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Update 19: The War Within


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++ THE GOOD ++

- story, lore, cutscenes were on point!

- new tileset is nicely done


--- THE BAD ---

- unintuitive, and sometimes unexplained quest gameplay. ( I think i spent an hour getting gobbled up because i was taking a route around the main path, and in doing so, the tutorial never showed me that i could jog)

- unclear that mods require player to equip in order to unveil

- New operator mechanic doesn't seem to  contribute anything to gameplay, other than the super small niche where it is REQUIRED to use.... 



GJ art team, gameplay and UI design ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Edited by hukurokuju5
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2 hours ago, Aikurisu said:

DE.  I have never encountered a more frustrating, counter-intuitive example of new gameplay from you fighting the kuva guards at the end made me question if your play testers were asleep because I was lost trying to figure out what to do there. Of course, the REAL reason I was having so much trouble in figuring anything out was that 80% of the time most of my skills wouldn't work and made me think the issues I was having were purely by design. 

I love how you are supposed to use your void power to defeat the kuva guards, without a visual meter to show you how much void power you have. Half the time I cant even activate void powers at all. When I can activate them the powers almost instantly deactivate, I'm guessing because I don't have enough void power to keep it activated. But I have no @(*()$ clue because there is no goddamm gauge for me to know.

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how to extract after i decided to let Teshin kill the queen?


nailed it. it is so annoying that the space is full of unseenable 'black holes' (I think you forget to make the shield-like energy field to indicate the end of the map) , fix it plz.

Edited by DonVon
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53 minutes ago, stujitsu said:

I love how you are supposed to use your void power to defeat the kuva guards, without a visual meter to show you how much void power you have. Half the time I cant even activate void powers at all. When I can activate them the powers almost instantly deactivate, I'm guessing because I don't have enough void power to keep it activated. But I have no @(*()$ clue because there is no goddamm gauge for me to know.

There is a visual meter. It's like in the middle of the screen(cursor/crosshair/aim). . . When it's full, it's gold. 

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Welp, stealth is no longer fun.

Are you serious with these AI changes? I don't care if it makes them more realistic, it's no fun to have an enemy go on alert just for meleeing a crate or even striking the bloody terrain near them, the way they go on alert instantly after doing a stealth kill is bad enough.

The new assault gametype is tedious as all hell and I found it entirely joyless the second time around.

Also if this tileset ends up in sorties, those unkillable searchlights and turrets are going to be infuriating.

Edited by Reynard_Fox
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Well finally. Is nice to see DE great work for us. I really like the new content... "quest, items etc". But, by the other hand I fell dissapointed once again with those nerf that DE say nothing about... And I'm talking about focus points (affinity) this time. DE change the way how stealth kills works and that is fine, it give the player more challengeon how to do mission and keep the stealth counter. But, the affinity from those stealth kills is nerf now! like killing enemies without the stealth bonus.I Just will like to know why DE keep doing nerf and say nothing about it. Honestly I'm tired of that. And I allways take my time and read all the notes for updates and hotfixs... ALLWAYS read all. And many times I notice some nerfs where DE never say nothing. I will quit this game, because this make no sense. But once again DE doing a great job with the history of the game and improving the game. It just those nerf I can't take. DE just when do your nerfs... SAY IT! Is better to know what we can expect from the game, than to get another disapoint. Good luck everyone.

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5 minutes ago, ivalec said:

Well finally. Is nice to see DE great work for us. I really like the new content... "quest, items etc". But, by the other hand I fell dissapointed once again with those nerf that DE say nothing about... And I'm talking about focus points (affinity) this time. DE change the way how stealth kills works and that is fine, it give the player more challengeon how to do mission and keep the stealth counter. But, the affinity from those stealth kills is nerf now! like killing enemies without the stealth bonus.I Just will like to know why DE keep doing nerf and say nothing about it. Honestly I'm tired of that. And I allways take my time and read all the notes for updates and hotfixs... ALLWAYS read all. And many times I notice some nerfs where DE never say nothing. I will quit this game, because this make no sense. But once again DE doing a great job with the history of the game and improving the game. It just those nerf I can't take. DE just when do your nerfs... SAY IT! Is better to know what we can expect from the game, than to get another disapoint. Good luck everyone.

You mean this change?

"Radial Shared Affinity no longer includes a stealth multiplier (if active)."

Guess they had data to show people were just getting one person with a high stealth multiplier to go and kill everything while the rest of the squad sat around within the shard affinity range? 

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2 minutes ago, DogManDan said:

I was speaking with a member in my clan who is currently unable to finish TWW quest as he is colorblind and stuck in the Archwing portion. He is unable to see the lasers which must be avoided. Can we get a fix on this?

There is an option for colourblind :) DO not know which one is it, check video options

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I made it to the guards then my game crashed... log back in now it takes me straight to the guards again but my frame has orthos prime instead of my war i had equipped when i started the quest. I cant do anything it will take me a year to beat one guard with this crappy Orthos..

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7 hours ago, zombaio said:

Same here. Also I don't think there was supposed to be a reward.

If anything your reward is that now you can take the unwanted by anyone operator in the middle of a mission and become them... That is, of course, if you want to break any immersion, pacing and fun.

