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Riven mods are way too rare and expensive to play with.  They take too long to find with how low the drop rate is, and even longer to find one for an item that you'd actually use it on, the revealing requirements for the Riven mods are tedious, and the Kuva farming required to roll a Riven mod a few times will literally take hours, and is just a shot at something completely random.

I ended up buying a Riven mod for the weapon I wanted, not realizing the cost goes up each time it's rolled.  At the time I was excited to play with the new system and trying my luck at some rolls, but after seeing the system for what it is with the increasing cost, the current rate I may start to see the benefits of this update a few months from now, (assuming I don't hit one of those ridiculous challenges and get stuck all together) and the new mods are just really depressing me when i play the game.

Edited by Unagi604
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Stealth is really bad  to play, the old stealth without corpse sensory provide more fun to choose how to execute flawless kill are fun and quick.

Now the whole new stealth with corpse sensory is taking longer to finish a run with more wait and kill instead of sneaking.

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Get ready for all the Riven mods rage... from other ppl. I am just here to give feedback ;). 

My biggest problem is that there are only rifle riven mod? I mainly use shotguns and melee, so why am I left in the dust with this new mod system?

Second, why do I have absolutely no control over the weapon choice of the Riven mod? I am fine with the randomized stats (you can reroll those), but up until now I have had three Riven mods for weapons that I would never use, even if they were top-tier.

Third, why are some ways to unlock the Riven mods just... practically impossible? The worst offender of this is the one where you have to do; Scan a symaris target, while not using traps, while not using powers, while wearing a Hobbled Dragon Key, while not getting hit in the mission, while SOLO?! I mean, I would instantly dissolve that Riven mod; I am never going to be able to do that!

Last, the way to get them is extremely painfull if your luck is lacking. Again, I am fine with randomized stats, as you can reroll those, but why lock the mod itself behind a RNG wall? Comebine this problem with the first; make a resorce you only get from sorties, and that are used to buy types of Riven mods. For each bought Riven mod of that type, the next is going to be more expensive, up until ofcourse the 15 limit, then you can't buy anymore at all. Hell, make it so you need at least the amount of resorces from three sorties, and then the sertainty of the "drops" are balanced out.


I thought of this in five minutes, and I am not even getting paid for this sh!t so please Digital Extreme, take this in consideration.


Loved the quest BTW :D


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7 hours ago, (PS4)DarkSide666 said:

Seems like everyone chose to kill the queen instead of letting her rot... Wonder what would have happened...

Guess I'll be waiting for console

I did let her rot actually, feels more deserved, but her sis/worm still seems to say the same mostly after, with the Siphons etc. one way or another i assume if she is dead or not the Kuva can bring her back in some way. So i fear sadly our choice not will matter, since on top online MMO's were such can not really provide different paths like that to the whole world in game. Best example i tihnk was the Sargas Ruk vs. Alad V Event, Ruk won but he barely plays any role for now or none at all besides beeing a normal boss.

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I liked it. The Story was great.
I would prefer some story with consequences for relevant charakters for example for myself.

I think the Operator feature still feels unfinished though and the Kid has no uses in general.

I think the Operator Skilltrees should improve your Operators Stats to give the system any meaning in Game.
Its quite a Nuisance to see your Operator get one shot all the time or get disoriented by him jumping in weird directions instead of where I aimed.

The damadge is laughably weak and it doesnt feel like playing a mighty tenno but more like dragging a Kid to war at the moment. Which is okay if there is a progress system to upgrade him later and feel like you trained your Tenno.

Riven Mods are a nice addition even though you should Cap Reroll cost to avoid frustration or loss of Value.
You should also add an option to choose wether I want to keep my old Riven Mod Stats or get the rerolled one to allow you to reroll without destruction of value. That would make the whole system more fun and take a lot of frustration out of it.

If you can only improve its way less punishing to invest.

Thanks for reading my feedback and thanks for your great work guys

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Here is my feedback on TWW


The suddle detail attention hit me like a truck !

First when you are in the orbiter and the sentinel is drifting around. Ordis goes weird and the sentinel started shooting at me even if i never get targeting system on my sentinel.My cell phone app indicate me companion loyalty low ( duh rly the damn thing is shooting at me ). The ship as no decoration. Totaly look like a nightmare to me.

