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Coming Soon: Devstream #81!


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About the changes to vacuum I was just wandering as a game that relys on a player base how can yall decide to nerf a item because its over used instead of making the others worth using its like instead of making us want to change pets you are forcing us to... thanks for making the game worse

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1: this has been on my mind for a long time now, and its boosters and how their timers work. this is really important to me. the thing with boosters are that they go to waste more than what they are used. my question is will we see a change on how the timers work? this is a big concern of mine, maybe it can tick off with ingame time or something else, but i just feel like so much of the boosters go to complete waste due to either inactivity or simply nothing to use it on. i bought the accessory pack with saryn prime, and at that time i was already mr 21 so the 90 day affinity booster was wasted, literally more than 80% of the booster was wasted just because i either did not have anything to level or because i wasnt playing. boosters arent very old player friendly, in my opinion

2: any new katana based weapons in the works? or any ideas for them?


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Hey there,

A few questions;

1. Will there ever be baseline of mods/ percent per level per stat/minor hp and energy regen?

Eg. Hp/shield specific mods to make way for more interesting mods to be used akin to that of rage or rathuum style mods for warframes?

Eg. 1% per level on str, rng, ef, dur giving 30% at max would certainly help new players in leveling along with freeing up builds when sided with the first example

Eg. 1 hp/energy regen combined with the 2 above would allow for greater staying power of new players as there is a slight boost to survival as they learn the game as there needs to be more of a tutorial then the one that is had 

2. Can decisive judgement actually use two hands for more of its strikes and have the option to keep the blade out of the sheeth?

The stance itself feels like it is lacking due to its slower strikes

Could it be buffed with higher % multipliers like that of crimson dervish and forced bleed procs to compensate?

3. In depth passives?

All melee warframes gain the additional melee time like that of wukong + damage in their chosen weapon to field

All caster warframess gain a slight energy regen and additional power damage

All tanks gain minor health regen along with boost to armour based on hp%


4. All of the mod 1.0/damage 1.0 cards with 15% be buffed to 150%?

Such would make them applicable in builds rather than being overthrown by other cards

(I say this as someone who loves playing physical mods exclusively due to the added challenge)

Thank you :)


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Will we see any future sentient weapons to use in the near future?
Possibly primary & Secondary? Or even possibly a small sentient sentinel?
I need my fix or taste of something new involving Sentients! 
 Also Thanks Rebecca and DE, Keep up the good work still.


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Any news on the upcoming "Sound"/"Music" frame?
Nexus app updates or optimizations? Please?
Will the Codex get an update, with voice over entries and more lore about certain things?
Will the landing craft scanner get more functionality, like scanning for anomalies in the origin system maybe?
I feel like the warframes which we get from assassinations should get their own quests like every new one that comes out. Has there been talk about that?
Is it possible to integrate a system for automatic graphical settings detection and optimization in the game?

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I have one question:

I noticed that warframes that require a quest to get such as Atlas, Mesa, etc. Are you planning to add primes for frames like these in the future and if so would one have to complete the quest before they have access to the prime version or will there be another way to obtain them?

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Can we ask why you felt the need to nerf vacuum while also making it not-quite-universal?

Why is it a function of your companion at all? Please just make it a base passive for all frames/players and then perhaps add back the nerfed range as a platinum only upgrade?

I'd honestly pay 500plat to just not have to worry about a) which companion I'm using and b) that im now "missing" more than half the range on what was a player-derived mandatory mod.

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Regarding the battle between Sentinels and Kubrows/Kavats, I have a simple question:

Why not be able to take our lovely fur-ball AND our floating vacuum together in mission?
I think this feature will be more interesting rather than searching the magic solution to transform fur-ball into a vacuum or something similar. This addition could give us more possibilities and freedom, like create synergies between them or just let fur-ball out, because... why not!

Edited by Seldszar
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Can we have the cronus and ether daggers obtainable through alerts or something? Had maxed them but they still show as level 0 in my codex entry.  I am sure i am not the only one with this problem.  Either that or make quests replayable. And can you remove the dark-split sword codex bug?

Also, now that we have wukong and nezha noggles, can we inaros noggle with the ANUBIS alternate helmet, and not the normal inaros helmet, which is ugly.

