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[spolier] does the community actually like Kuva farming?


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I know what to do, but I try to find a group to run it with, whether organized or with randoms, it's just great to have the extra help when things can't be contained.

If solo, I run Frost and go for a globe build since it's much more manageable when things are frozen or reduced movements in the globe.

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For the material itself, I kinda like it but the process of getting it, NO. It sucks that we have to rely on RNG to get the right spot it's like "You gotta restart the mission to get to spawn, hmm..." Maybe this is why we don't see more randomly generated materials on different planets based on RNG anymore because of stuff like this. All of the resources are reasonably put into where the should be like the Neural Sensors on Jupiter, it's not usually something like THIS where the RNG would STRONGLY affect your chances of getting it. Anyway in short, a great material blocked by a hassle of level 30s and RNG.

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yes actually. I like kuva farming. The only qualm I have with it is that there is RNG to spawn the kuva siphon in the first place :(

Other than that, it's quite fun. 
Massive tip before starting one is to bring a CC frame. I highly suggest frost with high strength and armour and smallish range so that he creates a strong but tight globe.

You have to find it > chuck your CC ability up > go into operator form > using E, stun the two fat guys > void dash through both of them > go back to frame mod and murder them > then, wait around for the sound of screaming > look at the braids on the kuva siphon (those dangly thingies.) It will point on the direction of the kuva cloud > quickly run over to it in frame mode > change to kid form and dash through it.

Repeat this whole thing 4 times. And make sure to get rid of the fat guys each time they spawn. They're an annoyance and if you don't have a CC frame, they'll constantly steal your energy by slamming your little kid :P

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45 minutes ago, Postal_pat said:
  • It's never explained in-game how you destroy the kuva siphon.
  • The chances of running into a siphon are low and only spawn above a certain level.
  • Siphons are easily bugged/confused by not having enough room for four directions, limiting the tile sets they work on.
  • There are no other ways to obtain kuva such as sorties, alerts, the kuva fortress, or a daily mission.

Every new resource is always the most terrible thing to be farming for. It's just insanity at this point.


- while the new mechanics wasnt explained explicitly during siphon missions, the core mechanics was covered in war within. The void dash to the kuva is equivalent to the grabbing of the Septor, albet EXTREMELY loosely. A better explanation is required tbh.

- im sure DE will later add ways to obtain more Kuva. Its still early days for the resource, just like how nitain and tellurium were added to other places.


Anyway, Kuva feels less of a grind compare to nitain (which was significantly time gated) or tellurium (a tiny resource in vast space)

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I hate it. Why? The spawn mechanics are vague and seems to be set to specific tilesets. You're basically forced to spam the same node(Rusalka) repeatedly for the best chance to get it to spawn. It has that same gut-wrenching and draining feeling i use to get in the old Void. I would prefer to see it function like Fomorians very soon, as mentioned in the dev workshop thread.

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It was fun the first time, but after slowly realising that I have nothing else to do but try and get these rivens to be decent it has become a chore with an annoying gimmick, it feels like the void issue all over again, I'm doing the same mission, on the same node, on the same tileset for the same reward and I have to do it constantly if I so much as had the audacity of wanting a Supra that could compete with a Soma.

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I don't like it, it isn't fun simple as that (same with the riven mod 'challenges')... using a squishy 100 health person in level 30+ (thats where I see them) tileset is not a good experience.  Then we have the 'tacked on' operator requirement (sorry DE but I only see this as an attempt to sell operator suits) which is completely jarring and against any sort of flow that using a warframe has. 

Then it's the case of it being ANOTHER resource, with random spawning to annoy use even more, that we need to farm... seriously do we not have enough different resources already....with things like oxium, cryotic and nitain either being a long drawn out process or alert only already.

Simply put... I want the game to be FUN, not feel like a long drawn out chore to get necessary materials so I can build the things that actually make the game fun... ie weapons and warframes...

Edited by LSG501
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Annoying, but the steps are simple enough. Even so, I've only seen Kuva Siphons in Grineer Sortie missions, and at that point there's no way to survive in Operator mode for longer than a split second. Thank God you get at least 600 or so units, it'd be a completely irredeemable system otherwise.

To be honest, the spawn rate of Siphons has to be looked at. That, or just make it a regular drop from the Kuva Fortress and save us a lot of hassle. Slain enemies could drop around 50 or so units. Most players would appreciate Kuva being more like Oxium.

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i had terrible luck getting the siphon to spawns, fortunately i finally got the required amount for the new weapons.   Riven mods are far to much miss to spend time farming kuva on,  so i probably am unlikely to spend more time farming kuva farming to reroll rivens . (it would probably take me 1000 rivens just to get a weapon type that is average or good to start with anyways).

