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[TWW] General Feedback


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Alright, so after having some time to process everything that we have learned I have to say that I really enjoyed the update (This is discounting all bugs, being fair here there were a few and I still keep on falling through the map when going back and forth between the new ability given to us).  I feel like DE's storytelling ability has gotten a bit more refined, while it didn't evoke the full on tears like: The Second Dream, I did end up feeling emotionally invested which is hard for me to do with any video game.

If I were to rate this update, give it a arbitrary number I will use The Second Dream as a measuring stick  (I gave TSD 8/10).  The War Within from me at least gets a 9/10, and I am loathed to give anything a 10/10 because nothing is perfect (bugs for instance).

My main hope for this, once you have time to work on Focus a bit more would be to somehow incorporate Focus into this.  I have a few ideas just for a general concept which I feel would be personally interesting.


Investing into Madura could allow the tenno's abilities to deal more damage with the LMB attack and the pressing E could increase the I,P,S (Impact, Puncture, Slash) damage of all nearby Warframes.

Investing in Vazarin could allow the Tenno to heal allies and give them overshields with the LMB attack, or even heal their Warframe too.  Maybe instead of E being a pulse blast that deals damage it could give additional armor to a warframe for a minute or two.

Zenurik could allow the Tenno to directly siphon energy off of their warframe into another (with the same restrictions as Energy Vampire) and pressing E could utilize the effects of Void Pulse.

Unaru could utilize the Basilisk Flare while also dealing respectable damage to the enemy and the E button could reduce Enemy armor for a short time Via Mighty blows.

Naramon could deal extra damage if hitting a enemy in the back or head with LMB, and hitting E could Grant the effects of Cloaking Aura.  Using the Stealth mode (LCtrl) could either be free or at 50% greater efficiency.


However, I feel like you guys knocked it out of the park again and showed me that my (and everyone's) investments go to a good cause (I'm pretty sure 90% of all profits are spent on Coffee for everyone working at DE, lol)

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[ Post contains spoilers for the War Within story quest ]

@sulusdacor First of all, thank you for the read! It's always pleasing to see someone really going into detailed feedback on the count of their experience (even though many have already complained about being forced to scroll through it in order to avoid it - maybe best to put it under a spoiler?). You have offered some brilliant points and some could be classified in separate feedback thread categories available for community discussion and potential additions. The rest? Yes, I'm certain many could agree with the tiny annoyances you've mentioned, such as the unexpected mismatch between the Operator's statements and actions. On top of which, just as with the focus selection, not much detail was given about what the player was actually doing when making choices. One of the more common community questions are just that - "what does it affect?"
Seeing the forums, there are a lot of people with ideas for riven mod reworks. Some of the stated sounds incredibly rational and the general community dissatisfaction with how they "work" might indicate a possible future rework. Alas, it's best to wait for the creation of a megathread for the topic. Once that's done, you should definitely add your piece of mind in it.

Now, as for the general feedback, I will keep this very brief and solely related to critical additions, since most of what felt inconveniencing was already pointed out.

- Scepter looks and acts exactly the same whether it's used or broken.
At least the choices made could be displayed in a cosmetic manner if not actual abilities of the weapon (or Operator). And hey, if/when the quest is made replayable, perhaps allow us to obtain the different version of the scepter.

- Operator ability interface.
It does not exist. There is no way of knowing the duration of abilities unless specifically counted, which can prove as bothersome in the heat of the battle. It's already been proven, during kuva siphon missions, that such a thing is needed outside of the story quest itself. From listed abilities at least in form of icons (as is for the warframe abilities), to the timer or bar portraying where we stand upon using said abilities.