Suddle but i rly like this rly good work with [DE]Jacob ( unless it was not intended then its the most funny bug i saw yet )

The whole operator mechanic and the lost of power is cool to see.

The cavern with the underground thingy that gonna make you hate Tyl Regor for i dont know what reason ( probably because they look like the Knux) was very challenging and fun to me.

Having choice is good and the fact that your fellow tenno can now see it on your profile thats great add-in.


I had some bug like getting stuck in the orbiter and not being able to use transference becasue it was written "press "" " but i noted that in the Bug part ^.^ 

Nothing too big to ruin the experience.

Not in the quest 

Decorator mode : What thats just insane i realy like that.



I did let her rot. Its priceless tenno ^.^ 

8 hours ago, (PS4)DarkSide666 said:

Seems like everyone chose to kill the queen instead of letting her rot... Wonder what would have happened...

Guess I'll be waiting for console


Edited by trunks013
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The Riven mod cost should not be an exponentially increasing number of limitless magnitude. The ability to farm kuva is already hampered by the fact that 1) the chance to spawn a Siphon is limited and there can be long stretches of missions without encountering one, and 2) the fact that these siphons only give a rough amount of 630 kuva. The exponential cost (I've seen someone say his cost was now 15.3k kuva) severely punishes players who keep rolling bad stats and need a better roll.

Assuming that the Kuva Siphon mechanic is unchanged, a hard cap of 2000 kuva per reroll should be implemented. This way it still takes at least three siphons to destroy, of which finding enough can be a small task in and of itself without chaining players too much to grineer tilesets.

And additionally... mod stats that are situationally useless for the weapon in question (physical damage boost on an elemental weapon, or zoom on a sentinel gun) should be removed by default from that weapon's stat pool. I hope you guys look into this, it's definitely alot to go over.

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Forget Riven mods... Not literally, but really they are not my issue with the war within.

It's the haphazard adding of a new system that again stands disparate from the other systems. 

Transference, or the ability to walk around and fight as our Operator could be really cool if we could actually combine his abilities or mobility with the Tenno. Fastball special anyone (x-men reference)? I would love to use my Warframe to toss my Tenno into harder to reach areas. 

Or sit on it's shoulder while it runs and I fire the beam laser.

Also it seems the stun ability has no real practical use in-game. I thought we would be able to stun enemy unit and then take control over them with their friendly units none the wiser. That could be cool. But nope. We were only able to control the Maw??

I would really like to see more symmetry between Operators and Warframes and hopefully Operators, Warframes and teammates symmetry at some point.

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My biggest issue with TWW in terms of feedback is that we are given literally zero UI whatsoever for Void Mode. 


And it is really frustrating. We have no idea how much overall energy we have, we have no idea how much energy we are using for an ability, and we have no clue how fast it is recharging. We also have no way at all to look at stats for void mode and see anything about how much damage something is doing/how long an ability lasts, etc. Nothing about stats are available to see. We also have no reference to go back to for how to use certain powers. If we forget partway through the tutorial, we have to go online to look it up, or test random buttons until we figure it out again. 


This needs to be fixed/added as soon as possible -- I don't know how else to put it other than that it makes it look very unfinished and alpha. 

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36 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

My biggest issue with TWW in terms of feedback is that we are given literally zero UI whatsoever for Void Mode. 


And it is really frustrating. We have no idea how much overall energy we have, we have no idea how much energy we are using for an ability, and we have no clue how fast it is recharging. We also have no way at all to look at stats for void mode and see anything about how much damage something is doing/how long an ability lasts, etc. Nothing about stats are available to see. We also have no reference to go back to for how to use certain powers. If we forget partway through the tutorial, we have to go online to look it up, or test random buttons until we figure it out again. 


This needs to be fixed/added as soon as possible -- I don't know how else to put it other than that it makes it look very unfinished and alpha. 

The cursor changes dictating energy pool quantity. Not ideal I know but its there.

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53 minutes ago, RawGritz said:

The cursor changes dictating energy pool quantity. Not ideal I know but its there.

Had no idea there was any indication at all. Regardless, like you said it is hardly ideal. For one, there is no text ever telling you there is an indicator at all. And it is very small and hard to see, and it isn't giving you numbers like your regular energy pool does. 

