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21 hours ago, Zarozian said:

Well it's time for one last roll and one more requirement and if the roll isn't good......well lol I'ma quit. All that hardwork for nothing. This would be the first time with a system where all your effort will betray you and all your time is just wasted and everything in the end is in vain. I might be a little over-dramatic here but I am certainly not exaggerating. It took me 5 hours to get this much Kuva again, just for this roll.

My gut feeling is telling me the outcome won't be pretty....


it wouldn't be the first time, maybe one that hurt you, but i wouldn't be the first time. Remember all those frames and weapons that got nerfed, imagine someone battling the rng system to get screw all the way till gaining it after months, than the moment upon gaining it and it shines in your hand an update enrolls and gone are you hard work in the wind. So yeah it happens, and it wouldn't be the first time. ~ true story - happened to me before on many occasions. 

Edited by ChaellExE
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Some blur effects are overdid, such as Vauban's Bastille and Vortex. And a lot of things (such as taking health damage) can trigger the new blur effect.



Finally I found a walkaround to disable it:

Disable "Depth of Field". (This doesn't seem to make sense, Depth of Field is something different...)

This will lose some good effects but I still turned it off, the new blur effect really gives me a headache. Not just abilities, sometimes I don't even know what triggers the heavy blur effects, they are just everywhere.

Can we have a separated option to adjust the new blur effect?

Edited by aerosoul1337
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Riven mods....

7 layers of RNG is ludicrous speed ridiculous.

I understand that you don't want these to be overly abundant that they need to be special but placing a brick wall in front of players (sortie reward) and giving them a wooden spoon to knock it down is cruel and unusual punishment.

The mod I received at the end of my quest was less than what I would think falls into the category of what a year in the making quest reward should be.

To all [DE] Staff: The quest was a work of art, the story exciting and produced goose bumps, the amount of work put into the art and visuals is absolutely stunning. One of the main reasons I continue to play Warframe is because of just how damn gorgeous it is.

Adding in endless fissures with bonuses for every relic popped open, bravo although there are a few more bugs to work out I have lost several radiant relics and a few rare prime parts due to host migrations and or game crashes or the rewards simply not showing up in my list at the end of the mission.


Farming for this resource is grueling, painful and overly redundant. you missed a golden opportunity to give players a reason to play that awesome new fortress you spent so long drawing, designing, modeling, sculpting and shading. Kuva should be able to drop from any and all enemies in the kuva fortress with kuva gaurds roaming in packs of 4 or more to make them a challenge and a chance at getting a larger amount of kuva with the rare chance of a kuva siphon popping up and getting a big chunk of kuva from it.

Moving vandal and wraith weapons to invasions, good move.

I am constantly monitoring them to make sure I'm not missing out on a part and can't wait to see the conclusion of the first construction completion.

Sorties revamp reward list is good I like it but as I said above, this being the only way to get rivens is just nuts.

Overall there is a lot of good here but the negatives are souring my love for the game and hope to lotus that something can be done to smooth out the ride.

I am currently left with that feeling that you get when the wife walks in fully decked out in lingerie to tell you shes not in the mood and is going to bed.15025593_1256473327725292_66451429158746

Edited by Gognorok
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I think less RNG for the Riven Mods and its customization is a good thing. It gives us players more freedom to truly 'craft' our own signature weapon. A weapon that we personally like and love.

PS: I really like the new relic system because in a way, it's a move away from RNG, it gives us players some control over it, albeit a little one. But it's still more control than what we have with the Riven mods. It's layers upon layers of RNG, and we need to be extremely lucky indeed to get a decent Riven mod for a weapon that we like. I don't mind trying new weapons, in fact I am in progress of making a Buzlok because I got the Riven for that weapon. But I know I also want a Riven for my Braton, which I really like. And one day, maybe, my Orthos and Dakra. But what if I tried doing the sortie everyday and just ended up with a mod for a weapon that I know I don't like? Like the Quanta for example, I don't like how it looks, and how it handles, so even if I got a really good Riven for it, I would maybe only try using it in one mission, and that's it.


