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Constituent, the Elemental Frame


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Constituent - The elemental frame



100 health (300 at max)

75 shield (225 at max)

65 armor

175 energy (262 at max)

1.0 sprint speed




Passive - Constituent takes 15% less damage from all other elements that are not currently equipped, Constituent takes 30% more damage from the element she has equipped


Elemental Shift (50 energy) - tap to change the element of Constituent’s attacks (fire, toxin, electricity, ice), hold to lock in, once locked, the element will be locked for 60 seconds and can not be changed. Locking in an element will release a shockwave of that element


Elemental Curse (togglable, drains 5 energy per second)

  • Fire form: enemies within a certain radius of Constituent will gradually have their max health reduced by 1% every 3 seconds, and become 10% slower every 5 seconds.

  • Electric form - Enemies near Constituent will gradually lose shield capacity and line of sight by 10% every 5 seconds

  • Toxin form - Enemies near Constituent will gradually lose armor by 1% every 3 seconds, enemies in the field for 15 seconds will be inflicted with a viral proc

  • Ice form - Enemies who damage Constituent will be slowed by a small percentage of the damage inflicted on Constituent


Elemental Grace (75 energy) (lasts 12 seconds at max rank)

  • Fire form - All allies gain a resistance to fire damage, and get a small blast aura around them which can knockdown enemies

  • Electric form - All allies gain a resistance to electricity damage, gain an aura which will steal shields from enemies and return it to the player

  • Toxin form - All allies gain a resistance to toxic damage, gain a corrosive aura which will strip away nearby enemy armor

  • Ice form - All allies gain a resistance to basic status procs (slash, puncture, and impact), gain an ice aura which will slowly freeze enemies until they are completely frozen, frozen enemies are open to stealth finishers


Elemental Unleashment (stats and cost vary)

  • Phoenix Resurrect (fire) (drains all energy and player is confined to their secondary for the duration of the ability) - If Constituent is downed or killed while in fire form, using this ability will bring Constituent back from the grave with no shield, half health, and unable to use abilities for 10 seconds

  • Wrath of the Storm (electric) (costs 150 energy) - Constituent will discharge electricity at all enemies in a 50m radius, enemies will be completely stripped of their shields and can not use any special attacks against the player (can not be nullified) for 15 seconds, this ability will also strip Constituent’s shield

  • The Plague (toxin) (togglable, 10 energy per second) - Constituent plagues the air around the entire room she is currently in, enemies in the room will have vision reduced and will take constant gas/toxin damage and status effects while in the room, Constituent is confined to melee while this ability is active, but gains additional movement speed

  • Winterspell (ice) (200 energy) - Completely freezes all enemies within 25 meters of Constituent and creates a slow field around Constituent for 8 seconds, Constituent’s movement speed is decreased by 25% while the ability is active


Edited by Fungineer
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I'm well aware of how Chroma works, however Sentinel and Chroma have absolutely nothing in common with each other. And yeah, I didn't really think the name through thoroughly, and I could see how it wouldn't work, will work on that. 


Also, did you just read the title and comment on here without even reading a single thing i wrote? 

Edited by Fungineer
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I didn't say it was the same as Chroma, I said the theme of multi-elemental frame is already taken by Chroma. Granted, it's one at a time, but it is.

I'm really not that into something that's basically double-equinox.

Edited by Rehtael7
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A: I got a Sentinel!

B: Ooh, is it the Carrier?


A: No, I got a "Sentinel".

B: Uhm, a Wyrm?


A: No, THE "Sentinel"!

B: ...I thought Carrier was THE sentinel... so did you get the Shade?


A: ...F*** it, I give up.


...Yeah, "Sentinel" might not be the best name. :3

Edited by NativeKiller
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5 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

A: I got a Sentinel!

B: Ooh, is it the Carrier?


A: No, I got a "Sentinel".

B: Uhm, a Wyrm?


A: No, THE "Sentinel"!

B: ...I thought Carrier was THE sentinel... so did you get the Shade?


A: ...F*** it, I give up.


...Yeah, "Sentinel" might not be the best name. :3

There, is this less confusing? :)

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Power 1:  Interesting.  This could work, though that 60 sec "lock"... you should probably rethink that.

Power 2:  "...every 3 seconds", "every 5 seconds"  Enemies do not stay in range for this long in this game.  Their AI, plus your own movement, will constantly make this useless.

Power 3:  Several problems here.  Since you're locked into one element for 60 seconds, your party will be without ANY buff for around 30 seconds every time you cycle this (12 sec at max rank plus a maxed Primed Continuity), and any needed changes to the element will never be available when you need it.

Power 4:  This is Wukong, Volt, Saryn, and Frost... but less effective.  And as above, you're locked into only one for 60 seconds.


With all due respect, I don't think this would be a good warframe, and I'd never play it, not even to level for MR.  You should tweak the concept a bit.