Why can't they simply use the same UI, with a different color or something so it looks void mode, that they use for the regular Warframe energy pool UI? It would be way more intuitive and we would be able to get the numbers. 

It would also be really good to be able to know, like I said, the stats of the abilities. Perhaps it could be added somewhere in the operator menu where you adjust your focus abilities? 

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Did some runs lately, got most of the new weapons (except Kesheg). So far... been pretty neat really. Zarr is fun as heck, if a bit hazardous. Twin Rogga is a load of FUN, while the Orvius is pretty nifty on its own -an alternative to my usual weapons, even if I'm not a fan of Glaives.

As to Riven mods; please provide more ways to get them, other than Sorties. Events, rare Invasions or 24-hour alerts (example; Gift of the Lotus). Also, when cycling a mod, do not conceal which weapon it affects (so trades can be fair) along with a number to show how many times it's been cycled already. And add an upper limit to the increase in Kuva. About 3k should be more than enough (if someone's going to spend so long to get the perfect setup, might as well let'em).

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- good quest (only minor bugs ancountered, like the now fixed invisible sphere around loki and floating problems at the beginning of the fortress mission)

- kuva fortress: nice, i like it! maybe put in some real hybrid missions in there with heavy AW-action (i really wonder why you did NOT do this - not even in the quest).

- rivenmods are great (though the max. of 15 might be salt later on)

- the scepter is nice, but why can other enmies who sees the health orb still get alerted even though the corpse is dissolved?

- no opinion about the other new weapons (not yet build)

- fighting the guards/jester and destroying the siphon is ok in solo mode (some annoying bugs though) but in coop with a host we have a little bit too high a ping the lag will make the fight... more annoying.

- operator mode: 1st. seperate the keys for focus and operator spawn - too many accidents! also we have more than enough keys on our keyboard (to hell with those controller-user ;). 2nd. why can our operator not gain affinity too? not that she/he needs to be overpowered, but at least let the health and damage, range and duration grow a bit more.

- the changes to the stealth system are more or less ok, but needs a little bit fine-tuning for the enemies now see way too much (exact opposite of b4 when most of the time rip a comrade of them to shreds only a meter away without them taking notice of it). also, we need a way to "deal" with killed enemies - let us carry them away or better yet disolve them like the sceper does (IF it would actually prevent other enemies still notice the now gone corpses). last thing, i guess its a bug but there is now an issue with affinity and focus gain through stealthkills - clanmates told me the shared affinity of stealthkills also does not work anymore.

- new endless void: not yet tested

- new decoration mode: f-king finally!!! but don't think you are done with the dojo because of that! there is MUCH to improve there...

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They should make Kuva always appear in every high level Grineer mission! I feel like this makes sense with how much Kuva and time is needed to keep rerolling, as well as how bad RNG is with the results. =/



I don't mind the grind as long as its rewarding. But this is just terrible. =/

Edited by [DE]Taylor
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On 11/12/2016 at 2:39 AM, Mattoropael said:

Agreed. This entire quest has way too few directions for a solo-only, "locks you in until you're done" non-space ninja quest in a, guess what? Co-op Space Ninja game.


Well, joke's on DE this time - I got a 50%-off discount for my daily bonus today, and I don't even need to consider using it now.


Also agreed. This is clearly cliche territory.

This argument again is so silly it's not even funny, Warframe even in its infancy was never truly a "ninja" game, you point out one Warframe that was truly a ninja in both looks, and their kit that ISN'T Ash. Maybe you should research a little bit about what ninjas actually were, and let's go and point out in one of DE's first Devstreams they talked about how they wanted a game with these "frames" that were unique and had "Wacky abilitites". Which still is true to this day for the Warframes they make. 

Edited by LightBriite
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Well it's time for one last roll and one more requirement and if the roll isn't good......well lol I'ma quit. All that hardwork for nothing. This would be the first time with a system where all your effort will betray you and all your time is just wasted and everything in the end is in vain. I might be a little over-dramatic here but I am certainly not exaggerating. It took me 5 hours to get this much Kuva again, just for this roll.


My gut feeling is telling me the outcome won't be pretty....