On other areas:

The quest was awesome, it made your warframe & operator really looks very cool. The Second Dream gave me the feels, but TWW made me go wow at how cool my warframe & operator is. I really love the mountain pass, I wish there is some way I can visit that place again. I also like the ground snow effects, the way the snow reacts to your feet. (here's wishing it would be implemented in the corpus ice planet/outpost tileset, it's too good to be used only in the quest which we can't repeat atm)

The Fortress tileset is great as well, it felt like being inside a death star, with the dark lighting and many security and turrets, it does feel very important and intimidating!

The new endless fissure is perfect! It does make me want to play for as long as I can in each mission.

On the new operator mechanic, I think it would be a great idea to make it a new option/way to do many stuff in Warframe instead of a necessity to do one or two things.

Maybe give them more abilities, or some kind of mods to up their void energy pool or modify their abilities (range, strength, speed etc.) while keeping them fragile at 100 health. They will still be risky to use, but very rewarding if you know how to use them.

Edited by Archonos23
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War Within was fantastic, as far as quests go. 

The musical score was great, the voice acting was cranked up a notch for the better, the choices felt weighty and the elaboration on Tenno lore was - for a lorehound like myself - delicious. 

But what on earth, or any other planet for that matter, possessed you to make Riven mods so disgusting? 

Don't misunderstand here; the concept is wonderful. Take an underpowered weapon, and give players a chance to crank the dial to max so that the weapon can see use in end-game Sortie content and, perhaps, even further.

But your implementation was downright awful. There are so many layers of RNG in this farm that I can hear RNGesus himself saying "Hey man, I'm as lost as you" while holding up hands in defeat.

1) Riven mods as Sortie rewards? Good. Why can we not, however, get a weekly quest from Teshin for a guaranteed Riven mod. Once a week isn't too horrifically often, particularly considering the good chance you have of getting absolute trash.

2) I agree that the playerbase should not be given the power to decide what weapon their Riven mod will be for. This does, however, present a unique problem insofar as getting a Riven mod for a weapon you don't own, which immediately demands additional grind on an already ridiculous grindy system.

3) Riven mods give stats both stupidly and unpredictability. No Riven mod should include a percentile damage reduction as a drawback, because at max rank the weapon becomes unusable in the extreme and if I wanted to feel that useless, I'd go play games like Amnesia. Riven mods also pick bonuses at random, giving me for example a Paracyst mod that increases my crit damage. Wonderful, that... on a 5% crit chance weapon.

When Riven mods pick stats like that, they aren't encouraging creative builds. They're demanding commitment into builds that won't work, which in turn means your Riven mod is useless - and so is your underpowered weapon that you'll still never use.

4) Reroll costs are an ungodly deterrent in their current iteration. We get it, DE, you love exponential scaling. But please, be reasonable. 

Now I'm not saying reroll costs shouldn't scale, but I don't think they should scale so hard, so fast. Mostly because Riven mods are so vastly random that nine times out of ten, you're going to be rolling useless ones. If you are going to give players absolutely no control with such a large margin of error - to the point getting even a decent one feels like winning a small lottery - then at least give us staggered incremental costs. 

Maybe a three reroll system - after every third reroll, the price increases. In this way, a player still has to deal with expensive reroll costs and the threat of them being even more pricey, but they can better assess how dedicated they want to be to that Riven mod. So, somebody one day gets a Tigress Riven? Naturally they're gonna roll it till kingdom bloody come anyway. But somebody gets a Riven mod for a well-liked gun that is used commonly, even if not designated overpowered or meta? These people now have reasons to hedge their bets with rerolling. Do they sell it on if it doesn't reroll well in the first three same-price rerolls?


