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Maroo's Bazaar


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Is Maroo's Bazaar just a placeholder right now? I know you go there to deal with the Ayatan Treasures stuff, but it doesn't seem very practical. (Not to mention the glitch where you talk to the lady and everyones nametag is stuck on your screen.)

As of right now its a reskin of the relay, but I don't see why they haven't added in Kiosks to trade.

Looking through the trade chat is a pain in the butt, so why not have Kiosks at the Bazaar where people can place items up for a set price. Or alternatively they could place it in another Kiosk where your item would be bidded upon.

It seems like it would really make use of the Bazaar plus people can just go and see whats for sale instead of going on the trade chat, or snooping around Warframe Market.

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That's what most MMOs would refer to as an auction house. I remember there being speculated reasons why they aren't added in, but can't remember why exactly other than it gives players a much more stable market, allowing us to get things for a fair deal. In a way, that means marginally less plat purchasing, but without proper stats I can't say how much. Gotta say though, I'd love to have it.

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1 minute ago, Chillingo117 said:

That would be awesome. It means more people getting what they want and faster. That does also mean that prices would drop as trade would get more competitive.

In a way, it's already become like that. Many use warframe market, and mainly there are still many other things that cost plat. Maybe if they start adding in more accessories and stuff that would be a way to offset it.

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15 minutes ago, Valletta said:

In a way, it's already become like that. Many use warframe market, and mainly there are still many other things that cost plat. Maybe if they start adding in more accessories and stuff that would be a way to offset it.

This would completely destroy consoles market.  Console market has always been about 80% of PC so if something was 100P on PC it generally was around 80P on PS4.  Ever sense SoTR update though, consoles market have completely crashed.  Trade tab is full of people desperate for plat selling most sets for 20P, 30P are flippers.  A auction house would make that even worse.  Also if I remember correctly, someone will probably correct me if I'm wrong, the last time DE spoke about this, they basically said the community is 50/50 on it, half want it half don't.  DE Steve said he didn't want it.  That was a good few dev streams ago though, so could be easily remembering it wrong.

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Well, I know I never used trade chat again after I found warframe market. Because I was really tired of people asking me "offer" when I asked them how much are the things they sell. That gives me only 2 impressions: 1, you don´t know what´s the worth of your item. 2, you want to squeeze as much as plat from me hoping that I´d have no idea of the real price and give you a overpriced ammount. So yeah, no thanks. If I go to a market to buy things, I don´t want to have the headache to do research myself about the price so that I don´t get scammed left and right.

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The trading in this game is the one single thing I truly detest. 


Hate is a strong word but I really do hate it.


Games from the 90's had better trading systems than this game. It's unintuitive, archaic and clunky.


I had the 4 gate crash mods up for sale, sold one and took the rest down, it's horrible.


I'd be more than happy if they burned this half baked system to the ground, looked at whoever designed it and slowly shook their heads, then put in a stall system at Maroo's where we set up little stalls manned by NPC's so we don't have to stand there like numpty's hoping someone will come along.


Obviously it's a small area so stall space would be limited with a small plat fee to set one up and it lasts about 72 hours or so.


You could even leave the system we have now in for those masochists that like wasting their time with the worst trading system ever seen in a video game. 


Trade chat is already obsolete for most folk who use Warframe.market which does the same thing an auction house would but with far more hassle. People saying it would "kill the economy" seem to be under the impression that we don't already have something in place that has people offering low prices for things. 


Nobody with any common sense uses trade chat to buy anything. It's amazingly overpriced when you can get whatever you need for a fraction at Warframe.market.


We just need that, in game.

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I don't think they will ever make it easy in game. It would cause way too much platinum to circulate. I've played this game for a very long time and had tons of mods that weren't circulated anymore, tons of copies of vaulted primes etc etc.

When I heard about warframe.market I was bored one night and gave it a shot. I posted EVERYTHING and didn't expect much to happen honestly, I was bored. Boy was I wrong. I literally couldn't play the game the next few days as I was getting bombarded constantly with requests to sell stuff.

In a single week I made close to 20k plat just from taking an  hour to actually list all my stuff on there. If they made it even easier in game with an auction house I could see it getting crazy.

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14 hours ago, MarrikBroom said:

Wouldn't that actually drive plat sales up? Knowing roughly how much things go for instead of blind hoping people are on with thing and they want to trade for a price you can afford?

While there are balancing tidbits located in supply and demand, there are reasons governments set a floor and a ceiling when it comes to trade. A ceiling is made so that producers/sellers can't completely monopolize and hike up prices to such exorbitant rates as to drain consumers/buyers. A floor is made so that competition between sellers does about the same, with those who can take a hit can wipe the rest out, leading into the first problem.

With an in-game economy, it tends to be a bit different. For the most part it remains the same. If you add in the ability to see what everybody sells their items for in-game, it opens things up for somebody to completely skew the economy, much like what happened in Vindictus either last year or the year before. A player just put stupid prices on things and messed up the trade system for a while. But that's not usually much of a worry.

The more troubling thing for any developer team is that players can more easily acquire items for cheaper, thus spending less platinum, in turn leading to less income for the team. That being said, Warframe already has an out-of-game auction house, and hasn't really caused much of a problem; instead it gives more organization and spurs others to buy platinum. So I dunno. I don't know how it would affect things, but it would likely not affect much at all.


It probably won't make much of a difference.

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I'd support it. The problem is building the infrastructure to meet the demands of players that would use it. As you're aware, Warframe is not a full MMO. It's battles are played on a peer to peer connection with a monitoring matchmaking system plugging into that. You could play warframe solo through a tethered connection on your 4g enabled phone, because your system is doing the brunt of the work, utilizing the tile generator to manage the environment and handling npc assets on its own. It's cheaper to do it that way for DE, and to a point, it works fairly well on the player end. An auction house, however, would have to sustain and accurately monitor listings for countless items, in as close to real time as possible. They could do it, but they would have to allocate ongoing resources toward it and have to decide if the game is at a state where they feel the risk would be worth it. As said, an auction house does drive prices >down<, because the increase in user listings means competition is much, much more visible. Market prices come falling down and people are getting more out of platinum currency, which is a loss for DE. 

There could be additional ways of recovering the loss, such as creating a subscription based system that adds perks like being able to host items on any such auction house, etc. Not sure if that's something they'd want to do, either.

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