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Here are my thoughts on the update:

Zarr: Absolute beast of a weapon it's like you put a Tonkor, Kulstar, and Drakgoon in a fusion and come up with Zarr, it's fun asf and powerful too.
Twin Rogga: Also a beast weapon, it's small magazine size more than makes up for it in its overall dmg output, reload speed is pretty good too
Keshag: No comment, haven't played it yet.
Broken Scepter: Pretty good Stave, it's not great, but not terrible
Orivus: Kinda mixed feelings about this one, it's great for Frames like Excalibur, Loki and Ivara because channeling with this thing can turn it into a stealth finisher mine with a bit of CC

Riven Mods: 

Quite Frankly the solution for these mods should be for weapons that aren't as powerful, (Daikyu, Stradavar, Braton, etc.) Make the stats be only 3 per riven, not just two, and not 4, have one stat be a positive to damage boost be it to a faction, or base dmg increase or increased multishot, have the second stat be at least a utility or posible crit chance, or even elemental type, and the third be a possible negative stat, but not too negative to make people think it's not worth putting on the mod. Each time you unveil it, it should be just one time you need to unveil it, afterward you just need kuva to re-roll its stats. And the kuva requirements for the re-roll should be at a 2000 cap rather than be constantly additive to the point it becomes a resource sink. Also the perquisites to unveil these rivens should be lessened to have maybe at the most 5-10 different challenges, and make them less tedious or rather extremely specific to the point that doing them infuriates the player attempting to do the challenge. These are just general IDEAS of how to improve them, Honestly the RNG is the issue with these mods for the most part, it's RNG to get a mod, it's RNG to get the type of tast to even unveil it, and it's RNG to get the resource to re-roll the mod's stats. It's just too much RNG in a game that was just starting to fix its RNG issues. Everything in this Update was super great, besides the rivens which felt very much shoehorned into the game rather than be properly tested. And to be frank, those that spent plat on the OP riven mods really shouldn't be angry if they do change the stats for the more "meta" weapons in the game, cuz DE has no control with trade agreements between two players, that's on the buyer for the most part. That's it for me, nothing much I can contribute other than that. 

The Quest: I enjoyed it thoroughly all through it until I hit a snag with the Golden Maw part, much like how I hated the Second Dream's part when Stalker is in your liset, both of these never were precise and clear on what to do and resulted in lots of failure and frustration I did manage to figure out the Maw Part quicker than the part of Fighting Stalker, but still was very irritating to the point of which I almost had to take a break to regroup myself. I learned quite a bit from the quest, but more so just confirmation on speculations rather than actual shocking reveals, the plot for the quest also felt a bit cliche in that you lose your powers, go on a journey and have a revelation, only to come back stronger and defeat the bad guy. The moral choices also literally had no impact in the quest, (Though I hope it's for the sake of how future quests pan out for us like possible varying experiences per playing based on their choices) I did love the cinematics, the music and the build up to the encounter with the queeens, but it did however seem to resolve itself rather quickly, and there has literally been no epilogue concerning the Smol Kween, (Maybe an epilogue in the future updates) and how she plays a role among the Grineer Hierarchy compared to the  other Kween, she felt like she wasn't even important at all, again, maybe she will in the future. The last part after the defeat of the elder Kween was also great in that you revisit the derilect Orokin base on Earth and find Teshin, and have a choice to either destroy or Control the Kuva, which had be intrigued when you suddenly become possessed for a moment before Teshin snaps you out of it. Really wondering what that was about and who were the voices that were speaking to you.

Sorties: Sorties now have more purpose other than Endo farming for me, now I can get GREATER lens (No longer BPs) and get Additional Riven Mods. I am however dissapointed we still have yet to get our currency system, but so long as we do get it eventually I'm fine with how it is now for the most part, some things I'd like is to possible combine the two endo rewards (2000 and 4000 endo) and instead have it be a 5000 endo reward to help lessen RNG for some players that feel cheated when completing a harder Sortie than others have. Maybe also give day boosters as rewards or maybe even Sortie exclusive weapons.

Endless Fissures: So far I love them, they give reason to do an endless fissure with the fact you get FREE boosters the longer you stay in the mission alond with FREE radiants on your relics, not only can you get Relics from the Survivals normal reward pools you get prime pieces from the relics you equiped with each interval, I do however feel like some of the benifits should be more easier to get like the guaranteed relics should go from 70 waves/minutes down to maybe 50-60. Other than that, I don't have more insight to give until I play with it more a bit

So far this is all I can say for now but I DID like the update a lot minus the Rivens which were indeed unfinished and not properly worked on to me.