Basically, your noble goal with Riven mods is undermined by the Great Wall of Warframe RNG, and you just cranked the dial up from "grindy powercreep" to "soulcrushing powerpunch-you-in-your-miserable-space-ninja-face"

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Overall, I liked the update, but there were definitely some things that I felt took away from the impact of it all. I'm a huge fan of DE and Warframe, and a lot of my friends keep up with your progress and devstreams regardless of whether they actually play, because you guys are always pushing the envelope and trying weird S#&$ and that's something sorely missing from a lot of devteams out there. So I promise, all the incoming critique is out of love. Here we go.

The Schedule

I'm not going to harp on this one too much, cause both you and the community have discussed this long enough. But I think it needs to be said just to drive the point home that the amount of deadlines that this update got pushed past definitely hampered the excitement and experience on some level for most people. Given the original size of the update, (Titania, the Index, TWW, etc.) I think if you guys had hit the original deadline people would definitely be changing their pants right now, but unfortunately what we got was a slow drag through fluctuating levels of hype for six months. Either the update needs to be announced and hype train started when you guys are just a week from being finished, or you need to reassess some of your development practices when it comes to these huge quests and updates. Or, possibly both. Generally, I would suggest always budget a third to a half-over the time you actually think it'll take to complete an update, and most importantly, don't then fill the leftover time trying to cram more stuff in. The enthusiasm in your studio is fantastic but you guys can't produce the great stuff that you do if people start leaving in frustration with something as critical as an update schedule. Meeting deadlines means keeping players which means making money which means having more flexibility with content when meeting deadlines, which means bringing in more players etc. Anyway just getting that out of the way.


The Decorating System

Probably the first and most easily accessible thing when booting up, and probably one of the most solid QoL improvements you guys have ever put out. I love it. It's clean, it's simple, it transitions in a way that makes sense, and my god does it save time and frustration. Whereas before I barely touched ship decorating, I spent nearly an hour after completing the quest just rearranging things. So not only do you have a much, much better system implemented that you should pat yourselves on the back for, but you might have actually swayed me to start buying decorations with plat just to play with it more. I know it seems silly, but this is probably one of the biggest and most-glossed-over successes of this update.

For Future Iterations: I would love to see some kind of option for a Grid Overlay on our ship, to better gauge the distance of decorations we are placing, as well as their relation to one another. Also, it would be nice to have shelves that don't require clever manipulation of the system's lack of physics. Pedestal Prime was a huge step in the right direction! Finally, more decorations as mementos from Quests would be a welcome addition. Maybe as a bonus reward for playing a Quest a second time, once that system is implemented? Just a thought.


The Graphical Improvements

Gonna be short with this one. I love the fog. It's spectacular, and looks great where it's been implemented, really bringing a new level of weight to the environment. Good work, Steve. That said, the new rain effect/filter on the Ceres defense tile feels a little... messy? Maybe I just haven't played it in a while, but it feels new and it's a little grainy for my taste.

For Future Iterations: This actually has nothing to do with the fog, it's fantastic. However, I would really, really like to see some kind of slider or adjustable levels of color correction. The initial passes were eye-gougingly intense and while you guys have gotten a lot better (and subtle) with it with recent additions and updates, there are still some areas where it just plain hurts and I have to keep it off because of that. Most notably, in ability use. Loki peeing all over my screen when he goes invisible, Rhino splattering my camera with pumpkin juice when he stomps- at the very least, it would be wonderful if we could turn that aspect of color correction off, or at least tone it down. I'd like to be able to enjoy the majority of the work you guys put in.


The War Within

Okay, the big one. Most of my complaints about this stem from one particular area, the writing, and much of it just comes from feeling like you guys just barely missed the sweet spot that would have made it perfect. Going to do this in list format to keep it readable.

- Teshin. The War Within did a really solid job of making him more interesting. Before, he was just a black dude with a neat hat, a lot of swords, and a cool voice, who was probably mysterious. Now we actually know some solid information about him, and it's just enough to leave the player curious. That said, it would have been really nice if some of this was better hinted at, if at all, before TWW. Or, at the very least, some more solid characterization. Some other quest that focused on him as a person to raise questions about his allegiance- or possibly even convince the player there was no way he could be a double agent- would have really made the shock of his "betrayal" hit home harder.