- Clarification on how to defeat certain enemies.
A lot of people, including myself even, had difficulties understanding what exactly Teshin meant when he attempted to guide us through the final battle.
While it is not uncommon for this game to offer a certain system for defeating enemies and expecting us to learn it through a series of failures or asking a third party, be it a friend or the internet browser, the more steps this system requires, the more difficult it will be to execute without counselling. One way to deal with this is to add a few lines in the in-game Codex, describing the exact procedure. Another - adding it to the mission interface, as was nicely done with the story quest's hints on how to use void energy as the operator. Allow the player to turn it off if they get annoyed with it, but make it available regardless.
This paragraph, while inspired by seeing players suffer figuring out how to harvest kuva, can address pretty much any more complex enemy encounter in the game. Lotus' dialogue for the battle with sentients on Lua was a step in the right direction, but the guidelines can still be refined. More foolproof.

I do not want to remind of this, but it's a proven fact that the larger the community is, the less you have the right to expect everyone to have common sense and the willingness or ability to deal with things intelligently and/or on their own.


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6 hours ago, Nurmetya said:

Broken Scepter, biggest complaint would be having to stand there like a lump "capturing" a corpse for 25 energy/hp while leaving my arse open to retaliation by well anything with a deep hatred of the player, Warframe is a lot like Australia where everything but the grass wants you dead. Not sure on how to adjust that though so I guess this could just be ignored for now.

They could make it more like Nekros where health/energy randomly pops up when desecrate/despoil is active. 

The amount of times I don't have an option to 'capture' the corpse because there is no corpse due to attacking it with channelling active almost makes the current press x approach pointless. 

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Feedback in spoiler

KUVA - Kuva siphon is RNG-related. There's Kuva Fortress, where the 2 queen are 'farming' these. Why not add Kuva resources cache in kuva fortress? or make sabotage mission to sabotage this kuva storage (all resources need a storage, right?). Kuva in normal mission pull'ed by kuva siphon are sometime invisible.

Kuva fortress - You know those fortress scanners? yes those. If you trigger any of those scanners, the fortress will deploy these turrets which fires at a insane rate of fire. Melting any frame instantly. (even if Loki on #2). DE, pls change these turrets or defense of the fortress to something less hit-scan.

Riven mods - Atm, there's rifle riven. Meaning, there's other primary, Secondary and Melee riven and possible Warframe Riven mod. DE pls change the riven mod in sortie to [Riven Mod], where on selection of reward of a riven mod, will be either Rifle/ Shotgun/etc to Melee & Secondary. These Riven mod are suppose to be some-sort of end game.

New #5 - DE, with the new #5 function, does this mean... Stalker (old or new) will have the ability to temporary disable Tenno' Warframe (kicking operator out) and therefore personally killing the operator? (Ending operator life/ instant death)

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Graphical improvements

Just plain awesome. Steve & team really hit it home and I was really glad the start of the first TWW quest didn't contain enemies so I could just gawk at the surroundings. Seriously, extremely well done.

The quest

Only just completed the new quest yesterday. It was pretty darn  cool. It ties quite a few things together that we already knew/suspected. I was pretty convinced Teshin was a Dax before TWW due to him claiming he "failed" the Orokin and being a pretty badass warrior, so him being loyal to the Queens, who we knew to be Orokin (even though it was forced) didn't blow my mind (the way in which everything went down, of course, I couldn't have suspect or expected). Learning more about the Zariman was neat as well.

Story wise there's a few remarks I have though:

  • The continuing demonisation of the Orokin is a bit disappointing. Sure we know they weren't exactly "nice" folks, but the extent to which it goes in TWW is kinda...well, disappointing. I had hoped for a bit more subtlety there than them all literally possessing your children to gain immortality. If the Queens had somehow been special cases in that respect that'd have worked for me (maybe due to now lacking access to whatever the Orokin used before), but it's made pretty clear by Teshin that the same applied to the other Orokin (including, one must assume, Margulis). Teshin could of course have been lying but at that point why the hell would he?
  • Moreover given that the Orokin apparently just switched bodies to become immortal makes one wonder how other beings that were around back during the Old War stayed alive, Teshin comes to mind, but also the Stalker's operator (since he's been awake ever since the Tenno rebellion). For the (player) Tenno it's easily explained due to them having been in cryo until the Lotus awoke them during Vor's Prize. For other entities, not so much. On that note, Lotus herself (itself?) seems self-evident as she's basically a Sentient, and thus a machine. Maybe the Dax are a form of Sentient? Doesn't explain Stalker though, unless the Warframe itself gained sentience somehow. Maybe we'll find out in the next quest.

