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My oldest suggestion... making base frames part of making primes


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I guess this suggestion is simply not popular with people or devs but i'll post it again since it's been a few years.


To really get the feeling of "upgrading" your old frame, and giving the seekers of prime frames a bit of actual work to do (rather than just void rift farming)

Make the crafting of prime frames require the built base frame.

(ie. nekros prime SHOULD require you actually go fight lephantis and build a base nekros frame)

On the bonus side of this you shouldnt need any other materials except for the 3 prime parts and the base frame (and some money)

Because you're salvaging the base frame to build the prime frame.

given the amount of time thats gone by since prime frames were around re-creating them should need the parts of the base frames, given the difficulties of reverse engineering.



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22 minutes ago, Necrosaur said:


I guess this suggestion is simply not popular with people or devs but i'll post it again since it's been a few years.


To really get the feeling of "upgrading" your old frame, and giving the seekers of prime frames a bit of actual work to do (rather than just void rift farming)

Make the crafting of prime frames require the built base frame.

(ie. nekros prime SHOULD require you actually go fight lephantis and build a base nekros frame)

On the bonus side of this you shouldnt need any other materials except for the 3 prime parts and the base frame (and some money)

Because you're salvaging the base frame to build the prime frame.

given the amount of time thats gone by since prime frames were around re-creating them should need the parts of the base frames, given the difficulties of reverse engineering.



I think you forgot about Vauban, Ivara, and Volt. Vauban appearances are rare and Ivara is hard to get in spy vaults. Volt is also in the dojo only and some people don't join clans. Ash is also on a manic drop and oberon is a eximus drop.

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I still have to disagree with this idea for a few reasons.

First is that there are some frames that would be hard to turn into a prime currently were that the case.
For example think about Vauban and Ash.
With Vauban if you level it to 30 and sell it because you don't have enough slots and then want to get the prime frame you now need to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait until the alerts come through that let you earn him again as you can't even buy his parts off of other players.
For Ash its nearly as bad as he is a fairly rare drop off of an almost non-existant enemy.  I mean I can seriously cound the number of times I ran into a Manic on one hand in the past two months...and I don't turn off alarms on maps.

Either of those frames would just be an annoying wall to get the prime.
Basically you're saying "So what if you spent the time to farm up Ash Prime or Vauban Prime?  Better start farming their base frames again..."

Admittedly this only really hurts people who don't have the plat to spend on tons and tons of slots to keep a hold of every last frame that they ever make but that honestly needs to be considered.

Hek, even Saryn would be an annoyance to get requiring to grind away at Kela and the Rathuum for an insanely long time.

Second is that this could have major downsides for upcoming primes.
Because think of this: They make a Limbo Prime and you sold base Limbo.
You can now never get Limbo Prime because Limbo comes from a quest!
Same thing with Inaros, or Chroma or Mirage or Titania.  You can only ever get their parts one time only, so if you sold them to make room for more frames you're just SOL and can never get the prime.

And I don't even want to think about how annoying it would be to try to farm up 8 more parts from Equinox.
And Ivara would likewise be annoying as even though I've ran dozens upon dozens of Spy missions I have yet to get a single part of her...
A Mesa Prime would be even more annoying than a Vauban Prime.  First you would have to wait for a chance to get three Mutalist Alad V coordinates and then you only have a chance at a part you need...

Third is that the only thing this would do is a timewall to building the prime and nothing else.
Because now to get a prime you need to build the base frame, which takes three and a half days and then you need to build the prime frame from that which requires another 3 and a half days...
And all for literally no benefit besides being an annoyance.

This idea literally has no benefits and is just an annoyance and would lock anyone who can't buy a slot for every single frame that they ever use out of quite a few primes for literally no reason.

EDIT: To add onto this it also would look like this game was adding an unneeded paywall to get stuff and that would make the game seem very pay2win which isn't a good thing.
After all, how would you feel to go "Ok I want to make Titania Prime so I need Titania...so I need to buy 275 plat to even have a chance at getting her...and that is after I spent all the time farming for Titania pieces..."
I can promise you that would turn a lot of players off the game to see a paywall that is there for literally no other reason than to be a paywall.

