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Reactant/Void Traces, Embolist, Vauban,....


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Let me start by saying this post is basically a current summary of the things in-game that i believe could/should use some changing and tweaking. Some may have been posted before, some could/should be in another sub-forum, etc.

Reactant- Firstly, i do like the current system for collecting reactant. Much better than when the fissures were first introduced and you had to get it from a particular fissure to reach 100%. So, the change I currently think that could/should be made, would be to make it so that the reactant that is dropped after collecting the 10 needed for relic be made available to pick up. This will be used for my next topic...

Void Traces- As mentioned I like the system as it is so far, However, I would like to see additional ways to obtain the traces. One way would be to use the reactant mentioned above. Possibly 1 extra reactant = 1 void trace. Even if it was like 3 reactant to 1 void trace, 1 Reactant = 2 void traces, something to utilize the spare Reactant and get more Void Traces. I hate seeing the reactant just chilling on the ground after getting my 10. It just feels like such a waste :-/  Also, Alerts with Void Traces as rewards. I have yet to run one, and likely never will. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea you can get them from alerts, but the amount rewarded is a joke. (10 if you didnt know). I feel that alerts rewarding them should at least contain 50-60. Perhaps even 100.  Currently, if someone wants void traces, there is no point to run an alert when you could do a fissure mission (without a relic even) and get more than that. 

Vauban- I have always liked Vauban, and like him even more after his latest changes. Save for one thing. His survivability, or i should say, lack thereof. His Passive, giving him more armor when near other Tenno is better, however I feel it is still a bit short. It also has this problem, which affects me as I play solo 90% of the time. Solo play, he basically gets nil. No extra armor. His shields I feel are lacking more so than his health/armor (which i feel are lacking some too). With a rank 9 Redirection at level 30 he has 525 Shields, to me, that is rather low compared to most other frames. Especially considering he's supposed to be a "combat engineer" sorta. He should be somewhat resilient. Vauban Prime has a little more shields and armor, however still lacking I feel. At the very least, I think a buff to his passive somehow so it actually benefits us solo players somehow.

Embolist- It is not a weapon you see many people play (or atleast I dont see). I have had it for a while, leveled it, then forgot about it. I recently got a 2nd with the Bundle that was introduced a couple days ago. Since this one had a catalyst with it, I decided to give it a whirl again. It is a pretty solid weapon save for a couple drawbacks. It has innate punchthrough, garunteed toxin procs, a slight aoe, elemental damage, and a unique mod. What IT IS missing, is 2 things i feel. 1 its ammo capacity. Consider when using Eroding Blight, which increases its mag capacity (along with blight effect) it lacks enough total ammo capacity to even give one a full 2nd reload. lol, that is quite laughable now that I think of it even more. No other weapon (or that i can think of even comes close to that). 2ndly, its range. 6m at base. 14m with Ruinous Extension. Meaning that even with Ruinous Extension, its range is still quite laughable. Other weapons in its category, such as the (Synoid) Gammacor, Spectra, Nukor, Atomos, all have longer base ranges, from 15m onwards. Therefore the Embolist w/ Ruinous Extension doesnt even have the range of its sisters w/o the mod. Ideally 15m base range would be better. Heck, even 10m would almost double it and would be immensely better

Leftover Reactant to turn into Void Traces,
Void Traces obtainable this way, as well as alert amounts increased
Vauban weak, his passive pointless playing solo
Embolist could use increased total ammo pool and increased range

Anywho, these are some current changes/tweaks I would like to see addressed. I will likely add to this thread with other issues. Feel free to let me know what you guys and gals think.




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The reactant...I can say that's not a terrible idea, actually. Maybe a cap or something, as a single survival run could allow some ridiculous farming (I imagine 300-400 in a 20 minute run would be easily doable), but it would be a nice addition. 

As for Booben, while I think he needs a new passive, it's kind of for the opposite reason. Booben is the thinking man's frame; able to lock down VERY large areas with a vast variety of CC (5 reliable forms, going to count out bounce pads as not super reliable) and ALL of them are 1 handed abilities, meaning you can react quickly with them. Vauban needs to be squishy to counter his amazing arsenal, and his passive seems like a meager attempt to give him some slight survivabilty on a character that shouldn't have it. Also, how it's tied in is very restrictive for the motion based gameplay WF defines itself by. Something that caters more to a caster mentality would be much better on him. Also, I would like a 25-50% shock chance on Tesla. The damage takes like, a billion of the little bugger to really be felt, so having a tiny bit more oomph to them would be nice. 

Embolist....can't say too much, as I haven't super actively used it, but most older weapons could use some tweaks, so I could easily believe it.

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DE sort of shuns off soloing tbh, so don't expect many QOL changes in that direction.

About the void traces it seems more like it's triggering your OCD... don't worry I know that feel too. But then people would hang in missions endlessly farming them and DE wouldn't want that.

Agreed witht he Embolist, it has been a topic for quite a while and more now with the recent "embolist revival"

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