It might just be me, but as cool as Teshin was, there was such a lack of substance to him in previous quests that the plot twist held little to no weight for me. Cool dude might actually be a bad dude. Well, okay. Cool dudes being bad is pretty expected, cause bad dudes are usually pretty cool. There was also little to no basis to explain why our Operators would have a tumultuous enough relationship with the guy to talk back to him, so when my fleshbag started acting all like, "you're not my real dad!" I was just left with a raised eyebrow and wondering if I'd missed something. Maybe I have?

That said, after the quest was over, I definitely had warmed up to him as a person more, and had a desire to see more of him and find out what he's all about, especially given the implications of what exactly a Dax's origins are, from the Cephalon Fragments. Additionally, in the future, I would love to see more of the possibly-internally-conflicted mentor relationship he has with the Operator. There's lots there to explore with that concept, and I think it could really turn Teshin from Cool Black Space Dude to someone that stays cool as hell but can be incredibly endearing as well.


- The Lotus. That girl has a knack for disappearing when we need her most. Granted, okay, it was our Operator's own fault for jumping into a mysterious asteroid base with obvious jamming capabilities, but it was still a little disappointing that Space Mom didn't contribute much to one of the most important arcs of the game's story. For that reason, there's not much else to say about her. A little side-quest where we could have taken down the signal jammers to unlock additional dialogue from her while on the base and fighting the Queens would have been neat, and made a lot more sense than her suddenly being able to reach us after we kill Witchy McWormButt. Which brings me to the next point...


- The Queens. I'm not really sure how to properly describe my feelings on these two. I was disappointed, but not terribly so. I'm very used to ham in Warframe, especially Warframe villains, but they usually toe the line between ham and serious pretty well. The Queens kind of pole-vaulted over that line wearing pig suits. I think a large part of it had to do with their voices, which while fun to listen to, were really, really over the top. There was absolutely nothing dangerous about the younger Queen, in her inflections, voice modulation, appearance, or even script, whereas the older Queen was so into her role both as an actress and a character that I was cracking up. I understand that you were going for the "old hag" approach with her voice, but the high pitched intonations, cracking voice, and (admittedly fantastic) stereotypical laugh made me feel like I should have gotten my Operator ready to travel to Oz instead of the heart of an interplanetary war machine.

Like I said before, Warframe villains have always been full of ham, from Tyl Regor's ridiculous hammer puns and mocking tone, to Vay Hek's stupid potato face and over-the-top hissy fits, to Nef Anyo's southern-preacher-like proselytizing, and so on. But there's always been a little something more there, either in the way they speak or the things they say. Regor and Anyo in particular are wonderful examples of this, the former having that dark, growling undertone to all his lines, and the latter being possibly mad from exposure to the Void, but not quite enough in either direction to be sure what his motives are. Vay Hek is a nutjob and hilarious, but he's got overwhelming firepower to make him dangerous. Sargus Ruk has some of the most eye-roll worthy lines in the game, ("I will fill my lungs with your death!") but his voice carries it with enough conviction, and he throws enough fire around all over the goddamn place that you take it seriously.

The Queens just kind of laugh like caricatures and act super evil, and then ball up and hide the second they no longer have the advantage. They're supposed to be the cold, calculating minds behind the Grineer's unstoppable expansion, but when we meet them there's none of that particular substance there. I understand the Grineer are supposed to be ugly, and brutish, but there was a certain elegance and precise ruthlessness I was expecting from the baddest of the bad they had to offer; a sinister undertone to offset the over-the-top characters I knew to anticipate. Even if just in the boss fight, if the Queen herself had posed more of a direct threat, it would have knocked me off guard and made me take her more seriously in the end. As it was, she showed up, cackled her evil witchy laugh, and then we took her toys away from her and knocked her head off as she ran away cursing the Mystery Shack Kids. 