So unless you can provide ways to get some of these frames that both avoids a paywall and allows for someone with limited slots to be able to get the prime frames this idea is just a non-starter.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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18 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

I still have to disagree with this idea for a few reasons.

First is that there are some frames that would be hard to turn into a prime currently were that the case.
For example think about Vauban and Ash.
With Vauban if you level it to 30 and sell it because you don't have enough slots and then want to get the prime frame you now need to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait until the alerts come through that let you earn him again as you can't even buy his parts off of other players.
For Ash its nearly as bad as he is a fairly rare drop off of an almost non-existant enemy.  I mean I can seriously cound the number of times I ran into a Manic on one hand in the past two months...and I don't turn off alarms on maps.

Either of those frames would just be an annoying wall to get the prime.
Basically you're saying "So what if you spent the time to farm up Ash Prime or Vauban Prime?  Better start farming their base frames again..."

Admittedly this only really hurts people who don't have the plat to spend on tons and tons of slots to keep a hold of every last frame that they ever make but that honestly needs to be considered.

Hek, even Saryn would be an annoyance to get requiring to grind away at Kela and the Rathuum for an insanely long time.

Second is that this could have major downsides for upcoming primes.
Because think of this: They make a Limbo Prime and you sold base Limbo.
You can now never get Limbo Prime because Limbo comes from a quest!
Same thing with Inaros, or Chroma or Mirage or Titania.  You can only ever get their parts one time only, so if you sold them to make room for more frames you're just SOL and can never get the prime.

And I don't even want to think about how annoying it would be to try to farm up 8 more parts from Equinox.
And Ivara would likewise be annoying as even though I've ran dozens upon dozens of Spy missions I have yet to get a single part of her...
A Mesa Prime would be even more annoying than a Vauban Prime.  First you would have to wait for a chance to get three Mutalist Alad V coordinates and then you only have a chance at a part you need...

Third is that the only thing this would do is a timewall to building the prime and nothing else.
Because now to get a prime you need to build the base frame, which takes three and a half days and then you need to build the prime frame from that which requires another 3 and a half days...
And all for literally no benefit besides being an annoyance.

This idea literally has no benefits and is just an annoyance and would lock anyone who can't buy a slot for every single frame that they ever use out of quite a few primes for literally no reason.

EDIT: To add onto this it also would look like this game was adding an unneeded paywall to get stuff and that would make the game seem very pay2win which isn't a good thing.
After all, how would you feel to go "Ok I want to make Titania Prime so I need Titania...so I need to buy 275 plat to even have a chance at getting her...and that is after I spent all the time farming for Titania pieces..."
I can promise you that would turn a lot of players off the game to see a paywall that is there for literally no other reason than to be a paywall.

Putting aside the fact that this idea goes against lore in about a bazillion ways (least of all the part where Primes existed BEFORE their 'regular' counterparts)...


Vauan's being alert only would make this very difficult to implement for him especially, and frames like Volt, Banshee, and Zephyr, who are currently Dojo-only, would make their acquisition impossible to players who don't join Clans (I know we have neither Banshee nor Zephyr as primes, but they're coming SoonTM).

Ivara parts don't drop that often from Spy missions, but I've still managed to collect about eight helmets (and none of the other bits, which is yet another reason I'm glad i bought her with Plats the day she dropped).

While it's true that Manics rarely if ever spawn in regular missions (which is a problem in itself), if you want Ash parts, just do LoR and you're pretty much guaranteed to get all of them in one go.

Saryn wouldn't really be that annoying, considering that Kela de Thaym isn't exactly a difficult fight (yes, it's time-consuming, but that's not synonymous with difficult).

The Limbo Theorem missions are nodes you can activate now, though, and Chroma parts drop from Junctions.

With replayable quests in the works, questframes will be reobtainable, so that's moot.

I've never actually fought Mutalist Alad V (and never will), so I can't comment on the difficulty of the boss fight, but it would certainly be a time wall if nothing else.


I completely agree that this idea makes no sense.  Adding a timewall for Primes like this would probably cause at half the playerbase to up and leave (myself included, and I buy Plat regularly).

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31 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

I still have to disagree with this idea for a few reasons.

