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The War Within: 19.0.7 - Valkyr Prime


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I Personally feel like DE hates or regret to have ever released Valkyr.
I'm not mad but disappointed, although I hope they release an alter Gersemi prime skin or something, 'cause her Prime design is awful, but I doubt they would ever listen all those Players who once complained about this.

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Still no fix for:

Sorties only giving bloody endo! I've done every sortie since the war within update came out and all I've gotten has been endo, and not 4k either, no, just 2k. It's bloody broken. How the frick do you expect anyone to ever get more riven mods with this stupid system? And where is the system Sheldon was talking about where we earn a currency and can then buy the reward we want? This would actually make doing them worthwhile to verteran players who don't need all the endo. I'm sorry I'm so salty, but gosh dangit this pisses me off. I spend a whole fricking hour doing the sortie and my reward day in and day out is STUPID ENDO! Fix this, please!

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i think de needs to do some slight retouches to valkyr's lore so people will shut up. seriously we get a rather nice looking primed gear and you guys cant shut up about lore clashes. could valkyr gersemi skin be possibly be a contained valkyr with its powers limited while alid v probably returned valkyr to its original form or something simular. remember gersemi is what the the frame started to look like after the teno started to build their own frames. i think?

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Love the claws. This might be a good time to ask if you could take a look at the Vermillion Storm Stance. While flashy and impressive attack animation wise, it looks very silly if you move while doing the combos. It is just fine when you stand still, but how often are you going to do that with a weapon with such range?

Cernos' design is beautiful. Not much to that.

Valkyr herself looks good in my opinion. I gave up trying to like story and lore when the Second Dream came out, so I don't care too much of her design being "against her lore" like some are concerned.


That is about it. My only complaint so far is an older stance mod.

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21 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Valkyr Премьер прибыл!

Высвобождает поток смертельных атак когтями на ничего не подозревающих врагов с Valkyr премьер Access!

В течение ограниченного времени, получить Valkyr Prime, Венька Prime и Cernos Prime - плюс дисконтированной платиновое, Valkyr Prime аватары, а также эксклюзивные Prime Gear!

Valkyr PRIME
Гордый боец выходит UNSCARRED по времени или злобой.

CHORDALLA PRIME (изготовленный на заказ Дополнительное крепление Слот) 
Парадные ленты, носить с гордостью.
* FAQ: Вы получаете Chordalla Prime автоматически на покупку любого уровня Valkyr Prime Access и автоматически на крафта из Valkyr Prime. Вы должны вручную оборудовать его в области дополнения , чтобы увидеть!

Благородный лук для охоты на адские зверей.

Венька PRIME
Gleaming лезвия белого до крови самого глубокого красного.

лучших в Orokin личного транспорта.


Нажмите здесь , чтобы узнать больше о премьер - доступа сейчас!   Выпадение реликвий с частями нового прайм доступа (Валькирия Прайм, Кернунн Прайм, Венка Прайм):

1) [Валькирия Прайм]:
Чертеж - [Мезо S3]
Нейрооптика - [Мезо С2]
Система - [Мезо V3]
Каркас - [Акси V5]

2) [Кернунн Прайм]:
Чертеж - [Акси V4]
Рукоять - [Нео V4]
Тетива - [Нео А1]
Верхнее плечо - [Мезо С2]
Нижнее Плечо - [Акси С1]

3) [Венка Прайм]:
Чертеж - [Нео N4]
Перчатка -[Нео V4]
Лезвие - [Акси V5]


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23 hours ago, Stoner74 said:

Wow, so that's what we get after waiting 3 years for Valkyr prime? I am EXTREMELY disappointed.

First you take her base skin and add some prime bits there and there.. Pretty much like all the prime you've done in the past. This is simply making primes look rushed. And it's a shame really, you guys were on a 3 amazing prime streak With Nekros, Vauban and Saryn.

Then you take her corpus bits on her default and add them to her prime. I mean, really?? That doesn't make any freaking sense. It honestly feels like you slapped that there because you thought it looked cool. This goes against her lore so damn much.

And then you have primed Valkyr "bonds"... This is the part that throws me off completely. How can that even be possible? You're insinuating that Valkyr prime was made AFTER the experiments? After Alad V? What.. the.. hell. Add to that only ONE warframe can wear the bonds. Just .. why?

Words cannot explain how disappointed I am. All the wait... for this? Seriously, i can't stand it. 


Edit: Please DE, redo Valkyr the right way and remove those ugly corpus blocks/bonds.

Please DE, listen do this.

