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[Antimatter Frame Name] As A Council Member, I'd Like To Apologise


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You can't trademark the name of a mythological being... What kind of logic..

You can trademark a character. like Marvel's Thor with his comic history and look. Yet if your Thor is not a beardless caped pretty boy, you're okay.

So a white Athena warsuit firing "antimatter" wormholes around.... is pretty safe.

Edited by Firetempest
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You can't trademark the name of a mythological being... What kind of logic..


Blizzard trademarked Diablo.


Anyway, i accept the apologies of all you folks. Next time you need to fight harder, you guys need to study some political slandering and such and use that to get people away from the other choices. 


Nova to me will always be connected to the PBS science show so i will call her Nova Science Now.

Yes, i know that Nova is an explosion in a white dwarf blah, blah. 

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Well, yes. It obviously CAN work. So can world peace, but it hasn't worked so far.

Do you have any examples for what would you like beyond "NEED NAMES GO!"? What kind of instructions and / or structure would've helped this project?

If anything, DE should do much more softcore and simply FRIENDLY participation, than throw something as serious as this in the hands of random people.

What I mean by this is:

"So, we have some ideas for future Warframes. We may end up doing them all at some point, but tell us what you love the most and we'll work on it first.

Choose: A, B, C, D."

And this can easily go much deeper and much safer:

"So, Mynki is having a hard time deciding between THESE Cylinders and THESE Octagons. What do you think, Design council?"

These things happen in design sometimes. DE doesn't have to go out of their way to have the Design Council give them truthful, solid feedback, and still participate without having a massive responsibility that ends with failure.

Basically what I'm saying is - a reversed process.

In this attempt, Council came up with the names and DE chose the few they found popular.

What could've been much more safer and still just as IMPORTANT, is that DE would use names that they all LIKE and all accept as good options for the Warframe, But they just wouldn't know which one the Community prefers.

This would be a really good opportunity to simply present all of their ideas to the Design Council, and even say things like:

"In the office, we really loved Option C... but the issues with it are _____. Additionally, D is the least voted option in the office, but we still find it acceptable for the Warframe if you seem to truly love it."

This is an honest, open structure that doesn't really alter DE's exceptional work while still allowing players to make extremely important decisions.

Your example is what I am talking about. There needed to be more control from them. Beyond creating a new thread and telling us very briefly which part to choose next there was absolutely zero interaction and no direction.


I just think if there is more open communication during the process of something like this it might at least help a little bit with getting better suggestions going. Your second to last paragraph is what I was hoping to see more of. There was little real conversation and brainstorming going on even between council members. A lot was pointless bickering and copy pasting from wikipedia or other sources (which is fine but it's not even attempting to be creative, not expanding on the information or putting a twist on things beyond dirac -> dira and cern -> cerna).


Just like when you get projects in a class there are certain criteria you usually have to stick and follow closely in order to be successful. There was none of that just "come up with a name and a reason why you think it should be picked within 100 words." IF they were to do this again I feel we'd need much stricter guidelines but I don't know what kind and ultimately it falls onto them to choose the best out of the submissions. Unfortunately (for me) I feel that all of the chosen names by them in this case are weak. Not much you can do about that aside from relinquish creative control and let them decide and come up with the details while the design council advises or gives feedback when asked/necessary.


While I do think it's still entirely possible for something like this to work in the future they need to figure out exactly what it would take to make it work. Imo less control for the design council and/or more interaction from the developers with the design council while the process is going on. It's a start and it can't be written off as a complete failure since it's the first attempt at making it work. And if it doesn't end up working then it doesn't end up working. I wasn't coming into the design council with the expectation of making major game design decisions anyway, just advising and giving my opinion and feedback on the things they ask for.

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Blizzard trademarked Diablo.


Anyway, i accept the apologies of all you folks. Next time you need to fight harder, you guys need to study some political slandering and such and use that to get people away from the other choices. 


Nova to me will always be connected to the PBS science show so i will call her Nova Science Now.

Yes, i know that Nova is an explosion in a white dwarf blah, blah. 