Mechanics-wise I think most has been said, I thought the Operator sections were nice challenges though a bit more of an explanation of what was expected would at some points have been nice (and made for a less frustrating experience). Subtitles for Teshin during the Queens fights would also have been good to have as I had to actually look up what I needed to do since I couldn't understand him.


I'm not sure how I feel about "Operator mode", for me the game has always been about the Warframes and until now I could mostly ignore my Operator. As far as I was concerned they were nice to have for lore purposes but I'm conflicted about how I feel about them becoming gameplay elements. It seems that for now we can mostly ignore them though.

One thing I'd really like is the ability to split Operator mode and focus activation to separate keybindings, the long press thing is just annoying. It might be a necessity for controllers, but as a "master race" player I have 100+ keys on my keyboard, so please let me use them. I would even go as far as to suggest putting the Operator mode on 6 for PC, as an added bonus this avoids the confusion about "where did my focus ability go" we've been seeing quite a lot of since TWW release.

I will admit that being able to walk around the ship as my Operator is kinda nice (also Saryn is big compared to a human, yo!) and contrary to other people I'd prefer if it were restricted to "intimate" places (Liset + Dojo) as I doubt the Tenno would want to broadcast the truth to the outside world.

Riven mods

Here I'm afraid I have very little positive to say.

This system adds a bunch of things nobody wanted (quite the contrary: more RNG, more power creep. Just no. No. NO! NOOOOOO!!!) while not fixing things people did want fixed (Sorties still require you to do all three missions).

For now a good roll on these mods isn't necessary for anything, so it would be too easy to just leave it as is and claim they aren't necessary, but due to their addition there's no way to fix powercreep without making good rolls on these things mandatory in the long run.

If anything please make fixed Riven mods instead of randomly generating them (in which case they'd just be weapon specific Corrupted mods, which is OK I guess), but if that's not an option then please just scrap the entire thing and go back to the drawing board (which, honestly would be my suggestion)

I'm really sorry, but I don't see this ending well :(


Edited by marelooke
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1- Quest is pretty boring. I like playing my frame, not the ugly guy form the back room. Also the skill 5 is clunky as hell. 

2- Hated how the new mods work. That kind RNG doesn't fit this game. Having a cap to how many mods I can carry is also lame, since I like collecting things. Revamp needed.

3- Been playing this game for only 3 weeks and loving it. That update makes me feel like I am starting to play the game in the very moment it turns in the wrong directon.

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 synthesie a target, without using traps/abilites, without taking damage and while having the hobbeled dragon key eqquiped

Solo is use target RUNNER is melee and play M Prime on Mercury. use IGNIS attack pass though wall.

take care for toxic area when some infest die.

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i think i know now what the troubles with the controling the operator in tww was, 5 is normally activating the focus-powers and i think the game or servers tried to bridge smth and it simply didnt function in time, neither the focus which  isnt active in the quest nor the transference clear because there is smth else on the 5 button, and game and client needed time to "find it out"

as i tried hard to chop the kuvas i have had really superstrange expiriences, 24 hours (with breaks) until a clanmember played this part of the mission with his xbox-controller or however he managed it ...

anyway, what i expirienced a lot of times too was that the operator jumped instead of he dashed, means smth with control and space together doesnt work too, i hitted it the same time, maybe i missed sometimes BUT how can a developer use a button which is allready used according to 5, i was never able to leave the frame in time and dash in time

cant understand that

i found it out now as i tried to activate the focus powers in a sortie mission which leaded me straight to death because i wasnt really aware about that i left the frame and because of the "little stress" which is in the missions in sorties =)))

anyway - i will go now and check where the focus button is descripted and i will change it to smth else


the keyboard settings tell me the 5 is E = energy 5

it would be great if i can get a clear description how to use focuspowers and how to use transference because  ... =/

i made a screenshot options/controls

i can not see what is "transference" neither can i identify what is "activating focuspowers", DE, can you help me pls ?

i would like to play warframe XD



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1. Quest is nice and all and I enjoyed it for the most part storywise (except the twin Queens looking nothing at all like Orokin (except the golden eyes which looked more like a yellowish glow), they look way to grineerish for my taste).