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I think the way you grab the kuva from the siphon is okay, but I don't like the way they break the flow of a mission. You can be running whatever mission you like, and then suddenly you have a bunch of big invincible guys jumping around and messing with things when you just want to get your objective (vault, rescue target, coolant cell, etc.) and go. I would much prefer siphons to appear in designated missions, as they are much too large of an event to neatly fit into missions with other objectives.

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I'm one of those that will only do something they enjoy even if it mean missing out on things.


I don't like Kuva farming so I don't farm it. 


I 'll never be able to craft the weapons but that's okay. I don't do sorties so i'll never have an issue with Riven mods either.

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Honestly haven't bothered to "farm" it yet once I learned I have to use my teenage ninja to do so. I didn't enjoy using him in the quest and Im not interested in using him now. Im not interested in riven mods so the only issue Im having is its requirement for dojo research. Im guessing Im just going to have to buy my clanmates xmas presents unless they put kuva in market, cause.. "idunwanna".

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I have no problem with performing the mechanics but I must admit that I have passed up on a lot of Kuva siphons simply because I couldn't be bothered leaving my warframe vulnerable among 20-30 Grineers while playing teleport-through-cloud or sometimes I was busy with other stuff like finding badges during a survival. At some point I might feel forced to when I actually need the resource for progression but for now I happily ignore them.v

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First off, you are using a new mechanic you learned from TWW to be able to do it, and it is the only way to get Kuva.. and frankly, the only time you are really ever going to use the new mechanic now

Another resource I need to stockpile and then forget about, while i sit on Millions of units of Nano spores, Ferrite, alloy plate, and salvage that will never be use. What is really stupid is there is no reason that i need to get 600 a run, when you could divide EVERYTHING in the game that needs Kuva by 100, and then if i only got 6 kuva per a run, it WOULD BE THE SAME.  It is a needless inflation and more complexity to RNG that isn't needed.

add into the fact that you end up just doing speed runs of capture, just to increase the chance of a kuva siphon spawning since it is just RNG that it spawns.

Riven mods are nothing but a almost pointless RNG grind.  You have to get lucky on RNG to get a Riven mod, then lucky on RNG to get a weapon you might want to build or have built.  Then RNG to get good stats.  RNG some more to get Kuva to reroll, and you start the RNG all over again... and it gets worse each time you cycle the Riven mod.

Be really nice if I could convert the resources I NEVER USE ANYMORE into something more useful

Edited by -CM-Kinnison
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Not happy about the number i get if the spawn rate doesn't improve
Not happy with the **** spawn rate and the few glitches that quite often happen when stars align and one actually spawns
Not enjoying the nonstop in-out for a slim chance getting some ( i need 2k+ now for each mod ) or none for a while
NOT calling this farming and it only gets worse as one advances with the riven mods
They told about few of the possible fixes to the current situation and yet have to implement anything to help with the "farming"

Some compare this to the nitain farming, but that had a 100% when you take the alert. Kuva has no 100%.

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36 minutes ago, Inkogni said:

Not happy about the number i get if the spawn rate doesn't improve
Not happy with the **** spawn rate and the few glitches that quite often happen when stars align and one actually spawns
Not enjoying the nonstop in-out for a slim chance getting some ( i need 2k+ now for each mod ) or none for a while
NOT calling this farming and it only gets worse as one advances with the riven mods
They told about few of the possible fixes to the current situation and yet have to implement anything to help with the "farming"

Some compare this to the nitain farming, but that had a 100% when you take the alert. Kuva has no 100%.

I think they should change Kuva farming into a nitian like alert system.  

It really wasn't that bad of a system. I worked 10hr shifts and was still able to catch enough alerts over time to get all the nitian I needed. 

If Kuva farming is devolving into people's spamming one node over and over, they made a mistake.

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Just now, Hypernaut1 said:

I think they should change Kuva farming into a nitian like alert system.  

It really wasn't that bad of a system. I worked 10hr shifts and was still able to catch enough alerts over time to get all the nitian I needed. 

If Kuva farming is devolving into people's spamming one node over and over, they made a mistake.

that would just make it much, MUCH worse for those that need 2+ missions for a single mod right now and would result in more pain when more players have 5+ mods with 2+ re-rolls on each mod.

and yes, people are spam farming 1-3 nodes from the entire map and without a resource booster you don't even get enough to re-roll one mod.

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The problem mostly in the ammount of kuva we need for rerolling mods (potentially infinite ammount).

It could be fine if it was just another resourse, but with current system we can stuck with kuva farming forever.

I don't want run same missions over and over again till I die or get decent riven mod. They should add more ways to get kuva or change reroll system completely. 

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