First is that there are some frames that would be hard to turn into a prime currently were that the case.
For example think about Vauban and Ash.
With Vauban if you level it to 30 and sell it because you don't have enough slots and then want to get the prime frame you now need to wait and wait and wait and wait and wait until the alerts come through that let you earn him again as you can't even buy his parts off of other players.
For Ash its nearly as bad as he is a fairly rare drop off of an almost non-existant enemy.  I mean I can seriously cound the number of times I ran into a Manic on one hand in the past two months...and I don't turn off alarms on maps.

Either of those frames would just be an annoying wall to get the prime.
Basically you're saying "So what if you spent the time to farm up Ash Prime or Vauban Prime?  Better start farming their base frames again..."

Admittedly this only really hurts people who don't have the plat to spend on tons and tons of slots to keep a hold of every last frame that they ever make but that honestly needs to be considered.

Hek, even Saryn would be an annoyance to get requiring to grind away at Kela and the Rathuum for an insanely long time.

Second is that this could have major downsides for upcoming primes.
Because think of this: They make a Limbo Prime and you sold base Limbo.
You can now never get Limbo Prime because Limbo comes from a quest!
Same thing with Inaros, or Chroma or Mirage or Titania.  You can only ever get their parts one time only, so if you sold them to make room for more frames you're just SOL and can never get the prime.

And I don't even want to think about how annoying it would be to try to farm up 8 more parts from Equinox.
And Ivara would likewise be annoying as even though I've ran dozens upon dozens of Spy missions I have yet to get a single part of her...
A Mesa Prime would be even more annoying than a Vauban Prime.  First you would have to wait for a chance to get three Mutalist Alad V coordinates and then you only have a chance at a part you need...

Third is that the only thing this would do is a timewall to building the prime and nothing else.
Because now to get a prime you need to build the base frame, which takes three and a half days and then you need to build the prime frame from that which requires another 3 and a half days...
And all for literally no benefit besides being an annoyance.

This idea literally has no benefits and is just an annoyance and would lock anyone who can't buy a slot for every single frame that they ever use out of quite a few primes for literally no reason.

EDIT: To add onto this it also would look like this game was adding an unneeded paywall to get stuff and that would make the game seem very pay2win which isn't a good thing.
After all, how would you feel to go "Ok I want to make Titania Prime so I need Titania...so I need to buy 275 plat to even have a chance at getting her...and that is after I spent all the time farming for Titania pieces..."
I can promise you that would turn a lot of players off the game to see a paywall that is there for literally no other reason than to be a paywall.

So unless you can provide ways to get some of these frames that both avoids a paywall and allows for someone with limited slots to be able to get the prime frames this idea is just a non-starter.


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I proposed this idea in DevStream #75 before. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/652011-coming-soon-devstream-75/?page=4#comment-7291234

Pre-requisite base frame for primed version would provide a form progression.
Really don't understand why people doesn't like this idea and get upset about this idea.
It would allow player to free up one slot from the base frame for the prime frame. It just doesn't make sense to get the prime frame first before the base frame.
Just like you would go study university before high school. So players just get the prime frame without even trying out the base frame first?

Hmm, so players just start playing Mirage Prime, Limbo Prime, Inaros Prime and so on without even doing the quest and knowing the frame lore...
There are reasons why there are pre-requisites, like why The Silver Grove quest require completion of The Second Dream.

Upgraded frame, Vauban to Vauban Prime. It doesn't make sense for Vauban Prime to be easier to obtain than Vauban.
It is the fault of player who sold their unobtainable frame (e.g. Mirage, Chroma, Excalibur Prime) Some quest frames could be re-obtained since repeateable quest is being considered. Player who doesn't like the base frame and sold it, won't be interested in the prime frame anyway.

Players who really can't wait to get those prime frame can get it if there is Prime Access (no crafting, no waiting, no pre-requisite and MR), more money for DE.


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21 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

I proposed this idea in DevStream #75 before. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/652011-coming-soon-devstream-75/?page=4#comment-7291234

Pre-requisite base frame for primed version would provide a form progression.
Really don't understand why people doesn't like this idea and get upset about this idea.
It would allow player to free up one slot from the base frame for the prime frame. It just doesn't make sense to get the prime frame first before the base frame.
Just like you would go study university before high school. So players just get the prime frame without even trying out the base frame first?

