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A Letter of Support to [DE]Rebecca


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1 minute ago, Deshiel said:

The "authority" is just some other people doing thier job and they have categories on what to handle seriously and what not. Death threats are in the "ambigious" area so Authority will usualy just do nothing and tell you to come back later when it persists or escalates into something worse.

Again, maybe that should be revised, instead of accepted.

No one's saying it's jail material. But at least a fee after proper handling is in order.

The fact such doesn't happens shows how the general business world doesn't give a crap about the mental state of people, yes; but in no way it shows such should be accepted.

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6 minutes ago, Koed said:

I will probably get crucified for saying this but was this thread really needed? If the above is all that happend then definitely not imo. An unfunny joke/pun that doesn't even clasify as a threat, cmon. Anyone who has worked in retail has experienced way worse face to face...

It doesn't matter if it a joke or not. It how the person on the receiving end precepts it. Beside we don't know what Rebecca is doing, this thread is just to show our support.

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1 minute ago, mikey619 said:

It doesn't matter if it a joke or not. It how the person on the receiving end precepts it. Beside we don't know what Rebecca is doing, this thread is just to show our support.


That was the threat? 

"The Mad Within" or "The Ama murder you all DE Within" ?

Okay... now the jail proposal really seems out of place. That's more a case for the ban-hammer.

yet still... even empty death threats are tasteless and they should not go unpunished.


And just because you receive numerous death threats on a daily basis because of your job - That doesn't make them normal.

Basically telling people to "Grow a thicker skin" is not an argument.

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18 minutes ago, mikey619 said:

It doesn't matter if it a joke or not. It how the person on the receiving end precepts it. Beside we don't know what Rebecca is doing, this thread is just to show our support.

This is so sad. Not worth making a thread over.

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19 minutes ago, mikey619 said:

It doesn't matter if it a joke or not. It how the person on the receiving end precepts it. Beside we don't know what Rebecca is doing, this thread is just to show our support.

I got killed by Shadow Stalker multiple times in a row

Is it just me or is using Stalker's quotes in real life kinda creepy?

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41 minutes ago, Arniox said:


I hope you go on DE, @[DE]Rebecca, @[DE]Steve, @[DE]Megan, and the many more at DE, for years and years to come. I will continue to support, and pay for your livelihood with my hard-earned love and cash. You created the greatest game I have ever had the absolute pleasure of indulging myself in. And you are by far, the best f**king company out there to support and love your player base.

I hope you never give up your dream of creating an awe-inspiring game and I hope you never have to deal with the idiots who call themselves 'tenno'. Because they are not.


Love you all at DE


been here from 2013 pass all good/bad moments and will be here

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Upvoted because of the sentiment but... at the same time i cant help but to think that this is perpetual drama. Death threats have two categories... a.) raging 8 year old b.) someone with an actual grudge.

I have had such a threat sent to me in the past, and all it did for me was to result in an interesting conversation... then again im not a PR manager at a company with millions of players, but i guess i would make some time for someone who would go this far to get some attention.

Im kinda tired of the general ignorance of people.... we slap tags on everything and use it as a convenient excuse to ignore it.... whiner, troll, e-thug, retard, opinionator, not politically correct, not respectful enough.... and then at the end of the day we wonder why the internet is a cesspool... its because we talk but we never connect... we just use the internet to play the same game we do irl and what makes our race the violent cancer it is... exerting power over others, soap boxing, better than thou attitude, all to feel better about yourself in the most creative ways possible... for some its enough to go full vegan and look down on everyone else who is not, for some it takes a victim complex, joining s.c.u.m. and wanting to change the world in a glass of blood because they think its justified....

Im just tired...
Tired of people who talk but never listen, and i grew to think that they do not have the ability to do so in the first place so they cant even be blamed for it... so im left with just being tired.

Also... if someone actually meant a death threat, they would show up with a gun at your house or at your job and tell you this to your face... not send a raging private message over the net trying to vent some sort of anger issue... bleh... im just ranting on and on...

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1 hour ago, tnccs215 said:


1)Showing support is always nice. Maybe support should have been shown to people in retail that get their lives threatened.

