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Anndddd it's already October.


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1) I dont get why people have to by little crybabies about it. 5m is more than enough for what it's supposed to be. It's a helper, not a "let me collect all resources across the map" cheat.  And if you watch the Gif/Video that has been posted by DE, it work just as well.

2) I'm excited for it. I hope that it will have a new Tileset and new Enemies so it feels fresh even though it's basically the same. Maybe a small Story to go with it.

3I) I don't really care. I've worked on so many Games, mostly p-Servers though, that i know that it's sometimes better to delay Stuff, or just don't anounce a release Date at all, rather than releasing a bugged out thing you'll have to fix for the next Year. I'm one of those "keep your time"-sayers, but i also say that they might have bitten off more than they can chew. Second Dream was already amazing, and with them being like "we want it to be way better and bigger than this" might have been the important factor on why it was delayed so many times.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

What's the point of this thread?

A tenno who thinks they're first to report information that's seventeen hours old?

Can this thread get a merge or delete or...something?

err... that's exactly what I've...kept myself from saying. But it's true. Op is not asking for people's opinions.... nothing.


Op... If you could add the line "What's your opinion on the 3 points".. that would justify the existence of this thread some more.

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and DE wonders why people are leaving the game. honestly it seems like at this point a lot of people have given up on the war within. I really dont care about the war within anymore , It has just been too long of a wait and now the cinematic quest is just a waste of time, time that could have been spent on improving so many other features in the game. I run a clan on ps4 and am in an alliance and we have seen so many alliance members leave the game recently. thier complaints?  they have run out of things to do there's no challenge a anymore. while DE is sitting there fixing every single insignificant problem we are getting more and more irrittated as the game's difficulty keeps getting lowered to the point where a blindfolded monkey could finish a mission. the war within is a joke at this point, just another halflife 3 scenario of something in development hell for far too long.  

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15 hours ago, EnterTheShikari said:

I'm all for extra time to polish the new release, but c'mon man. How many more month push-backs are we going to get?

I really don't know. If I did, I'd probably say something. But I don't have investors to answer to, nor competition for which to account. Being a game developer right now isn't exactly a stress-free occupation.


Of course, my point of view likely originates from the fact that I'm still quite new at this and haven't even unlocked all of the star map. I can understand the frustrations of people who have played for a while, unlocked most/all of the content and are eager for more. It's a good game; who wouldn't want more of it?

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6 minutes ago, WEREsandrock said:

err... that's exactly what I've...kept myself from saying. But it's true. Op is not asking for people's opinions.... nothing.


Op... If you could add the line "What's your opinion on the 3 points".. that would justify the existence of this thread some more.

I though that it was obvious that I want your opinions

what is the point of any thread if people don't give opinions 

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34 minutes ago, Rekalty said:

Or just, like they did with Stars, make it so that Simulor and Vortex don't mess with loot.

That works to but it doesnt change the fact that loot without players help ends up in weird places.

Another big problem that people defending this change forget is that  vacuum range is a sphere, why its a problem ? its a problem because most of experianced players spend a LOT of time in air, I personally when run I am 70% of time 1-2 m above the ground, in this case 5 m of range means that while I am in mid air range will be very small spot below me, pretty much like I didnt have vacuum equiped at all.

50 minutes ago, Babellon said:

Vacuum passive on all sentinels- love it. 5m range makes people actually have to move to pick up life support from their safe room farm locations, Or run across the room to get that ammo/mod/resource drop. Of course you're going to see a bunch of forum spam complaining about it...but then, that's almost common these days, anything that actually involves player interaction is frowned upon by some people. Stick with it DE.

You DO realize that people dont find gathering loot enjoyable right ? to  me gathering loot is what keeps me AWAY from having FUN in warframe, I have FUN when I kill enemies and interacting with my friends in game not looking for loot that ended up in weird places like behind the wall.

Reason why so many people use vacuum is because it makes the game more FUN for them...

Edited by Culaio
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40 minutes ago, pauli133 said:

You really, really don't understand how software development works.


39 minutes ago, Ker-Blammo said:

I think this applies to a lot of posts and topics being made lol.

I work in software engineering. It does not suck if you know where you are heading, if you either have a good project lead or a scrum master who has a clear vision and if you use QA. 