They also had a character named Nova.  It's probably true that you can't name a game Diablo, but you should still be able to name a character Diablo.

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Shouldn't a Design Council be a group of very experienced designers discussing over design things?

Anyway, you don't hire a plumber to fix your car so...........



I think some people take the design council and themselves far too seriously. Look at all the angst being written in this thread over a name, I think its worse than the angst over the gender. No one in the DC should consider themselves a "designer" for DE...it is just a perk for those who bought a Founders pack, a place to offer an opinion/feedback.


The name "Nova" fits better than any other name in the list. Most of the other names were just odd and do not fit into the game at all. I voted for it because I -liked- it more than the others listed (my favorite wasn't among the list, but I'm not whining about it like so many others).

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The name "Nova" fits better than any other name in the list. Most of the other names were just odd and do not fit into the game at all. I voted for it because I -liked- it more than the others listed (my favorite wasn't among the list, but I'm not whining about it like so many others).

...How does nova fit better?

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Your example is what I am talking about. There needed to be more control from them. Beyond creating a new thread and telling us very briefly which part to choose next there was absolutely zero interaction and no direction.


I just think if there is more open communication during the process of something like this it might at least help a little bit with getting better suggestions going. Your second to last paragraph is what I was hoping to see more of. There was little real conversation and brainstorming going on even between council members. A lot was pointless bickering and copy pasting from wikipedia or other sources (which is fine but it's not even attempting to be creative, not expanding on the information or putting a twist on things beyond dirac -> dira and cern -> cerna).


Just like when you get projects in a class there are certain criteria you usually have to stick and follow closely in order to be successful. There was none of that just "come up with a name and a reason why you think it should be picked within 100 words." IF they were to do this again I feel we'd need much stricter guidelines but I don't know what kind and ultimately it falls onto them to choose the best out of the submissions. Unfortunately (for me) I feel that all of the chosen names by them in this case are weak. Not much you can do about that aside from relinquish creative control and let them decide and come up with the details while the design council advises or gives feedback when asked/necessary.


While I do think it's still entirely possible for something like this to work in the future they need to figure out exactly what it would take to make it work. Imo less control for the design council and/or more interaction from the developers with the design council while the process is going on. It's a start and it can't be written off as a complete failure since it's the first attempt at making it work. And if it doesn't end up working then it doesn't end up working. I wasn't coming into the design council with the expectation of making major game design decisions anyway, just advising and giving my opinion and feedback on the things they ask for.

The real question is, do you want another attempt at a large-scale project with a "Trophy" at the end - only with more control, interaction, and Structure by DE...

Or, do you want fluid and smaller activities given to the Design Council, like the ones I listed in my first post (DE: "Help us choose between several designs WE made, help us choose between several ideas WE made, give us your opinions about why X is better than Y")

over different times and projects that DE go through?

This might be a question that the Design council has to ask itself and DE, as well.

Another question birthed by the last one is: Did this project "fail"* ONLY because of execution, or should the project itself be reconsidered and redesigned? (Which coincedentially is a question you can ask about a large amount of Warframe's features right now)

Again, we have no idea if they will ever do anything this big again. Maybe that alone is a good reason for them to start doing smaller, more streamlined things with the Council.

*"fail" - (I know that we are being over dramatic and presumptuous with these statements, but we just want to improve on what we have.)

Edited by Feam
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The real question is, do you want another attempt at a large-scale project with a "Trophy" at the end - only with more control, interaction, and Structure by DE...

Or, do you want fluid and smaller activities given to the Design Council, like the ones I listed in my first post (DE: "Help us choose between several designs WE made, help us choose between several ideas WE made, give us your opinions about why X is better than Y")

over different times and projects that DE go through?

This might be a question that the Design council has to ask itself and DE, as well.

Another question birthed by the last one is: Did this project "fail"* ONLY because of execution, or should the project itself be reconsidered and redesigned? (Which coincedentially is a question you can ask about a large amount of Warframe's features right now)

Again, we have no idea if they will ever do anything this big again. Maybe that alone is a good reason for them to start doing smaller, more streamlined things with the Council.