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So I stopped playing last week after the TWW update since there was a game breaking bug where aborting/losing connection etc. while playing any of the quest missions skipped that mission entirely the next time you played the quest. I know that this has been patched since they added a replay button but that was expected anyway, since TSD has it. What I really want to know is if they added a way to RESET the quest without having to complete it first since I've lost the first two missions and don't want to go ahead after missing the lore in the first two. Please someone tell me if there is a way. Thanks.

Edited by Sci_Ant
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One minute Alad is our enemy but the next he's helping us.  If you get captured by Zanuka,  spoiler....

But Shadow Debt has us saving him.  I don't think him or Vor are bad.  They change based on circumstances.  If you played through Rathum then you know if you are opposed to Steel Maridian then Spoiler.    

Second Dream and Jordas has some spoilers concerning you Tenno.  

Only thing I want is the ability to paint her alternate skin gold.   Blah blah blah.   

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Just wanted to say that I personally am not experiencing any problems with syndicate relic packs not dropping the new relics.  A thousand pardons if some sort of fix for this has already been pushed out before the time of posting this, but just now I opened several relic packs and got multiple new relics, including a much-needed Axi V5.

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21 hours ago, Triankahn said:

I see your point. I just think the tone in which some people voice their complaints is not very constructive

Because they're getting overly emotional and are confused to no end.


20 hours ago, AdachiAme said:

Yeah... that does kind of bug me.  Also to counter others points about her powers, Valkyr has always been a Berserker Frame, you can dissect and strip the frame all you want, the core function is the only part you can't strip away.  So while Valkyr is damaged in the base skin, her powers would remain relatively unchanged, however due to the experiments of Alad V, they may have more ferocity to the power, than a case of blood lust berserker as with Gersemi. 

That's fine--I never mentioned anything regarding her powers, just the aesthetic design of the Prime versus the Gersemi Valkyr [which would effectively be what she used to look like, akin to how the base Rhino skin is what Rhino has always looked like].

The sour taste for a lot of Valkyr players is that Valkyr Prime changes the design aesthetic entirely, going to something that is far more reminiscent of the "scarred" Valkyr, who got ravaged by Alad V's experiments.

20 hours ago, JyuDragon said:

Please let me get this straight, my existing relics, some that I farmed and some that i bought with syndicate points, some of which I have refined (about 50 out of 200) are now just prime parts for ducats and forma and if i want the new prime stuff, I have to farm 'new' relics all over again, sorry feeling a bit screwed over by DE again, must be a glutton for punishment. Maybe I should spend more time playing FO4 and less time playing the bug-fest called WarFrame.

... This isn't the first time this has happened in regards to this--and it's been a known 'feature' of relics since the Mag Prime Vault ended. If this irritates you so much, keep it in mind more like this:  You have a stockpile of tries at old stuff, that you can maybe sell for plat in a couple of months while those items are still vaulted. New stuff will be worth more plat, so if you manage to get an early set, you can sell it for a decent chunk of platinum. That's how it's worked since relics started rotating.

20 hours ago, Xyaox said:

Did Valkyr Prime have cinematic film like Vauban and Nekros Prime?

She got a trailer, but not quite on the same level of quality as Saryn, Vauban and Nekros got, I feel. Which is kind of annoying to me, on a separate note.

18 hours ago, PhoeniixFiire said:

Though this design does look better than the original Valkyr, it's nothing compared to the Gersemi skin. Since Gersemi is supposed to be the pre-corpus version of Valkyr, can you guys please create a prime variant of Gersemi as well? I mean come on, all other primes are the ORIGINAL, so why in the hell are we still not getting the ORIGINAL version of Valkyr Prime? A lot of people are upset about this including me and I think just creating an alternate skin that everyone who owns Valkyr Prime can use instead would really fix everyone's qualms. Even if it was just for those who own the Gersemi skin, that would be fine as well. Please DE, I really think this would be the only way to appease your player-base.

This is something I'd be fine with, though I still think it's a little silly.

16 hours ago, PhoenixOfLove said:

If you dont like it dont get it. Lol, you dont get anywhere in life if your constintly picky over the smallest things. I am sorry if people take offence but im stating my opinion if you dont like it then, ok nothing i can do to fix it :P

I'll admit, his reaction is over the top, but it's somewhat justified. Imagine if we got another frame that had something similar to Valkyr occur to it--for example, the "Infested" Warframe that's coming up. I'd imagine it wasn't always 'infested'. It'll likely get a deluxe skin where it is "clean". Now, imagine three years down the line, and it gets a prime... If its prime got based off the "Clean" version, [since that's what the Orokin would have had back then], while Valkyr Prime was still reminiscent of her broken counterpart, that no Orokin ever saw? Think about it like that for a moment.

The Orokin would not have had the bands or the bonds, and the design for them is Corpus based [at least in regards to Valkyr's "aesthetics"], so why does Valkyr Prime--who was designed by the Orokin, who knows how long ago [the timeline is hard to pick apart in game]--have these things on her?