This could have been tempered by lower intonations in the voiceacting, as well. While I wasn't too fond of the thematic approach with either of their voices, if we'd gotten some lower, darker growls and the occasional disdainful spit, or more of a sign that there was something purely vicious and intelligent behind the voice cracks and nee-hee-hees, it would have played a good counter to the character's more entertaining traits. The younger Queen in general needed to be a little more emotive in her voiceacting, and a little less innocent-seeming in her dialogue. Thankfully, that seems to have been remedied a bit in the tileset transmissions during regular play. Still, it would be nice to see more from her that isn't just abusing her own troops, but a little more ruthless and cunning towards her overall goals. Otherwise, she's just a child smacking her toys together, which while that might be what you're going for it doesn't feel too much like a threat. Maybe those transmissions could update over time as she gets more of a handle on running things?

And finally, just as an aside- I wasn't too big a fan of their visual designs, either, though I did like the general direction you guys went in. The freaky naga-design of the older Queen definitely caught me by surprise, and the younger one is sufficiently creepy. However, again, there isn't anything terribly threatening about either of them, just weird and a little unsettling. If that was the route you wanted to go in, mountains of ham and bombastic voices probably weren't a good match.

In the end, there's nothing there that convinces me that the maniacal, power-hungry likes of Vay Hek, Tyl Regor, Sargas Ruk, or Captain Vor would follow these two Queens for very long. The only thing I could see standing between them and turning a sickly old snake lady and a child jester into paste would be a fear of Teshin, which, admittedly, makes a lot of sense. If that was all intentional, then I'm very excited to see what happens to the Grineer power structure now that he is no longer under their control.


-The Operator. I'll be honest. I didn't really like the addition of the Operator and how they were implemented in The Second Dream, beyond simply finding them. Suddenly playing something/someone with an actual face, a voice different from my own, and limited dialogue choices took me out of the game a little bit, especially when they started speaking to me during gameplay. It changed the experience's perspective from first person to second or third, essentially. I would not have snapped at Teshin calling me a child, nor would I have talked back to the Lotus in such a petulant way. All in all, I wouldn't have approached the events of The War Within with anywhere near the amount of anger and impatience that my Operator seemed to project. It took me out of the experience as a player considerably, opting to set me in more of a viewing role than a role playing one. Obviously, the direction of the game is yours to decide, but I prefer and enjoy the latter far more than the former. One way to offset this would be to add more dialogue choices when it comes to reacting to simple stuff, such as the examples mentioned before. Another would be to shift the primary perspective from the Operator to that of the Warframe. They seem half-sentient- perhaps we, the players, are the Warframes, giving refuge to the Operators? It would be an interesting narrative to approach, but maybe not necessarily a satisfying one for a lot of players.


Transference/Kuva/Riven Mods

I consider these three things to be one point, since it seems fairly clear that, for the most part, Kuva and Riven Mods were added to give the Transference mechanic a little more weight and something to do. Or perhaps it was the other way around? Either way, I don't mind it so much but there are some pretty big problems with it that I feel are worth mentioning.

- Transference/The Operator Spoilers. Transference is cool. The concept is neat. But Warframe is a game that doesn't put walls up by mastery rank, and now not only do we have the Focus system spoiling a major plot point for new players, but Transference compounds the issue on a whole new level. Part of the charm of Warframe, originally, was the mystery of who and what we were. I strongly feel that this mystery could have been preserved for new players up until The Second Dream, had the Focus system used a more distorted visual for its activation, or an entirely different one. Now, that becomes an impossibility with Transference. That's not to say that I dislike the mechanic. I like it a lot, in fact. But I worry that the weight of certain revelations are going to be lost on newcomers, and the experience for fresh blood is what keeps it around. Spoiling the big plot twists by having little kids pop out of the Warframes of veteran players and run around before they even have a chance to start asking questions might wind up doing more harm than good in the long run.

