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Dev Stream 82: Endless Relic missions feedback


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If i could get more then one prime part per a relic, or More then 6-30 traces after getting a reward, then i will do endless fissure missions.  Until then, I will only do Capture, exterminate, or Rescue fissure missions for prime junk and traces, and only do the others with radiant relics when there is no other option

That is my line, and i will not cross it

The the only difference between The Eras, is the difficulty, and the different relics.  I get 6-30 traces and one prime part (or forma) no matter what mission or era i do.

Edited by -CM-Kinnison
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I'm writing this as a player that has played for a few years now and I feel that the new endless update is going to be boring as the last.....think about it DE.....I PLAY one relic for 5w get my reward and now will get to pick to stay and use/open the next relic for the same rewards I can replay the first lower level enemies for! Where is the reward for fighting harder high end enemies?? I love the idea of staying for the fight....but this would be pointless as the reward is the same.....for replaying that mission....I had an idea for you to think about before the released update.....how about we use one relic for the 5w reward...then if you stay and have to use a second relic why don't we  received two of the drops from that relic...3rd wave 3-rewards 4th= 4, 5th wave = 5 and so on till we are receiving all rewards from relic that we are staying for....this would bring back the team play and dust off some of the older end game players builds that they have from back in the days of ODD!! with pentas and nova!! Lol I just want the rewards to be worth staying for an hour or two in endless missions like they was back in the day.. 


Thanks for listing 


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I agree that they should bring back the void system. Why do I think so?

To have a chance at a rare prime item, you didn't need to prepare something yourself. I would simply go to the wiki, check where in the Void the prime part I'm looking for is, and look for a squad where someone is hosting the mission or host it myself.

Now? I have to play ~4-8 void missions to collect enough traces to make a relic radiant. Then I'm going to have to run another void mission, using the relic I made into a radiant, after I've found a squad of 4 people of whom all have the same relic in its radiant form. Chances are I'm not going to get the item I want, so back to trace farming again!

In the old system, even though the farming times might have been the same or even longer, at least you enjoyed yourself more. That's because the times where you have a chance at the item are more. Every time you'd reach the 20, 40, 60... minute mark, you'd have a chance to see your target item on the right of the screen.

With the old system, the only thing that was dragging me back from farming was my old computer, which couldn't really handle the void. This new one can, but now DE has changed the way prime items are farmed. I never got to enjoy the endless void to its fullest and for that I want it back.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

False. Those were the best mission for farming ducat fodder.

Those missions are still the best for farming ducat fodder, and they will still be the best after they introduce this endless fissure gimmick. Yet this thread exists solely because people do not like them. 

They rarely played them as in, you didn't meet a lot of people going "Hey, I'm a little bored so let's burn through these 42 T2 Cap keys."

But they did go "Hey, I'm a little bored so I'll do 40 mins of T3 survival."

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Just now, TheScytale said:

Those missions are still the best for farming ducat fodder, and they will still be the best after they introduce this endless fissure gimmick. Yet this thread exists solely because people do not like them. 

They rarely played them as in, you didn't meet a lot of people going "Hey, I'm a little bored so let's burn through these 42 T2 Cap keys."

But they did go "Hey, I'm a little bored so I'll do 40 mins of T3 survival."

People need to stop acting like they can't still do that.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

People need to stop acting like they can't still do that.

And I've never said otherwise; in fact I'm the one usually telling that to angry vets and the like.

But let's look objectively at this problem: If you're playing a fissure mission, it means you're in need of prime parts, and if you're in a survival fissure mission, there's really no need to stay for another rotation if you could get another prime part by redoing it. There is a choice here, but a pretty obvious one for most people who came to play it in the first place. It's like those catalyst vs 25k credits invasions of yore.

However, staying and consuming relics without interrupting rotations would indeed give some balance and/or choice. Fast missions vs long ones, less time vs more relics, squishy low level enemies vs higher level. 

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4 hours ago, TheScytale said:

Those missions are still the best for farming ducat fodder, and they will still be the best after they introduce this endless fissure gimmick. Yet this thread exists solely because people do not like them. 

They rarely played them as in, you didn't meet a lot of people going "Hey, I'm a little bored so let's burn through these 42 T2 Cap keys."

But they did go "Hey, I'm a little bored so I'll do 40 mins of T3 survival."

Actually, people would play something like a T3S if they wanted the items in the T3S. If they wanted Ducat fodder for Baro, they would run back-to-back Capture missions because capture missions would be over in a fraction of the time it took to complete on rotation in an endless mission.

This thread exists because the solution DE came up with for endless missions is terrible. If you have to use a new relic at every rotation then it is not endless. That is the reason this thread exists, to give feed back on that, and to offer solutions for fixing it.

3 hours ago, TheScytale said:

And I've never said otherwise; in fact I'm the one usually telling that to angry vets and the like.