*"fail" - (I know that we are being over dramatic and presumptuous with these statements, but we just want to improve on what we have.)

I wouldn't mind having both smaller and larger scale ones if the design process is improved in some way for larger decisions. If I have to choose between one I would go with the safe bet which is smaller decisions based on concepts they came up with.


I think it did "fail" because of execution in some ways and I think the process should be redesigned and iterated upon if it's something they want to continue doing in the future. In my opinion the way it was run this time did not work. I have not talked to anyone on the development team to know exactly what happened behind closed doors while this was going on but they obviously should have picked a theme they were confident can be pulled off and done justice. Antimatter as a theme likely should have been filtered out in favor of a stronger theme that isn't so... unknown I guess. Unknowns do give room for creativity (that's what sci-fi is all about) but I didn't see much creativity overall unfortunately. I don't think I can pin that on the developers, they had no control over the creativity aspect this time.


While most people may see this as a failure (the process of designing the frame, not the frame itself) it's not over yet. No one has played the frame to be able to definitively say "it didn't work". I think that certain things about the process did fall apart like I mentioned and hope they can be refined or rethought out if this is something they'd like to continue doing with the design council. Hindsight as they say is 20-20. I hope they don't give up quite yet but it's just a matter of how much resources can they devote to making something like this work and is it even worth it.

Edited by Seraphyx
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Okay it's true that maybe Nova is not very original. But I don't seem to have this insane hatred for it like

the other people. Why are we making such a HUGE deal about this whole thing.


it is simple and it seems to fit with how devs want to name things. Like ember and frost it gives you an idea

what to expect.


I think this is such an immature response of the community when some of us didn't get what we wanted.

I agree with those who say just move on and respect other people's opinions.

I hate when some of you keep insulting and belittling those who liked the name.

What makes you superior and your opinion 'better'?

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Okay it's true that maybe Nova is not very original. But I don't seem to have this insane hatred for it like

the other people. Why are we making such a HUGE deal about this whole thing.


it is simple and it seems to fit with how devs want to name things. Like ember and frost it gives you an idea

what to expect.


I think this is such an immature response of the community when some of us didn't get what we wanted.

I agree with those who say just move on and respect other people's opinions.

I hate when some of you keep insulting and belittling those who liked the name.

What makes you superior and your opinion 'better'?


Haters gotta hate. Enough said.

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Okay it's true that maybe Nova is not very original. But I don't seem to have this insane hatred for it like

the other people. Why are we making such a HUGE deal about this whole thing.


it is simple and it seems to fit with how devs want to name things. Like ember and frost it gives you an idea

what to expect.


I think this is such an immature response of the community when some of us didn't get what we wanted.

I agree with those who say just move on and respect other people's opinions.

I hate when some of you keep insulting and belittling those who liked the name.

What makes you superior and your opinion 'better'?

I hear nova, im expecting someone who glows, not an antimatter warframe

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This is what happens when you ask every one in the world to put in their favorite ingredient into a pot to make soup. You get Skittles, guacamole, fuagra, with a hint of ginger... And you have to eat it with chopsticks.


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We gave DE so much drivel they couldn't find anything good in it. I'm truly sorry.






Nova is the BEST name we choose. Damn I <3 this community

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Nova is the BEST name we choose. Damn I <3 this community

Is it a good name? Sure, does it fit an antimatter themed frame? Not even a little. This is like picking necro as a theme, making him toss turrets, go invis, etc, and then calling him something like Tiger.

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I'd vote for anything non-Nova for the name.  It just sounds a little too 'vanilla' and more suited for an energy blasting warframe than an Anti-Matter one.


Null is intriguing.

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Why does everyone want to rename Vauban in to some reference to Nikola Tesla? Vauban was a revered military engineer that excelled at defense. Vauban is an engineer that excels at defense. Nikola Tesla was a scientist that primarily worked in the field of transferal of energy specifically alternating current (electricity). Tesla would be a much more appropriate name for Volt, not for Vauban.

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