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Just now, Windspike said:

Power 1:  Interesting.  This could work, though that 60 sec "lock"... you should probably rethink that.

Power 2:  "...every 3 seconds", "every 5 seconds"  Enemies do not stay in range for this long in this game.  Their AI, plus your own movement, will constantly make this useless.

Power 3:  Several problems here.  Since you're locked into one element for 60 seconds, your party will be without ANY buff for around 30 seconds every time you cycle this (12 sec at max rank plus a maxed Primed Continuity), and any needed changes to the element will never be available when you need it.

Power 4:  This is Wukong, Volt, Saryn, and Frost... but less effective.  And as above, you're locked into only one for 60 seconds.


With all due respect, I don't think this would be a good warframe, and I'd never play it, not even to level for MR.  You should tweak the concept a bit.

Power 1 - I didn't want people to be able to constantly switch between elements to just cycle out the best, most overpowered abilities from each subcategory, hence the lock on switching

Power 2 - I never specified the range, and I'm sure the lovely devs could figure it out if they actually took my suggestion seriously

Power 3 - Max rank implies max level, not max power duration, you can increase it with each element, also, whenever the 60 second lock is over, you do not lose the element, only you lose the lock, allowing you to switch at any time, may have misspoken, and i never stated that the ability wasn't recastable, Again, I didn't want players to have an easy "let me switch to the better element for X situation" at any moment, it encourages the player to actually think ahead of what might be the best thing to bring up 

Power 4 - Kinda... no.... no..... and yeah kinda, i personally find Wukong's defy to be stupidly broken, and i disregard its existence half of the time, i propose this as an alternative, an actually semi balanced alternative to Wukong's extremely broken ability, not only is it an ult, which it should be because it's a free resurrect, but it also drains all your energy, similar to Soul Survivor, this would be way more balanced than whatever Wukong has to offer. I personally believe Wukong's defy needs to be reworked. As for the Volt part, not at all, Volt's 4 behaves nothing like it, Volt simply discharges electricity and does damage, this ability is basically an un-nullifiable EMP blast which fries all enemy abilities for a duration, i never even said it did damage, only that it stripped shields. As for the Saryn part, where in Saryn's kit does this exist? Spores is a no go, molt is a no go, toxic lash is a no go, and contagion is only an AoE toxin blast, so where are you getting that from? I can't disagree with the frost part though, it is rather similar, just without the damage. 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)AGENTSTORM876 said:

hey ever heard of chroma

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the new strange


Ever heard of actually reading the abilities and finding that they have almost nothing in common other than the fact that their elements change? 

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35 minutes ago, Fungineer said:

Power 1 - I didn't want people to be able to constantly switch between elements to just cycle out the best, most overpowered abilities from each subcategory, hence the lock on switching

Power 2 - I never specified the range, and I'm sure the lovely devs could figure it out if they actually took my suggestion seriously

Power 3 - Max rank implies max level, not max power duration, you can increase it with each element, also, whenever the 60 second lock is over, you do not lose the element, only you lose the lock, allowing you to switch at any time, may have misspoken, and i never stated that the ability wasn't recastable, Again, I didn't want players to have an easy "let me switch to the better element for X situation" at any moment, it encourages the player to actually think ahead of what might be the best thing to bring up 

Power 4 - Kinda... no.... no..... and yeah kinda, i personally find Wukong's defy to be stupidly broken, and i disregard its existence half of the time, i propose this as an alternative, an actually semi balanced alternative to Wukong's extremely broken ability, not only is it an ult, which it should be because it's a free resurrect, but it also drains all your energy, similar to Soul Survivor, this would be way more balanced than whatever Wukong has to offer. I personally believe Wukong's defy needs to be reworked. As for the Volt part, not at all, Volt's 4 behaves nothing like it, Volt simply discharges electricity and does damage, this ability is basically an un-nullifiable EMP blast which fries all enemy abilities for a duration, i never even said it did damage, only that it stripped shields. As for the Saryn part, where in Saryn's kit does this exist? Spores is a no go, molt is a no go, toxic lash is a no go, and contagion is only an AoE toxin blast, so where are you getting that from? I can't disagree with the frost part though, it is rather similar, just without the damage. 

1.  You designed abilities that are overpowered?

2.  There is no reasonable range that will work.  Taking away 10% of an enemy's health will take 30 seconds.  In my experience, that would never even be worth turning on, unless there were some way to stack it or compound upon the effect consistently.

3.  You keep saying "I didn't want the players to have/do this..."  You are designing this warframe.  If a power is exploitable, give it a better design, not a cooldown.

4.  It's Wukong plus a complete energy drain... plus you just resurrected (in a group that JUST killed you) with no shields, no abilities, and half health... You will immediately die again.  It's less effective.  Volt sends out electricity and stuns, with compounded damage due to enemy proximity... their shields don't matter and neither do their abilities... since they're stunned.  Again, yours is less effective.  The Saryn power I was referring to was Miasma (Contagion isn't a thing anymore), which stuns, clears the room with ticking dots, and does not leave her only to melee as your power does.  Again, yours is less effective.  (And Spores is actually similar as well... room wide viral dots and all)  And on Frost, we agree.