2)Threatening lives over a change on a game is fricking stupid

3)If this is what we get in public, imagine the words of support they get on their private messengers.

Obviously "threatening" over a videogame is stupid but cmon, this is nothing. Support is great and all but people gotta learn to just brush these things off - especially on the internet.

58 minutes ago, mikey619 said:

It doesn't matter if it a joke or not. It how the person on the receiving end precepts it. Beside we don't know what Rebecca is doing, this thread is just to show our support.

I respectfully disagree. Ever seen some crazy feminst lose her marbles over a man saying hello to her? All over youtube mate - she might have received it in a way I don't see but that doesn't change the fact that it's just a hello.

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36 minutes ago, Aerensiniac said:

not politically correct,

while in general I agree with you, I just want to say that the only people who use the term "political correctness" are the ones complaining about it; which forcefully results in no one seriously saying "you aren't being politically correct enough"

At best you can see some double sarcastic use of that term by the people usually accused of propagating this "pc culture". By which I mean that they ironically use the term, which itself has only an ironic connotation.

The term itself quite intrigues me. It has a long term ironic, negative connotation since it was always used to refer to people who chose an apolitical stance, using phrasing that made their discorse less... Polar.

The fact it is nowadays used to insult people who actually take an incredibly polar stance is actually somewhat baffling.

Indeed, it is an incredibly paradoxal use of the term: It uses its literal use in order to "stick" to the person ("lil you're so political correct" truly equates to "lol you try to act correctly to other people"), but uses its connotation as an insult (born from its long term ironic use) in order to portray that person as bad.

Truth is, after etymological and historical analysis, 9/10 times the term is either not a bad thing, or not applied to people who deserve it. In the end, it's just a vage term used to say "uhr, this person is bad!"

Are there people who deserve said connotation? Of course: Everyone who refers to  civilian war victims as "collateral damage" truly deserves to be coined with the traditional, actually negative connotation of the term. But the last time I've read such was on a widely regarded as "politically correct" website, so yeah... Not a wide or common phenomenon nowadays.

Honestly, it makes me want to study linguistics and the impact of words in the human psyque, because it trully is a fascinating sociological event.

In the mean time, however, I cannot take seriously any one who uses the term.

Edited by tnccs215
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1 hour ago, Rounpositron said:

I got killed by Shadow Stalker multiple times in a row

Is it just me or is using Stalker's quotes in real life kinda creepy?

It would depend on the context but it would probably just give me a good short snort of laughter. :3

Edited by NativeKiller
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12 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

It was via twitter, in response to the Vacuum changes. It was just a joke in extremely poor taste. I'd wager it's not worth any actual concern.


Threatening staff because you have to walk a few extra meters before Vaccum can pick something up? This is my second time in about 2 hours saying...


What has the world come to?..

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There are people throughout this world and you don't simply avoid them all. I complain a lot but one should NEVER direct their hatred to devs or any member of them. We complain because we love this game and want it to be better (for whosoever), not because we hold grudges. Any kind of threat (or any hostile behavior towards anyone including devs) should be despised.

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Oh dear.  The level of complete derp for someone to have made a death threat over a game change... Either someone needs to stop thinking the medicine cabinet is where all the candy is kept, or (which i hope is the actual case) mommy and daddy need to put their kid in a long, long time out.


+1 support though.

Edited by CaliburxZero
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And... this is why I hate social media... They think they are cool behind their screen, yet, they aren't.

Someone can disagree with DE's direction, but the best way to express it is simply by stop playing and move on... Something that I might do soon, but for other reasons...

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The first tweet didnt seem like a threat. However, the subsequent responses make it seem more serious. If he hadnt responded to her reply in such a way, maybe it could be played off. Who is willing to make a death threat using a public twitter account. I am totally surprised by this news. Though this thread also gives the tweeter more attention, which they are probably seeking. Stay safe.

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Yeah, 100% in. I hope [DE]Rebecca feels fine, and I really wish that folks could get it through their heads that sending threats is not ok, not even if you think you're joking.


I'm not saying jail time or charges, but perhaps a brief word with some manner of official representative or law enforcement official, just to make it clear that this is not a joke?

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