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Anndddd it's already October.


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3 hours ago, marelooke said:

Sounds like the Project Manager can't keep a stable feature list. Been there, done that, project got cancelled in the end. PM managed to talk himself out of his responsibility and into a new position, half the devs got stuck with a burnout and a desire for a career change.

If I had a months worth of salary for every time this has happened to me, my current depression (one can only deal with so many burn-outs in a row) would be a lot more ....doable... I know one thing for sure, if ever I go back to programming, I'll just punch one of them PMs real hard right in the face, if they frack up again (and will totally frack up his car too). Won't actually let me keep my job but most surely my sanity.

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am i the only one looking forward for the new sentinel quest that they announced at one of the dev stream.
still hyped about the wait with in thought
vacuum change dont really care since i love my wizard rng cat
corpus rathuum hope it wont be like grineer ratheem and we have to grind our way throught

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21 hours ago, [DE]Steve said:

On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.  

More than a month away? [DE], this isn't funny. I mean, I'm all in for waiting longer in order to get better content, but this isn't that, it's just annoying. I mean, TWW's been hyped so much and the release date's been pushed back so many times there's no way it's gonna be worth the wait.

(Why yes, I'm salty.)

Edited by desdendelle
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20 hours ago, Damaskilo said:

Didn't have Mag more or less 5m range with her passive bullet jump? xD



21 hours ago, Fi-le said:
  • On max level Vacuum has a range of 12 in-game meters in all directions. (Wikia)

i I would like WASTE 3 slots for 3 mods with 12m (wich i can remove if i dont want it) instead of a Passive in all sentinels with just 5m...

go from 12 to 5 meters is way too much

i dont want to start to use Mag with greedy Pull

in this post i forgot to say : Mag+Greedy Pull (i know it dont work like before but still)+stretch+overextended+arcane helmet (if you have it) = 60 METERS!!! 

I think I'm gonna begin to put aside some Greedy Pull mods for sale XD

Jokes aside...like everyone are saying, put Vacuum as a warframe passive like Mag Passive with Bullet Jump and give Mag something else, idk like Mag give 50% or 100% or a set number like 250 or 500 shield to teammates and/or Allies


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43 minutes ago, ComCray said:

If I had a months worth of salary for every time this has happened to me, my current depression (one can only deal with so many burn-outs in a row) would be a lot more ....doable... I know one thing for sure, if ever I go back to programming, I'll just punch one of them PMs real hard right in the face, if they frack up again (and will totally frack up his car too). Won't actually let me keep my job but most surely my sanity.

Don't do it mate. What goes 'round comes 'round. They'll get theirs.

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The range nerf to Vacuum seems entirely unnecessary, and is close to a 80% reduction in effectiveness, after calculating the effective area. It doesn't need to be 12 meters, but 5 meters is almost useless. Please don't reduce it by so much, or at least provide the option for a mod that increases the range to its original value for the people that want it. Don't make the grind worse, DE. You can't afford it right now with this delay. People will quit.

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I like how people found and leaked the entire War Within story line-

Forcing DE to rewrite the entire story multiple times, as we learned last devstream-

Causing endless delays, as animations, cutscenes, resources, voiceovers, etc, all need to be reworked over and over-

I mean, we literally could have had this stuff in July if it hadn't been leaked-

And now people are mad at DE instead of the people who spoiled everything.

Oh wait no I don't like that at all.

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21 hours ago, Multicom-EN- said:

"We aim to release it at the end of August."
"We are trying to release it after the next Tenno meet-up"
"If the update isnt released until the end of Juli, I am being fired"
"We are going to release it in September."
"Probably end of September."
"You can look forward to War Within more than a month away."

Oh wait, there was another thing.
"We are trying to put down the endless grinding walls so people actually have more time to enjoy the game entirely. We dont want them to repeat the same thing over and over again."

*Looks at the Relic update - no more long runs, instead we now have much more repititive shorter runs*
*Looks at Rathuum - has to grind the Arena points to do a boring fight*
*Looks at the Titania quest - GO PICK FLOWERS DUDE!*
*Looks at the recently released Aura mods - "Yo, I heard you love plants?"*

*DE in a nutshell intensifies*

yo dawg i heard you love to steal other Peoples Posts so imma steal your post to post it somewhere else

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A lot of good points in this thread regarding you guys biting off more than you could chew with this update, so I won't harp on it, but I do have a suggestion:

If you're going to push ahead with Cinematic Quests, until you have the process more streamlined you need to set the goal for one a year. Dedicate a team, start in January, and just stay mum about it until a December release. Only plan enough content to release as early as September, to allow yourself time for internal delays as you invariably run into issues. Don't even say what you're working on in that department, just drop it on everyone as a surprise, rather than trying to build hype at the same time you're struggling to make deadlines.