Otherwise you can play the game called Warframe with your .... wait for it.... warframe! 

When i look back to the quest I wonder "Was that it?" Was that was what hindered this magnificent game's development for half an year (maybe more), noticeably shrunk the community and deprived it of so much actual content (like levels, bosses and characters)?

This? The creepy person living in the back of my ship? The one thing in the game, quite a few of us chose to pretend it didn't exist? This and Lunaro?


And although I completely disagree with where the game is going and has been going for a solid year now, I will not quit. I will not give up on it DE, no matter how hard you try to end your own creation!


As always:

Thanks for the update and for your hard work!


I agree with you.

I think they did an amazing job with the new visuals (the mountain side was amazingly beautiful and the new lighting is awesome) and I like the idea of the new invasion system even though I have yet to try it, but...

After playing TWW, it feels as though they want to really stretch the story out, but I'm not sure if they have enough story to stretch out over years at a time or if they have too much story and have to make us wait this long for a tiny little piece. I'm thinking the former.

And as much as I wanted to like this update I just wound up disappointed with it. The way the story progressed was weird... like there were so many ideas on what to do so, they decided to do parts of all of them, all without having any real context.

I wound up somewhat confused and frustrated when it ended and here's why...


...We get purged from the orbiter in our minds and got to the mountain, and at the end, it's a real place? or was that supposed to be in our minds too? and Teshen has the ability to speak to us in our minds or through the transference stream? Why does Teshen know so much about the Tenno's inner power?

And somehow the queens are Orokin? I guess maybe they are some sort of parasite that can take hosts? no idea.

The voice that was supposed to be our father on the Zarriman is now the creepy voice at the end with no explanation at all. Like did the Tenno unknowingly suck the spirits out of the adults from the Zarriman and now they want out? who knows.

The "decisions with consequences" they were talking about made no sense and had no explanation, represented by three symbols that meant nothing to me. And now that symbol is in my profile, I don't know why.

My decision at the end was to "control" the staff or Kuva energy or whatever but all I did was give the sack to Teshen and nothing happened and no explanation.

The only cool thing that was said IMO was the conformation of the Warframes being infested. There were no other actual revelations, not even about being on the Zarriman. Teshen is not a particularly interesting character but here he is being shoved down our throats the entire update and I didn't really care that he was a Dax soldier. And no revelations about the queens only hints and speculation. 

And now we have a new enemy that can't be touched by Warframes at all and have some special energy that only void energy can break through... if the Grenieer had this the whole time why wouldn't they have used it sooner? (hear the frustrated tone?) Like where was this Kuva energy during the old war exactly? The game has just become all about Warframes becoming more and more useless.

DE's idea of fun has become my idea on not fun. Every new event is all about not using your Warframes abilities. Warframes have become weaker and now we have to use the operator in battle. I guess the "Tenno are energy" people were right because how else could we magically appear out of our Warframe physically to fight? 

I still can't comprehend the decisions being made post Second Dream, like it's not even the same people making the game any more.
I've been bothered for some time now by the constant nerfs to everything and now am wondering if this is why... so that using the operator in battle seems viable... IDK.

But i've said it many times here sarcastically that they would nerf the Warframes so much that it's eventually going to feel like fighting with the operator... and here we are.

Long story short, this raised more questions than it answered and left me pretty frustrated. The Second Dream had a clear and concise direction, it answered a lot of major questions and I expected the same from this. Waiting almost a year for this just destroyed any faith I had left in this game.

As much as I want to be positive about this update and the game over all and not cr*p on DE's hard work, it's just too little too late for me. I might log in from time to time to reminisce but this was the last nail in the coffin.

Thanks DE for the past few years, you all seem like a bunch of great people and amazing talents. It was great being part of this game for so long. I have't had a game to call home since I left City of Heroes and Tabula Rasa went down, so seriously, Thank you for all of your hard work.

Edited by War-Zone
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Everything added today has lessened the game for me. Stealth is crippled beyond measure, everything alerts enemies now, you can't even open crates or strike the terrain with your melee without setting them off, it's distressingly bad. And to make it even worse, there's no more affinity bonus for stealth kills? What the HELL were you thinking? You've not only made stealth play irritating for any frame other than Loki and Ivara but you've rendered stealth an utterly worthless avenue in all but mandatory scenarios.

The new mod system is awful, it's just more layers of tedious RNG for the sake of it.

Even the new tileset sucks. The missions are painfully long and tedious, especially Assault. All the new features just make it tiresome... I sort of liked the mission in the quest, but every match i've played since is less enjoyable than the last. Those invincible turrets and searchlights are simply aggravating, made all the worse by the needless changes to stealth.

Valkyr Prime looks absolutely pathetic by the way. Congrats, you've also ruined the look of my favourite visual frame.

I never thought an update could actively affect my interest in the game to this extent, but I'm sitting here, looking at the stuff in my Foundry i've been waiting to get, and thanks to this update I'm now just wondering "what's the point?". Hell the founder friend of mine that convinced me to play this game is thinking about uninstalling it as we speak.


Edited by Reynard_Fox
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