Some bug concerning unlocking certain Lisetdoors nearly kept me from playing the rest of the quest and the above 10 repetitions of the intro weren't that beneficial to my mood but whatever in the end it worked.


2. The Graphics are absolutley stunning, same goes for the Theater and the Kuva Fortress.


What I find kind of annyoing is the small size of our frames, they look smaller than Teshin in the quest. Standing in the relays beside him it appears that we are slightly larger, but I'd wish that the frames would be like 2m in height, or in general a head taller than the normlas human NPC's (guards in the relays etc.) Compared to enemies the size could stay the same, but especially in quests it would look much better with a larger frame...

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I enjoyed the quest but honestly, the section with the 'Ravenous Maw' was far more difficult than it should have been. Please please make that thing slower to catch you, as my friends and I are tearing our hair out trying to escape it and it severely breaks the immersion of the mission.

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the fact that you cannot use the Void energy as the operator on controller (no mapping for controller) quite much ruins the whole new system for everyone who uses controller.

it is a big oversight from DE not to actually test if the key mapping works or not, and it is not even a new thing... they never check key mapping when they make something new (at least it really does not look like it).

Fix this so i can actually use the buttom mapped for hold to crouch to use the void energy. 

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I want to praise DE for the great questline, it was really difficult to make something that could stand with the masterpiece that The Second Dream was (and is). My feedback comes from the new mods implemented in this update. My thoughts and advice are resumed in this forum thread which I do not want to copy/paste to keep the post clean. Special kudos to weirdichigo, the kind sir I quote in that thread.


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I want to know more about the paths that every person took (Me and 2 friends made an experiment with the paths so I took the white one,one friend took the neutral one and the other friend the dark one). What will happen next ?

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The quest narrative is decent, the mechanics introduced are horrific: poorly explained, non existent operator ui.

The quest is also really, really buggy, as I just completed the final fight, the exit door didn't open, one CTD and annoyed relog later, I'm at the start of the fight again with the added bonus that the mobs are now immune to the operator stun and dash. You really need a proper QA section.

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It's a little hard to grab to whole update in one post but still...
Story is amazing in it's own,"no Second dream shocking" , way;going through the hardships to finally arrive at the point 0 leaving the past behind and looking to the future we will write.
Even though the whole quest felt a little short it was this kind of satisfying short, slower pace leaving me with time to actually think about everything happening around me. The "black&white" system is a really good idea giving a certain weight to our decisions but it needs to have an actual meaning otherwise it'll end up being a little decoration and nothing more...speaking about decorations...finally our operator is more than just a doll (Oh! right doll...give us more hairstyles PLS) but there needs to be more interaction available. Something like another room in the orbiter for us to decorate and personalize, letting us enter dojo in our operator form(I am talking about dojo exclusively beacuse walking as operator still makes us more vulnerable and dojo is quite a secure place), talking with ordis or lotus on daily basis, operator making remarks on the weapons, frames etc:. stored in a so much needed chamber with all our arsenal.

As for the other aspects.
Weapons will always have their pros and cons and it's in the hands of the pros to actually take their time testing them.
Once again music was amazing and so damn immersive, making me feel kind of disappointed about the lack of soundtrack.
I love Warframe graphics and TWW's no different but it needs to be pointed out that some shadows and light effects especially on the operator look creepy at the times. 

The only downside to this expansion is the way kuva is gathered it's way to frustrating stripping it from any fun left in the grind.

PS. One last thing. Next expansions need to be added faster to finally give both the story and gameplay it's CONTINUITY (really bad pun intended).
Still, keep going for the quality.

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