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Coming Soon: Spoiler-Heavy Devstream #83!


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We know that the War Within went through many rewrites, what are some of the things you had planned to include in the war within? I remember at one point you mentioned that Captain Vor was going to be involved in the war within. Perhaps you could release some of the variations of the script, show us some of the creative writing process?

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1.Will the mastery system get a rework to fit the new playable operator feature or will we get operator mods?

2.With the new syndicate mission update can we expect new rewards like operator customization(aka red veil helmet)?

3.When is the new ash rework coming out?



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I would like to offer a few suggestion and questions.

-Fragment reward(s) possibility when collecting all.

People wanted a bobble head type cephalon fragment for their ship but I'd like a display that looks like a fragment shape.

Since unlocking all fragments get you the picture that can be used in your ship on the displays. It would give us a chance to see what the displays can do and might entice people to buy them or the pack.

- Sentinels revives

Regen it does work but the problem is it revives so fast after its death its almost unnoticeable.

The mod could be changed to one of the following or a combination of them:

  • You could have it revive by time based
  • You could have it revive on command when you need it on out of harms way.
  • You could have it revive by a life counter like we do.

You could also add the following to the game if you do not like the idea of changing the mod.

  • You could have it revive by Ordis in gear. And he could say a catch phrase that is fix or something?
  • You could revive it by a ship that will bring back pets and sentinels by a timer like health supply/turret/alarms/bombing runs

-Character customization

Can the eye-guard be worn on the left eye too? Or is it purely only for the right eye? Can all character customization be swappable left and right side.

-Health conversion/energy conversion errors

They both suffer from the same errors from time to time, check link. Has came back after the war within, and with using "5" (dont what to spoil anything) it screws with the value of cubes you have when you and when going back to warframe it resets the values to a negative number for example -3x which removes any chance of surivival (in health conversion) and any power strength (in energy conversion)

-Token system

What has happened to the token system?


Was it scrapped when you implemented the "Check system" Will Maroo sever any purpose in the future?

-Codex missing mods (Finally added in, Thank you)

  • Meteor Crash
  • Nebula Bore
  • Astral Slash
  • Comet Blast
  • Quasar Drill
  • Zodiac Shred

-Opened relic reward screen

When we finish the void fissure it would be nice if we had the ducat value attached with the item or rarity.

-Archwing focus orbs

On 2016-08-04 at 11:43 PM, JacquesTheBitter said:

I've noticed that we can apply a focus lens on archwing or archwing weapons. But I couldn't find any focus orbs during a mission which makes it almost useless to place a lens on archwings.

Is there any plan to make the focus orb available for archwing mission? If not I'd like to kindly request the developers to make it possible to get as much focus as the ground missions on archwing ones. 

And focus ability available for archwing missions maybe?

focus orbs available for archwing missions?

-Sliver grove ending missing

On 2016-08-20 at 9:09 PM, TrueHawkEye said:

I got nothing to show but if you look at mutiple youtube videos the ending of the silver grove is missing Ordis starts talking and out of no where the inbox opens and auto plays the transmission and I would like to know what Ordis said. I know I can't redo the quest but is it possible to have the text transcript for what he said?

not my footage, see the videos for what i am talking about





-Sentinels for new players quest


· Reviewing the new player experience we realized that Sentinels are incredibly useful, but there's no real tutorial that teaches players how to use them.

· We're implementing a quest that will also introduce a new Sentinel for players to get to know.

· The new Sentinel is more defensive in nature.

Quote pulled from https://warframe.com/news/devstream-71-overview

-Nekros shadow of the dead problems

  • Their is a problem when spawning a scavenger drone it will steal all the resources on the map from you
  • Their is a problem with the sentinel overspray you can not tell what circle is friendly and which ones will hurt you. If they could gave their orbs colored like our energy it would help.
  • Their is a problem when spawning a Hyekka master, the hyekka's that are summoned are not marked by your shadow ability.
  • There has not been an event (up to now) where nekros shadows of the dead ability is accessible or use-able during the events (power not available).


-Will add more later when I can find my notes.

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You worked hard to rework the void system to save us from the painful RNG and you even reworked it again so it wouldn't feel like a mini game.