16 hours ago, PhoenixOfLove said:

weak or not still an argument and i dont care what people think of it we have valkyr prime be happy and deal with it we waited 3 years for this and where jumping down there necks over it

In regards to this tidbit ya made in a separate post... I will gladly 'jump down their necks', because it is something I was looking forward to acquiring for years. But I look at it and... All I feel is apathy and disappointment. Like they brought upon the Valkyr players a polished golden reminder that we're still broken. That Valkyr has gone through Alad V's hands, and the message has bled over to the Primed variant. There is no escaping Alad V's dissection slab.

11 hours ago, Gelban.der.Reihe said:

Exactly. I am one of those, to who Valkyr is nothing good for. And Valkyr Prime is of no interest to me, especially since she is ugly, just like the regular one.

But when it comes to lore i am a picky pig. Creating a Prime ("first" as well all know) based on a version that's already been a change to the "original" one, simply is plain stupid. Can't repeat this often enough. Unless DE comes with some S#&$ story around the corner, which might explain.

This, MORE THAN ALL OTHER PRIME ACCESSESS, is about money only.

And as much as i understand the Company's point of view, it @(*()$ annoys the hell out of me.

You may not care for Valkyr Prime, but you understand why the Valkyr players are annoyed as F*** regarding Valkyr Prime's design. I hope Banshee Prime looks @(*()$ glorious--or whatever Prime you're waiting to see.

9 hours ago, Oni-Kenshiro said:

I bought her for the platinum really. 150AUD for 3990 plat. Plus 90days of affinity and xp boost. Plus the frame and weapons. Plus accessories which.. arent that grand but...for 150 bucks. To get all of it to me...is like having a daily tribute reward giving you a 75%discount. From nekros to valkyr having 150 days all up of xp and credit boost i can just chill grind anything new for xp and credits. 

I know alot are upset about her. I think shes ok..shes all shiney...but really if u need plat and understandablysome dont but i did and i think its good value for a one off. Beats the grind to build it. Lets u keep the parts u gain and resell them for more profit for yourself.

Those spitting out stuff like cash grab more important then fixes etc etc...well lets see..  lets see you make a free game... release it....and see how much you get paid when no one buys anything. Give them a break. We are their bread and butter. If they need to pitch it to make money so be it guys. They have families and bills like all of us here to take care of. And they have been pretty darn good on the hotfixes. My 2 cents. Dont like her dont buy her. Dont like her at all..dont use her...design complaints well thats another ball game. I like her design but thats just me. 


That's fine that you're willing to spend money on it; I can't bring myself to do it, and I'm a die hard Valkyr player. Over 2,300 hours total play time, and Valkyr is 60% of my play time.

It feels rushed--it might just be a cash grab since it got so heavily leaked they couldn't control it in their usual manner. But for the love of gaming, please don't throw that stupid logical fallacy out. No, WE don't need to make a game. They're the ones making it. They make it for us to enjoy, while enjoying it themselves as well. They have fun making this game, but they put so much effort into it because they know their player base will, for the most part, enjoy playing.

They screwed the pooch on designing Valkyr Prime appropriately.

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why is this the only part of the ebsite that loads for me? for the ast 2mounths maybe 3 maybe more I havent been able to log into arframe.com, pls help QQ asked some friends that play in costa rica and they arent able to log in neither, tried diffrent browsers, turn off fire wall and nothing

I know this isnt the place to put this but i have no other placed where to place this

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4 minutes ago, juanpsm25 said:

why is this the only part of the ebsite that loads for me? for the ast 2mounths maybe 3 maybe more I havent been able to log into arframe.com, pls help QQ asked some friends that play in costa rica and they arent able to log in neither, tried diffrent browsers, turn off fire wall and nothing

I know this isnt the place to put this but i have no other placed where to place this

YOu have. And you have at least 2 more places to post issue like this, and it will not be overlooked like it will be since you placed it here.

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An old Operator bug, only happens when in a squad. 


Is the weird bug with transference going to be fixed, where the Zariman suit appears under your customization, ever going to be fixed? I kinda makes my Saita suit lame if I can't see it when I'm playing with other people. This used to happen with regular Focus ability in pubs, and now it happens with transference. Thanks. 


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Hello, about TWW I am totally disappointed, all this time to catch the queue in 1h !!!! Door infested always not open !!! For the new mod ok not bad for me who follows MR22 by cons for those who starts it cool they loot mod who can not use and if they hate to use them either pay platinium or become a no life for up! !!! Not cool .bref decu has died this update again ....... hate to see the rest to know if I delete or not this games that my sense becomes a little too a paye to win.

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