On the nerf to the vacuum, i won't say anything coz u guys don't want to listen to players and do what you want to do and nerf things back and forth.  Has killed my interest for the game. Now i only login for the daily rewards and nitain alerts coz i was passionate for the game and have invested lot of time and supported you guys by putting in a lot of money.  Thank you for making this game unplayable for me and making me take a good decision by buying founder's packs for other upcoming MMOs, which are a lot better than WF.


Edited by Shashu13
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14 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Join us this Friday, October 7th for Devstream #81!

Who: Rebecca is joined by Steve, Scott, Geoff and special guest Lead Programmer DARRYL! If you were at TennoCon you saw Darryl's panel on mission generating, and we have a treat for Twitch today! 

What: This Devstream will of course include a Q&A (put you questions below), but also something a little different. We're going to be showing off a real-time mission generator, with the results designed by YOU! You'll have to tune in to see what's in store and how this will play out... a victory on stream will lead to more post-stream bonus Alerts! Whether it's hard or easy will be up to you. 

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes! 

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us this Friday, October 7th 2 p.m. EDT! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ 

If you have questions, post them below! This thread closes at 10 a.m. on October 7th! 

P.S we will be talking about this as well should you have questions on the post: 


Can you please talk about the 6 meter range and if its going to be expandable using range mods. 5 meter seems kind of low, and it feels like a universal nerf to vacuum rather than an upgrade to all sentinels. 

Edited by (PS4)Regiampiero
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Would it ever be possible to take 2 different companions at once? Like a Kavats/kubrow with a sentinel. Also in regards to archwing would it be possible to get a option to lock the camera? Like a toggle in mission being I don't know the l key for instance.

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!)Now that Sentinels all have UV, do you plan to take a look at Sentinel Survivablity across the board and make them more....survivable?

It sucks to have an awesome tie-in passive between a weapon and a sentinel only for it to die off in a flash and have no way of reviving it once the levels start climbing (looking at you, Djinn in sorties); Compared to how durable Kubrows and Kavats are, can Sentinels be brought up to date and scale with our stats, or at least be revived?

2)Sneak peak or any news on the new machete stance?

3)Will stealth be on the drawing boards anytime soon? It's frustrating to be hailed as a space ninja and not be able to live up to the namesake due to awkward AI spawns and behavior and wonky stealth mechanics (or lack thereof). 

4)Will we see any weapon design contests from players again? Or at least a skin design contest to find more gems like IgnusDei?

I haven't ever been picked for a question, so in truth my chances are slim....but here's to hoping!

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Salutations,shall someone actually read this.....(also thanks for doing so)

It seems we got the long anticipated "the vacuum within" update...so far,i love it....tough,my voice on that matter shouldn't bear any weight,since i'm one of the few who never used carrier,instead stayed with kubrows,now kavats....because cats rock,and Isaac is the best!!!...cough,anyway,i may only assume many have said what i'm about to ....but,sigh,here i go:....Could we,perhaps sometime in the future see companion vacuum,now that every sentinel has such,i can only imagine of even less practical purposes for Isaac,apart from it's charm,and the fact that i have some attachment to it....if no,it's fine,i really don't mind,since i never really bothered,as i said,using the space vacuum cleaner known as Carrier...but i can only imagine those who like companions,yet want vacuum,and the fact that now they have even less of an reason for using such...(companion,im refering to the companions).....


Thanks for reading,sorry for bothering you....lots of kisses,and even more coffee!!!

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hi Dev team

i have 2 simple and Quick Questions

1. is it even a considerable possibility to put the Vacuum ability on warframes as a passive instead of sentinels? Then add options to the options menu letting players pick and choose what items they want to gain from this passive vacuum. i can only hope i speak for a large number of players when i say this change would make all of us happy.( and still open players to using other companions then carrier giving you the same room to measure)

2. can you please ask the kind people who makes all the nice Sigils in the game, to please have a look at the G3 Zenuka and Stalker sigils. it seems no matter what frame i use them on they are not centered, and the options only allow for me to make it off center in the other direction. these are 3 of your nicest looking sigils in the game and from my obsessive point of view i cant use them if i cant center them. its a problem that has been in the game from the time i started playing and it seems like it would be so easy to fix.(ps4)

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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With the talks of Nef Anyo becoming a boss, will we see the Hyena Pack members possbly be placed into the normal enemy rotation spawn for Corpus missions? I only ask because from the people i have played with on public and my friends as well that we handled them effectivly in the multitude of events that had them spawn, like the proxy rebellion event. Also will we eventually get dance emotes? Because, who doesn't want to see a relay dance party?

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