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Why nerf vacuum?


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In my understanding the current vaccuum change will be used as an experiment to see if people will actually use other sentinels more (and how much more) vs using Carrier and if Kubrows/Kavats usage will remain the same, be used more or less.

I am ok with this if what I understand is true and so long as it doesn't take too long to gather stats.

But I am mainly of the opinion that Vaccuum should be added to warframes with a slider in the option menu (basic current range, 5m and 10m).

Edited by Madway7
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6 minutes ago, SolarisVentara said:

Will you people PLEASE stop over exaggerating on this -_- its just halved the range, its not like its become totally useless. And for those, like me who never liked Carrier to begin with, this it realy doesn't matter anyway. just further encourages players to try out different sentinals than just some floating tear drop with lousy aim and a shot gun. halving it was probably an attempt to keep things balanced within the game, we'll probably find out in this weeks dev. stream or, even sooner, this weeks prime time. so please stop all the negativity and rejoice in the fact that the reign of carrier is over.

The range wasn't just halved.

Like I said, group 2 would be ok with it, while group 1 would be nettled

If vacuum was made universal there would already be incentive to try out more sentinels. Nerfing vacuum thus would be both pointless and those who prefered carrier and vacuum how they were would be given the short end of the stick. Making all types of players happy would be best course of action 

Edited by (PS4)official_79
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2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Because you don't NEED vacuum.

I get where you're coming from but the way you present your argument doesnt really sell your idea.

You dont NEED to turn left to play warframe either. #Zoolanderframe.

You don't NEED warframe powers. You dont NEED mods. You dont NEED sound. See what I mean?

Edited by Skaleek
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Okay, I've replied with enough serious posts to a bunch of Vacuum threads today. How about something different:

I propose a protest when the nerf drops. Everyone still uses Carrier, even though all the Sentinels will be 5m.

Carriers out for Vacuum! 

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11 minutes ago, shadowfire380 said:

Carreirs 12m range went against this games whole point about mobility by making it possible for you to just stand still and loot. Carrier was meant to be an assistant not your personal loot slave. Personally I would prefer if they removed vacuum altogether or nerf it into the ground where it belongs.

Carrier allowed us to keep moving forward, focusing on our mission objectives and doing ninja things. Now we'll have to focus on moving back and forth, carefully sweeping tiles one by one. This is going to get really tedious.

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16 minutes ago, shadowfire380 said:

Carreirs 12m range went against this games whole point about mobility by making it possible for you to just stand still and loot. Carrier was meant to be an assistant not your personal loot slave. Personally I would prefer if they removed vacuum altogether or nerf it into the ground where it belongs.

Doesn't having to pickup items actually detract you from your freedom of mobility by making you have to walk around to get the loot you earned and sometimes need (mainly ammo)?

Edited by Madway7
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24 minutes ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

You don't NEED anything in this game aside from the starting gear.

What you just said is pointless

No, not pointless. In the context of playing the game effectively and evidently... You don't NEED vacuum. 

1. You don't need the extra loot, you most likely have an excess of resources anyway. You can play without it and still get tons of resources without going out of your way to grab it 

2. Health and energy orbs are not consistent enough to be truly a game changer. If you have an energy hungry frame, energy pads are far more efficient. In fact, a huras is far more efficient as they actually create drops for you instead of relying on rng. On top of that, without vacuum, it's not really that hard to grab the random orb on your own.

So no, you don't need vacuum. Not anymore than you need the utility of any other companion.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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10 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

No, not pointless. In the context of playing the game effectively and evidently... You don't NEED vacuum. 

1. You don't need the extra loot, you most likely have an excess of resources anyway. You can play without it and still get tons of resources without going out of your way to grab it 

2. Health and energy orbs are not consistent enough to be truly a game changer. If you have an energy hungry frame, energy pads are far more efficient. In fact, a huras is far more efficient as they actually create drops for you instead of renting in rng. On top of that, without vacuum, it's not really that hard to grab the random orb on your own.

So no, you don't need vacuum. Not anymore than you need the utility of any other companion.

are you actually reading what you're typing

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34 minutes ago, shadowfire380 said:

Carreirs 12m range went against this games whole point about mobility by making it possible for you to just stand still and loot. Carrier was meant to be an assistant not your personal loot slave. Personally I would prefer if they removed vacuum altogether or nerf it into the ground where it belongs.