That said, it's a thing now so I'd like to see it used for more interesting gameplay elements, be it hijacking robotic enemies to scope out rooms undetected, or using the void to disable the new invincible scanners in the Kuva Fortress for a time. Maybe they can become a conduit for the "universal powers" a subset of the fans have been clamoring for? There's a lot of potential here, I just wish it didn't spoil so many great revelations that I got to experience, for newbies.


- Kuva/The Siphoning Minigame. I enjoy it. That's about all I can say. Gets to be a little bit of a clusterfuck sometimes when playing solo, but I chalk that up more to my needing to adapt than the mechanic itself. The new enemies are pretty fun to fight, but it's a little difficult to see the Kuva clouds unless you know to look for them. I failed the first couple of runs I did because I had no idea what was going on or what to look for, until I checked the wiki.


- Riven Mods. Going to withhold judgment on these until a couple more balance passes have gone through, but I really do wonder how the heck you guys are going to rebalance the game now. The stat modifications on these are insane and the RNG aspect of them seems like a step backwards. There's also little to no indication of where the heck they even came from. They seem to be tied to some mysterious new Cephalon, but there were almost no hints as to their or his existence for the entirety of the Quest we received our first one from. They really seemed to come out of left field and that's the main reason I wonder if they were just added to give our new leash-less Operators something to do in the form of the Kuva minigame.

I'd definitely like to see a heavy weighting pass to stats and requirements, as my partner has already unlocked two in a row that had some frustrating prerequisites (level 30+ defense, pod takes no damage, level 30+ interception with Hobbled key) and gotten a mod that increases crit damage on a weapon that has no crit stat, and decreases recoil on a bow. I'm not sure how to phrase it other than to say that that experience kind of feels like a big troll on the part of DE, and after watching it happen it's definitely made me just ignore my Riven mod collection altogether. I don't want to bother doing the bizarre challenges attached if I'm just going to get +157% crit chance but -300 googles% accuracy on the Cernos or something. I haven't checked it out since the hotfix, so maybe it's better now, but I do have to wonder why they were released the way they were despite so many delays to the project as a whole. With the update so far behind, this was really something that needed to be closer to perfect if it was going to be part of the experience.


The New Weapons

Only one I've had a chance to try so far is the Broken Scepter, and it's fun. Love the new orb-generating mechanic, and the stats are nice. Staves really need a stance that is less jerky in its animations, though. I highly suggest looking at Chinese and Indian staff fighting katas and techniques, as they tend to be more flowery and graceful than a lot of Japanese and Western European martial art systems when it comes to staves/spears. I don't know much about Philippine martial arts when it comes to the staff, but that might also be a good place to look as I know Arnis has a heavy emphasis on flowing movements. 

I'll post more as I get a chance to try out the others.


Invasion/Sortie/Alert Changes

I like them!


Anyway that's my wall of text. Congratulations if you made it to the bottom! I'll add more as it comes to me, but this was the big stuff I've been thinking about for the last couple days since playing. Again, for those of you from DE who're reading, it's all out of love. It took a while for Warframe to hook me but now it's my main jam and I really want to see it and the studio succeed and keep fulfilling your weird-&#! ideas. Hopefully the critique I've been able to provide gives some good food for thought. Thanks for reading!


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On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 7:26 AM, Amarsir said:

Question for the devs: Do you guys just like hate your jobs or something?

I'm just trying to understand. You were hired to make a Space Ninja Combat game, and it's pretty fun. But then I guess the boss wasn't looking one day so you figured "Finally, I can make that Astroids game I really wanted!" And that's how we got Archwing.

And then the boss went on vacation or something so someone said "Sweet, time to make a 3d platformer!" And now secret bonus rooms on Lua are @(*()$ mandatory.

Is that why this is called "The War Within"? Because inside the company you're fighting against your job descriptions?

This sucks. I'm really pissed that I have to waste time standing on random platforms on Lua just to partake in a little combat. I've never seen any development studio make it so hard for their customers to do the thing they installed the game to do.

