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Halloween Alert: Unfun, Tedious and Unrewarding


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Take all my hard work. All my time spent. All the Forma into my frames and weapons.

Toss them out the window.

Then make me run a mission with fists, and Rank Zero health and Shields. With screen fuzz filter. Against the most visually annoying, tedious faction in the game. 

Seriously, DE - and I am asking this, finally, publically and in all seriousness - do you not even LIKE your own game any longer? Are you stuck in some contract that you can only get out of when Warframe finally dies from lack of interest? Are you, therefore, actually trying to create content we dont enjoy?

Because if so: Bang up job. Seriously. You're spot on. Because this was awful. Absolutely awful, as a game play experience. 

So thanks for that. I'm completely ignoring that 50% Plat discount you gave me (thanks though, just in case) and that you always give me after the multi week boredom breaks. But I dont need it. I'm going back to Shadow Warrior 2, The Division and card games with friends. You know, stuff that is actually fun, and rewards me for time spent, as opposed to find new and uncreative ways to punish me for it instead.

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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I had a whole lot of fun during the event, ran with randoms and won each mode on my first try. It was interesting and nice to see the unarmed abilities come back.

But to hit the nail on the head with a zinger, someone who calls the travesty that is/was "The Division" fun really can't speak out on what is objectively and all round fun. All you can do is spout your salty opinions and talk about how you think you could something better.

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I soloed that event without issue. It was a fun little challenge. Something different that I haven't been able to do since the one time I got captured by the Zanuka Hunter and can't seem to get to have happen again.

It was entertaining to kill everything by bullet jumping away from the explosive pumpkins to do all of my damage for me.

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It's supposed to be just a silly little event for Halloween. Because of that its rewards aren't anything special. If you don't like it, don't play it. Not everything in this game will appeal to everyone, nor should it.

But oh wait... it's you again... you seem to slam the game for every little damn thing, every day, because apparently it's supposed to be made for you specifically.

Ok, that's all, bye now.

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23 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

- thanks for that. I'm completely ignoring that 50% Plat discount you gave me (thanks though, just in case) and that you always give me after the multi week boredom breaks. But I dont need it.

Why bring it up if you're just going to ignore it?

Or is that just a means to save face while you go back and actually buy more :platinum:?

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14 minutes ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

Another one of these threads from Mr. Merc.

Why would I expect anything different?

Fair question, at this point.

Game's not for me, anymore. I had completely moved on. And it looks as if I should have kept it that way. Fair to say; time to accept that Warframe has gone in a direction that makes it less than enjoyable for me.

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29 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Take all my hard work. All my time spent. All the Forma into my frames and weapons.

Toss them out the window.

Then make me run a mission with fists, and Rank Zero health and Shields. With screen fuzz filter. Against the most visually annoying, tedious faction in the game. 


and if they allowed weapons you'd be like 'de i obliterate everything with my gaze alone gimme challenge' 

infested were levels 1-10 ffs. you dont actually need to kill any but juggy. just jump around and avoid damage. 

foggy screen was actually improved over last year's event, last year i had severe fps drops and lags and now it was much smother experience. 

fun is subjective, but what rewards do you expect for it? isn't basically a free potato enough? 

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Are you ready to solo this spooky event ?

Cause I am not :angry:

Here is a list of what you want to know:

Rule number 1: You are left with no energy, weapon and warframe upgrades, so jump and roll often(100% of time, like some someone with mental illness).

Rule number 2: Since your frame can't have a weapon during this mission(DE don't want mental ill warframes to hurt themselves) - the only way to kill enemies is to use environment. So hit a pumpkin pillar and wait for an enemy to walk in. And most of the time they do. Except when they are not. Then you are screwed.

Rule number 3: You are not safe during this mission. Even inside a ring of fire from a broken pumpkin pillar - you are in contant danger of being farted in the face or hugged to death. Some of enemies even throw things at you(I hope it's not poop).

And those are a basic rules, there is a lot more unpleasant salt in this mission.

What to expect:

1) Being killed during hacking to get the energy cell.

2) Being killed after you revive to continue hacking, after you got killed during hacking. Since you are still surrounded, cause your revive AOE can't kill anything.

3) Being killed by boss deadly farts.

4) Being killed by boss charging to kiss you with a speed of 178 miles per hour with you being behind a pumpkin pillar.

So was it fun ? No.

Was it new ? Yes.

Was it about ninjas ? Seriously ? Nobody gives a damn. Not even after you added this tuxedo clown.

So about this alert.

It was not enjoyable. It was not pleasant. It tasted like dark souls - I got a feeling that I am supposed to die.

I do hope you are not planning to include this flawed design on to regular missions, cause if you do - oh dear....

Edited by Unibot
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oooh, the salt THE SALT!!! I was just getting ready to eat anyways!

Anyways. To those who want to : A do this event, B have some fun, but are way to lazy to try and solve an actual challenge, one that requires some thinking instead of pure run&gun, here's my 2 cents.

