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What's the deal with cold barrels?


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Just kind of gathering opinions here: Am I the only one who feels like DE is shooting their own game in the foot with these stupid cold barrels? They added Ayatan stars and mini resource caches as a way to reward us for breaking boxes, but then they turn around and add straight-up PUNISHMENT for breaking boxes in the form of a six-month-long cold proc that slows you down to snailpace. Why are you punishing me for doing what you're also encouraging me to do? Do you really expect me to use a one-shot sniper and examine every box before breaking it? No, I'm gonna bring my T. Boltace and break everything and I hate that I MUST bring a CC-immune frame to do so :/

Edited by Snakeattack54
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3 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

Cold barrel are now super common i must admit.

Would be funny to have a sortie hazard being like "Cold barrel storage ship" where you have aton of them.

That would be cruel, specially for melee players like myself. Would be fun though nontheless. xD

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)skins0208 said:

I mean the cold/fire barrels are pretty obvious. Just slow down a little so you can see what you are hitting.

Cold barrels blend in with every other corpus barrel because they're practically the same colour. It's very easy to hit them accidentally with melee, abilities or weapons. On top of that, they're completely pointless and ineffective hazards. They're minor nuisances at best, which just makes their new camouflage and absurd range even more stupid.

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8 minutes ago, .Zefir said:

they are different from resource barrels, they even have different names, like Explosive Barrel or Cryogenic Barrel

Yes, but they don't show up on the minimap. So if you don't notice one in a dark corner, or on the other side of a wall, you get to spend the next 6-8 weeks in Molasses Mode. My biggest complaints are how easy they are to not notice when breaking large amounts of boxes (which I thought the game was encouraging, guess I was wrong) and the duration of the proc. Six seconds is ridiculous 


In PvE, CC-ing the player is like putting salt on your food. Some can spice things up and make them interesting, too much and you're left with a salty mess and a bad taste in your mouth. 

Edited by Snakeattack54
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16 minutes ago, nTBazz said:

I think those barrels were there way before the ayatan stuff, anyway, I always avoid those so they don't bother me that much.

You are correct, the barrels came first. So basically they were like "HEY! Stop breaking so many boxes! EXCEPT NOW YOU HAVE TO! MUAHAHAHA!"

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it's a way to check your fire, slow down and think, or you're going to be triggering a lot of cold and fire barrels. Also, it's never stops being entertaining to see a room full of corpus, then you shoot the one cold/fire barrel in the room and corpse launch them all into the ceiling

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6 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

I really don't know why these things get so much hate. Are they slightly annoying when I miss my shots? Sure, but there's nothing worth complaining about. 

The proc is only 4(?) seconds long, so it's not that long.

Besides, free slow-mo animations.

It's actually 6 seconds, which is long enough to induce keyboard throwing in a PVP game so why does PvE get away with it? 

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Just now, Snakeattack54 said:

It's actually 6 seconds, which is long enough to induce keyboard throwing in a PVP game so why does PvE get away with it? 

Ok, 6 seconds. That's still not something I personally find worth complaining about. If you want something broken and painful, complain about commanders. 

Also, because here, going slow-mo for a few seconds doesn't necessarily guaruntee that some moron is going to pop up and headshot you. You can still move to cover, just very slowly.

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1 minute ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Ok, 6 seconds. That's still not something I personally find worth complaining about. If you want something broken and painful, complain about commanders. 

Also, because here, going slow-mo for a few seconds doesn't necessarily guaruntee that some moron is going to pop up and headshot you. You can still move to cover, just very slowly.

I'll give you that. Whoever thought Commanders were a good idea should be fired, considering with them you actually CAN get head shot by some moron grineer while CC'ed. But at least they aren't in literally every mission like cold barrels are, that's why they bother me more. I'm a box breaker and the game is punishing me for it despite being a box breaking game. Borderlands doesn't punish me for looting, nor does any other game I've played. 

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