I was building a house for a friend a couple years ago. He thought just the two of us could get it done in a Spring & Summer, because he budgeted for a daily schedule. He didn't account for thunderstorms, hidden bedrock, the foundation pit flooding overnight, scheduling conflicts with concrete, etc. I eventually had to leave the project once Winter came around, and to my knowledge he's just now getting the roofing done two years later. This is the same thing. Always plan an extra third of time for Life Happening.

And secondly, on the same note- don't worry about topping yourselves. The Second Dream was fantastic and broke tons of new ground for Warframe, but you also need to recognize that you are never going to break that ground again, doing the same thing. You literally can't, because the code, assets, and process that broke all that new ground is and should be the foundation of everything in the same vein- that is, cinematic quests- to come. If you constantly focus and stress yourselves out about blowing everybody out of the water, doing the same kind of thing you blew everybody out of the water with to begin with, you're going to drive yourselves crazy. Instead of looking at cinematic quests as mind-blowing game-changers that you have to release every year, recognize the solid framework that you've created and take advantage of it.

Warframe is quickly reaching (or already has reached) a point of critical mass where there are more mechanics, tools and gameplay systems in the game than can be managed on a consistent basis by the company. Archwing, Focus, Conclave, Weapon balance, Quests, Ayatan, Fissures, Companions- and soon, whatever this new system with the freaky arms is. It seems, ironically, that the thing you guys set out to do (and I've frequently heard Steve say is a metaphorical middlefinger to doubtful investors), that is, continuous content, is now crushing your team and your product under its own weight. More over, the exponentially increasing expectations you have for yourselves and you feel the fans have is crushing you even harder. After you release TWW, take a good couple steps back and don't just reassess your process, reassess what you want Warframe to have and more importantly recognize how much you have already. Recognize you have an extremely robust list of features in Warframe and figure out when you should stop adding and start refining.

And of course, be proud of it! It is fantastic that you guys dream big, and I don't think it's a question in anyone's mind- especially after four months of delay- that TWW and Warframe still is a massive labor of love and dedication on the part of DE and everyone involved. And that's great. Warframe is unlike anything else out there. But it can't keep existing if the devs all drop dead from exhaustion and being pulled thirty different ways at once.


TL;DR After TWW is released, you guys need to group hug, chill the hell out, and take a hard look at the mindset you apply when approaching your baby. It worked when the game was small, but your baby's all grown up now and looking at colleges and you need to kick it out of the house and take your wife to Venice and this analogy is going nowhere so I'm going to stop here.


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14 minutes ago, Totorochan said:

I like how people found and leaked the entire War Within story line-

Forcing DE to rewrite the entire story multiple times, as we learned last devstream-

Causing endless delays, as animations, cutscenes, resources, voiceovers, etc, all need to be reworked over and over-

I mean, we literally could have had this stuff in July if it hadn't been leaked-

And now people are mad at DE instead of the people who spoiled everything.

Oh wait no I don't like that at all.

Leakers didn't force DE to do anything. DE chose to delay the update in response to a variety of things. DE chose to early on proclaim that the update would release in August. Then they decided to delay it to September. Then they decided to delay it till October, and now they have once again decided to delay it indefinitely, with the earliest possible release being "more than a month away". That isn't the community's doing. That's DE's doing. They alone decided to do that. It amazes me how people like you can sit there on your high horse and act like DE can do nothing wrong, and that all of their mistakes are the fault of the community.

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22 hours ago, NikodemosTheMan said:

On PC, you can look forward to War Within more than a month away.

Look forward? More than a MONTH?

Stop this. Give us something...

Edited by EeberJeebers
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3 minutes ago, Tavanaka said:

A lot of good points in this thread regarding you guys biting off more than you could chew with this update, so I won't harp on it, but I do have a suggestion:

If you're going to push ahead with Cinematic Quests, until you have the process more streamlined you need to set the goal for one a year. Dedicate a team, start in January, and just stay mum about it until a December release. Only plan enough content to release as early as September, to allow yourself time for internal delays as you invariably run into issues. Don't even say what you're working on in that department, just drop it on everyone as a surprise, rather than trying to build hype at the same time you're struggling to make deadlines.

I was building a house for a friend a couple years ago. He thought just the two of us could get it done in a Spring & Summer, because he budgeted for a daily schedule. He didn't account for thunderstorms, hidden bedrock, the foundation pit flooding overnight, scheduling conflicts with concrete, etc. I eventually had to leave the project once Winter came around, and to my knowledge he's just now getting the roofing done two years later. This is the same thing. Always plan an extra third of time for Life Happening.