But let's look objectively at this problem: If you're playing a fissure mission, it means you're in need of prime parts, and if you're in a survival fissure mission, there's really no need to stay for another rotation if you could get another prime part by redoing it. There is a choice here, but a pretty obvious one for most people who came to play it in the first place. It's like those catalyst vs 25k credits invasions of yore.

However, staying and consuming relics without interrupting rotations would indeed give some balance and/or choice. Fast missions vs long ones, less time vs more relics, squishy low level enemies vs higher level. 

There needs to be a real choice. There needs to be some real reward for choosing to stay longer and to face harder enemies. it is a simple concept. Risk vs reward.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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40 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Actually, people would play something like a T3S if they wanted the items in the T3S. If they wanted Ducat fodder for Baro, they would run back-to-back Capture missions because capture missions would be over in a fraction of the time it took to complete on rotation in an endless mission.

This thread exists because the solution DE came up with for endless missions is terrible. If you have to use a new relic at every rotation then it is not endless. That is the reason this thread exists, to give feed back on that, and to offer solutions for fixing it.

There needs to be a real choice. There needs to be some real reward for choosing to stay longer and to face harder enemies. it is a simple concept. Risk vs reward.

Getting more relics while you use them?

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So I am not sure if this is in the right area(I don't spend my life on a forum) so I am just gonna propose this here. And it might already have been a proposed idea because it came to me rather quickly. So for endless missions I've seen people complain about DE's proposal where every quarter rotation, you pump a new relic in, and people say that it doesn't change anything. Well what if on top of that new system, they add incentive to continue playing into the more difficult waves on top of the fun of it?

Here's the idea:

At the A rotations, there is an increased chance of getting common items stacking upon the relic refinement. At the second pair of A's, the chance increases further, and so forth.

At the B rotations, uncommon drops have the same effect.

At the C rotations, rare drops have the effect as well.

This creates a system where endless missions have more appeal and you can optimize your missions to get you what you need quicker and it applies to every item drop in some way. What do you think?

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15 minutes ago, mythicsful said:

So I am not sure if this is in the right area(I don't spend my life on a forum) so I am just gonna propose this here. And it might already have been a proposed idea because it came to me rather quickly. So for endless missions I've seen people complain about DE's proposal where every quarter rotation, you pump a new relic in, and people say that it doesn't change anything. Well what if on top of that new system, they add incentive to continue playing into the more difficult waves on top of the fun of it?

Here's the idea:

At the A rotations, there is an increased chance of getting common items stacking upon the relic refinement. At the second pair of A's, the chance increases further, and so forth.

At the B rotations, uncommon drops have the same effect.

At the C rotations, rare drops have the effect as well.

This creates a system where endless missions have more appeal and you can optimize your missions to get you what you need quicker and it applies to every item drop in some way. What do you think?

Great mods; you put it at the end of a megathread and now it won't be seen. Gotta love vocalization suppression.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Actually, people would play something like a T3S if they wanted the items in the T3S. If they wanted Ducat fodder for Baro, they would run back-to-back Capture missions because capture missions would be over in a fraction of the time it took to complete on rotation in an endless mission.

I said it in the post you quoted. I'm not talking about needing a specific prime part, or a specific amount of ducats, because endless has always been pretty bad at both. I'm talking about enjoyment. Pretty much everyone I know, (except one very impatient friend), would rather run an endless mission in their free time. When they're bored. Out of enjoyment, not because they need something.

20 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

This thread exists because the solution DE came up with for endless missions is terrible. If you have to use a new relic at every rotation then it is not endless. That is the reason this thread exists, to give feed back on that, and to offer solutions for fixing it.

Please show me a way to make endless missions only consume one relic without completely dwarfing the other mission modes.

20 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

There needs to be a real choice. There needs to be some real reward for choosing to stay longer and to face harder enemies. it is a simple concept. Risk vs reward.

Risk in Warframe.
The only thing you can give to endless missions is a small advantage, say, trace drop, or something like that. You can't mess with drop chances/prime parts dropped without giving it a direct advantage over non-endless. And guess what will happen if, say, at wave 60 you get 30% chance of a rare part? Cheese. All kinds of cheese. All kinds of stupid mindless meta spam builds and team combinations camping in defense just for that rare part. "H AXI DEFENSE NEED EV FROST LIMBO" Arrived inside, all they'd do is push one damn button every 2 seconds.
So please, tell me again where's the risk in that. 

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4 hours ago, TheScytale said:

Please show me a way to make endless missions only consume one relic without completely dwarfing the other mission modes.

By not putting all the important parts in endless missions' rotation C.


4 hours ago, TheScytale said:

You can't mess with drop chances/prime parts dropped without giving it a direct advantage over non-endless.

If you are fighting level 186 enemies then you should have a direct advantage over the people fighting level 6 enemies.

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