Hmm, so players just start playing Mirage Prime, Limbo Prime, Inaros Prime and so on without even doing the quest and knowing the frame lore...
There are reasons why there are pre-requisites, like why The Silver Grove quest require completion of The Second Dream.

Upgraded frame, Vauban to Vauban Prime. It doesn't make sense for Vauban Prime to be easier to obtain than Vauban.
It is the fault of player who sold their unobtainable frame (e.g. Mirage, Chroma, Excalibur Prime) Some quest frames could be re-obtained since repeateable quest is being considered. Player who doesn't like the base frame and sold it, won't be interested in the prime frame anyway.

Players who really can't wait to get those prime frame can get it if there is Prime Access (no crafting, no waiting, no pre-requisite and MR), more money for DE.


I got Vauban Prime before I got regular Vauban. I understand the thing with playing the normal frame before the prime, but what you can't get the parts back from redoing the quest? This could also increase the grind for frames aswell. We would have to wait weeks to get Vauban, levl him up then get his parts again,then we'd have to grind for Vauban Prime's parts, then grind the Nitain, Oxium, and the Cryotic. That could take months, especially since every Vauban prime part is the rarest in every relic.

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24 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

I proposed this idea in DevStream #75 before. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/652011-coming-soon-devstream-75/?page=4#comment-7291234

Pre-requisite base frame for primed version would provide a form progression.
Really don't understand why people doesn't like this idea and get upset about this idea.
It would allow player to free up one slot from the base frame for the prime frame. It just doesn't make sense to get the prime frame first before the base frame.
Just like you would go study university before high school. So players just get the prime frame without even trying out the base frame first?

Hmm, so players just start playing Mirage Prime, Limbo Prime, Inaros Prime and so on without even doing the quest and knowing the frame lore...
There are reasons why there are pre-requisites, like why The Silver Grove quest require completion of The Second Dream.

Upgraded frame, Vauban to Vauban Prime. It doesn't make sense for Vauban Prime to be easier to obtain than Vauban.
It is the fault of player who sold their unobtainable frame (e.g. Mirage, Chroma, Excalibur Prime) Some quest frames could be re-obtained since repeateable quest is being considered. Player who doesn't like the base frame and sold it, won't be interested in the prime frame anyway.

Players who really can't wait to get those prime frame can get it if there is Prime Access (no crafting, no waiting, no pre-requisite and MR), more money for DE.


Because it's unnecessary, it punishes those who cannot afford to buy plat for slots or who have no luck at trading. It punishes those who sell a Frame because they don't like it and consider it MR Fodder.

It basically cheapens the people who already farmed and built the Prime frames.

It's frankly a stupid idea, that's why people are getting upset over it.

I am a HUGE fan of good lore. And even I say this doesn't make sense. You say people play Mirage, Limbo, and Chroma without knowing the lore, then want to S#&$ on the lore by using the old frame to build the Prime, when the OF Frame is actually newer, lorewise.

Also, there's no new lore learned during the New Strange quest. At all. there's no lore behind ANY frame that you get from a boss. At all.

Want to know how you free up a slot for a Prime Frame, occupied by a base? You sell the base frame and get the credits.

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I think it would be better to must beating a special challenge with the base warframe at lvl 30 (and no weapons or specific to the challange), something similar to MR tests that depend on the warframe. This challenge make you able to craft the prime warframe but it's not required to the craft. By this way, you dont just need to craft the base warframe but also mastery it.
This could also be applied on prime wepons.

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Just now, lukinu_u said:

I think it would be better to must beating a special challenge with the base warframe at lvl 30 (and no weapons or specific to the challange), something similar to MR tests that depend on the warframe. This challenge make you able to craft the prime warframe but it's not required to the craft. By this way, you dont just need to craft the base warframe but also mastery it.
This could also be applied on prime wepons.

Dakra Prime has no base version.

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1 minute ago, lukinu_u said:

Technically, Dakra prime is the primed version of Cronus, but it's not really a problem, the Dakra prime can be an exeption at this system.