And secondly, on the same note- don't worry about topping yourselves. The Second Dream was fantastic and broke tons of new ground for Warframe, but you also need to recognize that you are never going to break that ground again, doing the same thing. You literally can't, because the code, assets, and process that broke all that new ground is and should be the foundation of everything in the same vein- that is, cinematic quests- to come. If you constantly focus and stress yourselves out about blowing everybody out of the water, doing the same kind of thing you blew everybody out of the water with to begin with, you're going to drive yourselves crazy. Instead of looking at cinematic quests as mind-blowing game-changers that you have to release every year, recognize the solid framework that you've created and take advantage of it.

Warframe is quickly reaching (or already has reached) a point of critical mass where there are more mechanics, tools and gameplay systems in the game than can be managed on a consistent basis by the company. Archwing, Focus, Conclave, Weapon balance, Quests, Ayatan, Fissures, Companions- and soon, whatever this new system with the freaky arms is. It seems, ironically, that the thing you guys set out to do (and I've frequently heard Steve say is a metaphorical middlefinger to doubtful investors), that is, continuous content, is now crushing your team and your product under its own weight. More over, the exponentially increasing expectations you have for yourselves and you feel the fans have is crushing you even harder. After you release TWW, take a good couple steps back and don't just reassess your process, reassess what you want Warframe to have and more importantly recognize how much you have already. Recognize you have an extremely robust list of features in Warframe and figure out when you should stop adding and start refining.

And of course, be proud of it! It is fantastic that you guys dream big, and I don't think it's a question in anyone's mind- especially after four months of delay- that TWW and Warframe still is a massive labor of love and dedication on the part of DE and everyone involved. And that's great. Warframe is unlike anything else out there. But it can't keep existing if the devs all drop dead from exhaustion and being pulled thirty different ways at once.


TL;DR After TWW is released, you guys need to group hug, chill the hell out, and take a hard look at the mindset you apply when approaching your baby. It worked when the game was small, but your baby's all grown up now and looking at colleges and you need to kick it out of the house and take your wife to Venice and this analogy is going nowhere so I'm going to stop here.


I'd upvote if I could, but I'm all outta upvotes. Your post demonstrates a viewpoint that is appreciative of what DE has already done, grateful for what they're doing, but also keenly aware of the problem while offering a solution, all while remaining respectful. It's not the doom-and-gloom "DE sucks, I quit", neither is it the "DE is perfect, everyone complaining is just a whiny kid". Thank you for the well-thought post. I hope DE sees this and reads it.

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4 hours ago, GreyEnneract said:

I continue to see people excusing back to back delays for months now, saying they are okay.

My question to them is when does it stop being okay? Will those kinds of people ever hold DE accountable?

There's a reason why the successful game companies have deadlines.

Well, for me, it doesn't matter one way or the other if this ever gets released. I feel like I've gotten a pretty good deal for the time and money invested. If this is all there is, then personally, I'm fine with that.


But I'm just one person.

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4 hours ago, GreyEnneract said:

I continue to see people excusing back to back delays for months now, saying they are okay.

My question to them is when does it stop being okay? Will those kinds of people ever hold DE accountable?

There's a reason why the successful game companies have deadlines.

There's a reason why successful companies in any industry have deadlines.

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4 hours ago, GreyEnneract said:

There's a reason why the successful game companies have deadlines.

You mean like how there's currently a near endless list of pure crap pushed out by these same companies? Which were maybe "in time" but should never, EVER have left the studio in the state they were in? Starting with Aliens:Colonial Marines and ending with nearly every gruddamn "next gen" title and everything in between? 
Note I'm not saying the current delays are acceptable in any way shape or form, but that's surely down to expectation management. Your argument, however, is as silly as it can be considering the utter crap these "successful game companies" have been pushing out in the past 6 years...

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1 hour ago, sidmarks1 said:

Don't do it mate. What goes 'round comes 'round. They'll get theirs.

Yeah, only too bad reality has shown me time and time again that is utter nonsense. Karma is a lie, put up by people who have nothing to comfort other people who have nothing.  I didn't deserve this depression, and these clemholes don't deserve their BMW.

Edited by ComCray
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thank you DE love your game since I first found it back in 2012/3 (can't remember when) really pissed I couldn't get founders back then (no I'm not gonna ask) was really glad to see a friend take an interest in it been playing again for the last year please continue the great work and please come down under some day I'd love you meet the crew behind the game 

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4 minutes ago, ComCray said:

Yeah, only too bad reality has shown me time and time again that is utter nonsense. Karma is a lie, put up by people who have nothing to comfort other people who have nothing.  I didn't deserve this depression, and these clemholes don't deserve their BMW.

I retired from Psychiatry 8 years ago and can tell you that after 20+ years in the job that, given time, it's the only thing that holds true. Hang your anger around your neck, if you like, but it will pull you down. Anyway retired I am and just want to enjoy the game........'nough said mate.

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