a lot) War Within just makes everything we've done feel… just less. Really I'm here to lay out October for you so you can get just excited about what's coming soon on PC.
This week on PC we bring you 'The Vacuum Within'. To be fair you've been waiting longer for this than the War Within, so maybe this is the real best of the year deploy. No, we're not having 3 Mods make up Vacuum. We changed it. Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required. It will have a range of 5 meters which in practice looks something like this WIP (pro-Lotus skills hitting an enemy behind the locked door):


Later in October, The Corpus version of Rathuum is hitting PC. This game mode will be called 'The Index'. With it you'll get glimpse of Nef Anyo again! 'The Index' will feel a bit more classic DE in that it'll have an introduction to a new game mode with an Operation (clans rejoice), some Endless emphasis, and an event weapon!

On PC, you can look forward to 'The Vacuum Within' this week.
On PC, you can look forward to  'The Index' in October.
On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.  
And for Console Tenno,
The Long Shadow Tactical Alert is hopefully coming in October.
An interim build before The War Within that will include the Corpus style Rathuum.
Once The War Within is out our crazy 'break apart Updates' to bring you content faster will be heavily analyzed to see what it achieved. Many of our content creators appreciated us breaking things up for coverage purposes, but even that isn't enough to keep them around if the content itself didn't hit the mark.

So there's a glimpse, an overview, a few paragraphs that explain what's going on here these days. It doesn't do the team's passion justice, but giving you all information is the best way for us to work together. We'll talk more on the Devstream Friday, everyone.




Steve I am sorry to say it but its impossible anymore for "war within" to live up to peoples expectations, you let the hype build up for too long, peoples expectations are far too great at this point, people at this point are expecting update that is at very LEAST TWICE the size of second dream since you guys promised 2-3 cinematic quests per year and we didnt see even ONE this year, and since you  promised umbra in second big cinematic quest this year(war within should been completed long time ago and quest with umbra should been either out already or be close to release) so many people are now expecting umbra from war within too....

Nerf to vacuum makes the wait even worse...I am sorry to say it but its first time  I am for real thinking about quiting the game you made a lot of changes recently that made game more grindy then I am comfortable with, yes I know you added recently resources to map but thats not enough for gear that needs a LOT of resources to build and whats more it doesnt help at all with leveling up frames and weapons, amount of people bringing unleveled gear to sorties increased a lot since removal of draco.

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What's up with the ash deluxe skin ? Does it arrive when TWW hits ?

Also why is the war within being delayed so heavily ? It was supposed for June... There must be a reason for delaying it 3MONTH!? I want at least a bit of transparency DE? What I'd the status of the war within ? Why is it (apparently) not working ?

I hope the devstream will bring clarity and maybe some very needed good mood. And maybe explain how tww will change focus and all of that. We have verually no clear information but keep being told that it'll change "everything". So what's up with that ? 

And why does stuff like "prepare for tww" from all the YouTubers happen when it's LITERALLY more than a month away? There must be something going wrong... We now have some reasons now but as I said, it'd be nice to know what is actually happening. I for myself thought, that we'd get the war within next Friday and I guess most people were thinking that. with the hype site launching after devstream. But apparently it's really far from that. I feel almost a bit betrayed, yeah I know you didn't say it literally but all the hints were lnking to next week. I am a totally fine with you guys working long on stuff like this but is it really worth it ? If it's only bugfixing then let the playerbase test it, more testers will increase the speed drastically. I just want at least a bit of content, something to do. I've Bern waiting 3months now... Or will be... Idk I'm fairly frustrated rn and I guess most people will agree.

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