It's still a stupid idea, when you consider Vaulted frames and weapons. It's unnessecary

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)joshw1400 said:

I got Vauban Prime before I got regular Vauban. I understand the thing with playing the normal frame before the prime, but what you can't get the parts back from redoing the quest? This could also increase the grind for frames aswell. We would have to wait weeks to get Vauban, levl him up then get his parts again,then we'd have to grind for Vauban Prime's parts, then grind the Nitain, Oxium, and the Cryotic. That could take months, especially since every Vauban prime part is the rarest in every relic.

DE should be considering giving frame parts when redoing those quests. Yes, some frames(Vauban, Ivara) are not easy to get, similar with certain weapons. It is the difficulty and the effort that make getting those items worth it and not take things for granted. It wouldn't be called rare, prime, vandal, prisma, wraith or even unique.

24 minutes ago, Nocam said:

Because it's unnecessary, it punishes those who cannot afford to buy plat for slots or who have no luck at trading. It punishes those who sell a Frame because they don't like it and consider it MR Fodder.

It basically cheapens the people who already farmed and built the Prime frames.

It's frankly a stupid idea, that's why people are getting upset over it.

I am a HUGE fan of good lore. And even I say this doesn't make sense. You say people play Mirage, Limbo, and Chroma without knowing the lore, then want to S#&$ on the lore by using the old frame to build the Prime, when the OF Frame is actually newer, lorewise.

Also, there's no new lore learned during the New Strange quest. At all. there's no lore behind ANY frame that you get from a boss. At all.

Want to know how you free up a slot for a Prime Frame, occupied by a base? You sell the base frame and get the credits.

Like i said before, if the player doesn't like the frame, why would he/she bother getting the primed version? To waste a slot? for mastery when the player considered that frame MR fodder? For collection, plat is a must have.
Starting players are only given 2 frame slots as far as I know it when I was playing. I spent my starting plats on slots.

Lore-wise, from what I know, not all frame started as a prime, Titania is one such example.

For freeing up slots, I would only sell weapons/frames that are re-obtainable. Even warframe wiki suggest against selling certain frames such as Chroma.
I keep hard to get weapons/frames, all syndicate, prisma, vandal, wraith, prime weapons/frames.
I research and plan ahead what I am going to craft and level, to maximise time and slots. (Akjagara got one of the deepest crafting pre-requisite)

This is how I view things.

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From a lore perspective, it doesn't make sense because prime frames came first (how would they have been built in the Old War if they required frames that didn't even exist then to make them?)

From a gameplay perspective, it doesn't make sense because players would just feel forced to grind for the same powers twice on each frame, which would likely be used as an argument to say the game is turning P2W, should it be implemented.

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Just now, Ditto132 said:

DE should be considering giving frame parts when redoing those quests. Yes, some frames(Vauban, Ivara) are not easy to get, similar with certain weapons. It is the difficulty and the effort that make getting those items worth it and not take things for granted. It wouldn't be called rare, prime, vandal, prisma, wraith or even unique.

Like i said before, if the player doesn't like the frame, why would he/she bother getting the primed version? To waste a slot? for mastery when the player considered that frame MR fodder? For collection, plat is a must have.
Starting players are only given 2 frame slots as far as I know it when I was playing. I spent my starting plats on slots.

Lore-wise, from what I know, not all frame started as a prime, Titania is one such example.

For freeing up slots, I would only sell weapons/frames that are re-obtainable. Even warframe wiki suggest against selling certain frames such as Chroma.
I keep hard to get weapons/frames, all syndicate, prisma, vandal, wraith, prime weapons/frames.
I research and plan ahead what I am going to craft and level, to maximise time and slots. (Akjagara got one of the deepest crafting pre-requisite)

This is how I view things.

If I don;t like a Frame (Trinity, Nyx), why would I want the Prime? Same reason I wanted the base, MR points.

But lore-wise, your suggestion S#&$s all over that. Why would I take a newer model and use it to make an older model? It makes zero sense.

"Let me take this M1 Abrams and use it to make a Sherman."

I sold Chroma. Hated him. He was MR Fodder for me. So I had no desire to keep him. I'll be getting his Primed variant, simply for the MR points.

your suggestion is pointless, both from a lore point of view and a gameplay point of view.