I get where you are coming from but think about it. My idea of efficient looting is around 11-15 min run of opening all lockers boxes etc with carrier in exterminate mission. You might say her der we need to move around more and not be lazy butt but... With the range nerf I would need to move around the room  thoughly to actually loot my stuff. That would make the looting process around 8-10 min longer which simply making quickly zipping through your mission simply much more effective which simply goes against " what devs are trying to encourage".

(fyi im using the ignis tactic)

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1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

No, not pointless. In the context of playing the game effectively and evidently... You don't NEED vacuum. 

1. You don't need the extra loot, you most likely have an excess of resources anyway. You can play without it and still get tons of resources without going out of your way to grab it 

2. Health and energy orbs are not consistent enough to be truly a game changer. If you have an energy hungry frame, energy pads are far more efficient. In fact, a huras is far more efficient as they actually create drops for you instead of renting in rng. On top of that, without vacuum, it's not really that hard to grab the random orb on your own.

So no, you don't need vacuum. Not anymore than you need the utility of any other companion.

Again, you don't NEED anything, everything you acquire you acquire because you WANT it. That goes for the weapons you create, the color schemes you use for your warframes, everything past the starting gear as those were given to you because you NEEDED it to start the game.

You bring up the context of playing the game effectively. Vacuum is the most effective way of doing so as evidenced by the fact everyone uses it. Across all games the most effective method is the most used.  

1. Its not "extra" loot, its loot you or your group farmed and earned, vacuum allowed you to pick it all up quickly and efficiently, a massive QoL change that everyone enjoyed. I may not need the loot, but I sure as hell want it

2. I'm not sure what your point is here, you bring up energy pads which are created by that "extra" loot which you said is irrelevant. As for ammo/orbs, its very efficient to use vacuum as it doesn't interrupt the flow of gameplay for you to pick it up

If you are so concerned with what the players NEED instead of what they WANT then leave the conversation, stand in your orbiter with your starter gear, because anything else is irrelevant because it is not needed.

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My theory on why vacuum was nerfed is as follows.

Prime access is due for a Sentinel - we have not had one for a while.

Current carrier use means everyone will declare a new prime Sentinel to be mastery fodder - making it unattractive to purchase.

Nerf carrier + buff other sentinels = no longer a problem.

Now the new prime access will be more attractive.

(Deathcube prime or Shade prime -> commence speculation - I''m on the Deathcube side.)

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Honestly, this is actually worse than the split in three thing.


This might actually break my nekros build as it need to be constantly fed health orbs to stay alive. Depends I guess on how small the range really get in terms of gameplay. But at least now I will be able to use any other sentinel than carrier so I guess Shade will get some work now.


That just leave the cats and dogs sitting in their boxes, completely useless like before.

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3 minutes ago, Chimera_Prime said:

My theory on why vacuum was nerfed is as follows.

Prime access is due for a Sentinel - we have not had one for a while.

Current carrier use means everyone will declare a new prime Sentinel to be mastery fodder - making it unattractive to purchase.

Nerf carrier + buff other sentinels = no longer a problem.

Now the new prime access will be more attractive.

(Deathcube prime or Shade prime -> commence speculation - I''m on the Deathcube side.)

This seems like pretty valid reasoning (I too hope for Gamecube prime)

Though since vacuum is no longer exclusive to carrier, it is instead vacuum itself getting nerfed (A sentinel mod)

Wouldn't it be in their best interest to not nerf vacuum as to make a new prime sentinel as appealing as possible?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

This seems like pretty valid reasoning (I too hope for Gamecube prime)

Though since vacuum is no longer exclusive to carrier, it is instead vacuum itself getting nerfed (A sentinel mod)

Wouldn't it be in their best interest to not nerf vacuum as to make a new prime sentinel as appealing as possible?

Very good point - yes - its vacuum getting nerfed here - not carrier as such.

Yes - i would have thought just switching the vacuum precept to "sentinal" would have achieved this better. But maybe there is an underlying dislike of the current range.

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What nerf? Vacuum is being added to every single Sentinel. Of course they need to balance it so that all sentinels can keep their unique abilities while also having vacuum.

The only reason why Carrier had its large range was because the ability to vacuum was unique only to it. Now it's not unique.


You all asked for this. You know DE rebalances things. It's never going to be a total buff - there needs to be checks and balances. That's how developing a game works.

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