First, Exilus mods WORK. That mean, get that rush and maglev. it'll be a lot easier to avoid getting caught if you're the effin Flash.
Also, low hp and no way to increase it. Guess what aura's best for this? That's right! Rejuvenation! and why not add coaction drift for even more sweet hp regen. Otherwise, there's this aura called Infested Impedance? I mean, a perma slow for surrounding infested? What's not to like? Makes you feel even faster with your rush now that those fools are just crawling along.
Bullet jump is definitely one of your main ways of transportation too, so why not kill two birds with one stone? Ice Spring, Firewalker, Toxic Flight, Or Lightning Dash, boost your bullet jump to go faster, further, and, why not, kill some infested!
Lastly in the interesting mods, you've got Handspring, to quickly get back when you'll inevitably get knocked down, and Shock Absorbers, to avoid dying the moment you did get knocked down.

Still not enough? Well, I've done this event, solo, with both Volt and Rhyno. You see, lots of running means Volt gets his passive to stack really fast. When it's full, do a jump slam and enjoy doing a 1000dmg aoe on lvl 10 foes. Can you spell overkill?
Rhyno doesn't even need to attack, he's got heavy impact so he knocks foes just landing next to them. Add the heavy impact mod as well, and you double the effects!When surrounded, bullet jump straight up, dealing aoe thx to your Ice Spring, Firewalker, Toxic Flight, Or Lightning Dash, then crash down with double Heavy Impact.

All these make this event a lot easier. Of course, all of this requires actual thinking, and actually PREPARING for this mission! Can you believe it? DE thinks that an elite military force would actually gear up depending on their mission to maximize chances of success!!! That's as stupid as using tactics, right?

Same tactics like, not going to hack the powercell terminals while surrounded. instead, lure enemies away, preferably towards one of the numerous firey pumpkins to reduce their numbers. then rush back and hack it before they catch up! With mods you can rush fast enough and hack the first one before they even get there, then go with your powercell to the second one and, if no enemies are there, hack it then. Then when you come back you just need to pick the powercell instead of needing to hack it while under attack. Easy as pumpkin pie!


21 hours ago, plexus_brachialis said:

and if they allowed weapons you'd be like 'de i obliterate everything with my gaze alone gimme challenge' 

infested were levels 1-10 ffs. you dont actually need to kill any but juggy. just jump around and avoid damage. 

foggy screen was actually improved over last year's event, last year i had severe fps drops and lags and now it was much smother experience. 

fun is subjective, but what rewards do you expect for it? isn't basically a free potato enough? 

How DARE you! He's not juggy! He's Jacky! See, now you've hurt his feelings!

Come on Jacky. Come on boy. Join me right here, next this cute pumpkin tower!
Come on boy! Jackyyyy?
Yeeeees, who's a good infested? Who's a gooood infested? It's YOU, Yes it's you!

Good boy Jacky. Who's a hot Infested? Who's the hottest Inf... Wait.. Jacky? You ok? What's wrong? Don't tell me you burned out? Oooh poor Jacky...


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Another typical Merc thread.

Is it new? It's bad.
Does it have some modifier on it, like no energy, or whatever? It's bad.
What faction is it against? Doesn't matter, it's bad.

At this point your "feedback" is no longer such. It's pretty much just, "I'm done with the game and I refuse to let go."
Do what's best for yourself, this community, and the game. Just let go. Crying out loud, I went through the same situation with Vindictus. It's hard, but it's better for you.

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On 10/29/2016 at 1:55 PM, Chipputer said:

Another typical Merc thread.

Is it new? It's bad.
Does it have some modifier on it, like no energy, or whatever? It's bad.
What faction is it against? Doesn't matter, it's bad.

At this point your "feedback" is no longer such. It's pretty much just, "I'm done with the game and I refuse to let go."
Do what's best for yourself, this community, and the game. Just let go. Crying out loud, I went through the same situation with Vindictus. It's hard, but it's better for you.

He used to bring up very good, very important points.

Like bringing up the fact that Nullifiers are still not fine, but he always acted like for every Nullifier that spawns DE has to sacrifice twelve puppies and six kittens.  Or he would refuse to begin the discussion without some sort of irrelevant excuse like the proposed Ash rework.

Recently, though, it's like he's stopped actually caring and just posts whatever, as long as it's negative.

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To me personally it´s a classical case of outstaying its welcome.

Most people are probably going to need to play the mission about 7 times to get everything. It´s fun to play once or twice but not that often.

Time attack I now played 3 Times. Try no 1 failed because I underestimated the time pressure, had Frost selected (slow) and didn´t do all that well in general, fair enough. No failed with 656 score, the idiot thing was more timid than I expected and wouldn´t come after me half the time, annoying, but fair enough. 3rd try, it got stuck....

Well screw that, I´m not that desperate for reactors anyways.

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