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Star Drops and Statues (?)


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Shouldn't stars drop from mobs?  What are they doing in 'random' crates?  They would be too valuable to be left in any random crate, or locker, no?

And statues would be the same thing, though more rare and probably on only the tougher mobs.  There should be a gradation for stars and statues such that some are low level and some middle level and others higher level, with increasing 'endo' rewards relative to their level.

So, then one must wonder where the other stars are?  The chartreuse stars.  The ochre stars.  The vermillion stars.  And so on and so forth.

And wouldn't the value of the statue be partially dependent on which stars are placed in the various slots?

One supposes that a low level mob might have a random chance of having a high-level statue and vice-versa, but with the weight going to the higher level mob.

And what are statues just doing lying around here and there and wherever?

(at least there is something to do in a public alert when the lead tenno is just nuke rushing through the mobs and you are barely riding their wake.  look for stars/statues, break stuff)

[but there is that 60s wait that is infuriating for that lead tenno, lol]

{so do you try to catch up and save em some seconds, and also yourself or do you spend those 30 seconds looking for stars/statues?}

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4 minutes ago, GreenDragon said:

Shouldn't stars drop from mobs?  What are they doing in 'random' crates?  They would be too valuable to be left in any random crate, or locker, no?

no. it rewards dedicating time to exploring the map and opening lockers, it gives purpose to them for once and it's great

we dont need more rewards for mindless killing, there's more to this game than that and the devs are trying to explore it

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The idea behind the Ayatan stuff was to encourage players explore the wonderful tilesets we see so little of, as we are almost always rushing the mission. It's not a perfect system, and because of them , my LoR times increase, but I see a lot more of the tileset LoR is located on, and my ship looks cool :3

(LoR is just one example. I just used it because in there, you can sometimes find 2 sculptures in the same mission.)

Edited by ZenshadowOfZramx
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5 minutes ago, GreenDragon said:

Shouldn't stars drop from mobs?  What are they doing in 'random' crates?  They would be too valuable to be left in any random crate, or locker, no?

So you want to remove the only reason to actually explore and loot a level and instead turn it into something that drops from mindlessly killing mobs?
That would go against their one purpose and reason for being put into the game to begin with.

We honestly need more things that reward exploring and looting instead of just mindlessly killing mobs in endless missions.

I hope that they continue to add more star types and statues as time goes on, both from a collecting point of view and a way to get more endo through being lucky. 

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16 minutes ago, GreenDragon said:

They would be too valuable to be left in any random crate, or locker, no?

I choose to believe that the other factions don't even know about the stars or statues.  In fact, they can't even see them.  They are invisible to everyone but the tenno.  Some residual void energy that keeps them hidden from everyone's eyes but ours.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

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2 hours ago, Glitch_Kitten said:

no. it rewards dedicating time to exploring the map and opening lockers, it gives purpose to them for once and it's great

we dont need more rewards for mindless killing, there's more to this game than that and the devs are trying to explore it

because paying maroo 1 million credits for 41k endo is an amazing reward /s

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23 hours ago, Xekrin said:

I choose to believe that the other factions don't even know about the stars or statues.  In fact, they can't even see them.  They are invisible to everyone but the tenno.  Some residual void energy that keeps them hidden from everyone's eyes but ours.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

good one

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i'm still going through the hundreds of mods i had before the update, gradually converting them to endo as needed; i'm down from over 100 copies of my most duplicated duplicates to under 80; and i've got over 100 blue stars and over 50 ( i think ) amber, maybe more like 200 and 100 now.

what is most annoying about the stars is that even though the player can clearly see that 3/4 are waiting for them at load-out, they still dilly-dally one or two rooms away, breaking everything and looking in every little crevice for stars ( i guess )

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On 10/10/2016 at 10:13 PM, Glitch_Kitten said:

no. it rewards dedicating time to exploring the map and opening lockers, it gives purpose to them for once and it's great

except that, there's no logic in it. Star & statues found in crates/bins/etc...

On 10/10/2016 at 10:26 PM, Xekrin said:

 In fact, they can't even see them.  They are invisible to everyone but the tenno.

Well, if they can't see those star & statues, how do those grineer/ corpus put those into containers?


On topic:

i prefer stars & statues only be found in Lua (moon), cuz it's a ruin of orokin. 

And it's shown as a statues being put on decoration but damaged/rusted and only available to salvage what's remaining of it (RNG chance come into play). Stars are to be found in Lua' containers. (cuz i read from somewhere, it's was acknowledge/know of since orokin era??, How can u recognize the statues and not the parts?)

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On 10/10/2016 at 4:14 PM, ZenshadowOfZramx said:

The idea behind the Ayatan stuff was to encourage players explore the wonderful tilesets we see so little of, as we are almost always rushing the mission. It's not a perfect system, and because of them , my LoR times increase, but I see a lot more of the tileset LoR is located on, and my ship looks cool :3

(LoR is just one example. I just used it because in there, you can sometimes find 2 sculptures in the same mission.)

Do you find more statues during the LoR ?

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