Now why do riven mods focus even heavier on RNG and has that mini game feeling problem too?

Also, How about enhancing the new operator transference abilities using the focus system?

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Why don't rivens modify base stats?  Why don't rivens have modifiers specific to the weapon types they modify?  Why don't rivens have actually interesting and creative modifiers rather than just ordinary % stat modifications?  Why can't we choose what weapon our riven is for?  Why can't we lock in desirable traits when rerolling a riven?  Are we getting kuva refunds for the proposed changes?  Are Riven reroll counters getting reset?  When are you ever going to fix the bugs in the raids (more people would run them if they weren't S#&$ shows of bad coding!)

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Hey, I just wanted to ask if there are plans for the decisions of TWW to have any later effects like Focus for example and if the quest will be replayable?

During the quest i unfortunately dropped out of one mission and had to alt+f4 out of another one because the Kuva Guard got stuck and couldn't be interacted with in any way. These two mission were automatically completed which you already fixed in a recent hotfix but it made me a bit frustrated since I was totally exited to play them.

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1. thanks for the update

2. That infested room..when will it be? early next year or part of the next cinematic update? (is the infested frame gonna ship together with this one?..just wondering.)

3. Will there be a possibility to have  frames on display on our ship(like those times in devstream where you display upcoming skins one by one) ? Or those display make it the custom loadouts so that we could just walk right at it and press at it and equip that loadout instantly..

Edited by sird
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Hi DE,

Considering the demand for it, have you had any experimentation with a first person mode? Admittedly something like this sounds odd considering the parkour and flips in this game but perhaps a context based camera which zooms out to third person during parkour, and returns to first person on ground could work.


Edited by Adin_Sincube
Bad Grammar.
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Dear DE developers/Space Mom

I know this topic has probably been drilled in to the floor and all the way through China, no joke intended at all here, but I'm wondering if there is a definite date on Excalibur Umbra, how close are you guys to getting it finished, and if it'll be released this year. I know this has probably been asked many times before and I don't expect this to be answered. I started out with Excalibur when I first hopped on to Warframe and immediately fell in love with the frame. Granted, I didn't know about the buff he had when it came to swords so my first weapons were a Bo Staff, Paris and Kunai. Anyways, I've taken a fondness to the frame and I'm eager for the future of this frame. I'm sure I'm not the only one curious about all of this but I'd feel better with more information about this mystery that is Excalibur Umbra or at least something that gives us an idea of how soon we should expect this frame to prowl the void. 

Thank you for your consideration on this matter. 




PS. Excalibro FTW #MasterRaceExcalibur

PPS. Any sneak peaks on what the mysterious Excalibur Umbra will look like? 

Edited by Avian117
Forgot to ask something
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Archwing and Archweapon Slot Limitations

Telling us about the limitation on Archwing gear and slots to be bought for platinum 11 hotfixes into Specters of the Rail was NOT a solution to disingenuously sneaking it in without adequate, fair forewarning in the first place.

What do you intend to do to give players a fair compensation or opportunity to acquire the free slots they could and often would have had grandfathered in if given proper notice of the change?



Previously Unanswered Questions:

Polarisation and Forma

Q: Separate to the issue of relevelling after Forma use, will there be any change to Forma and Polarisation to avoid 'wasted' forma in future?

A lot of posters seem to bemoan the lack of Forma drops, while some like myself rarely end up using it at all because of the downsides of removing build flexibility. Is there any chance of a Polarisation quality of life change so we don't have to suffer our obsolete polarity builds when balance changes and new mods happen? Body Count and Blood Rush gave melees more reason to want Madurai slots, while the upcoming removal of 'mandatory' base damage and multishot mods might ruin heavily Madurai polarised guns. Times change, and while we have to relevel our gear for every Forma we use, even if less in the proposed new Mastery Rank relevance change, making our efforts, our time and our resources wasted is not a satisfying element of the game.

Here's my original thread on the subject and a solution, with more discussion from another player's similar suggestion here.

Another thread here as well. Threads keep popping up about new Forma, better Forma, different Forma on a regular basis. The system needs overhauling.