Because of my job I have a very high tolerance for bugs but less tolerance for missing deadlines over and over again. If you miss deadlines you either have the wrong project lead or the wrong marketing guys. Both problems can easily by solved by HR.

I do not share all opinions of the OP but the constant delays are rather odd. 

Edited by k05h
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These Spoilers are to protect words from you, and you from words.



I am really uncertain a simple -yet significant- change to Vaccum and additions to the Codex (initial assumption of what this 'Index' is) are going to suffice until Christmas.

I still look forward to War Within, but because of it anything DE has done or will do to sedate us until then (I.E: Initial attempt to disperse content, rush causes problems, problems solved, Titania, Nekros Prime, Ayatans, and now this 'Index' thing) is only going to worsen the situation unless they actually start releasing anything from War Within.

By this, I'm implying a suggestion: Release War Within now, but lock out/hide everything that's not done, and release that (when it's done and has only a few insignificant bugs) within now and November's 2nd Friday.


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17 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

 No, we're not having 3 Mods make up Vacuum. We changed it. Vacuum is going to be passively built into every Sentinel, no Mods required. It will have a range of 5 meters which in practice looks something like this WIP (pro-Lotus skills hitting an enemy behind the locked door):

Thank you! I really wish this was a frame passive, or an all companion passive, but this is at least tolerable (it just means my Kavat will remain a popsicle). Does Carrier still get the precept changes Scott discussed (maybe this was already asked/answered and I missed it)?

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1) Just getting rid of Vacuum would likely have been the best solution imho. Might have made people actually play somewhat together again.

2) Rathuum was OK I guess. Though the enemy scaling in it required so much cheese that it sucked out all the fun so that I haven't touched it anymore after the event. Kind of like running those 100-ish Corpus vs Grineer matches for that event back in the day burned me out on invasions for like forever. Given how much cheese units the corpus already have that DE still doesn't seem to consider a problem I don't have high hopes of it actually being fun, but we'll see.

3) TWW will be done when its done. Glad they learned from their mistakes with SotR as I really would like to avoid another such buggy mess (though since they're still messing with the systems/script it doesn't sound like they're in testing phase so it being buggy is still pretty possible). I just hope the new system is good and not something you sort of have to ignore becuase it's excessively grindy when you focus on it (pun not intended).

7 minutes ago, k05h said:


I work in software engineering. It does not suck if you know where you are heading, if you either have a good project lead or a scrum master who has a clear vision and if you use QA. 

Because of my job I have a very high tolerance for bugs but less tolerance for missing deadlines over and over again. If you miss deadlines you either have the wrong project lead or the wrong marketing guys. Both problems can easily by solved by HR.

I do not share all opinions of the OP but the constant delays are rather odd. 

Sounds like the Project Manager can't keep a stable feature list. Been there, done that, project got cancelled in the end. PM managed to talk himself out of his responsibility and into a new position, half the devs got stuck with a burnout and a desire for a career change.


4 minutes ago, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:

if people weren't complaining all the time DE would have more time to work on things like TWW 

If you didn't understand what I was talking about you could have just asked 


So you'd rather put up with a half broken game so they can dump more broken features on top of it until the entire thing is an amorphous blob of broken mess?

Edited by marelooke
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1 minute ago, k05h said:


I work in software engineering. It does not suck if you know where you are heading, if you either have a good project lead or a scrum master who has a clear vision and if you use QA. 

Because of my job I have a very high tolerance for bugs but less tolerance for missing deadlines over and over again. If you miss deadlines you either have the wrong project lead or the wrong marketing guys. 

I do not share all opinions of the OP but the constant delays are rather odd. 

Right, but saying that it's the communities fault that it isn't out is kinda silly. I mean, it was said (by steve or somebody on a devstream not too long ago) that they have gone through, I think the number was 7, script overhauls for the quest itself. Obviously that goes with the first part of what you said, with the community probably having minimal impact at that point. And I don't think it would've come out sooner if they didn't try to fix some bugs along the way.