We don't need to go back and forth on this.  Since it's hypothetical and all, there's not much value in that.  These are my thoughts on your concept.

Edited by Windspike
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1 minute ago, Windspike said:

1.  You designed abilities that are overpowered?

2.  There is no reasonable range that will work.  Taking away 10% of an enemy's health will take 30 seconds.  In my experience, that would never even be worth turning on, unless there were some way to stack it or compound upon the effect consistently.

3.  You keep saying "I didn't want the players to have/do this..."  You are designing this warframe.  If a power is exploitable, give it a better design, not a cooldown.

4.  It's Wukong plus a complete energy drain... plus you just resurrected (in a group that JUST killed you) with no shields, no abilities, and half health... You will immediately die again.  It's less effective.  Volt sends out electricity and stuns, with compounded damage due to enemy proximity... their shields don't matter and neither do their abilities... since they're stunned.  Again, yours is less effective.  The Saryn power I was referring to was Miasma (Contagion isn't a thing anymore), which stuns, clears the room, and does not leave her only to melee as your power does.  Again, yours is less effective.  And on Frost, we agree.


We don't need to go back and forth on this.  Since it's hypothetical and all, there's not much value in that.  These are my thoughts on your concept.

I won't go too much into this as i don't feel like arguing at 5am for 3 hours straight, but i have to say in conjunction with the "you'll die again" you know there's a roll? right? and a thing called "waiting for enemies to move away." It's not hard to figure that one out, you're not just gonna smash 4 right after you die, you're gonna wait a few seconds for the enemies to spread out. Also my bad on the contagion thing, haven't played Saryn in a long &#! time so i forgot the names of her abilities. 

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4 minutes ago, Fungineer said:

I won't go too much into this as i don't feel like arguing at 5am for 3 hours straight, but i have to say in conjunction with the "you'll die again" you know there's a roll? right? and a thing called "waiting for enemies to move away." It's not hard to figure that one out, you're not just gonna smash 4 right after you die, you're gonna wait a few seconds for the enemies to spread out. Also my bad on the contagion thing, haven't played Saryn in a long &#! time so i forgot the names of her abilities. 

Gotcha.  So, it's like Inaros but with no shields or abilities and half health for ten seconds.  What happens after ten seconds?  His shields start to regenerate, his health doesn't, and he still has to ramp up because he has zero energy.  Well, at least it's quick though, except for waiting for the enemies to wander off (hopefully he's never solo, eh?).  Sure, that's fair.  Gamers are usually pretty patient people...

The frame can be cool with some tweaks.  But what you put up above there?  No, it's not ready.  (And as others have said, the elemental concept is kind of already taken.)

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14 minutes ago, Windspike said:

Gotcha.  So, it's like Inaros but with no shields or abilities and half health for ten seconds.  What happens after ten seconds?  His shields start to regenerate, his health doesn't, and he still has to ramp up because he has zero energy.  Well, at least it's quick though, except for waiting for the enemies to wander off (hopefully he's never solo, eh?).  Sure, that's fair.  Gamers are usually pretty patient people...

The frame can be cool with some tweaks.  But what you put up above there?  No, it's not ready.  (And as others have said, the elemental concept is kind of already taken.)

My internet decided to die, so i'll just include the edit i was gonna put up there down here

* Also the thing about overpoweredness, i tried to make a very balanced frame, i know this is warframe so i probably shouldn't be doing that. Saying overpowered was a dumb thing to throw out, but when managing 13 different abilities on top of each other and keeping them all balanced is pretty difficult, if i had 13 really @(*()$ powerful abilities, there would be absolutely no contest, which is why most of the abilities have tradeoffs (i.e all of the ults and some of then curses), overpowered, again, wasn't the best wording, but i don't want people having access to 13 different abilities and just shuffling through all of the best ones whenever needed. This frame probably wouldn't work in Warframe, maybe in other games it would, i didn't really take into account the way Warframe plays, i was just throwing out ideas. 


Honestly, most of the changes i would need to make would be with the numbers and maybe a couple of the abilities, i'm not exactly the greatest when it comes to definite balance and i didn't feel like doing extra math homework at 5am on a Saturday. If a lot of the numbers were tweaked then i think it would work a lot better. As far as the punishment thing, the half health thing is supposed to be a punishment for dying, because theoretically you're at 0 health, you're not supposed to be at 0 health, so it's a punishment for dying. You shouldn't get a get out of jail free card resurrect, there should be some kind of punishment. Oh and your shields will regenerate at the normal pace, just i added that in there as a deterrent for $&*&*#(%& revives in a group of enemies, again  i wanted people to think with the frame.  I agree on a lot of your points though, thanks for your feedback. 

Edited by Fungineer
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