Couldn't agree more. I loathe everything in this game that isn't space ninja combat. And they keep adding more.

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13 minutes ago, GhostlightX said:

Couldn't agree more. I loathe everything in this game that isn't space ninja combat. And they keep adding more.

I can appreciate that mandatory non-combat focused things are awful. And, to be honest, I agree. I absolutely agree that mandatory content for Warframe should remain on the key focus of Warframe, which is the combat.

I will entirely disagree and contest the idea, however, that any content not related to space ninja content needs to be either gotten rid of, or never added again. I don't want them to be mandatory, but I enjoy them and would like them to exist because it means, in the event I want to play Warframe but feel like trying to do a puzzle or challenge room, I can just go and do that. It means that when me and my friends decide we want to farm one of those mods from a Lua challenge room, we can go and do that and we can enjoy the cooperative experience of us all either absolutely failing at our jobs or the success of managing to complete some of the more difficult ones.

Should it be mandatory? No.

Should the developers never work on it again because all you want to do is fight things? Also no.

Which means, last I checked, the developers are still doing their jobs just fine. Your personal dislike of less than 10% of the game does not qualify you or anybody else to say they aren't doing their job. Your personal dislike of less than 10% of the game being mandatory for quests like War Within or junctions because it's less than 10% of the game and not the focus of it, however, is completely valid.

Please learn to be constructive.

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On the subject of riven mods I think some of the penalties should be revisited so they are not so harsh to make the mod practically unusable. Also please relook at the unveiling requirements. Some of them are very frustrating and not fun (multiple headshots in one aim glide; simaris captures while hobbled without powers or traps; high level defense without any damage to the defense target solo and without energy restoring; etc).

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Overall the cutscenes looked good in the new quest as well as the new tileset and volumetric lighting but, the quest itself just felt like an exaggerated tutorial for using the operator whose only function is to farm kuva.

Also, the riven mods are complete trash.

Please fix current game mechanics before adding new ones, thanks.

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This will be my first post and maybe my last. Also, I don't know what to put this.

I played this game when it came out on XBOX ONE and it was hard to understand what is going on and I played it for a week and that was that.

I see the game keep getting updates and today I update this title and it was a massive file.

When I played it almost everything has changed and it was for the better. Almost everything made sense. The galaxy system, the active quest, even when you see to do to order to get a blueprint.

If the Developers are reading this I can say I am very impressed and happy how this was taken care of. You have won my time to play this game.

You should tell the team they did an outstanding job on keeping this title alive, unlike some games that are a full price.

Thank you very much

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Stealth nerf... why, oh why...

I am so angry with the corpse sensory and nullifer can fell their bubble shrinking...
so many hard earned stealth multiplier can easily gone like that...

Why destroying solo player trying to farm focus, don't even tell me the Convergence orb 45 seconds was so good idea with the corpse sensory thing now.

I don't see any reasoning to do any focus farming now.

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First, big thumps up. Great work. I like the quest and the new fatanstic tileset. I'm not quite sure what to think about the operator mechanic, but I think the focus system will soon interact with it.

Great Update. All together I give TWW a 7/10. Why only 7?

Riven mods. While I would gladly see more weapon variety and older weapons more used, I absolutly despise (like really despise) RNG-generated loot. I hope DE reworks the system to give us mods without variable stats which can be aquired in a reasonable time, so we can finish a weapon and go to the next old weapon.


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In the fight against Teshin, I believe you guys should put a Damage Cap on how much we can damage him per hit, many times I've seen people end the battle in 2-3 hits. I dont think it should end that fast, it would be better for the fight to last for a while as if to show Teshin's mastery.

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7 minutes ago, Venom-Snake said:

In the fight against Teshin, I believe you guys should put a Damage Cap on how much we can damage him per hit, many times I've seen people end the battle in 2-3 hits. I dont think it should end that fast, it would be better for the fight to last for a while as if to show Teshin's mastery.