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6 minutes ago, Culaio said:


You DO realize that people dont find gathering loot enjoyable right ? to  me gathering loot is what keeps me AWAY from having FUN in warframe, I have FUN when I kill enemies and interacting with my friends in game not looking for loot that ended up in weird places like behind the wall.

Reason why so many people use vacuum is because it makes the game more FUN for them...

oh, I think people love looting, they don't want to move for the loot. They want to auto loot. Thats why we use vacuum and carrier, so we don't have to manually pick it up. This 5m range still allows me and you to pick up loot automatically, it how ever requires us to move further than a few pixel steps to do it. So if people find that bothersome, thats not a game issue. 

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You're still leaving the "living" companions out of the loop of the sucking fun, and thus making a lot of people reluctant to even give them a try given their maintenance-intensive nature.

Still, it's a good thing that you're trying to a) make loot collection more convenient, b) reduce the Carrier monopoly among Sentinel users and c) achieve both without completely robbing the Carrier of its uniqueness (it still has the best range if I'm reading this right).

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A small amount of vacuum on all sentinels is great - 5m is way better than none and that might indeed encourage me to use other sentinels... but keep carrier with full range available via its own mod. I don't see that universal vacuum as an addition would unbalance things all that much - I got Diriga, Dethcube, and Djinn to 30 and never used again, and would love to do more with my mostly useless (but gorgeous) Wyrm prime occasionally. But the vacuum on the carrier should remain untouched. 13.82x less volume for collecting loot is significant.

I don't see anything in the notes to say that the Carrier will be changed as a consequence - I'm hopeful that it'll stay as-is. 

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5 minutes ago, Babellon said:

oh, I think people love looting, they don't want to move for the loot. They want to auto loot. Thats why we use vacuum and carrier, so we don't have to manually pick it up. This 5m range still allows me and you to pick up loot automatically, it how ever requires us to move further than a few pixel steps to do it. So if people find that bothersome, thats not a game issue. 

No people hate gathering resources because how much of it its needed, especially rare resources, there is nothing worse then rare resource ending up in inaccesible place.

Most people wouldnt mind if ammo or health or even life support was unaffected by vacuum(I wouldnt mind this), its just gathring resources that is the problem.

One guy on warframe reddit writen really well  about need to seperate "tactical pickups" and "loot":


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1 hour ago, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:

Subject #1- Vacuum

There is a lot of people who think that vacuum should be a warframe/all companion passive. And that would be the best solution. But DE has got to put some fireants in our pants. Vacuum is going to be a passive for all sentinels with a 5 meter range (WIP). That is bad because sentinels are trash and because the range is a direct nerf. They did say that the range is WIP but I doubt it that they will make a smart decision on this one.

You folks need to understand that Vac is dead. Vac screws up the game a bit so they decided that its going to go. It's the same thing that happened to any other stuff that's OP. Remember coptering? That was there for a while and it eventually needed to go and it went.

Now we got bullet twirling which requires mods to be made better. So im sure there are going to be range mods for nu-vac. So just chill and wait.

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3 hours ago, Lored said:

Last year we saw:

  • Chroma
  • Equinox
  • Atlas
  • Wukong
  • Ivara
  • Nezha

This year:

  • Inaros
  • Titania

Without primes... Realy?

First, it's not really the right topic for that.

Next, devs are working really harder on "The War Within" and we had a lot of good rework and changes about basic mechanics.

Finally, more warframes is not equal to more fun. We currently have a lot of warframes and it start to pass the cap for "too much" and I think this new rythm is better if we have some new features and rework like Solar map, Endo, etc...

PS: We had Saryn, Vauban and Nekros prime this year(Currently around 21% of our current prime warframes). So, saying "without primes" is just false.

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16 minutes ago, Babellon said:

oh, I think people love looting, they don't want to move for the loot. They want to auto loot. Thats why we use vacuum and carrier, so we don't have to manually pick it up. This 5m range still allows me and you to pick up loot automatically, it how ever requires us to move further than a few pixel steps to do it. So if people find that bothersome, thats not a game issue. 

The problem is that we're not looting withing a small or confined area (camping is not a good example to balance vacuum on), loot is often spread across the whole map due to team members splitting up and killing things in different places. You'll often find yourself having to to quick circuits of the map just to collect loot that was dropped by players far away from you.

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