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I got it back and it gave me some okay results....


Still disappointing.....just not enough to make me quit but it's also not enough to get me to go farming again. =/

I hope I will get more useful stats when DE reworks it for the Tonkor and the number of cycles actually benefit the Riven Mod in some way....

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So even if a person hasn't completed any of the quests they will still see operators in missions. Would it be too difficult to make them invisible to unawakened players? I suppose seeing random beams and waves of energy coming out of nowhere is fine, they are still dreaming after all (or using an artificial transference). There wont be any explanation for any future mechanics introduced via quests though, in that case just make it so the player isn't always the first to discover things, if you want the player to be so special you could also make it so other tenno have some ability that the player has trouble unlocking and they need to perform special things, resulting in a quest.

Also the extraction point is 90% of the interaction between players in missions, why can't we use our operators there? Usually that's the place where we show off emotes and glyphs and stuff, why not just make that forced switch to warframe just before we extract?

Since handshakes are disabled for operators I think you already know of the problem it would cause if used with a warframe and a tenno, but are you considering enabling handshakes between operators?

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I don't like the whole Riven mod system, I ll say that up front. everything about it is wrong (Power creep, randomization, grind) but If it is here to stay here is how I would update it:

1) The escalating costs for reroll are fine. If you can reroll the mod forever, then DE assumes that you will eventually get a great mod for it, which means you need less Riven mods. I see this as a trade off. Riven mods are more common if they are eventually trashed (possibly) due to high re-roll costs, or they change the reroll cost and make getting the mods themselves rarer. You must assume DE will up the rarity if they make it a fixed re-roll cost. I'll go with more mods, because getting the one for the weapon you want is the hard part, and people like getting things, rather than waiting months to get things.

2). Kuva. The siphons are wonky. Don't like the entire way Kuva is gained. Should be a regular resource, on the Fortress. The "rarity" of it is up to DE, just saying "it's too hard to get" isn't going to be listened to anyway. I just don't like the method. It's tedious. It makes me play the same mission over and over.  Kuva guards should be the "Bursa's" of the Kuva Fortress, appearing in groups of half a dozen at a time to make them challenging. They can drop Kuva, as can anyone on the fortress and it can drop from lockers as normal, etc.

Fissures and Syndicate missions should be expanded to the Kuva Fortress. We should have some reason to go there other than just farming Kuva... though i loathe to search for medallions on that tile set, I think it's proper.

3) Trashed Riven Mods. So what happens when a Riven mod gets rerolled 20 times and it's still crap every time? This is really a slap in the face to a tenno that got the mod from the sortie and spent godly amounts of Kuva on it. So put it to use. You can "Fuse" an Riven mod with another Riven mod, to make a new Riven mod. The new mod is veiled as if you just got it from the sortie, completely random, including the weapon. That way if I wasted lots of time and effort on two Riven mods and farmed lots of Kuva and still got garbage, i can sacrifice two mods to to the trash but i get 1 back, that still may not be what I want but i just get another pull at the slot machine. Likely if I rolled those other ones to oblivion they were for weapons i wanted, so i'm probably ditching two mods i hoped for for one i won't like anyway, but it's something. An Endo cost can even be added (as a sink for all those 2000 endo rewards in the sortie)

This has one drawback that's against what DE stated the system was for. That is everyone who gets two non-meta weapon mods will fuse them and never roll or use them, hoping to get a tonkor mod. First I don't see a problem with that, it gives the player choices. I don't care if you gave me a 1000% damage mod for a bow, i'm not using a bow, sorry. DE needs to stop trying to shoehorn players into using more things. Some of us don't want 50 weapons to choose from, we chose already and aren't buying more slots no matter how many Riven mods there are. However, DE can still incentivize players by only allowing fusion of mods with enough "kuva" in them. Say it's been rolled 10x. If you have two mods rolled 10x you can fuse them to a new one... or whatever balance the right amount of rolls. So you can't just fuse unwanted mods, but you do get something back when you've rolled a mod that many times.


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