Now: We have 'lower limit' modding capacity, making it more comfortable to level weapons by using them after Forma.

However, some still recognise that there's a bigger issue than just "when do I get to use a polarised item again". The growing mod load with Primed and other high-drain mods demands a lot out of our very limited drain, as often do Sorties for most weapons to perform adequately. The user-unfriendliness of polarisation impacts negatively on flexibility and fun, and I doubt I'm the only one who tends not to use it where possible to not lock myself out of half my mod collection.


Q: Is there a possibility of a more significant ammo rework to fix bugs and aid balance of several weapon classes?

With static ammo pickups and certain restrictions, high ammo consumption weapons often fall short, not in raw DPS which they compete evenly in, but because they just can't keep going for long before they're completely dry and relying on pickups/Restores. We also see such bugs as the Sniper+Castana ammo restriction issue, recently addressed by a half-application of my own suggestion for the issue overall, using Pistol ammo for 'special' secondaries but with a different actual restoration numbers.
My suggestion here attempts to address all of that, as well as opens up balance levers by allowing any ammo type to be used for secondaries. There's also a chance for this to bring currently unused Max Ammo mods up to a functional level by allowing them to improve ammo gained per pickup (while not making Mutation obsolete either).

Using Mod Ranks Below Fusion Level

Q: Why force users to potentially hold many mods of lesser fusion, instead of being able to use ranks up to the fused maximum?

This has been mentioned in passing at times, but it's still ridiculous that we can't have this quality of life with the current modding system. It seems like something that would be an inherent part of a system where drain ranges so wildly and precise values are so aggressively tweaked (Corrupted Mods, looking at you).

Can the data load of a handful of extra bytes per loadout (to identify the rank of the slotted mod to use) really be higher than the load involved with having an actual incentive to hold multiple mods all with their own fusion levels? Can it even be anything but a drop in the bucket in comparison to simply holding thousands of instances of mods?


Things mentioned in a previous stream, but no changes yet seen:

Weapon Balance

Q: What changes might we see in the not too distant future to bring down outliers / bring up underperformers?

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A lot of guns are completely outclassed in their field, such as the whole Gorgon family versus Soma. Since Mastery Rank Restriction appears to be tied less and less to the power grade of a weapon, is there any hope for more tightening of the 'tiers' of weapon power, as happened with such as the Supra among LMGs?

Players feel like weapons are often "missed" in a wave of buffs (e.g. secondary-shotguns as a whole during shotgun buff wave), or have suffered nerfs as outliers in the past (such as the Brakk and S.Gammacor) which may be outdated in today's Warframe. Are any of these on the radar for getting their fair share of buffs, or reversions of outdated nerfs?

Tonkor and Launchers

Q: Can the Tonkor get fair risk/reward rebalancing, and a tweak to r/r balance of other launcher weaponry, to bring back legitimacy of using other weapons and especially other launchers?

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More damage, more blast radius, less risk. The Tonkor is an obvious outlier, and not even locked behind a high MR. Its no-worry, highest-damage nature while also being AOE means that it detracts from the contribution of other Tenno in a squad. Like a fully modded Ember Prime running through Mercury, people barely get to play the game in comparison. Usage statistics speak for themselves - almost every Sortie, and even most Void missions still feature at least one Tonkor.

Here's a long thread of arguments for and against.

Personally, I would prefer not removing self-damage from other launchers almost-entirely to bring them to the Tonkor's level. Part of the fantasy of using explosive ordnance is Danger Close - don't be reckless and hit yourself.

However, the self-damaging paradigm at the moment appears to be lower base damage, but full mod scaling. This brings untriggered ordnance launchers such as the Ogris into a position where they pose a greater risk to the user than to enemies, and because of a lack of optional detonation, mistakes are guaranteed to be deadly to the player.

I'd suggest the following to start with:

 - As per the Elytron Archwing, grant a UI element projectile beacon for launcher weapons to help guard against mistakes (and helps triggered explosives be used more effectively).

 - Alter the paradigm of self-damage so that players (with appropriate effective health mods) are protected from instant suicide until much closer to an upper limit on modding for power than current functionality.

 - Give the Tonkor this tamer, more balanced self-damage.

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