Teshins attack moves could also use a bit more variety, now that you mention it. All I got was block and dashing.

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Things I like:

the worm, who is adorable!

riven mods, which revitalized grakata, ogris, braton, and panthera for me.

new tiles and enemies and weapons

things I don't like:


the whole plot was an idiot plot, requiring everyone to be really stupid to happen the way it did. It's like an onion, which is each new layer showing another idiot.

having to use my operator to fight kuva guards (even though I don't mind jumping into kuva clouds)

kuva costs escalating with each riven reroll, and some challenges, head shot kills while aimgliding in a single aim glide in particular 


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On 11/14/2016 at 0:17 AM, Jussler said:

Riven mods are an embodiment of very major flaws of the game. Potentially extremely overpowered mods that are locked behind RNG to get the mods, performing repititive/frustrating tasks to unlock the mod, and farming an RNG reliant resource which you need to reroll the completely random stats of the weapon and the reroll cost increases with each reroll. Then to add to this, these mods are available for the most overpowered weapons in the game (Tonkor, Synoid Simulor) to buff them even further into god tier. RNG behind RNG behind RNG behind RNG that makes overpowered weapons even more overpowered. I don't know how anyone at DE could have a look at these mods and greenlight them. Apparently they are meant so that you go back to 'old, underpowered' weapons, but who would need to touch any other weapon when you have a mod like this for the gun that is already the most powerful in the game?


How is this mod okay?


DE is always talking about reducing the grind and removing 'mandatory' mods. These mods show the opposite intentions, they just made something even more mandatory than serration and locked it behind a massive grindwall.

Riven mods are not OK. They are yet another band aid to put off a Rebalance for a dying game. Rather than Damage 3.0, we got bandaid 3.0.

Want to make less popular weapons more useful? Fix your game instead of piling on multiple layers of RNG, Limiting out store of mods and locking the mods behind your God awful, over scaled, bullet sponge cheese fest Sorties. Sorties aren't fun, because your game is broken. If they were fun, you wouldn't have to constantly lock all of your new and increasingly terible ideas behind them, in order to entice people back to them.

We wanted end game. Instead, more RNG, more forced Archwing. More bandaids. Your claim!s about reducing grind are now exposed as outright lies. Ample time has passed; grind has gotten worse. And you just continue tossing ever more half baked, poorly designed, un tested systems onto the heap.

I thought this dev stream might, FINALLY, have brought an honest, oops we screwed up moment. Something to turn this game!e around.

Instead, it's just made me even happier I left. I think it's finally time to quit hoping..




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Good update. But as some of the peeps before me said - kuva is a wasted opportunity to make players actually play the new tileset. I love the kuva fortress. It looks, sounds and feels AWESOME. I LOVE IT. But aside from my addiction to survivals which makes me play Taveuni a lot, I don't use that tileset at all. And that is a real shame for it is a very beautiful tileset. So please, make kuva appear in the kuva fortress from specialized enemies, crank up the siphon chance on that tileset and make us play your wonderful fortress more - with a solid reason to go there.

I ain't too concerned about riven mods at this point as they aren't impactful enough yet to really say they'd ruin the balance of the game. However they sure ruin player's platinum account balances as I've read more than once that riven mods have been sold for 1k+ platinum. If they get nerfed, players gonna be MAD I tells ya.

Other than that I do have no complaints. But please, one more thing: give me more energy while I'm in operator mode. I can understand that the low HP has its reason but the energy could be a biiiit higher. It's great that it's regenerating an' all but sometimes it's just not enough. Aside from kuva siphons there never is a solid reason to play as the operator. I'd say challenge yourself playing missions entirely as the operator but the low energy kinda defeats the possibility of that. If I had more energy with a bit faster regen I could try myself at playing missions as the operator for a challenge. Right now everything not being low lvl exterminates is impossible - which is a shame. I want to put your latest operator addition to use!

Edited by Tyrhal
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