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14 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

DE should be considering giving frame parts when redoing those quests. Yes, some frames(Vauban, Ivara) are not easy to get, similar with certain weapons. It is the difficulty and the effort that make getting those items worth it and not take things for granted. It wouldn't be called rare, prime, vandal, prisma, wraith or even unique.

Like i said before, if the player doesn't like the frame, why would he/she bother getting the primed version? To waste a slot? for mastery when the player considered that frame MR fodder? For collection, plat is a must have.
Starting players are only given 2 frame slots as far as I know it when I was playing. I spent my starting plats on slots.

Lore-wise, from what I know, not all frame started as a prime, Titania is one such example.

For freeing up slots, I would only sell weapons/frames that are re-obtainable. Even warframe wiki suggest against selling certain frames such as Chroma.
I keep hard to get weapons/frames, all syndicate, prisma, vandal, wraith, prime weapons/frames.
I research and plan ahead what I am going to craft and level, to maximise time and slots. (Akjagara got one of the deepest crafting pre-requisite)

This is how I view things.

Because frames get reworked or buffed? I may not like, a frame now and sell him for slot. But later if the same frame got a rework along with a prime. I may be interested again. Why don't you just make the whole thing optional. We can do a quest that add another segment to the forge. You have the option to turn in a normal frame into a token (or call it spare part whatever lore makes it more appropriate). You can use that token as substitute for 1 prime frame part for crafting. Or in the alternative, the token can add a popalrity or unlock exilus slot without resetting frame level. Call it greater mastery of the prime frame because of familiarity with the normal frame.

Edited by Surly4Panda
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3 minutes ago, Nocam said:

If I don;t like a Frame (Trinity, Nyx), why would I want the Prime? Same reason I wanted the base, MR points.

But lore-wise, your suggestion S#&$s all over that. Why would I take a newer model and use it to make an older model? It makes zero sense.

"Let me take this M1 Abrams and use it to make a Sherman."

I sold Chroma. Hated him. He was MR Fodder for me. So I had no desire to keep him. I'll be getting his Primed variant, simply for the MR points.

your suggestion is pointless, both from a lore point of view and a gameplay point of view.

Have you done The SIlver Grove quest? I'm not going to spoil it. But from the quest, you would know that base frames are not necessarily "new" model. (Titania again)
If you view the prime frame as "older" model, then it should be worse. Prime frames are special variant of the base frame, with improved stats.

If Chroma Prime were to be released, and you need to have Chroma to build it, you have the option to re-obtain it (when DE make quest redo-able) or buy with plat.
It is the same as Sarpa requiring Akstiletto to build but already sold it, you just have to re-craft it or buy with plat. Same with Sibear requiring Magistar.

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I have titania almost maxed. And titania was still around before the fall of the Orokin, so having a Primed version is a thing. After all, all frames get Primed variants, until we hear otherwise from DE.

It shouldn't be worse. Remember, we lost the Orokin technology and their ways. And the Primes are only slightly better. It makes perfect sense.

Or...when they release Chroma under the current system, I buy Prime access or, the more realistic version, I farm him.

There's a difference between a few weapons requiring other versions and requiring one for EVERY weapon. Same goes with Frames. I can see one, maybe two frames work that way, sure. But it'd be base to base, because it'd make more sense. You;re comparing apples to oranges here.

It makes zero sense, it wastes more time, and it brings nothing to the table other than MORE grind, MORE time. Ever hear the phrase "don't fix what ain't broken?"

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23 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

And I don't even want to think about how annoying it would be to try to farm up 8 more parts from Equinox.


Like Tsukinoki said, some frames are quest-blocked, particularly Mirage and Limbo, and really, really... good ****ing luck crafting Equinox again just to make her Prime variant.

There are actually some peeps out there, myself included, that want to keep Non-prime variants of Frames in their inventory alongside Primed versions. I actually use regular Ash more than my Ash Prime whenever I feel like using him (Nekros as well for that edgelord-Shroud helmet aesthetic over the Evangelion-esque Nekros Prime).

Edited by (PS4)Lei-Lei_23
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